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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3069049 No.3069049 [Reply] [Original]

What makes science default?

For example. You guys always say " Prove to me that god exists and I will believe you."

How about NO.
YOU prove to ME that science is the correct standing.

Why is science the default choice for you?

There is no other logical reason to make science your default standing besides trying to be counter culture and edgy. Literally. Try to name one thing. You cant.

You might say something like "We cant see god, so herp a derp derp." Well guess what? Im blind and I cant observe science.

Deal with it.

>> No.3069073

Because science is based on observations, whereas religion is generally based on "what my holy book says".

>> No.3069079
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read it

>> No.3069092
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Science is not a thing. You do not worship science.

Science is a process. A process to understand things.

That's all it is. The most popular method of science is inference by observation, studying and observing an item or a process and documenting the results.

Science is not a "default standing", science is just what you accept to sift what is an idea from what is not.

>> No.3069089

This isnt about a particular religion or about a book.

This is about god.


Why are your eyes observations your default choice for explaining the universe?
I personally dont give a fuck what I can see outside.
Even if I witnessed the big bang myself, I would give 0 fucks that day and disregard it.

>> No.3069107

I like this science you speak of... when you use it to make inferences about our world to benefit us. But im talking about , why do you favor the explanations you receive from science over god? Why do you use your observations as the default setting?

>> No.3069109


HAH! It doesn't mean science is the default position; science being a position at all have nothing to do with it. It's about that the one making a statement has to prove it; the same goes for any scientific theory. Gravity isn't a default position, but one that needs evidence to be taken. Surely no one will be trolled by this..


.. morans

>> No.3069119

>It's about that the one making a statement has to prove it

Ok. Ive heard atheists say that god doesn't exist.
Prove it.

>> No.3069124
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>> No.3069130


Because I can take and test a scientific observation and confirm it to be true myself.

No matter what I do, I cannot see 2000 years into the past to see Jesus's miracles. I cannot walk with a Buddha and have him explain the process of enlightenment. I can't locate a kami with any radar, and I haven't seen Odin's eight legged horse.

I can't confirm the existence of a religious element for myself.

But a scientific inference, like, "the moon has craters".. I CAN take a telescope and zoom in on the moon, and see craters, and therefore accept the postulation that "the moon has craters" for myself.

>> No.3069133

To put it very simply... science tells us how things work and these explanations are more convincing than being told that a guy in the clouds did it all through magic.

Now go away, please.

>> No.3069134
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>baby's first philosophy class

>> No.3069150
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You say prove that science is right, however proof is an aspect of science, and to prove or disprove something, you need to use science. So, even though OP is attempting to dismiss science, the very method of doing so would involve science. You cant make a valid point without some aspect of scientific thinking.

>> No.3069152
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Those who say god does NOT exist have to prove it, but so do those who say god DOES exist.

People who do not accept the existence of god do not have to prove anything and may question those who say it exists as much as they like.

>> No.3069160

>Science, opinion
Science is a method, not option.
We have two options in question A, x and y.
We use science to determine what is the correct one.
You either use logic or don't.
Deal with it.
Faill troll is faill.
2/13.4 because i responded.

>> No.3069161

>Because I can take and test a scientific observation and confirm it to be true myself.

Why do you trust your eyes so much?
Are you insane?
You are trusting a ocular device designed by the Earth during evolution to depict the essence of the universe....

Even If I tested something and confirmed it with my eyes I still wouldn't believe that it exists. You are picking sides when you do that. You are saying "Science is right. Human eyes are right. Etc"

>> No.3069163

Wow OP, that's a good point, let me think for a bit...
Oh wait, my mistake, that's absolute Bullshit.

Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed; Faith it's the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.

>> No.3069165


>> No.3069166

Nobody says God does not exist. Very few people are strong atheists, as opposed to the number of strong theists. If I said God definitely does not exist, then yes, id have to prove it

>> No.3069172

God is a hallucination by an insane person.

Nobody has to prove shit. All you have to do it tell the people that believe in hallucinations that they are insane.

>> No.3069173
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Well, there's atheists, and you said yourself that they don't believe in god, and as far as I know, it's part of the definition of an atheist to not believe in God. I don't see what other evidence you need to prove atheists doesn't believe in god.

>> No.3069177

>Nobody says God does not exist.

Thats where you are wrong.
9/10 Atheists I come across say "God doesnt exist" like its nothing. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

You guys are the most ignorant of all.

>> No.3069179


>Why do you trust your eyes so much?

They have no steered me wrong yet.

>Are you insane?
>You are trusting a ocular device designed by the Earth during evolution to depict the essence of the universe....

"Essence"? It's documenting the data I receive. If there's more beyond that, I don't receive it, and it does not apply to me.


Yes, really. If I can't confirm it with my senses, attempting to contemplate it is futility already.

>Even If I tested something and confirmed it with my eyes I still wouldn't believe that it exists. You are picking sides when you do that.

