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3061324 No.3061324 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci smoke weed erry day?

>> No.3061332

I don't smoke or drink but I have no problems with other doing it.

If you don't understand this, why is it okay for me to say I'm not interested in getting a tattoo but when I say the same thing about drugs or alcohol, you look at me like I''m nuts.

>> No.3061331

no, on account of holier-than-thou

>> No.3061346

Not every day, but occasionally. Smoked a few bowls on Friday and have a joint ready for tonight when me and a friend are planning to watch Cosmos.

>> No.3061342

Fridays OP, need the brain at 100% Monday morning.

>> No.3061355

Dude I'm jelly.

>> No.3061360
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absolutely yes

>> No.3061362

Fuck no. I don't want to turn into a stoner.

>> No.3061364

i don't even like it but i do

>> No.3061366

Fuck, I practically do.
THC gets me excited about intellectual pursuit and though too much can seriously cloud your thinking abilities, it's been beneficial to my thinking process in the past.

Went to friends house to smoke and watch workaholics, ended up helping a girl there with her algebra homework, approaching every problem as if it were a Portal level.

Although it is possible the effects I feel may simply be a calming (and focusing) of my attention more than anything else. It's fon-to-due.

>> No.3061370
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>> No.3061374
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>i dont want to be perceived as 'one of those kids from dazed and confused' by society

>> No.3061381
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but stoner rock is awesome

>> No.3061391
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i used to, but have since moved on to better drugs

opiates nigga

>> No.3061398

Lol, have fun being a junkie

>> No.3061408

Yeah but I am old and did everything I had to do and am on me time now, I had a few decades where I couldnt smoke at all.

>> No.3061399


>> No.3061400
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>And the experience can be very liberating and widening in other ways. It shows that the world one habitually lives in is merely a creation of this conventional, closely conditioned being which one is, and that there are quite other kinds of worlds outside. It's a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is. I think it's healthy that people should have this experience.

>> No.3061410

i think people who dont want tattoos are crazy too

>> No.3061412

iv only ever done weed once, but i fucking love stoner/desert rock (Kyuss and Orange Goblin particularily)...am i missing out on something?

>> No.3061421
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you know it

>> No.3061429

I listen to Kyuss, OG or Sleep even when not stoned. It's still good shit, just enhanced greatly when you're high (as with most music).

>> No.3061432


Opiates are for fags

>> No.3061435
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>never smoked marihuana
>proud of it

>> No.3061441

Why would I want to get shit into my lungs, it doesnt do any good for me

>> No.3061444
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>he has pride of any kind
>he probably has shame too

>> No.3061451

vaporisers/eating it.

>> No.3061447
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>> No.3061446
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if opiates are for fags, I don't ever wanna be straight

>> No.3061455

do you guys not smoke cigs either? wtf

>> No.3061459
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>> No.3061465

Tobacco is vastly inferior than pot bro. Don't feel a high until the relief of addiction craving, much worse for your health.

>> No.3061469

It's a goal of mine to build my own vaporizer.

How /sci/.

>> No.3061473
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>smoking weed as opposed to vaporizing

>> No.3061475

dont smoke dont drink. The last time my grandpa smoked a cig was 30 years ago, and last year he was diagnosed with lung cancer because of it, shits crazy

>> No.3061482

Well, sure. People are my ashtray.

>> No.3061492
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>comparing tobacco to marijuana

>> No.3061487

i remember i almost fell over from the overwhelming nausea i got first time I took a haul on a cig, intense non-enjoyable headbuzz

>> No.3061495
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people who care about their health are suckers

>> No.3061504

>she thinks vaping is actually safer

>> No.3061514
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>no combustion
>no carcinogens
>not safer

>> No.3061525

lightbulb vaporiser? easy as fuck to make just google it

>> No.3061527

It's not even solely about that, it's more like a ratio of the quality of the high to the negative effects on your body. Pot of course has a vastly higher rate. Of course, then there are other factors like legality and price.

>> No.3061531

>a meth pipe?

>> No.3061548

people who 'respect the law' are also suckers
the average CCG player (Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemans) spends WAAAY more than an erryday smoker

>> No.3061552

>no combustion
Nope, just less.
>no carcinogens
[Citation needed]
>mfw he wasted money on a vape

>> No.3061557

There is the problem for avoiding the law. It's not only a problem of morals for some people, but not being caught.

>> No.3061571

adderall. that is all.

>> No.3061578

No, not everyday. I have a vape and I get it out whenever I have some downtime, but other than that I'm too busy studying...

>> No.3061580
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>> No.3061585

first, i smoke blunts, not a faggot-ass vape. they are healthier, but since i smoke unfiltered cigs i clearly dont give a fuck about that.

vaporization =/= combustion. they occur at very different temperatures.

>> No.3061597
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first time I did adderall i felt like I was cheating, schoolwork that felt like a chore became a fucking breeze

>> No.3061595


I'm getting into a lot of Calc and the like this upcoming semester, and I'm considering trying that out.

I used to take it and ritalin up until the 8th grade when I just stopped for no real reason.
I'd like to think that it could be just what I need to quit being such a bitch and procrastinating, but I think what I really need is a pill that slows time itself.

>> No.3061598


this fuckin guy

>> No.3061607
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>> No.3061614

>smoking weed
hey guys, learn to oil.

>> No.3061634
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I am a junior at USC and just got my med card this year. I smoke every day before classes and life is awesome.

my average day would be:
>get up
>heat up vape
>hit some dank
>go to astronomy 202 blazed
>mind fucking blown

>> No.3061642

God damn that sounds rad.

>> No.3061647

How old do you have to be to get a card to buy medical weed? Now I want to go to college in cali lolol

>> No.3061650


do it up champion. dont take it more than twice a week....not that you wont finish all your work in those 2 days anyways.

>> No.3061662

SO fucking jelly. I have a friend at USD who actually works at a dispensary...lol he gets free bud galore

>> No.3061665

people are prescribed adderall and take it every day, you do know that right?

>> No.3061672

21. but on California campuses almost everyone smokes so nobody really bothers to check...you just cant buy it legally until 21

>> No.3061710
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>mfw weed will be legal and become increasingly unpopular among our nation's youth in the coming decade

>> No.3061722

so you don't even have to be sick to get a med card?
I'm from the london so I have no idea.

>> No.3061725

>implying big tobacco and alcohol will let this happen

>> No.3061747


ya...and for those who shouldn't be taking it...shouldn't do it every day.

>> No.3061759
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Whenever I have weed I do, been on a break recently.

I use to be into harder drugs when I was around 16, doing them with a friend with an IQ of 160, and I normally smoke weed and various other drugs with a friend that's going to the top school in my state.

I'm strongly against the stereotypical drug culture, even though I think you should have the freedom to get as fucked up as you want whenever you want. I don't lean on the left by any means and strongly believe in a lightly regulated capitalist structure. I've also ran a local IT business with my 160 IQ friend when I was 17, so in short it's the person doing the drugs rather than the drugs themselves.

>> No.3061838

not really I have plantar faciitis (foot condition) but you can say you have migraines. its quite a cheatable system and i think thats how it is designed...as a transition to full legalization