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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 473x374, draem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3052586 No.3052586 [Reply] [Original]

Why do black people all seem to be so stupid? I mean, I understand that black skin doesn't make people stupid. That wouldn't make any sense. And yet they all seem so stupid. Why, /sci/?

>> No.3052594

Because they ARE apes, is that what you wanted to hear. Go back to /b/.

>> No.3052596
File: 20 KB, 329x398, 1304555850526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dey aint dumb. They president now.

>> No.3052598

Why are East Indians so smart yet have the same color as African American citizens?

>> No.3052601

we prezden now

>> No.3052603
File: 34 KB, 500x453, 1305336806168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brain cells are converted into melanin

>> No.3052610
File: 16 KB, 240x240, 1304228430971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u so rashalist nigga?

>> No.3052617


Must be the nappy negro hair pulling at their brains, and inhibiting their ability to think.

>> No.3052620

OP's image is probably of uneducated homeless people.

>> No.3052621


It's not because they're black (like you said, that's obvious). It's because they conform to a stereotype that encourages ignorance. Kind of like how southern people are stupid...

>> No.3052622

ITT: Butthurt white kids.

jealous of my big dick.
My M.D
and my good looks.
Trolls harder, you might make my heart weep.

>> No.3052624

Taxonomically speaking, we are all apes.

>> No.3052625


>African American individual
>Science & Math

>> No.3052628

hard to believe but here I am.

I'm also actually Canada, and of somali descent.

>> No.3052630

who cares if they dumb, they be hilarious motherfuckers. Name one black guy who isn't funny (either on purpose or by accident)

>> No.3052632

herp derp.

my typo will now validate the stereotype.

>> No.3052637

One of my best friends is of Somalian descent, he came to the US to study for university. He's as dark as Sarah Palin's soul, but goddamn he is one of the best people I have ever meant, is hardworking, and is smart. I am proud to call myself friends with him.

>> No.3052641
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Blacks are of inferior intelligence, its a fact but we have to pretend everyone is equal.

>> No.3052644


Lol, gj man. I'm also Canadian.

seriously lol'd at 'I'm also actually Canada" just picturing a respectable looking black guy saying that with authority.

>> No.3052647 [DELETED] 


Somalians are arabs not niggers.

American niggers are shit tier niggers.

>> No.3052651

only lol libruls pretend that everyone is equal

>> No.3052655

on nazi fascists pretend like they're superior.

No self respecting scientist would actually obsesses over these statistics. Nor would they actually give a damn.

>> No.3052663

I'm looking at my skin and finding it really hard to believe that i'm arab.

Care to show me proof of that.

sure I don't have the gorilla nose or the pubic hair, but I'm just as black as the African americans.

>> No.3052685

IQ tests have shown that black people in the US are about 10 points lower than the average, which is well within the range that can be caused by environmental factors growing up, meaning black people are probably stupid mainly because they are poor, and not because of genetic factors.
Black people are poor because they have a culture that shuns personal achievement and promotes entitlement and victimization.
Thus, it's kind of a vicious cycle.

Does that answer your question, OP?

>> No.3052688 [DELETED] 


Keep in mind there are both light and dark skinned arabs.

Well actually your parents generation were easily classified as arabs, cultured people who spoke fluent arabic, had good strong islamic culture, people that came from Arabia to catch negros as slaves. In recent times Somalia have become closer and closer to niggerdom, in the language they speak, culture etc.

>> No.3052692

they're ignoring the statistics only because they want to keep their jobs.

>> No.3052693


I would put it to you, that there also under lying genetic reasons as to why they have a lower IQ and blaming it on socioeconomic reasons alone is bullshit.

>> No.3052696

>meaning black people are probably stupid mainly because they are poor
then why do blacks in middle and upper classes get poor grades too?

>> No.3052699

There are so many confounding variables in this case that it's difficult to call either way. However, as I stated before, the numbers suggest that environmental factors are to blame and not as much genetic factors.

>> No.3052701

Firstly, citation needed.
Secondly, it could be because good parenting isn't common in the black community, or any number of other compounding variables. IQ is related to a LOT of different variables, not just genetics.

>> No.3052702

no doubt the results of the studies were given a liberal interpretation. in this day and age, blaming it on anything but environmental factors is equivalent to suicide.

>> No.3052705


I believe "political correctness" is the reason that it is the commonly put forward explanation, rather than being based purely scientific evidence.

>> No.3052707

Somali eh? Do you happen to live in Edmonton, Toronto, or Ottawa?

I'm from Djibouti btw and I'm Canadian as well. Also, was it really necessary to mention your penis?

>> No.3052710

>in this day and age, blaming it on anything but environmental factors is equivalent to suicide.
Alternate hypothesis: maybe it really IS environmental factors.
Putting aside all that, let's assume blacks ARE less intelligent, for genetic reasons (which is entirely possible.) What do we have to gain by proving this to be true?

>> No.3052718

>citation needed.

>good parenting isn't common in the black community
>IQ is related to a LOT of different variables, not just genetics.
playing the blame game. that's the hallmark of incompetence.

