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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 193 KB, 700x525, iwonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3090040 No.3090040 [Reply] [Original]

do scientists prefer to be cut or uncut?

>> No.3090042


>> No.3090041

i have no sexual preferences. Sex is ultimately a repetitive act that has no educational value.

>> No.3090066

science proves cut people feel less pleasure

>> No.3090080

That picture is terrifying.

>> No.3090083

sex is a distraction.

I only do it to pass on my formidable genes.

>> No.3090087

I don't know why, but this statement made me laugh heartily.

>> No.3090091

Does OP love cocks or love cocks?

>> No.3090101

i feel sorry for all the cutbros out there with their mutilated penises, you guys have been through enough

>> No.3090117

but... but... it's totally less clean and shit to be uncut!

because, you know... people don't shower these days...

>> No.3090151

yeh but would you cut your ears off because you didnt want to wash behind them?

>> No.3090153

At least we last longer. Enjoy not satisfying your woman.

>> No.3090154

how about you cut off your hands so you dont have to wash them ever again?

>> No.3090163

Scientists have proved that circumcision cures AIDS.

Uncutfags are just mad cause their anteater is fucking ugly and no women would fuck them.

>> No.3090167


Lol, being sarcastic guys... hence the second line.

>> No.3090177


He's right guys.... we lose.

damn, it's times like these I wish we were allowed to approach woman by saying something other than "Hello female. Under the assumption that I'm talking to you now with the goal of perusing a sexual relationship with you, I am required to inform you that I have not had parts of my genitals cut off before I could form coherent thoughts about what my hands were." I usually follow it up with "So do you want to get coffee sometime?"

>> No.3090186
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>believes mass circumcision conspiracy to be real

>> No.3090199



>> No.3090218

Iam a cutfag.

Whether or not cut or uncut is better, I will never force my child to undergo the procedure.

For better or for worse, it is his decision when he is mature enough to decide for himself.

Same deal applies for religion.

>> No.3090224

Doctors have repeatedly said that circumcision confers no benefits.

>> No.3090260


dont know if troll or really misinfornmed

benefits of being cut:


less likely to contract or transmit diseases

aesthetic improvement

longer lasting performance

able to lift weights with penis

the list goes on...

>> No.3090277


>> No.3090287


people wash

don't fuck skanks

the vagina is horrible to look at, shall we chop that up like nigger do?

I last well anyway


>> No.3090396

Not sure, but I hear engineers prefer cut because it more easily slides in and out and causes less discomfort in their anus

>> No.3090412

>less likely to contract or transmit diseases
the only true point
>aesthetic improvement
cut dicks look fucking rank
>longer lasting performance
>able to lift weights with penis

>> No.3090436

>the vagina is horrible to look at, shall we chop that up like nigger do?

>> No.3090442


>the only true point
It doesn't protect you from diseases or infections, you can still catch them. Citing a "lower incidence of transmission" actually causes more transmission, not less.

>> No.3090480
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>implying cut vaginas don't look better

>> No.3090492

Well circumcised penis' are less sensitive to sex, thus less pleasurable, yet able to last longer. But there's also a number of hygienic problems are health issues that are unavoidable with a foreskin.

Take it as you want.

>> No.3090495

>yeh but would you cut your ears off because you didnt want to wash behind them?
That's not even a viable comparison because it's not the same thing.

>> No.3090551

>/sci/ - the smart /b/
come on guys, not this shit here.

>> No.3090566

It's this easy to get a cut vs uncut debate going?

>> No.3090573


It's easy to get any debate going. It just takes that you samefag your thread until it snowballs into critical mass.

>> No.3090574
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>implying you are not a pedo

>> No.3090578
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not in my /sci/

>> No.3090580
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>not putting your chris hansen in the fridge

>> No.3090692


>implying many of the features you find attractive in a woman aren't characteristic of a prepubescent female


>> No.3090713


Women are more pedomorphic in their physical traits than men, since women have been under sexual selection to have pedomorphic traits. [16] Women with more pedomorphic traits have attracted "quality mates" with "protective and nurturing impulses" who are more likely to help raise their offspring, raising reproductive success, so pedomorphy has become a "runaway" sexual selection in humans with each successive generations of females having to have their traits be more pedomorphic to compete.[16] Therefore, not only has there been sexual selection for pedomorphic women, but there also has been sexual selection for men who prefer pedomorphic women, causing juvenilization in women to be widely considered desirable by men.[16]

>> No.3090753

Hurrr I'm a cutfag and I think I'm superior because I got the most sensitive part of my dick cut off

go die in a fire

>> No.3090786


the ever increasing incidents of boob jobs invalidates your theory

>> No.3090792

>cutfags think they can make an argument for getting cut
>uncutfags can get cut at any time they want and it will be perfectly sized and be out on the same day
>cutfags have to go through major loops to stretch the little foreskin they have

Anyone arguing for getting cut has never experienced being uncut.

