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3077864 No.3077864 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, I'm tired of this plebeian time system.

60 minutes? 24 hours? 7 days? 52 weeks? What the fuck?

Tell me the most superior time keeping system.

>> No.3077869
File: 20 KB, 154x262, zandloper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might work

>> No.3077874

you do know it's based how fast the earth rotates and goes round the sun, right?

>> No.3077886

1 000 000 000 000 picoseconds = 1 000 000 000 nanoseconds = 1000 milliseconds = 1 second = 0.001 kiloseconds = 0.0000001 megaseconds

>> No.3077885

the french republic had a metric time system.

But it didn't catch on because people were pissed about work hours or something.


>> No.3077887

pssh americans

switch to metric time already you medieval fuck tards

>> No.3077890

You do know they changed it to the emmissions of pulsars, right?

>> No.3077892
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Doesn't use stardate.

>> No.3077906

Hey atheists, what year is it?

>> No.3077910

Americans still put month before date OP... we have a long way to go.

>> No.3077920

Hmmm, this made me think.

Would our calendar and time system work elsewhere in space?

>> No.3077922

Hey Christians. What month is it?

>> No.3077926



>> No.3077934

I belive this is the kind of thing you are thinking of

And we can't do much at the moment about how long a year or a day is, but yeah the rest is a bit random, seemingly only picked like quite a few other things (360degrees in a circle) so that the number is easily divisable

>> No.3077937

That's May the Roman goddess of fertility to you mortal.

>> No.3077938

Extreme time keeping.

>> No.3077946

Months and weeks are natural as well: a month is about one of the moon's cycles, and the week is a quarter of the cycle. Really all the problems are at the bottom of the system.

>> No.3077952

That would in my eyes be:

Remove months and weeks, use a 10-day cycle instead starting at the first day of the year. (The last cycle will consist of 5 or 6 days, depending on the year).

The year starts on the first day of spring of the northern hemisphere (21 march today).

Every day will consist of 10 'hours', and every hour will consist of 100 'minutes, which contains 100 'seconds'.
Every day is 1000 minutes, or 100000 seconds.
A year will then consist of 3650 or 3660 hours, 365(6)000 minutes, and 365(6)00000 seconds.

Standard free days in the 10-day cycle will be on days 5, 9 and 10.

The first year can either remain in place to avoid confusion, or we can use the year the system is installed.

>> No.3077979


>> No.3077985

Wouldn't that mess up human live awfully? People are used to go to bed and wake up at the same "hour" (say, 9.00AM) If one of your 'days' goes out of sync, people will go to bed at different times. It'd be more confusing.

>> No.3077990

Theists win again, methinks.

>> No.3078007

Can someone help me with this.

OK, some of the times aren't arbitrary, but fill in the blanks basically

Year - based on earth's revolution
Month - based on ________________
Week - based on _________________
Day - based on earth rotation
Hour - based on __________________
Minute - based on _________________
Second - based on "the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom."

>> No.3078015

>The duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.

Somewhere Keanu Reeves just went "whoa"

>> No.3078024

Its wikipedia copypasta.

>> No.3078054


I'm sure he knew that. It's also why I quoted it.

I wasn't trying to take credit.

>> No.3078202

>implying 24 hours
it's more like 23h 56m

>> No.3078432


>> No.3078443
File: 51 KB, 396x385, Sad-Frog-Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the same idea! i pretty much invented that! i cant believe someone else beat me to it...

>> No.3078459


>someone beat me to it
>made by the french republic centuries ago

Just a daily reminder that I hate you EK.

>> No.3078473
File: 34 KB, 349x400, thecount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a daily reminder that i don't give a fuck, hater.

>> No.3078511
File: 131 KB, 450x590, tumblr_libjm1EFXg1qz6f9yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how i roll

>> No.3078516
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>> No.3078522

We should abolish time. It makes people worry.

>> No.3078585


My friend once suggested a second was based on the average human heartbeat. I know there is really no evidence to back that up- just sounds like a plausible explanation.

(Note heartbeats were probably lower when people exercised more due to manual labor etc)

>> No.3079494


I saw a documentary a while ago about some old civilization using their number system with 60 as the base.

