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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 101 KB, 653x915, ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3091575 No.3091575 [Reply] [Original]

I present to you. The EK. Not just a tripfag - a trip goddess.

>> No.3091591

Pretty sure that's Aeris from /x/

>> No.3091595

aww really?
I really wanted this to be real.

Whatever I'm still gonna picture all of EKs posts coming from that whale.

>> No.3091600

Same person.

>> No.3091602

Sorry to disappoint. But seriously, tripfags on /x/ are horrendous. (S)he's probably the worst of a bad bunch.

>> No.3091608

Oh God, seriously? That'd be fucked up.

>> No.3091610

"Elizabeth Kagome"

Though it could be either of them, they're both annoying entitled fuckwit hambeasts.

>> No.3091628

Whoever that is, she sounds like the worst person in the world.

>> No.3091632

my first reaction was to believe that someone hacked her account or that the account is a troll account. Is this real world?

>> No.3091655


EK said those were the initials of her middle names.

Your personal crusade through 1000s of facebook pages has not yet ended, honourful knight.

>> No.3091661

ah, so this is what they meant when they thought they had my facebook...intredasting.

She isn't me, her having the initials EK is just a coincidence.

>> No.3091665
File: 56 KB, 400x364, 1305492301347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic is a regular in /v/'s rage threads.
Usually followed by three guys with anime pics asking whats up with tripfagging and a shitstorm.

>> No.3091674


So what trip belongs to that person? Any idea?

>> No.3091681

Aeris. Or E.R.I.S. on /x/
As I said further up the thread, it gets pretty bad when she enters a thread. Apparently she is a mod or friend of a mod and so never seems to get banned

>> No.3091683

That's exactly what you would say if that facebook was you....

>> No.3091687

Thank God, cause I don't want to marry a hambeast.

>> No.3091689


I'd say she's the cancer killing /x/, but /x/ is the cancer killing /x/

>> No.3091692

lol, i suppose you are right... you will just have to geuss whether i am lying or not. :)
but she said she lurks /b/, /a/ and /v/, and i never go on /a/ or /v/... if she had mentioned /sci/ at all, that would be fairly incriminating, and difficult to pass off as coincidence...

>> No.3091694


But in the comments she only says she's "famous" on /b/, /v/ and /a/. Never lurked /v/ or /a/ but i guess this means it is a different person?

>> No.3091695
File: 32 KB, 480x395, 1305878516537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what is EK's 'thing'? I know Inurdaes is into space travel and drew up those weird Phobos things, aether is just a twat. What does EK do?
Apart from allegedly having a vagina

>> No.3091696

EK is mai waifu

>> No.3091700

you probably don't want to marry me either, i'd be a pretty shitty wife.

>> No.3091707


She's a tripfagging tripfag which should be a bannable offense in itself.

She also turns every thread to shit whenever "she" comes up.

>> No.3091714

i'm a zoologist. I'm a bit of a troll, or at least i used to be, ive massively cut down on that. and i tend to help in homework threads.
oh, and i like physics threads, so i'm usually in them as well.
the gender thing is unimportant, the science is important.

>> No.3091721

I am not interested in your lies and your excuses. I just now have your face to match to your posts.

>> No.3091724

I havent seen aether post here in ages...has he left? does he have a new name?

>> No.3091726
File: 27 KB, 381x459, Scootaloo1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my thread got archived

>> No.3091731

She might use a different trip, or more likely she's lying. To be famous on /b/ is near impossible through tripfagging, goes too fast.

>> No.3091732

all threads are archived, hun.

>> No.3091735

>i claim to be a zoologist, yet whenever i comment on something even remotely related to biology, i get it wrong and end up looking like a fucking idiot.

>> No.3091740


I remember Dennis Jensen from /b/ to be honest.

But yeah, you're probably right.

>> No.3091741

who wishes to store this crap?

>> No.3091742

I don't get it wrong, what the fuck?
name one time i posted something zoologically related that i was incorrect about.

>> No.3091747

erm, green-oval?

>> No.3091748


werent you still a student?

>> No.3091754

*arn't you...

>> No.3091755

Jesus Christ. They must have REALLY pissed her off.

>> No.3091757


allright, then dont call yourself a zoologist

>> No.3091767

Don't see allure of tripcodes. Trolling is meaningless to me, especially on /sci/. When finished with my degree/masters, may adopt one. People know they're getting trufax. Like with CNS guy, likely best trip on here.

>> No.3091768
File: 57 KB, 840x789, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that's not EK
< this ugly bitch is EK

>> No.3091769

>name one time i posted something zoologically related

I can't.

>> No.3091773

Who the fuck is andrey osenenko

>> No.3091777

she sounds like a massive fucking retarded bitch, and is blatantly breaking ruels 1 and 2, on facebook of all places...


zoologist (plural zoologists)

1. a person who studies zoology"

Or i could say 'student of zoology' rather than 'zoologist' to avoid any confusion... but technically i am still a zoologist.

>> No.3091780

Probably one of many edgy atheist youtube stars, whom EK worships

Namefagging is bestfagging

>> No.3091785

>she sounds like a massive fucking retarded bitch
This is how YOU sound to everyone on this board.