>> No.3090804

Director's cut.

>> No.3090803

>Anyone arguing for getting cut has never experienced being uncut.
retard. everyone is born uncut.

>> No.3090813

Don't you dare to insult others for saying stupid shit about male genitalia. Don't you fucking dare, Miss "Despite being a college-educated adult, I didn't know how erections worked until I was told about it recently".

>> No.3090825

you're never going to let that go are you?

>> No.3090829

Unlikely. Sorry.

>> No.3090847


First of all, it's not my theory. Secondly, there are primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics.
Some features show they are female
Other features show they are sexually mature

Now gtfo with your ignorance.

>> No.3090854

>the picture
>trolltunga = troll's tongue
>well played OP

>> No.3090882


Hey EK, die a slow and painful death. I hate you.

This has been a daily reminder.

>> No.3090941

Protip: Neoteny does not work like that.

>> No.3090960

Would you like a demonstration?

>> No.3090966
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>> No.3090974

of what?

>> No.3090978

He wants to show you his dick, you dumb cunt.

>> No.3090986


"Ultimately this process results in the retention, in the adults of a species, of juvenile physical characteristics well into maturity"

>> No.3091001

But it doesn't have any virtual effect on attraction, that's just a common and sloppy fallacy, mostly an anecdotal biased one with some anchoring effects.

>> No.3091009
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>> No.3091011
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>mfw neoteny causes autism

>> No.3091027
File: 44 KB, 450x338, 12987181912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3091033

Anyone with a brain sees the stupidy of circumcision.

So uncut.

Heres an article on why circumcision is bad done with actual tests.


>> No.3091044
File: 279 KB, 2132x2263, 1297844401619 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3091090


Not samefag but what's your point...

Giving consideration to the possible psychological ramifications of cutting doesn't suddenly invalidate this entire debate.

>> No.3091784
File: 2.00 MB, 283x204, kittehs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man speaks the truth
>cutbros in denial

>> No.3091851
File: 18 KB, 671x1103, 1300719209001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know if troll or really misinfornmed
lol u troll me!

Yeah, cool! Once you get your penis mutilated, you never have to wash ever again!

>less likely to contract or transmit diseases
Conclusion derived from deliberate missinterpretation of statistical data.

Circumcised males tend to be part of religious cults that prohibit a promiscous lifestile or homosexuality. That's the reason there are fewer STDs contracted by circumcised males.

>aesthetic improvement
pic related

>> No.3092407

definately uncut, nobody wants their penis mutilated

>> No.3093121

subsaharan africa = uncut = aids, aids everywhere

You are now aware that dildos are not sold uncut, this is because women prefer cut.

inb4 butthurt uncut fags, enjoy your dick cheese and virginity

>> No.3093576

I'm a sexy girl and I and all my sexy friends prefer cutfags over smelly and diseased anteaters.

>> No.3093587

Well, I'm uncut and I'm not looking to change that. So, there's your answer.

>> No.3093620

Thought I was in /v/ for a minute.

>> No.3093647

>63 posts

You can literally troll every board, everyday, with cut vs uncut

Let me give you some advice; No one cares about your penis

>> No.3093653
File: 57 KB, 704x528, 1298508070475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another well thought out and fallacy free post from the tripfag.

>> No.3093654

I had both my sons cut because a good friend of mine had serious problems with tearing. No reason to let them deal with the same problem.

also why the preoccupation with other mens penis OP?

>> No.3093658
File: 23 KB, 456x297, implied-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when there actually are people arguing in favor of mutilating newborns

>> No.3094033

>enjoy your lawsuit barbarian
also you just had them mutilated because you are mutilated

>> No.3094037
File: 20 KB, 364x242, lookatthisfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw people actually care about this kind of shit

>> No.3094045
File: 135 KB, 1344x894, 1305918467179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours later trolls come back for more

what took you so long OP?