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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 500x410, audio-engine-speakers-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3080853 No.3080853 [Reply] [Original]

How do a ruin speakers without leaving physical damage?

>> No.3080868
File: 26 KB, 640x359, fuckingmiracles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move some powerful magnets close by the speakers. it tends to fuck up anything electrical.

>> No.3080885


There are magnets inside the speaker that are bigger than any magnet that you own, so you're retarded.

You can destroy speakers by taking a 9 volt battery and running a current through the speakers that will fry it, it might leave some physical damage. The only other option would be to open it up and cut the wires.

>> No.3080900

Unplug it. Make an incredibly small cut in the cord (~1mm MAX) so you can't see it when you lay them together. Cut all the wires when you're in there and then carefully glue the small incision shut so they can't find it without looking incredibly hard.

>> No.3080905

Yeah, don't bother. She hasn't got a clue about... well, anything.

>> No.3080922

Baby Ford- Oochy Koochy (original mix) with bass up at high volume.

It's important that it's the ORIGINAL mix, they had to remix it cause it was notorious for blowing out club speakers in the 80/ early 90's

>> No.3080927

She? There is literally nothing in any of these posts that implies that anybody here is a woman.

>> No.3080953

well i know magnets can fuck up hard drives without leaving any noticable damage, i thought maybe speakers as well. but maybe not. and i was aware that they have magnets in them, i figured an extra magnet might un-align some of the parts inside the speaker and stop it from working.

>> No.3080954

How about the trips? EK is a woman.

>> No.3080956

EK is a girl. I didn't believe it myself, but then she made some posts so ignorant of male sexuality that only someone without a penis could have made them.

>> No.3080962


EK isn't female; he's a trap.

>> No.3080966


my gender is unimportant here, lets stay on topic shall we?
lets destroy some motherfuckin' speakers!

>> No.3080971

and you are exaggerating, that was 1 single comment, and i was only slightly wrong. i know male sexuality pretty well.

>> No.3080977

I'm talking about when you said men couldn't be raped because having an erection is consent, and then were surprised to learn men have very limited control over their arousal.

>> No.3080980

Typical spiteful female.

I bet you're fat.

>> No.3080992

fine, i was wrong that one time. its no big deal

spiteful against speakers? lol, i don't think they have feelings...
and i am slightly underweight

>> No.3081003

Whose speakers are they, you spiteful fat cunt?

>> No.3081020

OP's ex-husband?
how the fuck am i supposed to know, it doesn't matter, they didn't say.

>> No.3081053

You say tons of dumb stuff. Glucose being the main energy source in anaerobic conditions in the brain, size of the vaginal cavity is independent of arousal, that one with the cat turning it's head last night...
You're just a dumb person, admit it.

>> No.3081063

>Glucose being the main energy source in anaerobic conditions in the brain, size of the vaginal cavity is independent of arousal


>> No.3081077

wow you have a good memory...
the brain one, was that keytones, not glucose?

>> No.3081084

Please do not resort to such malicious acts.

>> No.3081089

>fine, i was wrong that one time. its no big deal
You're wrong about pretty much everything, though. The erection thing was only noteworthy, because it was something that even most grade schoolers would know.

>> No.3081091



>> No.3081105

Why do you want to ruin some speakers? They are not yours, are they?

>> No.3081119

how would grade schoolers know that? it wasn't exactly something we talked about much, and they didnt say anything about it in sex ed, so i presumed you had full control over what turned you on.

>> No.3081130

of course they arn't his you fucking idiot! why the fuck would he destroy his own speakers?? obviously he is getting revenge on someone for something.

>> No.3081142

flux compression generator = electromagnetic pulse = fried electronics

>> No.3081149

You don't need to destroy any nice speakers, chances are you deserved it anyways.

>> No.3081152

That is one of the most stupid things I've ever read.

>> No.3081158

No, they can just happen at random I think. Paul was unintentionally aroused in the middle of a lesson, remember?

>> No.3081160

Just remove the fuse in the plug or switch two ground with live, most people are too fuck-tarded to check shit like that.

>> No.3081172

what, why? why would anyone talk about random stuff like that?
that was ages ago, and you are even more clueless than i am, you fucking virgin.

>> No.3081175

Dude, there are many girls that don't what or where the g-spot is. There are "scientific studies" that have claimed it does not exist. One person not knowing how men's erections work is excusable, especially with all the "humor" and "Social rules" that work from the assumption a male can control when he has it.