>> No.3091788

Pretty sure EK is a guy.
He just posts pictures of girls with his posts because he likes having virgins and white knights slobber over him

>> No.3091790

I'd imagine that picture of that chick on Facebook is a pretty close to what EK actually looks like

>> No.3091803

i post pictures of guys too, it doesn't mean i'm them. I never post pictures of myself, its well known. so its not like i'm lying or anything, and no, there is nobody 'slobbering' over me.

>> No.3091805

yai EK thred

everywhere i go on the internet, it doesnt matter what community it is, but everyone always rallies round the females that are few and far between.

women are like stars

>> No.3091807

>Apart from allegedly having a vagina
That's really the only reason for the shitstorms.

>> No.3091810

>on a /sci/ board
This doesn't add up

>> No.3091815

>the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.

What doesn't add up?

>> No.3091827

>few and far between
except that females make up the majority of the human population...

is it? why would they shitstorm over just that? there are other females on /sci/ as well, and i don't think they get shitstorms...

doesnt it? zoology is a science.

>> No.3091832


tripfagging is not meant to be used here unless of importance.

Please refrain from doing so, so i can still respect you.


>> No.3091834


You only use 'whom' when referring to the object of a sentence.


"I think it is a good idea for you those of you whom are dying to shut up."

It is improper to use it when referring to the subject.
"Those of you whom are dying should shut up."

Which would be corrected as:
"Those of you who are dying should shut up."

See the 'whom' in your sentence refers to the subject of the sentence, therefore you used it improperly.

>> No.3091837

human population is not population of the internets

>> No.3091850

No your right zooloy is respectable field of study, right along nutritional science, and sociology

>> No.3091855

this is the 21st century. theres loads of girls on the internet nowadays. (maybe not so much 4chan, but generally elsewhere on the internet they make up about half the people...we are rarer here because the general image people have of 4chan is that it is full of porn, gore, and CP, which most girls tend to avoid)

>> No.3091856

I've seen screenshots of this woman's facebook before, and I cannot read them. It makes me so uncomfortable.

>> No.3091858

>except that females make up the majority of the human population...

EK failing at high-school biology, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaahhaha

>> No.3091860

I think it is a good idea for you those of you whom are dying to shut up.

>> No.3091861



EK why don't you just an hero?

>> No.3091864
File: 12 KB, 470x457, 1288077802245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3091874

*[remove comma]

its close to 50/50, but not exactly. there are slightly more women in the world han men (women live longer, than men on average, but only slightly, so its like 50.1% women, 49.9% men, or something like that)

>> No.3091875
File: 14 KB, 197x226, paveikslelis-91-bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right. Those are both respectable fields of enquiry.

>> No.3091880


As much as I hate her. She is right.

Females outnumber males in the global population.

>> No.3091885

Womens has also smaller brainz

>> No.3091890

Do you know of any other tripfags who have said they were female on /sci/? Certainly not any who post as often as you.

>> No.3091892
File: 32 KB, 543x434, 1303580064790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does everyone seems to care about this EK?

>> No.3091894

Is zoology pronounced zoo aw logy? Should it be pronouned Zu logy

>> No.3091899


> women live longer, than men on average, but only slightly, so its like 50.1% women, 49.9% men, or something like that

Question: How many of those commata were used correctly?

>> No.3091901










>> No.3091902


It kinda the same way a normal person cares about a malignant tumor.

>> No.3091906
File: 366 KB, 125x125, Fluttershy 4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and EK forever.


>> No.3091909


Spot on anon.

This wouldn't be so much of a problem if she would stop tripfagging.

>> No.3091911

Every single one of these threads and every post inside them are made by "it".
It is just trying to draw attention to itself, as do all of those pathetic beings known as tripfags

>> No.3091913

because I am not ugly, at least ive never been called it by people who actually know what i look like (ironically, the only people who have ever called me ugly are the haters here, who have not even seen me, and therefore there opinion means nothing) also, even if i were ugly, that alone would not be a good reason to suicide.
Zoology is wonderfully interesting, i definitely wouldn't want to suicide for studying it, in fact its a good reason not to suicide, so i can learn even more.
And i'm not retarded, obviously you dont mean it literally, you just think i am unintelligent. Well, yes, i occassionally make mistakes, but every mistake is a victory if you learn from it and improve yourself for the future. also, even if i were retarded, that would not be a good reason to an hero either, some people with retardation can go on to live good productive fulfilling lives.

>> No.3091922


Your character is ugly.


You seem to be pretty superficial, as "ugly" can also be aimed at a person's mental appearance.

>> No.3091925
File: 40 KB, 167x197, 1272569042937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I am not ugly

>> No.3091928

You're a very hateful person.

>> No.3091936

You're an obnoxious attention whore.
We don't need to see your face to know that you are ugly on the inside.

>> No.3091939


Oh no, not really.

Just wanted to point out one does not necessarily need to know about one's looks before being able to use the word "ugly".

I still think EK should stop using a tripcode or leave.

>> No.3091943


If you're not ugly and you obviously like attention, why don't you post your picture?

Don't give me that "Because weirdos will fap to it."

You know that's a bullshit excuse. Weirdos will fap to your text, but you continue to post. They will fap to their imaginary depiction of you.

That's only a buffer excuse to give yourself a reason not to get a definitive answer on your attractiveness.

Once, you post your picture you won't be able to hide in the ambiguity of social pleasantries, and try to convince yourself you have any value.

