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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3063925 No.3063925 [Reply] [Original]

Taking Calculus atm, just finished midterm. How do common people think this is hard? I think they just never give it a shot.

>> No.3063931

intro calculus is easy. they keep the first class slow so you don't get scared, but it gets harder.

>> No.3063938

inb4 500 posts omitted replying to this obvious and overdone troll thread talking about real analysis that eventually descends into an argument over pugh vs. bartle vs. rudin vs. hoyden etc.

>> No.3063956

"Common people"....
You will get over yourself as you get older but you will be an insufferable little twit until then.

And calculus is not hard at all, but many people find it uninteresting and do not apply themselves or even focus on the tasks at hand.

>> No.3063976

common people think algebra is hard.
common people thing trig is hard.
common people are idiots.

>> No.3063988
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I think math is hard because I never had a good math teacher.
I would probably find it easier if someone took the time to explain it properly.

>> No.3064001

Get your friends and get them to teach you.
Oh wait. You're probably an insufferable self-centered shit.

>> No.3064003
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>common people

>> No.3064009

I think a lot of people don't see what calculus is good for, so they have no interest in it and then do badly.

>> No.3064014



>> No.3064036

Why do kids think it's imposible to memorize phone numbers?

>> No.3064037

Because I look at the page, start working on part of the equation, think "ok, well, this makes sense. All I have to do is move this bit over here, and it'll be all matched up". Then I do a step backwards because I read the instructions wrong, go back, correct the wrong part of what I did, use decimals instead of percents, and end up with a number that's neither in the correct units or scale.

It's embarrassing.

>> No.3064066

>take calc 1
>have good teacher who gives easy midterms
>don't apply calc to jack shit just know how to memorize equations
>be an arrogant little fuck
Can't wait till you hit abstract mathematics and all your teachers are shut ins who can't speak correctly.

>> No.3064139

Most of my friends have similar problems with math many of them were in learning disabled classes.
Although it was impressive of you being able to pass judgment on me from only two sentences.
I'm aware that my problems with math leave me at a large disadvantage especially in instances where I have to solve a problem quickly I either have to use my phone as a calculator or use a piece of paper to write out the problem when most people can just solve it in their head.
I would kind of like to get a private tutor but that might seem kind of odd at my age.

>> No.3064206

Because most people, especially girls are trying to memorize the math, and while all math obviously requires memorization, it's grasping the concept which allows you to do well on hard questions which require to apply your knowledge to new situations that you haven't memorized from your text book.

>> No.3064265

I can help you with mental math and such. Just shoot me an email.