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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3072084 No.3072084 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3072088

hell yeah motherfucker

>> No.3072093

Says the neckbeard that couldn't get a girlfriend if he tried.

>> No.3072097

I study the science of tappin dat azz and banging that bone brah

>> No.3072095

>implying I care about what people are wasting their time on

>> No.3072098

sure is virginity around here

>> No.3072100

we waste it trolling in a imageboard instead, which is worse

>> No.3072104

>I hate women
>get laid
>goddamn I love bitches
>get heart broken
>I hate women

ad infinitum

>> No.3072107

amen to that. fuck love. love's a bitch and it tears your testicles out when it leaves.

>> No.3072120

>implying OP is not a giant faggot

>> No.3072123

didnt tesla die a virgin?

>> No.3072129

Ad viam invinium aut faciam, ad hoc of getting bitches


>> No.3072137


And that is why you must never even fall in love in the first place. It is easy, belive me!
You just need to ignore and supres few of your emotions and urges to some decree, and snap! No feelings of attachment, no love, or any other emotions related to reproduction.

You are now free to pursue your hobbies more freely, have more time to invest to your actual friends and most importantly, you'll never get heart broken! Just for the price of leaving you a cold and somewhat distant person who has problems of relating to more emotional people.

In the end, emotional supression works wonders. Just supress all unwanted emotions and you are done. Now you are in control.

>> No.3072139
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I like the way you think.

>> No.3072145
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>> No.3072147
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I'll actually agree with OP, though I don't expect many of the people here will have moved beyond such base and unfulfilling desires yet.

The companionship of traditional relationships is no more fulfilling to me than the companionship offered by a tumor.

>> No.3072148

Pretty sure he was a eunich....

>> No.3072154
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fucking monkeys, kill yourself inferior patethic apes

>> No.3072158
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>The term usually refers to those castrated (without their consent) in order to perform a specific social function, as was historically common in many societies. The earliest records for intentional castration to produce eunuchs are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BC.[1][2] Over the millennia since, they have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures such as: courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, government officials, military commanders, and guardians of women or harem servants. In some translations of ancient texts, individuals identified as eunuchs sometimes historically included men who were impotent with women, as well as those who were celibate.

>> No.3072164


So, I'm sorry, how many PhDs did you say you have (liberal arts don't count... liberal arts never counts)? I mean, jeeze, considering how much time the majority of the male populace spends chasing chicks in high school, if you're even at the age for first year university, all that time spent ignoring women and working hard at science, you must be a modern day Newton!

>> No.3072166
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>He didn't know about the glorious castrate guards of Pharaohs harem in the ancient Egypt

>> No.3072742
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A smart person = an engineer.
Nope, they don't waste their tiem with females.

>> No.3072760


are you me?

>> No.3072768
File: 59 KB, 500x500, forever alone don't give a fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3072770

>Ignore biological function
>leave no trace of your existence on future generations

lol you bunch of failures

>> No.3072778


>creates everlasting source of energy
>future generations hail

herp derp

>> No.3072785
File: 53 KB, 300x300, 1302729068051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a smart person would waste their time on /sci/

>> No.3072877


>bang hot chicks
>sucka betas make the world better for my offspring
>no one remembers them

and that is why we are all children of ancestral primitive sex maniacs, and in inheriting their genes, we too have a high propensity to be sex maniacs. subconsciously.

just the way the world works brah

>> No.3072893

ITT virgins console themselves by pretending to have overcome their biological imperatives

>> No.3072901


what if im a highly attractive male, am not a virgin, but still disregard females in the pursuit of other interests or productive work?

>> No.3072916


Then you are a dirty no good liar.

>> No.3072918


hypothetically speaking, as a scientist pursuing possible alternatives, suppose that iam not lying.

what then?

>> No.3072929

>creates everlasting source of energy

>violates thermodynamics
>everyone calls you stupid

>> No.3072942


>propose that the earth is round
>defy gravity
>everyone calls you stupid

you sir are the fool for denying even the possibility of something you cannot be sure about.

>> No.3073047

it is your duty as an intelligent creature to reproduce with as many females as possible. you must ensure the survival of the human race by spreading your superior intellegent genes

>> No.3073100


Perhaps. What does that make the rest here though? The people who consider it a worthy investment of their time to come insult these virgins?

For one, anyone not a failure wouldn't be interested in going so far out of their way to boast themselves to virgins.

For two, anyone with any smarts and experience in psychology or life in general would know better than to insult people for things they rarely have a choice in. Unless of course, they are assholes. And assholism itself is stupid. Making enemies for no reason at all, can only be a primal stone-aged need to beat your chest like a dumb monkey, which is hardly what I'd call an achievement of intellect.

Point being, grown up virgins have certainly failed to reproduce and carry on their gene pool. But the people who actually believe something like that defines your worth, are stupid on a whole other level. Human intellect at this day and age is *far* beyond simply reproducing. A human's worth is far more defined by their contribution to the society, economy, and the future through knowledge and hard work, than how much pussy they get to bang.

>> No.3073311

sorry charlie.. smartest guy I know...with patents on some of the software you have to deal with, probably... was always chasing tail when he wasn't coding..... Life's a Bitch.