Seriously, how can an erection be impolite? I can understand having to say "excuse me" over an erection, but for crying out loud if I had control over it I'd NEVER have one in public EVER.

>> No.3081188

This thread is successfully derailed.

>> No.3081212

>implying asking /sci/ how to vandalise property is not worthy of derailment.

>> No.3081217

>that was ages ago
A couple of days ago, to be exact. A couple of days ago, you didn't know how the penis works.

>and you are even more clueless than i am, you fucking virgin.
I see you've matured quite a bit recently.

>> No.3081215

Well, the magnets thing would actually work, as well as most other things cited here.

>but magnets have speakers!
That's why using a magnet would work. Magnets effect other magnets. If you do not know this, you are on the right board. Take that as you will.

>> No.3081221

What is the one with the cat? What did she say?

>> No.3081228

You were the first to attempt a serious response.

We know you're dumb as bricks, but you could still try to be a little consistent with the bullshit you spew.

>> No.3081235


Any thread advocating the destruction of noise machines is a good thread.

>> No.3081243

WOOT! i was right, umad, haters?

I know that was a couple of days ago, the thing Harriet mentioned was years ago. Although in hindsight if i had remembered it then i wouldn't have made the error in the thread....

Fuck off, it doesn't matter. it is just some irrelevant picture of a cat.

>> No.3081254

He is correct, Zo. You should not have helped the OP.

>> No.3081270

I'm starting to think that EK's a girl for real with the 'wooting' and stuff.

>> No.3081278

Fuck off, it was only barely a serious response, and i wasn't even certain if it would've worked.

>> No.3081301

fuck you, moralfag virgin.

guys don't 'woot'?
w/e, i don't care what you believe.

>> No.3081303

And with her complete lack of education.

>> No.3081318

i have an education, faggot. im at university now. what the fuck do you know?

>> No.3081319

>fuck you, moralfag virgin.
Uhm, just the other day you repeatedly sage'd a thread, because the OP was asking about how to cheat RFID detectors.

Seriously, try some consistency, you dumb, hypocritical cunt.

>> No.3081324

They do, but seems more prevalent to girls to me. This is just something subjective to me though.

>> No.3081329

Well, I know that you're angry, because we've been pointing out your numerous inadequacies.

>> No.3081350

It also beats me why'd she chose post with a trip on here. Doing that seems to make one vulnerable to hate here too.

She probably enjoys the attention I guess.

>> No.3081355


In real life, I only hear (stupid) girls do it.

In the early 90s, Arsenio Hall fans did it frequently.

On IRC or in a MMORPG or something, I see freaks of all stripes do it. Not sure how much of it is ironic.

>> No.3081363

that was different, randomly stealing for personal greed is immoral, destroying speaker systems might not be...depends who OP is taking revenge upon, and why. i don't know. i don't really care. all that was asked was how to destroy a speaker without leaving a mark, and i answered. case closed.

i have no inadequacies. that post just pointed out 3 things which i did slightly wrong, which no1 cared about even at the time because they were of such small significance.

>> No.3081368

I guess she still considers herself to be intelligent and educated despite all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.3081369

>speakers the same as hard drives
>full facepalm!

>> No.3081381

i dont care much about the attention, but i am a regular here so it makes sense to have a trip.

that isn't what i said, nor did i imply it.

>> No.3081386

>which no1 cared about even at the time because they were of such small significance.
The erection embarrassment bothered you so much, you even fled the thread.

But, sure, "no1" cared; whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.3081388

Not the same guy, but I think he was referring to your use of "moralfag" as an offensive remark whereas you yourself have shown signs of moral-based behaviour in the past.

I think the EK-prejudice is kind of being taken out of hand here, stick to the subject.

>> No.3081390

Of course, why would people think little of themselves? Also, she's a girl. I know that's misogyny right there but as I observed, there are girls with fucked up sense of entitlement.

>> No.3081393

But getting revenge is immoral, and is not a good way to solve problems. Whatever dispute OP has, he should talk it out with the person, not destroy their property.
You should not have helped him.

>> No.3081401
File: 15 KB, 379x288, 1301486247050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it makes sense to have a trip.
mfw I'm in 4chan.

You know, I'm also a regular here.

>> No.3081407

i didn't flee the thread, i just had nothing else to say.

its not like that was the only response ITT, he would still learn how to destroy speakers whether i helped him or not. other people responded as well.