>> No.3052719
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Why does everyone always jump to genetics?

'Stereotypical' African-Americans seem stupid because they were raised by negligent parents and had to pressure on them to pursue academics. People aren't just born smart, you have to work for it. This is why we have schools.

>> No.3052726

>Why does everyone always jump to genetics?
because evidence is pointing towards that direction. science is about the pursuit of truth, not some idealistic social agenda.

>> No.3052727


Maybe people like to know the truth or are seekers of knowledge, what does pretending to believe in lie gain you?

>> No.3052729

These threads always make me feel bad.

>> No.3052732

just give up your wrong beliefs and you'll feel better.

>> No.3052739
File: 65 KB, 356x216, sad nigra2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reverse natural section i presume by white slave owners, black slaves were selected for their strength and not intelligence. Any black that learned to read etc was punished. Also Africa is geographically inferior when it comes to agriculture. The cultures that arose in Africa are also inferior to most western. Women are treated as second class citizens, almost everyone is illiterate poor and starving. Those conditions are going to get you some dumb ass people.

>> No.3052740

blacks didnt mix with neanderthals so their brains stayed small. both of these claims are scientific facts and are undisputable. politically correct people will tell you that mixing with neanderthals or the size of the brain doesnt matter though.

>> No.3052755

I always lol watching egalitarians jump through so many hoops to justify the inferiority of the negroid race.

They have proven themselves to be intellectually inferior via so many studies it's not even worth debating any more.

Look into the Minnesota Transracial Adoption study.

Or fuck, just interact with a typical black for a few minutes. it becomes clear they're a race of child minded simians, you don't need a study to know blacks are stupid.

>> No.3052758

Except that the evidence does NOT point that way. The evidence is largely inconclusive, with a leaning toward the environmental explanation.
I'm not trying to push some kind of crazy liberal agenda, I'm simply reporting what I think based on what I've read on the subject.

>> No.3052763

Again, intellect is determined by many more factors than just genetics.
Twin studies and similar techniques have shown that environmental factors can cause as much as 25 point differences in IQ scores.

>> No.3052767

While it's true that slaves were selected for strength and not intelligence, as a whole West Africa is actually the stupidest part of Africa, and is the part the slaves' ancestors descend from.

Pure African blacks are actually stupider than American blacks (and I'm not talking about the handful of elite blacks that go to the west to go to college) because they lack the white admixture the descendants of slaves have.

>> No.3052772

>defines typical black as dumb black person
>wonders how the world can't see that dumb people who are black don't generalize

Yeah, we're the idiots.

>> No.3052777

There's plenty of studies that have shown there is no trace of neanderthal mitochondrial DNA or traces of their DNA in the y-chromosome

>> No.3052780

Intelligence is not only fixed but mostly inheritable, short of severe nutrition and other birth problems intelligence will not vary due to environment.

But it's not only that blacks are not intelligent. That would be fine, the world does need its ditch diggers after all. It's the fact that they are overwhelmingly criminalistic and lazy that makes them such a cancer on civilization

>> No.3052786

they have high testosterone levels (scientific fact), this not only makes them having learning problems but also makes them aggressive. couple that with their smaller brains (scientific fact) and its a recipe for disaster

>> No.3052793

No, twin studies (which are very good at controlling for genetic factors, by definition,) have shown that IQ can be greatly affected by how a baby is treated, the amount of stimulation in its environment growing up, the amount of stress it endures, and many other factors.
It doesn't take extreme factors to affect intelligence.

>> No.3052796

Instead of saying "(scientific fact)", it would be helpful if you cited sources.

>> No.3052801 [DELETED] 

Somalis have as much nigger genetics as a white person. A somalian has much more in common with greeks/italians and arabs than niggers.

I wonder why they're in anarchy, they clearly realized governments are for dumb fucks and are all goal oriented towards seizing power.

>> No.3052808

yea just like you can make a dog or a cat retarded by giving it a certain environment. doesnt matter. different dog breeds intelligence levels are duly noted and are largely inherited.

you are confusing what studies show. you can teach a dog to do human tricks, with the proper environment. this doesnt mean a "bad environment" (where they arent taught human tricks) is keeping them from learning human tricks. same with blacks.

>> No.3052809

Can you guys now stop arguing about this shit and tell me what would their inferiority imply? Do you suggest we kill them all?

>> No.3052820

No, just deportation back to the wilds of Africa and banishment from all civilized nations for a period of at least 500,000 years so they can evolve a larger brain and catch up with the rest of humanity.

>> No.3052822

The thing is that black IQ scores are 10 points lower than the average, while the normal IQ variation based on environmental factors is 25 points.
Therefore, it's well within reason that blacks are stupid because of environmental factors.
Also, dog breeds are a terrible analogy. Dog breeds are far different from each other than human races.

>> No.3052823

common red herring used by liberals. totally separate issue, which involves politics, from the truth, which involves science.

>> No.3052827



>> No.3052828

wrong, blacks in america are lower than 10 point difference to whites, and even lower to asians. and blacks in america often have white ancestry. and blacks in africa have even lower iqs still. and the countries in africa that werent colonized have even LOWER iqs than that still.

