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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3057460 No.3057460 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /sci/
I'm 21 and I've been out of high school since 2008. I was fantastically talented in school, picking up things very quickly and getting a near-perfect GPA with hardly any effort. My SAT scores were incredible.

After I graduated, I fucked around a lot. I got drunk every day, got married, got divorced, slept with countless whores, went through a few dozen jobs, moved around a lot and just did whatever. I had a hard time going from no social life in HS to I'm-kind-of-cool when I graduated.

I've gotten my life straight and today I registered for my first semester of classes towards a physics degree at my local uni. I am teeming with excitement.

No point, just wanted to say that, if it hadn't been for this board, I would've turned into the Paul Erdos of physics. I love you /sci/

>> No.3057482

What a vapid, shallow person you are, OP.
I hope you know that SAT scores are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, and that if you don't pull your head out of your ass you'll fail at university miserably.

>> No.3057504

SAT is a measure of intelligence. You jelly?

>> No.3057509

obvious troll is too damn obvious

>> No.3057514

I never took the SAT and I got into college just fine.

I've never understood the SAT hype.

>> No.3057517
File: 125 KB, 694x524, ujelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not op but,
u jelly?

>> No.3057525

Not everyone can attain a perfect score on the SAT so something is definitely being measured on the SAT. I would contend it is general reasoning and problem solving ability, which in other words is intelligence. You mad that you didn't get a perfect score.

>> No.3057527

I hate standardized test, so I'm not jealous.

Why say "u jellly"? It makes sound like a retarded frat boy.

>> No.3057532

>4 answers wrong for reading
>1 HIGHSCHOOL maths answer wrong
and you're proud of this? HAHAHAHA

>> No.3057541

He's a /b/tard. It's just what /b/tards do

>> No.3057538
File: 97 KB, 571x720, 1294546222160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you jelly

>> No.3057536

And? I made it into college without an SAT, so what's your point?

>> No.3057551

You had dozens of jobs in just 3 years? What?

>> No.3057552

metoo. high school is for suckers

>> No.3057562

Ok, we understand that you lack the ability to answer simple algebraic problems that an eight grader can solve. But that doesn't in any way downplay the accuracy of the SAT. As an experiment, meet a person who has a perfect score and compare him/her to yourself and voila. So, in your saddened state ponder your existence.Then realize your lack of intelligence.

>> No.3057566

Low sat score = low iq

>> No.3057567

It's called Aderall, and it's got nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.3057587

2400 rejected from Haavaaad. I'm jelly

>> No.3057599

Should have been born with richer parents

>> No.3057609

No, its because there is a quota on asians

>> No.3057641

you got married and divorced and fucked around with countless whores, and a few dozen jobs in 3 years? what did you have a different job every month? holy shit you must have been busy

>> No.3057647

200 on SAT accepted at Harvard. Jewish Nigerian scammer. You jelly?