It's not picking sides, it's simply taking previous experiences to predict future experiences.

>You are saying "Science is right. Human eyes are right. Etc"

Science is not a THING. Science is a PROCESS.
If your eyes are false, then there's other problems that need to be addressed. We'd have to research why and where the falsehoods begin and end, if they do end.

>> No.3069180

>it's part of the definition of an atheist to not believe in God.

Incorrect. Probably the biggest misconception about Atheism.

>> No.3069189

nope it isn't.

>> No.3069195

Unsubstantiated evidence is unsubstantiated.

There are no Gods.

>> No.3069197

What do you think the "A" in Atheism means?

>> No.3069194


Then what is an atheist, and what justifications do you have for your belief?

>> No.3069202

Surely you can't be this stupid? Or do you have some bullshit word play:
"Huur atheist LACK a belief not "not believe""

>> No.3069204

>If your eyes are false, then there's other problems that need to be addressed.

Nobody will ever believe that. Humans are ignorant retards.

Im telling you right now that your eyes aren't right.
There is nothing that states that they are indeed right.
Therefore there is no logical reason to believe in anything you see.

>> No.3069206


"Thiest" means "crazy person with delusions."

>> No.3069213

Atheism is a lack of belief, much like Asymmetry is lack of symmetry.

>and what justifications do you have for your belief?

My justification is that I haven't observed anything extra-universal, nor anything resembling a deity. This does not mean, however, I the possibility is null; rather, it's absurd to make concrete claims of such a thing that will most-likely never be found out.

>> No.3069217

So, I should believe you before I believe my own eyes?


>> No.3069226

I dont like to say "I believe there is no God" because that is a belief. Where as "I dont believe in God" doesnt imply belief. I dont understand the concept of believing in things. To me, is just a particularly stubborn guess, for people without all the information necessary to make an informed opinion, but dont want to admit it. Belief in anything is unhealthy

>> No.3069224

No, "theist" means "Crazy and delusional person".

>> No.3069223

a calculated ploy to be listed ahead of Theists.

Same way Korea was forced to change it's name from Corea, because the Japanese didn't want them ahead in the alphabet.

>> No.3069220
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We take what we see to be a true as an axiom.

You reject that axiom?

Then retreat back into your own mind, solipsist.

>> No.3069234


I just looked that up and thats exactly right.
You have no right to claim anything exists.

I would even go farther than that and say that you cant be sure your own mind exists...

>> No.3069238
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>stephen fry


>> No.3069244
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>I would even go farther than that and say that you cant be sure your own mind exists...


>> No.3069246

"They have no steered me wrong yet."

How do you know? How often are you quizzed on the things you see on a daily basis. Just look at some optical illusions, you'll see your eyes are often wrong

>> No.3069248

>You have no right to claim anything exists.

Who you talking to, bro? Why did I make that post? Why did I make this thread and every post within it? Why did I make every thread, ever, on every message board?

>> No.3069250


Are you retarded? If you lack a belief in something, you don't believe in it.

>> No.3069251


>> No.3069255


> I would even go farther than that and say that you cant be sure your own mind exists...

How can ANYONE seriously take this position seriously? REALLY?

>> No.3069263

> False Dilemma

The options aren't "accept the axiom I think is right or be solipsist."

There are options which we cannot even imagine or conceptualize, the idea that there is only two is just an appeal to ignorance and a logical fallacy.

>> No.3069270
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Oh hell ye

>> No.3069269

8/10. Well done OP, you worked us into a froth, and you didn't even have to samefag that much. We basically trolled ourselves.

>> No.3069265

No, if you lack belief in something that cannot be observed or proven, that means you are a sensible person.

>> No.3069268


No, it's not that they are wrong with an illusion, but that I interpret the data incorrectly.

>> No.3069258

>You have no right to claim anything exists.
This doesn't matter.
You can't function and my system works.
Enjoy your anus rape.
Science isn't the best method but it works, so we use it.
Math is lie but it works so we use it.
You are just giant faggot.

>> No.3069274

I have no right to say that you didn't post every thread on every message board. Anyone who says you DIDN'T do so. Is a moron.

>> No.3069276

this board is science and math.
we use science here.

>> No.3069278


So, because we cannot observe something, and it cannot be proven to exist, we should believe in it?

>> No.3069286

I can't speak to how sincere OP was being but I will say he raised probably the biggest sticking point keeping most otherwise rational people from abandoning religion.

People don't believe in god because they have a problem with the scientific method. People believe in god because it is an absolute, self fulfilling answer to why and how the universe exists.

As it stands, when asked how the universe came into being, a religious person would say only a being so great and so powerful they were capable of willing themself into existence could make the universe

when asking a scientist, even one who specializes in things like astrophysics, the perception is that they would say first there was nothing and then it exploded.

at the end of the day they both mean the same thing except for the small asterisk that the religious person is capable of personifying the inception of the universe and thus it becomes slightly easier to believe.

