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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3083242 No.3083242 [Reply] [Original]

hey sci i was wondering, how often do you actually use your textbooks?

>> No.3083249

They balance my kitchen table pretty well.

>> No.3083252

Collegefag here.

Every fucking day. I use a combination of reading from the textbook, lecture notes, power points, study buddies, and study guides as study material.

Just go with whatever works for you (i.e., gets you A's), and stick to it.

>> No.3083265

didn't pay attention in his lectures, nor in highschool

>> No.3083278
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>> No.3083285

While doing my math degree I used my textbooks all the time. I kept most of them too and referenced some of them quite often (ex: referenced my linear algebra book at some point in every undergrad semester).

>> No.3083291

I like some books better than others. Even if I don't like it I try to read it but will spend less time with it than other things

>> No.3083342

i HATED that on new "revised" editions all they would do is change the sample questions so that anybody that didnt spend 300 dollars on a new book which was essentially the same would have the wrong answers

>> No.3083356
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I sometimes nod off in lecture (probably have undiagnosed narcolepsy), so the textbook is vital. I could teach myself the entire thing from the textbook. I don't even know why I even go to lecture.

>> No.3083362

Depends on the class. In classes that don't rely on them, not at all. In classes that do, I usually do the reading and take notes from it so I don't have to refer to the text again.

>> No.3083364

In my chemistry class pretty much never. It feels like a waste.

>> No.3083389
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>I don't even know why I even go to lecture.

If the teacher doesn't give pop-quizzes, I don't.

>> No.3083394

I got a couple books still in the shrink wrap. FFUUUUU ~$200 down the drain. I thought about not buying them but I didnt want to risk not having it when I actually needed it..

>> No.3083401

Not often enough to buy them.
I torrent the books I can. If I can't find a torrent, then I don't bother.

>> No.3083412
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Is still in high school or in a shit tier major