On the off-hand you are attractive then you will shut me/us up once and for all. That seems like good incentive.

However, you still won't post it because you don't want to know, and you know I'm right.

>> No.3091944

One word: Forced anonymity.
4chan would be a much better place if such a thing was enforced

>> No.3091948

"Tripcodes are a vital part of the culture"

your opinion is invalid

>> No.3091950

specifically tripfags? there are a few, but most of the females here post as anonymous, and gender rarely comes up.
There is at least 3 other tripfags who are female, but i forget their names... that one who had that breakup advice thread a while ago was a female tripfag, and harriet is a namefag, but she doesnt post much. and there is someone called rainbow dash who is female i think...and there may be others that i just have not learnt the gender of, who might happen to be female. It tends not to come up much. it doesn't even matter.

i say "zoo aw logy"

ha, maybe one of them...? point taken "grammar nazi to otehrs as you would have grammar nazi'd unto yourself." "let s/he who is without gramatical error, cast the first accusation of grammar fail"

oh? i'm the one trying to draw attention to myself am i? I didn't start the thread, if other people draw attention to me, blame them.

>> No.3091952

>doesn't know how to use third person narration singular pronoun

>> No.3091954



Though using a tripcode sometimes does indeed have a purpose as a one-time identification possibility. Get trip -> deliver awesome content -> get rid of trip and never use it again. That's how it's done.

>> No.3091956

Oh right all the grammatical errors you've made on this thread, you're one to correct other's grammar

>> No.3091957


> females here post as anonymous

so how do you know they are female?

>> No.3091958
File: 26 KB, 604x453, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only bitches use tirpcode

>> No.3091959

Hey retard, answer me this:
WHY do you use your tripcode if not for attention? Give a non-moronic reason thx

>> No.3091961

He only says that because HE'S a tripfag.

>> No.3091962


> that one who had that breakup advice thread a while ago was a female tripfag

So she used that tripcode solely for that thread and got rid of it afterwards?

She did everything correctly and is not a tripfag, unlike you attention whore.

>> No.3091963

But it reads like zulojy

>> No.3091966


>oh? i'm the one trying to draw attention to myself am i? I didn't start the thread, if other people draw attention to me, blame them.

That's the kind of shit that makes me despise you at a molecular level.

>> No.3091960

Is this science-related?
It's /sci/-related?
Then it's meta and doesn't belong.

>> No.3091968

Lets use the hypothesis that EK is actually a dude because thats the most simple assumption we can make

>> No.3091972

You post using a tripcode on an anonymous image board.
=> You are trying to draw attention to yourself.

>> No.3091974
File: 15 KB, 200x250, sfsu-william-lane-craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dear leader is a tripfag. Therefore, tripfags are good.

>> No.3091969


Teach me, master.

>> No.3091976


>> No.3091978


Excuse me? How can you identify the posts made by me? What grammatical errors?

>> No.3091980

>female posting on 4chan
Pick one EK

>> No.3091984


No, he is referring to contributors using a tripcode. Tripcodes are a vital part of anonymous culture because the anons who _really_ need a tripcode and know how to use it contribute the most to this site.

>> No.3091986
File: 22 KB, 471x355, 1293006206845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3091983

>>3091974 The dear leader is a tripfag
Kimmy? On mah sci?

>> No.3091987

i dont even

>> No.3091988

lets speak literally, the word 'ugly' is usually interpreted as being in reference to a persons physical appearance. if you are attacking my personality rather than my appearance, it would be clearer to just call me a bitch.

lets not be quote mining out of context, shall we darling?
I'm not a superficial person, i don't much care about appearance, neither myself nor that of others, im not judgemental, and i certainly arn't like one of those bimbo's that parades around loving themself and thinking they are the most beautiful person in the world. I was just being realistic, ive been complimented on appearance before by guys IRL on different occassions, it leads me to believe i'm probably not ugly, but hey, people have different tastes, theres bound to be at least one person in teh world who finds me hideous, i just havent met them.

>> No.3091989

I warned you about /x/ bro! I told you dog!

>> No.3091992

I dont really mind EK here but for the love of God use CAPITAL LETTERS when you must

>> No.3092000

my point was that most of the time you don't. only very occasionally it comes up. "herp derp, my husband ... jerpa derpa"

>> No.3092001


why aren't you responding to >>3091943

>> No.3092003
File: 13 KB, 354x410, whoblamesjews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

104 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

OMG. Where is my founder of atheism picture.

>> No.3092008
File: 28 KB, 600x433, Sp012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, not this again.

I sincerely hope Elizabeth Kagome Otaku Bitch has left. It's not Aeris, we know that. And I doubt it's EK either.

Besides, this image has been going around for ages. Why are you bringing it up now?

>> No.3092012

why do you only answer the questions you can bullshit through, but ignore the ones where you'll realise you are wrong like:

>> No.3092025

was a hater, best to ignore the posts, they wont learn anything even if i set them straight, and it just encourages them to post even more if they get a response.

keep in mind that all posts, even those made by anonymous, are trying to draw attention to themselves. you wouldnt write your comment on a piece of paper, and then roll it up and throw it into a bin, you want it to be read and responded to, tripfags are no different.

he referenced the post incorrectly. he meant to link to me.

