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3060223 No.3060223 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/,

lets collect religious rules which had a specific use to society, but are now obsolet.

example: premarital sex was meant to prevent bastards, orphans, and single moms (who had absoluetly no chance of surviving in ancient times) but is now obsolet because we invented contraceptives.

when we end our collection, we make a conclusion if religion still has useful and positive aspects, or if it is indeed just a relict of primitive phase of mankind, and as thus should be abolished.

>> No.3060245

punishing people for thinking bad thoughts

in those days authoritarian governments were the rule and could not tolerate deviancy from their views. And behaviour control starts with criminalizing thoughtcrime.

Nowadays however, we have grown past that.

>> No.3060252

in islam, women had to wear headscarfs to prevent being raped. however, showing hair back then was as arousing as walking around with a big clevage and a small miniskirt nowadays, therefore, this rule is obsolet for a muslim, who lives in western societies.

>> No.3060259

10 commandments generally

we discovered utilitarianism

>> No.3060276

jews and muslims are not allowed to eat pork, because pork rottens very fast and spreaded sicknesses in societies. today, we can easily conserve all sorts of food so this rule is obsolet.

circumisation was a good way for genitalia-hygiene and prevented stds.
but today, we have condoms and sanitary products which make a circumisation obsolet.

>> No.3060307

>prevented stds.

NOPE.jpg, unless you mean "The horribly disfiguring STD that Ismael caught convinced other circumcised men that prostitutes are not a safe source for sex."

>> No.3060308

We certainly have GOOD contraceptives, now. However, humans were experimenting with such things for millenia.
LOL, no we haven't. The definition and enforcement of thoughtcrime has just been decentralized. As long as we live in civilized society, we will villify certain thoughts.

>> No.3060323

To be fair, the platform for moral teamwork provided by organised religion still is important.
The concept of organised charity.
The role of Church in ending the Apartheid in SA.
The role of religious organisations in the recovery effort after the 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

Religion still performs important social functions that cannot (yet) be replaced by a similar infrastructure.

>> No.3060353

>The concept of organised charity.

Not exclusive to the church

>The role of Church in ending the Apartheid in SA.

Yes, things are SO much better, now that they're allowed to kill each other for witchcraft components.

>The role of religious organisations in the recovery effort after the 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

Quake victim:"Why did everyone I know have to die?"
Christian missionary:"Because they were living in sin. Now, gimmie your little boy."

>> No.3060360

You're an idiot if you think they didn't have contraceptives and abortions in ancient times. Or if you think they didn't know how to pull out. Pulling out is in the fucking bible. Your imagined purposes of moral rules have nothing to do with reality.

>> No.3060377

Pretty much every ban exists to promote "social order." If you can be made to obey dumbfuck rules, then they have you.

>> No.3060428


For an obvious example, drug laws.

>> No.3060434

Back in the day (and to a lesser extent, today), social norms were created by the powerful to suppress competing desires/aspirations and to create a stable engine of their will. When Lois XIV said: Le etat c'est moi, he was just stating a fact. Now, we have less central control, and mass actions/herd mentality controls most of societies actions.

>> No.3060479

Doesn't change the fact that many people are very vulnerable to hyper stimulants that didn't exist in our ancestral environments.

>> No.3060487


Natural selection, fuck it.

>> No.3060597

nature selects and weeds out social creatures, in large part, as groups, not as individuals.

>> No.3060602


Your point is?

>> No.3060613

Don't just say "Fuck it" or "Fuck them".

>> No.3060624


I really don't see how that follows.

>> No.3060623

>example: premarital sex was meant to prevent bastards, orphans, and single moms (who had absoluetly no chance of surviving in ancient times) but is now obsolet because we invented contraceptives.
Tell that to the fucking ghettos.

>> No.3060648

I think you are proposing Social Darwinism, but Darwinian selection would weed out the group not just those affected.

>> No.3060664

you really think thats obsolete? the amount of abortions are in the tens of millions annually, the amount of bastard children probably close to the same number, the disease, probably even worse

OP is going fullretard just to try and one up religion. he must be 13

>> No.3060667


What's this distinction between "the group" and "those affected?" Those terms are (perhaps deliberately) vague.

>> No.3060672

Marriage, as a political and economic union, is still valid. However, the idea that either a man or woman must only be with one person, for their entire lives, is unnecessary. There is a great quote from Einstein saying just that.

