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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 468x342, 20110511-fukushima-disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3053428 No.3053428 [Reply] [Original]

LOL - Nuclear power is safe!

"2000 msv/h at reactor #1"
"Worker dies at Japan nuclear plant"
"Plant in Tsuruka #2 reactor release 41 hundred million bq in 7 hours to the air."
"TEPCO searching for 'missing' radioactive water"

Sources are:

>> No.3053442

it's no where near as bad as chernobyl - get over it

>> No.3053444

Hey OP, I heard living has a 100% fatality rate. Obviously unsafe. You might want to stop doing it.

>> No.3053445

>built over 40 years ago
>was to be decommissioned same month as quake hit
>was not a MSR design

safe reactors can be built, its just that people chose not to build them

>> No.3053446

Usual scientific obese neckbeards blindly defending a power system that is ridiculously dangerous. Pathetic.

>> No.3053449

>forgot sage

>> No.3053451

>>Tsuruka #2 reactor release 41 hundred million bq in 7 hours to the air.
>>release 41 hundred million bq in 7 hours
>>41 hundred million decays/second in 7 hours?

>> No.3053460

>>41 hundred million decays/second

over an area the size of a football field, that's fuck all

and we are talking about an area over 10000 times that

>> No.3053468

Acceleration is in m/s/s, or m/s^(-2)
Why the fuck not bq/s/s?

>> No.3053528

fucking nukes

>> No.3053550

>41 hundred million bq in 7 hours
yeah, that's a bout a one meter cube of average rock

>> No.3053552


> Pretend Fukushima was/is worse than it was/is.
> Pretend Fukushima was/is less severe than it was/is.

Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.3053551

I read somewhere that in deaths per unit of energy or something like that, nuclear is the safest- far more than burning fossil fuels etc.

>> No.3053563

Yeah, lets live off fancy windmills and solar panels occuping large surfaces

>> No.3053572

The roman used lead pipes.
Lead is dangerous.
Therefore, we should not use pipes.

>> No.3053584

yes, I live in tokyo and the radiation is killing everyone
I even found a site that shows the radiation in tokyo
It's so low that it's even lower than average

>> No.3053590

xkcd dot com slash radiation

We recieve more radiation from the stars in the universe than we do from all of our nuclear power. You still cannot survive more than 4 or 8 sieverts at once. Accidents happen, but there are less deaths due to nuclear power than to coal mining or drilling for oil on a per unit time basis.

Suck it.

>> No.3053596
File: 39 KB, 400x384, Molten_Salt_Reactor.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should faze out our current reactors in favour of these.

>> No.3053600
File: 68 KB, 400x225, haters-gonna-hate-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lalalalala ow hey thorium

>> No.3053601

Stop talking sense. Don't you know that this is a troll thread?

>> No.3053608
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, 1305039386241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaaaaaay rolling out the Thorium parade

>> No.3053623
File: 119 KB, 696x468, 1293906706061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3053630

Now, if only you didn't need to have on-site reprocessing facilities and deal with a 20 year gap for licensing arguments to be resolved,, this would be a solid answer to our forthcoming energy crisis.

China, Brazil and India won't have the same qualms. Be assured.