>> No.3092029

lol'd. the haters need EK's attention. Just like "EK FAN CLUB". They just have a roundabout way of putting. Be honst with yourselves, chaps.

>> No.3092043


> all posts, even those made by anonymous, are trying to draw attention to themselves

That is bullshit.

Drawing attention to a post is not the same as drawing attention to a poster.


>> No.3092046

It shouldn't matter what gender anyone is, but to the people shitshorming it apparently does. Plus it creates the mystery of whether you are actually female, and whether you are good-looking, which people would politely ignore if this wasn't an anonymous board.

I did a search and couldn't find anywhere Rainbow Dash mentioned his/her gender. From


if Rainbow Dash is openly female, which it's not clear he/she is, she'd be the only openly female tripfag with a post count even close to yours. So the hypothesis that the shitstorms are entirely due to you stating your gender is plausible.

>> No.3092054

My bad, I was trying to reply to the viral disease known as EK but derped and replied to your post by mistake

>> No.3092056


>was a hater, best to ignore the posts, they wont learn anything even if i set them straight, and it just encourages them to post even more if they get a response.

Ah, I see. Now you're just using blatant trolling as a defense mechanism.

Welp, don't ever say I haven't got good reason to hate you.

Once again, I hope your family dies horribly. I hate you.

>> No.3092057


Because what I post is my point/argument/question and I want to know what other anons think about it or answer my question or find a flaw in my argument. If they arent any different why are you a tripfag instead of anon? Your reasoning is bullshit. IF only you controbuted something to this board worthy of recognition like Josef did your tripfaggotry would probably pass fine.

>> No.3092071


Oh ok, was confused for a second. Nevermind.

>> No.3092072

because both of those were haters
>hey retard...

- i'm not going to post a picture because here is no need to, it isnt science related at all, and it would just be validating all the haters who have been calling me an attention wore for the past few months.
- I use a tripcode for a variety of reasons, /sci/ is quite a slow board and has quite a cozy community going on, the tripfags are memorable, and you can learn which ones are likely to be helpful, or are worth responding to.
I have some mates IRL that occasionally come to /sci/ and i kinda like them being able to see which are me.
I was also kinda hoping to build up a reputation for being helpful, so that if i post in a help or advice thread, people will see it is EK, and trust it. if it was a random anon, you cant be sure they arn't trolling you and/or stupid.

>> No.3092085


Oh wow.

>> No.3092086


What did Josef contribute?

Last 3 or 4 threads i encountered him he was only proving he had some misconceptions of physics.

>> No.3092091


>> No.3092097

Josef made a concise and explanatory guide to using JSMath, in addition to helping physics/maths threads and being a nice person in general.

All EK does is answer 13 year old highschool questions encouraging to come back for more, shit up any thread she posts in, and attention-whore.

>> No.3092102


>I was also kinda hoping to build up a reputation for being helpful

>constantly post in troll threads
>occasionally even makes troll threads

I swear, I literally think it is impossible to hate something more than I hate you.

>> No.3092107

>because both of those were haters
What does that even mean?

>> No.3092111
File: 12 KB, 251x251, imad1305879140143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> /sci/ is quite a slow board and has quite a cozy community going on

How the fuck can that even remotely be a reason to use a tripfag?

> the tripfags are memorable

I remember that dude with the thorium reactor, nobody else to be honest. Pretty much all of the tripfags here a pathetic.

> you can learn which ones are likely to be helpful, or are worth responding to

By reading their names instead of their posts? You are a fucking idiot, just like i thought. We care about content, not fancy names. If someone delivers good stuff in some threads you will fall for errors if he gets something wrong sometime.

> I use a tripcode for a variety of reasons

Give me only ONE valid reason please.

> hoping to build up a reputation for being helpful

Attention whoring facebook idiot. You don't understand this culture, why are you even here?

> people will see it is EK, and trust it.

yeah, even if it is wrong.

>> No.3092114

even if i was a fat balding 58 year old neckbearded male, if my science is good in the posts, then that would be all that mattered. people shouldnt care whether i'm female, or whether i'm good looking, it doesnt matter.
And for people like 'Harriet', they havent specified their gender, but with a name like that its pretty obvious, but people like her still dont attract shitstorms, so being female cant be the only reason for shitstorms...
i have a habit of being quite snarky and sarcastic in posts if i think OP is a faggot, i'm bound to have pissed off quitea few people in my time, adding to the population of haters. Harriet is a goody-goody, so maybe thats it.

>> No.3092120

>- i'm not going to post a picture because here is no need to, it isnt science related at all, and it would just be validating all the haters who have been calling me an attention wore for the past few months

Won't post in non science related threads
>Posts in non science thread

>> No.3092122
File: 43 KB, 683x310, 2011-05-02_131353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was also kinda hoping to build up a reputation for being helpful, so that if i post in a help or advice thread, people will see it is EK, and trust it.
I lol'd hard.

>> No.3092123


> Josef made a concise and explanatory guide to using JSMath

That's neat. But why does he need a consistent name for that on an anonymous image board? It makes no fucking sense.

> helping physics/maths threads and being a nice person in general

like we all do. See, the problem is that i witnessed at least 2 threads in which he claimed something that was clearly wrong and everyone believed him instead of thinking about it for a second.
This is shit that is prevented by posting as anonymous.

