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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3081383 No.3081383 [Reply] [Original]

Well, boys, Judgement Day is near. May 21st, 2011.

Prepare your anuses, atheists, because you're about to get raped.

>> No.3081402

Rape is condoned in the Bible isn't it? Never mind me, just making a list.

>> No.3081423

You know what else is in the bible? You going to hell for your sins, you athiestic scum. You will pay for your inability to accept the truth.

>> No.3081424

Herald Camping has been shown to be in error on many occasions in the Christian community. The debate he does with James White is a good example of this.


>> No.3081426

will there be any christian radio shows live where we can all watch their reaction when nothing happens?

>> No.3081440

>Matthew 24:36
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father

>> No.3081442


*adds 'judging others without knowing them is okay by jesus'*

>> No.3081449

Alright, infidel, we will see. I will be living the good life in Heaven while your soul rots for eternity in the depths of Hell.

>> No.3081458


>Playing God by doing his job--condemnation.

He's not gonna like that.

>> No.3081459

Matthew 24 , 5

For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am a Christian,' and will deceive many.

>> No.3081462

oh my god i'm so angry grrr you are trolling the pants off of me god isn't real not science related you're so dumb i'm mad

>> No.3081465

The Bible itself condemns anyone who is not Christian to Hell. If you wish to be saved, I can save you, but only if you convert. And you only have three days left, infidel, so make it quick.

>> No.3081469

Out of context. Read the rest of that passage. He goes on to talk about how some will come to know and those who are kept in the darkness won't.

>> No.3081472
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>> No.3081475


Also taken out of context.

>> No.3081479

>If you wish to be saved, I can save you

Don't flatter yourself. Jesus Christ is the only one who can do this.

>> No.3081480
File: 181 KB, 505x379, therapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about us Atheist's Christian you should start selling your possessions and get ready! Pack your Bible and start making your way to heaven...

>> No.3081484

The joke's on you, mholly16@yahoo.co.nz, for I am already there!

>> No.3081491

Reported for off topic spam.

>> No.3081504

>Out of context.

Did you even read it? It doesn't get any more blatant than that. The whole point of Matthew 24 talks about THE END OF AGE. You're taking it out of context. Read the bible.

>Luke 11:29
"This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also the Son of Man will be to this generation.

>> No.3081510

come to know what? Why don't you read the passage again bub

>> No.3081511

So the Christians leave and Atheists inherit the earth? What is the problem?

>> No.3081520


>> No.3081528


Well, they'd be partying in Heaven for eternity while atheists can never escape the shit that comes with living on Earth.

In short, forever famine, disease, pestilence, and war.*

*Disclaimer: I'm an agnostic, so don't accuse me of being a Christfag.

>> No.3081542


True, and there are several passages in the Bible warning of false prophets.

>> No.3081544

Without retarded Christfags, we logical atheists can actually approve measures to spread food to the needy.

85% of modern diseases are STDs, often contracted by idiot Catholics who don't use condoms. Without Christfags, we can fight disease.

See above.

No atheist nation has ever declared war on another atheist nation. Religion = war. Without Christfags (and presumably other Judeo-Christian-fags,) we'll have no war.

>> No.3081552

Who are, amusingly enough, Christians as well.

Water is wet

Fire is hot.

Christians are deceived.

>> No.3081556

World War 1 wasn't a religious war

World War 2 wasn't a religious war

the issue isn't religion, but nationalism, culture, and different civilizations.

The chinese and Americans have different values and different ideas on how to do things, one day that will clash and they'll have to fight.

>> No.3081558

so. We could still continue to progress technologically, eventually discovering immortality, FTL, ascension. Who needs divine beings lol.

>> No.3081564


Wrong. As long as people are people, there will never be peace on Earth.

>> No.3081565
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Happy Agnostic here.

You guys are all retards.

>> No.3081573

from what i remember an agnostic believes god can't be proven to exist. But you still have to believe or not. Its not some magical middle ground.

>> No.3081578

Says the pussy that is too stupid and scared to commit to one side or the other.

That's why you are going to spend eternity being eaten and shit out by Satan.

>> No.3081579

>No atheist nation has ever declared war on another atheist nation. Religion = war. Without Christfags (and presumably other Judeo-Christian-fags,) we'll have no war.
>forgets Nazi Germany battling Communists
Even my nephew knows this shit
lrn2history faggot

And BY THE WAY, there's no such thing as an "atheist" nation. no country can have a religion represent it, including NO RELIGION.

>> No.3081586

>implying you have to choose a side when they're both irrational

How is it being 16?

>> No.3081587

izreal. Checkmate

>> No.3081597

Don't forget... Herold Camping claims his interpretation of the bible is correct and no one before him had access to this new interpretation. He denies the text had and actual meaning to the people the letters were written to. It only has meaning because he discovered the correct interpretation, which ignores any and all context in which it was originally written.