>> No.3069295

Science works. Nothing else does. That's why we use it.

>> No.3069302
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Thats a joke.

>> No.3069303

You must be 15,
Lack a belief = not believe
They are logically same.
This is basic english.

>> No.3069309
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>> No.3069310


Thank you sir.

Christians, winning since 2000 bc

>> No.3069315

And the Jesus fits where?

>> No.3069325


Jesus is to make God feel personal and human and not some distant force.

>> No.3069335

We cannot observe something.

It cannot be proven to exist.

We should believe in it!

I have an invisible flying dragon in my garage that breaths cold fire!

>> No.3069340
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>Jesus is to make God feel personal and human and not some distant force.

I like this guy.

>> No.3069349


Believing is anything is a fallacy that shouldn't be considered in the first place.

However you can pick a default to start off the axiom and if you pick the natural world then so be it. But I pick a diety.

You cant say my choice is illogical because I will fuck you.

>> No.3069354
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This guys sentence structure is motherfucking art!


>> No.3069360

No, that is not what Jesus was for.

I was raised Christian, and Jesus was God on Earth.

You're evil for implying otherwise.

>> No.3069368

Logic dictates that when you make a claim, it is incumbent upon you to prove your claim. I don't have to disprove it. Fail on your part OP.

How's that for debating prowess???

>> No.3069371

You are delusional, and you pick a hallucination.

>> No.3069381

>Delusion is subjective
>Hallucination is subjective

Try harder.

>> No.3069383
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yeah it is


>> No.3069387
File: 14 KB, 493x402, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see thread
>laugh at troll. "no one will fall for this"
>eat dinner
>come back
>troll thread still on first page

>> No.3069386

My claim is self-evident. You said that no evidence and no proof implies the existence of something.

Returned with ease.

>> No.3069393

>My claim is self-evident


>> No.3069394

People who say this is a troll are ..
1. Underage so they cant process such a intelligent claim.
2. Are too comfortable being an atheist and dont feel like bothering to actually think about it.

>> No.3069395

Not when you're trying to imply your hallucinations and delusions are real.

Unsubstantiated claims are unsubstantiated.

>> No.3069398


"No" is not an argument. Discarded.

>> No.3069399
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>mfw science becomes an ideology

>> No.3069401

>He thinks questioning why using the scientific method is the best option for understanding our reality is an intelligent question.

No you don't. You're a troll. Stay trolled everyone.

>> No.3069402

>Unsubstantiated claims are unsubstantiated.
>Unsubstantiated claims

Any claim you have ever made in your life is just as unsubstantiated unless you are brainwashed.

>> No.3069404

your right, it is not a argument, it is fact.

>> No.3069408

>using the scientific method is the best option

That makes no sense.

What is the "Best" option?

Who sets these rules?

People who want to advance society.

Not people who want to understand the universe.

Atheists, losing since before time.

>> No.3069410

What claims?
[citation needed]

>> No.3069418


>> No.3069414
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Arn't they real if they have physical manifestations, such as him trolling you?

>> No.3069428

Don't take what I said out of context. Religion is still wholly free of reason. It's just that, as far as the general public is concerned, until this one giant flaw is sufficiently addressed, religion has an invaluable and inevitable place in society.

>> No.3069429

>. But I pick a diety.

So, your argument is that I'm wrong because you're delusional.


>> No.3069435
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>> No.3069437

Don't listen to the atheists, OP, with their EVILution and big bang "theory" Science is useless as far as metaphysics goes. You can't know anything. Knowledge is merely opinion. No way of knowing whether God exists, or whether you're just my imagination. Atheists are stubborn, ignorant, foolish, closed minded and beyond help. It takes a open mind to understand the true workings of the universe. Science and it's objectivity loses.

>> No.3069441

I agree.

Science is useless when it comes to this subject.
Science is only good for advancing technology.
Thats it.

>> No.3069447
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religion will inevitably replaced by the police state.

Definitely a psychological flaw.

>> No.3069452

>believes in crystal magic

>> No.3069454

Yes, science can't tell you anything about it, and atheists who think it can only make idiots out of themselves, as demonstrated in this thread, lol. If they're gonna say God doesn't exist, prove it. Oh what's that, you can't? That's what I thought. Meanwhile, I'll be over here, by this mountain full of evidence of God. Not that you even need evidence for God. Unless you can prove that the universe came from nothing (and by prove I mean something more than showing me the big bang because observation is not proof....if you think it is then you need to read a book)

>> No.3069458

>doesn't believe in crystal magic

Fuck ya. Im going to fucking shoot spells while you look forward to nothing.

sick life

>> No.3069459

Science hits a wall at "cannot disprove", because science is not delusional.

>> No.3069461

op if your blind how are your reading the responses?

>> No.3069462


You know what's sad? There might be people behinds this posts who are indeed, not trolling.