>> No.3092128

do you honestly not understand that people dont like you because you troll and attention whore? really?

>> No.3092132

>>3092097 and being a nice person in general
I think you meant "on average" there. ;-)

>>3092086 Last 3 or 4 threads i encountered him he was only proving he had some misconceptions of physics.
Meh. Well, sometimes I wish I had studied physics.

>> No.3092134


Or maybe she's not an attention seeking whore.
As, for one, she doesn't have a tripfag. And two, I haven't really seen her once or twice.

You do realize you could solve all your problems by not using the name/trip?

But the fact that you continue to use it shows how retarded you are.

>> No.3092137


> if my science is good in the posts, then that would be all that mattered. people shouldnt care whether i'm female, or whether i'm good looking, it doesnt matter.

Exactly! Even your name wouldn't matter. So just fucking drop it. It helps the discussion.

>> No.3092139
File: 8 KB, 766x312, 2011-05-18_2351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if my science is good in the posts
Which it never is.

>> No.3092145

OP presents to us: the image which every board believes to represent their own designated female tripfag.

Try posting it almost anywhere and you will have people recognizing her.

>> No.3092152

EK destroyed. Not even samefag.

>> No.3092156

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.3092159

EK is a fag

>> No.3092160

>I was kinda hoping to building up a reputation of being helpful
>reputation of being helpful
>being helpful
Is this nigga cereal?

>> No.3092162

Did she just say Keytones?


>> No.3092182

it means they already have a predisposition to see my name, and then not respond with a clear and open mind, they will just vomit all over their keyboards.
"you are retarded, fat, this ugly girl, that ugly girl, slag, virgin, a man, not a real zoologist, zoology isnt even a real science, u jelly?, u mad?"
etc, so its not even worth responding to.
there are hundreds of tripfags, not just on here but on all of the boards. if you have an issue with tripfaggotry in general, and not just with me, then why not harass the others instead?
sure, your right, theres no REASON to tripfag, theres no reason not to either...its just an option.
you dont like tripfags? then just dont be one.

>> No.3092189


> they already have a predisposition to see my name, and then not respond with a clear and open mind

I think you are about to get it finally.

Get rid of name and tripcode, then we are all happy, including you.

>> No.3092195

The good thing about being a tripfag is that you're a) recognized by people that like you and b) recognized by people that don't like you.
Basically you're a person of some reputation that trolls on sight while you can still be helpful. Kind of a bullseye if you ask me.

>> No.3092202


> theres no reason not to either

Yes there is, plenty, like already posted in this thread.
For example:

>> No.3092204

>requires recognition

inferiority complex much?

>> No.3092207


That's not a good thing on an anonymous board.

>> No.3092211


>> No.3092212

God why is this on science?

Apparently opinionated woman who isn't much better than any of you

Only different because she's tripfag and female

I don't even care. I switched mine to the much more subtle 'anon' so people who wanted to could track me, but it wasn't secure trip or anything.

I think the biggest difference is that, one a male has been shown to be an idiot, he usually doesn't act like he deserves any respect. It's the consequence for being wrong. Although there are notable male exceptions, it seems almost universal that the ladies don't just suck it up and take it when they're not right, as if the ideas themselves aren't the most important thing being tossed around.

>i didn't forget to sage, just taking one of the autobumps away from this terrible thread.

>> No.3092221

I have a name, so calling this an anonymous board is kind of a false statement if you ask me.

>inferiority complex much
... so if you tell somebody your name you've got an inferiority complex? My life's fucked up then I guess

> b) recognized by people that don't like you.
By the way, you're pretty predictable.

>> No.3092223

> tripfagging on an anonymous board

> implying there is need to discuss this bullshit

>> No.3092225

>Apparently opinionated woman who isn't much better than any of you
She's far below us, actually.

>> No.3092232

i'm already happy, and the haters honestly do not bother me in the slightest. after all, they are only words on a computer screen.
none of this is a problem for me, there isnt anything that needs solving.
Those of you that have a problem with tripcodes in general is a completely different issue to those who just hate me for being me. if it is that big a deal for you, then download the anonymity script (all tripfags appear as anonymous)
thats exactly what you want, right? so go right ahead and solve your won problem.

>> No.3092236
File: 25 KB, 600x433, Sp013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I love it when people rage because "Oh no, this person dares to have a tripcode!! And they're annoying me because they're not remaining anonymous! ARRRGH".

When people rage, it's absolutely hilarious.

>> No.3092237


> I have a name, so calling this an anonymous board is kind of a false statement if you ask me.

The tripcode system implemented here is for one-time use, so people who contribute/need to identify themselves in a discussion (as OP for example) can do so, NOT for gaining an internet reputation, which is what you are doing.

This is an anonymous board, because people can post here without registration and without having to chose a name distinct from all others. The purpose of this is to be able to discuss free of prejudice and expectations etc. etc..

>> No.3092239

I challenge you to drop your tripcode for a week. I guarantee, if you did that, you wouldn't get nearly as much hate as you do now. Certainly, you would still garner some abhorrence due to the quality of your uninformed and plain wrong posts, but that hate would be directed at the quality of information in your posts, not your name.

Of course, you won't do this, as you are an attention whoring tripfag.