>> No.3081598


Why do atheists have this overly inflated view of mankind? We're not gods, just bipedal, ape-descended creatures who like to fight each other for trivial reasons.

>> No.3081600

Hitler was a Christian, the same way ALL Christians are Christian.

He said so, and he doesn't have to prove shit.

>> No.3081602

>Without retarded Christfags, we logical atheists can actually approve measures to spread food to the needy.

>85% of modern diseases are STDs, often contracted by idiot Catholics who don't use condoms. Without Christfags, we can fight disease.
STD's ,AIDS are growing as a result of homosexuality. If people realized marriage was between a man and woman, AIDS wouldn't exist.

>No atheist nation has ever declared war on another atheist nation. Religion = war. Without Christfags (and presumably other Judeo-Christian-fags,) we'll have no war.


All ATHEISTS. Stalin alone is responsible for over 70 MILLION murders. I don't even have to get into the rest. Stalin alone has killed more than religion combined.

The problem with atheism is that they try to find ways to do things when the instructions(bible) are already made available. Instead of following them they make their own rules which history shows always results in failure. (See Marriage /Same-Sex Marriage for an example)

>> No.3081607

>forgets Nazi Germany battling Communists

Was this supposed to be an example of "atheist" nations battling one another?

>> No.3081616

Humans are the most powerful thing that can be observed to exist.

>> No.3081622


It's called being an idealist. If it weren't for us, you would still be thinking the Earth was flat and crucifying witches around.

>> No.3081625


What, you don't think there are intelligent races in the universe with far more advanced technology than us?

>> No.3081629
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>> No.3081631


That doesn't make us gods.

>> No.3081639

"Gods" are a mental problem, because they don't exist.

>> No.3081643
File: 42 KB, 400x389, Atheist Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi Germany wasn't Atheist.
And I laugh at all belief in an imminent apocalypse.
wtf this religion bullshit doing on the SCIENCE & MATH board.
Religion is neither, it is illogical.

>> No.3081653


There could be.

>> No.3081662
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>thinks believing something isn't true when there is no proof for it is irational

>> No.3081665


Heck, I'm an idealist too. There are scientific things I'd like to see done.

>> No.3081673

I disagree, I consider science to be any inquiry directed at truth. I would say theology is a form of this, while the majority of religion is not. I would consider theology part of religion though. Naturalism cannot be proven and thus it is wrong for science to exclude alternative models of reality when forming inference.

>> No.3081674

ITT: Angsty 16-year old atheistfags who can't accept the scientific truth of agnosticism.

>> No.3081684



>> No.3081696
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>> No.3081717
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You are quite right, I withdraw my question.

Now, onto this. There is no science behind this
and most people on /sci/ should be men of science
not of faith. Is not the point of science to challenge
what is told and seek something closer to truth?

And also, opinions are like a penis, every man has
one but you shouldn't go around whipping it out and
shoving it down people's throats unless asked for it.

>> No.3081722


>> No.3081725

Agnosticism is stronger than 'I dunno', it's the belief that it's not possible TO know. It's also compatible with both atheism and theism.

The website just keeps getting worse and worse!

>> No.3081735
File: 102 KB, 569x380, dowant copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like this guy's attitude! :D

>> No.3081739

I never said you couldn't choose a side. If you are going to choose a rational side, then choose the side where you don't have delusions.

>> No.3081745


I'd think the same thing if I were samefagging a reply to my post.

>> No.3081753



>> No.3081763

You're still going to hell, faggot.

>> No.3081779


But you don't know which side is deluded.

>> No.3081790
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it's stupid to say something is impossible to know. If god were real, I would think that at some point it would be possible to know that his existence is 100% correct, but if he's not real, well then we will never find any proof for god's existence, SINCE HE'S NOT REAL.

>> No.3081793

I reported this shit thread almost an hour ago and it's still up.


>> No.3081798

Do you believe in something that cannot be substantiated?

That is called a "delusion".

>> No.3081806

i'm a roman catholic deeply vested in the sciences
if god pulls the plug this Saturday, i'm going to be PIIIIIIIIIISSED

>we didn't even establish a moon base yet!
>get me back down there damnit!

>> No.3081808


>> No.3081812


Depends on how you define "unsubstantiated"

>> No.3081820
File: 30 KB, 306x425, BabyXz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, if i were to get on a jet at 11:00pm may 20th and fly across the world in such a manner that i would pass each timezone at exactly 11:59pm, thus returning me back to 11:00pm once crossing, would i be trolling god? i mean, does god have a preferred timezone? at one point aren't i just going to reach a point where i've skipped may 21st and gone right to may 22nd?

>> No.3081841


I have a flying invisible dragon that breathes cold fire in my garage.