>> No.3081406


If a dog won't stop barking, do you try to reason with it?

>> No.3081421

I do not understand the analogy. Dogs can not understand english, so they can not be reasoned with.

>> No.3081431


I am implying that people who listen to loud music are subhuman filth and need to be beaten senseless.

>> No.3081441

fuck you

he was calling me a dog, dumass. And saying i can't be reasoned with.

>> No.3081448
File: 45 KB, 641x481, 1291022152293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, this was the first thread I saw that remotely had anything to do with it.

Which board (/sci/, /g/, or another) usually discusses hobby electronics? Like home etched pcbs, ham radios, recycling old computer/cell phone parts, etc.

>> No.3081455

I do not think he was referring to you. He means that the owner of the speakers plays them very loudly and causes a lot of noise. He wants the speakers disabled so that he can enjoy the silence.

>> No.3081466

Two wrongs do not make a right. Playing speaker systems at an unreasonable volume is a disturbance of the peace and is against the law. An anonymous tip-off to the police can solve your problem, it is better than breaking the law yourself.

>> No.3081481


i dont think anyone here is stupid enough to take advice from you. whining to the police about a neighbor being to noisy is the most pathetic faggotry i have ever heard you utter. OP has the right idea, just destroy the wankers speakers. no more noise. problem?

>> No.3081499
File: 47 KB, 600x603, 1253387808115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you kind sir

>> No.3081509

Man, you're such a piece of shit. Luckily, I can take solace in the fact that you're too dumb and uneducated to ever succeed in life.

>> No.3081533
File: 3 KB, 100x100, giveadamn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you, i was a star pupil in high school, and I am likely to have a 1st class degree in zoology in a years time, i will find a job no problem. i don't give a flying fuck if you dislike me, i will make sure i succeed in life.

>> No.3081548

So I was just wondering, are there times you're not offended by or offending people yourself? Dude.

>> No.3081551

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Zoology, that explains everything.

>> No.3081567


zoology is a great degree. better than whatever the fuck you are doing, no doubt.
maybe i'll be a vet...

>> No.3081574
File: 94 KB, 375x498, bernie_madoff_newyork1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw furries become zoologists

>> No.3081577

I said "why is there a trail of vomit in front and behind of every post of you" in nicelanguage (as in "where do you get your motivation from that").

>> No.3081584

>degree in zoology

>> No.3081590

because haters gonna hate, they just either dont like me because i am a tripfag, or they are mysogynistic pricks and they remember that i am female from previous posts.
Also, i don't take shit from anyone, so i respond and tell them exactly what i think of them as well.
so that explains the 'vomit trails' you were referring to.

>> No.3081592

>i don't give a flying fuck if you dislike me, i will make sure i succeed in life.
Yeah, I can see by your posts in this thread how you totally don't give a fuck about what random people on 4chan think about you.

>> No.3081617

>they just either dont like me because i am a tripfag, or they are mysogynistic pricks and they remember that i am female from previous posts.
If you honestly think those are the only two reasons someone would react negatively to you, you got some serious introspection to do.

Personally, I don't like you, because you're overly emotional, self-righteous and arrogant.

>> No.3081615

No I do not think that is entirely the case. I also use a name, and am also female, but I do not seem to attract as much criticism as you do.

>> No.3081621


>> No.3081624

>>3081590 Also, i don't take shit from anyone, so i respond and tell them exactly what i think of them as well.
That's kind of the definition of being trolled easily. (An hypothesis easily verified by scrolling up.)
Whatever, carry on

>> No.3081628

give it time, you just havent been here long enough. it'l come whether you deserve it or not.
also, you are softer than me and therefore an easier target.

>> No.3081652

>i will make sure i succeed in life.
Sounds weird for someone who spends hours of her time in 4chan talking with the anonymous pricks criticizing her.

>> No.3081667

thats only a small proportion. most anons are fairly helpful and interesting, and almost all of the tripfriends are.
also, i am never just on here, i multitask and do other shit as well.

>> No.3081669

>thats only a small proportion.
Oh wow.

>> No.3081681

>small proportion
You're such a fucking brainless dumbshit. Your posts actually make me cringe.

>> No.3081688
File: 25 KB, 423x403, umadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind that haters are far more vocal than most normal anons. that doesnt mean that they are higher in number

>> No.3081692

She must be tired. This thread's been up for hours lol.

>> No.3081762

Count the comments ITT. Then tally how many of them are even remotely positive.