>> No.3092240

>so if you tell somebody your name you've got an inferiority complex? My life's fucked up then I guess

in an area where no one gives a fuck what your name is and it remains completely irrelevant to discussion? YES

>> No.3092243


> so if you tell somebody your name you've got an inferiority complex?

> implying he said that

You use the tripcode for reputation. That's what tells us you have an inferiority complex.

>> No.3092248

>i'm already happy, and the haters honestly do not bother me in the slightest.
Yeah, your defensive posts in this and every other goddamn thread are a clear testament to that.

>> No.3092252


> none of this is a problem for me

Then you're an asshole. We have a problem and you keep disrespecting us and ignoring our arguments. You are not the only person in the world, you know?
You make this place worse by using name/tripcode. We all see it except for you.

>> No.3092257


> download the anonymity script

That's suppressing the symptoms instead of curing the cause.

Confirmed for cancer.

>> No.3092262

Trolling aside (although >>3092240 and his friends are pretty hilarious), having a name didn't only give me some reputation with anon, but also with other tripfags. Having a broad network is pretty important in science, the best example is if you're looking for a paper from a journaml not many universities have a subscription to.

>> No.3092265


Don't forget that she would also gain some positive feedback for good stuff she posts (if she does that at all, i don't know), if she drops the tripcode.

>> No.3092266

>implying confirmation was necessary

Go die, EK. Or drop your tripcode.

>> No.3092268


>> No.3092270
File: 38 KB, 456x206, justdont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my posts arn't defensive, i am just trying to answer some valid posts in the thread as honestly and reasonably as i can.
I appreciate the advice, but i think i will keep the tripcode.
if you wish to get the anonymity script, that is up to you.

>> No.3092272


How is science related to tripfags on anonymous boards?
How is a network of internet identities of any worth?

> Trolling aside

You're obviously kidding.

>> No.3092276


> i think i will keep the tripcode.


You still haven't provided a single reason?

>> No.3092281

>You make this place worse by using name/tripcode. We all see it except for you.
that isn't an argument against me being me, thats you just not liking tripcodes in general.
by that logic, all the other tripfags, including josef, are 'disrespectful assholes who are making the place worse'

and yet i am the only one you are choosing to criticise here.

>> No.3092283

let this be a lesson to you all; when a woman IS on the internet, it looks like the hambeast in OP's picture

>> No.3092284
File: 194 KB, 541x702, scitard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially when they rage about something as insignificant as people tripfagging.

I can't fucking BELIEVE a thread with people just going "BAWWWWWWWWWWWW TRIPFAGS" has gotten way over 100 posts.

/sci/ - disappointing all day, every day.

Pic related: most people ITT

>> No.3092285

Bad content doesn't hurt anyone if it's filtered out. The right way to improve a board is to increase the number of good posts.

>> No.3092286
File: 411 KB, 594x500, 1287767043-905480-594x500-1287762149toasting-in-epic-bread[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3092287

bcuz i dont care u silly hater

>> No.3092291
File: 36 KB, 399x404, 1305143321959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much every girl uses the internet...clearly we are not all hambeasts. your argument is invalid.

>> No.3092293

Two examples of scientits I know from sci ("know" in the sense that I could visit them or already have)
- A has access to a huge computer cluster
- B works at CERN
They aren't necessarily tripfags, but I wouldn't have gotten to know them if I hadn't been one.

>> No.3092298

and here you thought you knew the rules of the internet

shame on you

>> No.3092300

yes i have. see >>3092072

>> No.3092303


>that isn't an argument against me being me

Never said that.

> thats you just not liking tripcodes in general

Wrong. That me not liking attention whores on anonymous image boards. Using a tripcode CAN in certain situations be necessary. In your case, it isn't.
Also, nobody would have a problem with you, even the one's having a problem with you being you, if you just finally got rid of name and tripcode. Why don't you want peace?

Oh why am i even asking...

>> No.3092304

We've already pointed out that those "arguments" are delusional bullshit.

>> No.3092307

He meant VALID, REASONABLE, LOGICAL reasons. Sigh, you really are hopeless.

>> No.3092310

the rules of the internet were made for humour, and arnt to be taken literally.
the "there are no girls on the internet" rule can be disproven with a single link to any females facebook page.

>> No.3092313


I have worked at CERN for a couple of months and have access to a quite large computer cluster.

Are you german by chance?

>> No.3092315

>the rules of the internet were made for humour, and arnt to be taken literally.

>she sounds like a massive fucking retarded bitch, and is blatantly breaking ruels 1 and 2, on facebook of all places...

>> No.3092317


There is no reason mentioned in that post, apart from "I want attention no matter the cost herpaderp", see

>> No.3092322

in what situations would you consider it necessary?
are all the other tripfags 'attention whores' in your opinion then?

obviously there is no need to have any tripfags at all, but some people choose to be one. this doesnt necessarily make them bad people. or attention-whores, its just a choice. there doesnt even need to be a reason.
i'm well known here, even if i lose the trip now it would make no difference, it would still be fairly obvious in most cases which posts are mine.

>> No.3092323


> implying those aren't all my troll accounts.

The "no girls on the internet rule" is a warning. 14/f/Cali, you know? Probably not, as you seem to be a newfag in general.