>> No.3081837 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\text{\bf{ITT: TROLLS}}[/spoiler]

>> No.3081844

>demon haunted world

>> No.3081845
File: 22 KB, 400x320, Join The Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism and Atheism make up my cock.
Pay attention now, this is going to get thinky.
If, at some point, there was a single god that was perfect in entirety, this creature would be faced with the ultimate moral dilemma. The dilemma would be, after creating some random crap, a moral one. The question/problem would be if any entity has the right to control everything completely. The answer is no, no creature can have a perfect opinion/idea that ultimately satisfies everyone. So then, the next question is whether the Universe can survive without this god. The answer, if the god created the Universe properly, is yes. So then, should this god destroy itself or swear off of all interaction with existence so as not to be a totalitarian, moral-lacking dictator? Any truly perfect creature would destroy itself, knowing that there is nothing that gives it the right to rule except a lack of anyone capable of standing up against it.
Case in Point: None have the right to rule totally, so a perfect creature would resign from a role of power or destroy itself.

>> No.3081848


Trolling on 4chan != a valid argument.


>> No.3081861

>be god
>create a world 2/3 covered by water
>create a dominant life form
>have it unable to breathe oxygen from water

>> No.3081867

I think the problem is the statement 'God exists' just isn't well defined. God isn't, never mind what existence means. I gather from wikipedia this is called ignosticism.

I guess I'm atheist in that I don't really think it's worth discussing.

>> No.3081869


ITT: Dummies who try to see the world through God's eyes, but fail miserably at it.

>> No.3081871


trolling illiterate people who never peregrinated more than a 3 mile radius from their home 200+ years after the 'events' of the new testament != a valid argument

/resume thread

>> No.3081878

I gave you an example of a delusional belief, because definitions vary from dictionary to dictionary.

Rather than depend on a thousand different definitions, I gave you an example.

You should appreciate that I gave you the effort and assumed you were trying to have a discussion.

>> No.3081884

*citation needed

>> No.3081886

>used the word 'dummies'

golly gee that sure smarted you mother-effer!

>> No.3081890

That is not even close to the definition of delusion.

>> No.3081891
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ITT: People who can't think about anything besides themselves being right.
mfw such people are on /sci/

>> No.3081913

If I believe that I have a flying invisible dragon that breathes cold fire in my garage, THEN I SURE AS FUCK -AM- DELUSIONAL!

>> No.3081923
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If God created the universe, the laws of physics, science, why would such laws need to apply him in the first place?

This is something atheists don't understand. Jesus was sent from heaven to earth to prove God's existence.

Tell me how a man can turn water into wine (it's IMPOSSIBLE).
Or walk on Water. (its IMPOSSIBLE)
Or raise a man from the dead (LAZZURUSS)(its IMPOSSIBLE).
Or rise from the dead?(its IMPOSSIBLE)

You won't believe God could defy science but Jesus did. Why do you think gravity is still a theory? The laws of science to not apply to their creator so it will NEVER be infallible.

>> No.3081937


True. They can't understand that God may have reasons for doing certain things that we fail to grasp.

>> No.3081942

So, wait. Do you believe in religion? I'm having trouble understanding the context of your points because of that shitty animu character with your post.

>> No.3081957

Ah, never mind. I get it. You're delusional, because you believe in a sky faerie.

>> No.3081975

Exactly. It's IMPOSSIBLE, therefore it never happened. I don't know what it was, as I was not there, but neither do you.

>> No.3081982

Give me proof other than the Bible that a dude named Jesus actually did these things.
What's that? You can't?
Oh well then I'll be on my marry way.

>> No.3081996

Go look at huntingtons clash of civilizations.

>> No.3082007

A delusion is a pathological belief held despite evidence to the contrary.

>> No.3082009

sup guys. just living a strikingly similar mythos with jesus christ, except, you know, a few thousand years earlier.

>> No.3082013

There are several gospel accounts of Jesus that were not made part of the Bible.

>> No.3082019
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derp, captcha.

>> No.3082036

That's a very shitty and noninclusive definition. Find a better one.

I'll need at least the entire definition from 3 different sources.

>> No.3082046
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>> No.3082047

No, believing in something that cannot be proven is also delusional.

>> No.3082049


The Nazis were catholics

And BY THE WAY, there's no such thing as an "atheist" nation. no country can have a religion represent it, including NO RELIGION.

England has the 'church of England' as its official religion

>> No.3082052
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Oh, goody, I was getting rather tired of our boring, little planet. A judgement day would make a nice change.

>> No.3082058

Oh, you mean heresies? They are false. Just ask the Church.

>> No.3082066

A delusion is a belief that is either mistaken or not substantiated.

>> No.3082071

inb4 nothing happens on may 21st except we get a shitload of false prophets claimig they're Jesus. Some are mental probelms and serious, and others are trolls just trying to start shit.

>> No.3082092

I have a house party that day, it'd better end after about 8 pm GMT, otherwise I will not die a happy drunk.