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File: 68 KB, 600x450, tonofweed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3068875 No.3068875 [Reply] [Original]

If weed isnt addictive how come there are people clearly addicted to it?

>> No.3068887

It is addictive, just like everything else, but not in the same way as other drugs.

>> No.3068886

Not having this thread again.

>> No.3068889
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Weed isn't physically addictive.

Weed can be psychologically addictive, like literally anything that feels good.

You are probably addicted to the computer, you troll.

>> No.3068891


>> No.3068895


deedley durr, duudley derp, dippa duuding depladi dong.

>> No.3068896

it is psychologically addictive, but that can be said about anything.

the poeple who are addicted to it are weak.

>> No.3068904

you're right, i am. but i admit it

>> No.3068909
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>> No.3068912

I really like this image.

>> No.3068924

seemed like at least a semi-legitimate question.

if somebody else gets off on me spending 30 seconds of my life to answer random question who am i to deny them of it?

>> No.3068929

They say it has no physically addictive properties, but I have a question from personal experience.
When I stopped smoking weed for about day four till day seven in the middle of the night would wake up more in cold-sweats. That is a physical side-effect correct?

>> No.3068943

physical effect caused by psychological addiction

>> No.3068949
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The same reason some people hoard animals, drink shitloads of diet soda, shop a lot, and have the TV on when it's not being watched... psychological addiction.

Pic related, my psychological addiction. I am to the point where I enjoy cleaning his poop because his well-being translates to his company, to which I am addicted.

>> No.3068956


yes. but do hangovers indicate alcoholism? does abdominal bloating mean you're addicted to fast food? these are all side effects, but it is incorrect to correlate them with addiction.

>> No.3068974

That's either withdrawal from taking too much for too long or the aftereffects of inhaling pesticide fumes because you buy shitty shit grown by Vietnamese crime rings.

>mfw I will never grow my own cannabis

>> No.3068976

if you stop drinking or eating fast food and have side effects from that then its probably safe to say its an addiction.

At the very least its smarter than suggesting those substances are physically addictive

>> No.3068988

This makes sense. Thanks anon.
You're as dumb and presumptions as EK.

>> No.3069010

Habits are distinct from addictions.

I'm addicted to caffeine, because if I don't drink any coffee on any given day, I get a terrible headache. Withdrawal symptoms = addiction. There's no such thing as marijuana withdrawal.

I don't acknowledge such a thing as "psychological addiction". It's an unnecessary concept.

>> No.3069017

In my experience, pot is a little addictive but not very much. To me, it is less addictive than caffeine or alcohol, and much less addictive than tobacco or meth.

>> No.3069030

That is actually making a case for physical addiction.

Possibly the belief that marijuana is not physically addictive is simply false.

However, in one isolated case, the reported symptoms could be from completely unrelated causes.

>> No.3069036

>There's no such thing as marijuana withdrawal.

From Erowid:

WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS (after stopping heavy use)
mild to moderate, non-life-threatening withdrawal symptoms occur after daily use in some users.
Withdrawal symptoms normally last 2-4 days, up to six weeks with long term use. Severity of symptoms is related to frequency and duration of use and individual sensitivity.
- anhedonia (reduced experience of pleasure)
- headaches, general unease/discomfort
- difficulty sleeping
- desire to smoke cannabis
- slight loss of appetite
- finding non-stoned life a bit dull, increased boredom
- fatigue, lethargy
- slow thinking, talking
- stoned-like abstract thinking, impatience with or annoyance at linear thinking

>> No.3069127

Your body doesn't become physically dependent on it like other drugs.

>> No.3069156

Why thank you. I put a lot of effort in. Enjoy your retarded brain chemistry.

>> No.3069176

I smoked weed every day (sometimes twice a day) for 2 months straight. I had to stop because I was getting the worst headaches whenever I wasn't high.

>> No.3069192


Do you believe in the spirit or something?

Wouldn't any "psychological addiction" necessarily be physical?

The only way a psychological addiction isn't physical is if the mind is metaphysical.

>> No.3069227

Also, of course it's addictive, it's an alkaloid designed to get plant eaters killed by predators, reducing the plant eater population thus protecting the plants long term.

>> No.3069266

pro-tip: when you're desperately trying to tell other people its not addictive while you continue to smoke on a daily basis, then you are addicted.

>> No.3069300


Physical as in your body is chemically dependent on it.

>> No.3069743


>> No.3069768
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Marijuana causes acute withdrawal syndromes. Cocaine does not.
>MFW crack is less addictive than weed

>> No.3069799

obviously the distinction is drawn at the brain not actually having specific receptors, no physical withdrawal symptoms, etc.

the distinction doesn't have any mind/body implications, it's just there because it's convenient.

>> No.3069813

You couldn't be more wrong.
Physical addiction happens when the body is accustomed to receiving a dose of the chemicals all the time. The body adjusts to receiving these outside chemicals and stops producing some of its own, as a result of not getting the outside chemicals your body won't have everything it needs (Causing withdrawals).

Mental addiction is purely wanting to do the drug. There are no changes in the brain from this that is normal than any other thought you think.

>> No.3069837
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>Butthurt drug addict detected

>> No.3070872
File: 74 KB, 373x560, nigga u srs cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