>> No.3092333

well, nowadays even rules 1 and 2 are pretty redundant. the point was to keep /b/ on the downlow, and not have it revealed to everybody, because it would quickly be infested with newfaggotry. but that already happened anyway, so it doesnt even matter now.

>> No.3092339



When original content is delivered, OP needing to identify himself during a discussion, somebody that needs help, somebody that needs to protect himself from imposters, etc..

In these cases, one gets a random tripcode, does his stuff and uses a new tripcode the next time. That is how it's done.

And yes, the other tripfags are also attention whores of course. The thorium reactor guy is an example for a valid tripcode user.

>> No.3092344

Yes, I am. (Why does everyone keep asking me where I'm from today?)

>> No.3092345

lol, his post wasn't even worth responding to. it was just keyboard vomit. hater ignored, as per standard procedure.

>> No.3092349


> this doesnt necessarily make them bad people

Yes, it does make them bad board "members"

> or attention-whores

Yes it does. What don't you understand about the word "attention whore"?

> its just a choice


> there doesnt even need to be a reason.

yes, there has to be a reason or else (see above)

> vi'm well known here

what for?

> even if i lose the trip now it would make no difference

yes it would, as pointed out several times. You could finally REALLY contribute then.

>> No.3092351

My maths exam went great, Josef.

>> No.3092352

>The thorium reactor guy is an example for a valid tripcode user.
what makes him 'valid' in your opinion?
keep in mind this is still all just your opinion, if you dont like tripfags, then fair enough. but you have no right to tell other people what to do, nor any right to restrict their freedoms. see image in >>3092270

>> No.3092353


You are so inconsistent. You call yourself a scientist? Just leave, really. Why do you stay? You get flamed to death and you shit up the board. Just leave. You will be happier and so will we.

>> No.3092356

I'm happy for you, although I have to confess I don't remember anything like that. (If only you had a name ... and a tripcode haha)

>> No.3092372

Because he actually does science, rather than being an attention whore.

>> No.3092375

>You could finally REALLY contribute then.
whetehr someone uses a tripcode or not, it has no effect on their level of useful contribution. my posts would be exactly the same, you just would not have the information of wich ones were mine.

I stay because i like science. it is not me who shits up the board, it is the haters. were they not here, the thread would have ended long ago with "oh, she isn't EK. my bad, thanks for clearing that up. /thread"

without haters there can be no hate thread (shitting up the board)
and i would just be contributing as per usual, in different threads.

>> No.3092376


he didn't ask where you're from.
i guess he seems to recognize you

prepare for your life turning to shit. i hope you like pizza

>> No.3092383


No it wasn't. There were arguments provided.

A "hater" post wouldn't make the effort to quote parts of your post.

You just ignore it because you know you'd lose.

>> No.3092387


> take part in discussion
> ignore all arguments

Yep, typical tripfag behaviour

>> No.3092395

You are bad at science. Look at the sticky and spend half a year or so investigating the links therein before defiling the board with your uninformed posts. Staying away for half a year would give you time to grow up a bit too, perhaps.

>> No.3092396


> keep in mind this is still all just your opinion

No it's not, it's our culture.

It is valid because he delivers content. he needs to be recognized in later threads for consistent discussions about his plan and to protect himself from imposters.

Another example is the /sci/-guide to the internet dude.

They don't use their tripcodes when not talking in threads relevant for their fields, that's how it's done.

>> No.3092404


> whetehr someone uses a tripcode or not, it has no effect on their level of useful contributio

yes it has, as pointed out several times now.

> it is not me who shits up the board, it is the haters.

lol. Everyone hates you, and that's not your fault, it's their fault?

Is that logical?

>> No.3092405

>Implying it wasn't just a hater spewing vomit onto the thread.
"Pretty much all of the tripfags here a pathetic."
just personal opinion, and isnt a good argument at all. the rest is just hater garbage
>You are a fucking idiot, just like i thought.
>Attention whoring facebook idiot.
>why are you even here?

>> No.3092411


> implying you even read that

> just personal opinion, and isnt a good argument at all.

But i can back my claims up, unlike you. maybe you are the hater because you still refuse to adapt to the board habits and make it worse for everyone?

>> No.3092423

i kinda believe in her
somehow, the way she talks differs from the OP's pic. also, she sounds more intelligent.
but maybe i'm wrong.

>> No.3092430

You are wrong. She does sick attention and attention only.

>> No.3092438

>But i can back my claims up, unlike you. maybe you are the hater because you still refuse to adapt to the board habits and make it worse for everyone?

you cant back any of it up because it is still all just opinion.
"I dont like tripfags" - opinion
"i dont like EK" - opinion
"you don't adapt to the baords habits"
the board has no habits, these are your personal habits and personal likes and dislike. the board itself has no opinion on tripfags, and the regulars to the board very much have mixed opinions on the issue.
"make it worse for everyone" - opinion.
and you personally disliking me does not mean i objectively ruin anyone elses experience here.
the only difference to being a tripfag and not being one is that you have the option of reading "EK" in the top left rather than "anonymous" it is still of very little significance, and most people do not even care, they certainly dont get as worked up about it as you do.
"everyone here hates you" - False/opinion
as with all tripfags, i am liked by some and disliked by others. it is to be expected. but it is certainly a lie to say that 'everyone' hates me.