With some wikipedia detective work! I found this:

The Babylonian number system had a base of sixty, inherited from the Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations, and possibly motivated by the large number of divisors which 60 has. The sexagesimal measurement of time and of geometric angles is a legacy of the Babylonian system.


A common theory is that 60, a superior highly composite number (the previous and next in the series being 12 and 120), was chosen due to its prime factorization: 2×2×3×5, which makes it divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. In fact, it is the smallest integer divisible by all integers from 1 to 6.


As for the 24 hours it was probably chosen because of the relation between the earths orbit around the sun and the moons orbit around the earth, i.e. 12:1. And first they practically could only measure hours during day time (see sundials), which made it 24 when they added the nocturnal hours.

The week is probably religious. "And on the seventh day god rested."
Because one quarter of the lunar phase isn't exactly seven days, it would have gotten out of synch pretty fast and become dismissed for that reason.

>> No.3079527

it's simple OP, just look at where the sun is in the sky.

>> No.3079597

Old Czech Time is best time.

>> No.3079964

Hours in a conventional day/1 Earth rotation is an irrational number.

24/1.0027378 = 23.9344722020053497534450182290923908523245059675620087324921829016518575444149008843588024705960022

… fuck year.

>> No.3080039

when you realise base 10 is inferior to base 12 then it starts to make sense.

>> No.3080056

>Write number as a ratio.
>Number is irrational

>> No.3080072

> Hours in a conventional day/1 Earth rotation is an irrational number.
> 24/1.0027378 = ...

Wait... you just divided one number by another. Unless that SECOND number is irrational, it's BY DEFINITION rational.

And the period of a day is a measurement, and therefore not stated to the infinite degree of accuracy that the number would need to be to be irrational. If it was somehow based on the properties of a circle (i.e. defined in terms of pi) I'd totally accept it.

Even the actual length of a day, if there were some arbitary definition that was totally true, isn't always an irrational number - only nearly always...

>> No.3080079

>get excited about finding irrational
>anon points out flaw
You give me a sad.

>> No.3080092
File: 14 KB, 300x225, principal-skinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh excellent, not only are the trains now running on time, they're running on metric time. Remember this time people, 80 past 2 on April 47th, it's the dawn of a new enlightenment.

>> No.3080095

Sorry just doing my job.

>> No.3080115

If you grew up with it, you’d actually have no problem remembering that and it wouldn’t sound in the slightest bit ridiculous.

Food for thought…

>> No.3080135


>> No.3080168


What next; measuring the distance the train travels in base 10 ?

>> No.3080182

Kilo-meters…? What kind of stupid ass-moron would use "base 10" to measure distance?

>> No.3080193
File: 215 KB, 2658x2298, 1295467513474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have two problems.

Once we colonize another planet, it will have a new day/night cycle we can't keep track of with our current time system.

The unit of energy, the Joule, is based off "our second" so once we move to another planet, we're fucked. Every single "constant" is based off what we have on planet earth. The actual formulas will still work, but the constants will change.

I realize the earth has a 365 day/night cycle until it completely revolves around the sun.
Other planets will have different day/night cycles until they complete their "year"/"revolution"

Using your idea, we can make every day a base of 10 which will obviously change from planet to planet (since 1 metric second might be more or less depending on the planet), but by changing only the yearly amount, means less hassle.

>> No.3080207

hey atheists, what day is it?

hint; norse

>> No.3080222

We will have to adopt the timecube.

>mfw timecube.com

>> No.3080232

It's approximately day number 5×10^12 in terms of the universe and approximately day number 1.657×10^12 in terms of the planet.

>> No.3080238


>> No.3080274

Right here >>3080222

>> No.3080292

A metric second won't change from planet to planet, you dumb fuck. Neither will any other metric unit.

>> No.3080341

May was the mother of Hermes. Hermes is Enoch in the Bible, so it is the month of the wife of Jared, who we might as well call May, since her name isn't mentioned in the Bible.

>> No.3080343

I think that when we start colonising other planets the units we use other than seconds will change, and this change will slowly become prevalent on earth as well as wherever else we may be colonising.

>> No.3080345
File: 34 KB, 600x451, wut_is_this__by_lucian9-d2y0f64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELL YOU- hm...


>> No.3080369


>he still thinks off-world colonization is anything more than a socially inept nerd's wet dream!