>> No.3060677

The group includes those who did nothing to hurt themselves. Those affected only includes the winners of the Darwin awards.

>> No.3060688


I still don't understand how letting the fuckups fuck themselves to death has anything to do with this.

>> No.3060696

Well, yeah. Einstein loved him some infidelity.

Besides, why the hell should Einstein be an authority on every topic?

>> No.3060701
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8/10 or reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllllllly stupid. I was very explicit.

>> No.3060715

Wow, I dude who divorced his wife once said that divorce is okay? Who'd have thought.

Personally, I think that marriage should be for life. I see it as a spiritual thing.

>> No.3060741

Too bad it's legalized. It's a civil matter, you hallucinating hippie.

>> No.3060747

Prohibitions on premarital sex are still good because they mean we don't have to waste resources on bastards, orphans and single moms.

>> No.3060761

We're talking about moral rules, not civil laws. Yes, you can give up on your marriage and divorce if you want. But I won't because I subscribe to a moral rule.

>> No.3060773

Your're mother's a whore.

>> No.3060780

What you want to subscribe to doesn't fucking matter in a court of law, hippie.

>> No.3060785

Well, in the past, religions told us not to murder each other. However, now murder is a good way to get along as most people are asshats anyway.

>> No.3060794

I hope you enjoyed your dysfunctional upbringing.

>> No.3060811

Dude, about half of all kids born are illegitimate.

Odds are, you are too.

>> No.3060831

ITT: we deem something as useless, and thus, it should be destroyed

>> No.3060832

[Citation needed]

>> No.3060840

Deeming religion as 'useless' is pretty dumb to be honest.

>> No.3060844

meaning that they are actually in their 30s, not legitimately children

>> No.3060857

We're not talking about civil laws, we're talking about moral rules, in which the only thing that counts is what individuals subscribe to, moron.

>> No.3060863

That's the half of the kids that are born to negroids. White children are born into wedlock.

>> No.3060868

The fact that they're not supposed to tell you that you are not the father unless you ask is proof enough.

>> No.3060871

We were talking about parts of religion. It was supposed to eventually decide if religion was outdated. You could provide input as wo why religion is usefull.

>> No.3060875

lol good luck with that

>> No.3060885

Religion is useful because it is the mechanism for conjoining the finite with the infinite. The finite that is not aware of its place in the infinite is in a state of despair. Read more Kierkegaard.

>> No.3060889

But what's the point?

>> No.3060894

>not scientist
>implying he is useful at anything.

>> No.3060895

>because Kierkegaard said it it must be a valid point

>> No.3060903

>lets collect religious

stopped reading there

>> No.3060900

ITT: we said so, so it's a valid point.

>> No.3060924

To get an honest assesment.

>> No.3060930

And when you have that, what then?

>> No.3060979

This problem started in not only Atlantis but also Egypt as well. Religion and Science was merged as one in harmony. Science destroyed Atlantis & Religion destroyed Egypt. Being humans we need religion and science merged once again in harmony. Science alone is often outdated stone age tech that makes a million promisses of a better tomorrow when your're dead and gone. And religion alone forces to many ethics for the group & morals personally. But when merged together as one they drive our personal lifestyles to bliss.

>> No.3060989

OP: are you a retard?

>> No.3061154
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>> No.3061165
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>> No.3061242

Well the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have a number of rules and expectations that center around worshiping an arbitrary authority. I think that that was never really valuable as it only served divine right.

>> No.3061306

Most people miss out on Judaism because they can't access the Oral tradition of Judaism. Much less do they have the ability to learn the kabbalistic sciences.

>> No.3061393

>kabbalistic sciences.


I giggled.

>> No.3061407

sure is /x/ in here

>> No.3061442

Without Einstein studying the kabbalistic story of the shattering of the vessels via the big bang. certain things could have not been invented.

>> No.3061449

you better bet it's going to be the longest summer here you ever felt.

>> No.3061466


The kabbala had NOTHING to do with his research, except "what not to do".

>> No.3061484

No sex before marriage was invented to stop the spread of syphilis in Britain

>> No.3061500


>The role of the church in the Rwandan genocides

>> No.3061522

you're just another dime a dozen little internet fools. who knows jack shit of how the world actually worked and still does. go eat mommas din din little child & let us professional talk this out instead.