>> No.3092444

I give up, really. Fuck EK and fuck this arguing. Really hope if I ever have a daughter she won't grow up to be as idiotic as this whale of a specimen who single handedly defiles an entire board. I'm out.

>> No.3092450

careful, hun, you will be accused of samefaggotry for posting a comment like that. :)
but thankyou.

no i do not. when have i ever asked for attention? when have i ever started a thread about myself?
attention is forced upon me, it isn't something I endeavour to attract.

>> No.3092457
File: 53 KB, 729x650, 1290567289303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3092463


>> No.3092479


> "I dont like tripfags" - opinion
"i dont like EK" - opinion


> "you don't adapt to the baords habits"
the board has no habit


> "make it worse for everyone"


> and you personally disliking me does not mean i objectively ruin anyone elses experience here.

I personally do not dislike you, though you seem to be a disrespectful person in general.

>> No.3092481


> when have i ever asked for attention?

The minute you decided to use a name/tripcode

>> No.3092483

>[insults and ad homs]
i'm in a very calm mood and i'll happily listen to anything else you have to say. if you can back up your arguments or explain fully why being a tripfag is a bad thing then i will take your views into consideration. if you are just going to strorm out of he argument, you certainly can't win. and throwing mindless insults around is no good way to convince anyone of anything.

i never claimed to be, and yet in that single post i have proved that the particular rule of 'no girls on the internet' is not factual.

>> No.3092491

I like EK

>> No.3092507

The trollograph reports a level 8 shitstorm happening in this vicinity.

>> No.3092515

>the board has no habit

if the board had a habit of hating all tripfags (and by 'the board' i mean the vast majority of the people who use it) then there would be no tripfags here, nobody using the board would have chosen to be one. clearly this is not the case, there are many tripfags here. it would in fact be mroe accrate to say that 'the boards habits' are to tripfag quite a lot.

> "make it worse for everyone"
no, it is ot a fact. I certainly do not make it worse for the OP's that i help with mathematical or scientific queries, nor do i make it worse for any of the people i have interesting discussions with. the only people i could possibly make it worse for are the trolls and haters, and I do not particularly care about the feelings of such people.

>you seem to be a disrespectful person in general.
i give respect where it is due. What have I said in the thread which leads you to believe i am disrespectful?

then by that logic all tripfags are attention-whores. this is not a fact, it is still just your opinion. I do not care if you personally think i am an attention whore, and i doubt any of teh other tripfags care what you think of them either.

>> No.3092525

Wow, maybe i was wrong about EK. She seems pretty intelligent and reasonable. I would have expected her to be the one throwing insults around.
Consider me converted.

>> No.3092531

well thankyou :)
I know the haters are only a small minority, and its nice to be reminded of that once in a while.

>> No.3092536

>I assume the haters to be only a small minority despite all evidence to the contrary

>> No.3092548

>EK falling for obvious trolls hook, line and sinker

>> No.3092558
File: 53 KB, 485x480, 1304887796331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this thread still alive?
EK is not that important and it's not science related.

>> No.3092559

there is no evidence to the contrary. in a thread, you cannot tell whether all the anons are different people, or if they are all the same person. a hate thread could be composed of me vs a single hater. Usually you can get an idea for how many there are; post timings, writing style and so forth. usually only a maximum of 3 in any specific hate thread.
you see, haters multipost, but people who dont mind or dont care will usually not post at all (some occasionally jump in to express support) so you cannot just equate the 80 hate posts and 3 supporting posts as evidence that 80/83 people on /sci/ hate EK
because all the hate posts will be from the same small group of people.

>> No.3092568

keep on living in that delusion.

>> No.3092573
File: 15 KB, 771x559, ek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3092583

Who the fuck is EK?

>> No.3092594

That is not EK's facebook page. I have EK on facebook so I know that it is not her.

>> No.3092598

>in a thread, you cannot tell whether all the anons are different people, or if they are all the same person.
Didn't stop you from assuming that the "haters" are in the minority.

Have some consistency.

>> No.3092600

Do you faggots actually not know about the trip filter? Damn, /sci/ is a lot stupider than I thought.

>> No.3092605

i don't think ambivalence means what you think it means.

you're a little late, i think everyone knows that by now. this has been a long thread.

the haters are the minority. most people eitehr do not know me or do not have any strong feelings either way.

>> No.3092612

>the haters are the minority. most people eitehr do not know me or do not have any strong feelings either way.
As you've pointed out, you have no evidence for that.

>> No.3092613

why no, no you have not

i see no timestamped sharpie in pooper sans nutsack posted

>> No.3092615

Your stupider than /sci/

/Sci/ does not need your "internet culture"

>> No.3092618

OP here.

If this thread does not get to 260 replies in 15 minutes I am going to delete it.

>> No.3092620

yes i suppose not.
Even if the haters were the majority i still would not care.
whether there is 3 or 33, it is still just a number. I think it very unlikely that the haters are the majority based on the speed of the board, and based on the small amount of similar writing styles in the haters posts.

>> No.3092630

EK is not ZOMGitsCriss
EK is not ZOMGitsCriss
EK is not ZOMGitsCriss
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EK is not ZOMGitsCriss
EK is not ZOMGitsCriss
EK is not ZOMGitsCriss

>> No.3092641

Who is zomgitscriss?
I do not think that EK has ever claimed to be anyone else except herself.