>> No.3052841

Blacks have been shown to lag by one standard deviation behind whites (15 points) on average consistently even when socioeconomic factors are controlled for.


>> No.3052843

and not to mention the heritability of intelligence has been tested extensively in the US

>> No.3052851



>> No.3052872 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 900x1333, 1301436184001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Niggers so retarded?

Why are Asians so smart?

>> No.3052878
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"What are these undergrads arguing about?"

>> No.3052885

This is what always gets me in these race debates, people come up with so many reasons to explain why the racial gap is something totally different than intellect. racism, being poor, conforming to gangsta stereotypes ect. But I have not heard a single explanation why blacks would have the same intellect as other races to begin with, assuming all the social and economic factors were void.

>> No.3052889
File: 48 KB, 517x408, george-washington-carver-pix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There using ad hominems and straw man arguments to imply that all black people are the same and there is no way anyone can differ from their narrow minded outlook."

>> No.3052897

oh look its a half white guy who got everything for free and got into programs he wasnt qualified for because of his skin color. everyone else should totally realize that everyone is equal because of great examples like this and obama

>> No.3052901
File: 15 KB, 335x225, neil-degrasse-tyson-335a070907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Man, these neckbeards crackers are crazy"

>> No.3052902
File: 94 KB, 558x505, 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically all arguments that are race based on 4chan distill down to unsubstantiated claims about lower intelligence. Then you get the claims that are backed by non-peer reviewed "research" claiming IQ's are lower in blacks than whites(as if IQ's are universally accepted metric used to gauge intellective).

Read Jared Diamond.

>> No.3052907

>implying that a few exceptional black people is enough to redeem the failure of the whole black race

>> No.3052908
File: 31 KB, 560x375, 11_obama_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder

>> No.3052909

oh man look at that black guy hes so cool and smart hes only 3/4 white and he got a free ride and probably got into school and stuff because of forced black quotas but yea man blacks r totally equal

obama is president too!

>> No.3052912 [DELETED] 


>Jared Diamond

>author of "The Large Endless Book of Nigger Excuses"

read some Charles Darwin buddy.

>> No.3052915

blacks are superior at athletics and music


>> No.3052918

Since in other species, intelligence is not inherently equal between races. It is only logical to assume that the intellect of human races differ from each other until proven otherwise.

>> No.3052921

blacks can't get into university, cry racism, socioeconomics, and underrepresentation! blacks fill up most positions in sports, no one complains!

>> No.3052924


I have read both. Your assertion about how its a big book of excuses isn't justified.

Why are you here /new/?

>> No.3052926


Good example. A man corrupted by corporations money (bling bling nigga get dat money) and killing innocent men without a trail ( the exectution of Bin Laden is comparable to drive by shootings done by gang members).

Multiculturalism is death.

>> No.3052923

>>Implying, I'm not a scientist and that I should try to redeem my "race" because of the actions of a few niggas.
Who the fuck cares what other people in your "race" do. I;m studying Biochemistry for me, not for chicken eating Tyrone of big booty Shenqua

>> No.3052927

Anyone who's been to a Mensa annual gathering can tell you IQ doesn't mean shit.

>> No.3052928


My point exactly.

>> No.3052929

of course it isn't justified! it doesn't conform to your beliefs!

>> No.3052932

if youre only worried about yourself why are you seemingly so interested in a thread about a macroscopic view of race and statistics on populations and demographics?

>> No.3052934

get low IQ score, question the validity of IQ.

>> No.3052936


No, you're making a claim. Now justify your claim.

>> No.3052938


the father of evolution vs some Jew guy


>> No.3052940

you guys realize that between the 80-120 range, IQ is actually a fairly good indicator of intelligence. it is only in the 130+ ranges that IQ estimates is just a crapshoot.

>> No.3052948

Because it's annoying. and I'm in the mood to argue and fan the flames.

>> No.3052951
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And thus my /sci/ friends you have the heart of /new/ once again showing extraordinarily ignorance.

>> No.3052953
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Go rape and murder some Palestinian children you Zionist enabler

>> No.3052957

No, IQ is a good indicator on the capacity to learn, someone with a high IQ means that they can understand a difficult subject quicker and with more ease than someone with a lower IQ.
High IQ =/= High knowledge.

>> No.3052960

>splitting hairs

>> No.3052961

your point? I dont see how that either proves or disproves that all races are equal.

>> No.3052962

OP, you are defining intelligence as "everything black people don't do".

Maybe blacks are 'smarter' than all of us in the same way we think of ourselves and others as smart, but we just cant comprehend the brilliance.

>> No.3052963
File: 26 KB, 333x500, wine358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guns, Germs, and Steel anyone? Anyone?

>> No.3052965 [DELETED] 


>the list of nigger excuses anyone?

>> No.3052969

>but we just cant comprehend the brilliance.
true dat. blacks are absolute brilliant when it comes to raping, killing, robbing, and doing drugs. unfortunately, society devalues blood-minded intelligence.

>> No.3052972

Race, is a social construct.
Am I? Having the capacity to learn something doesn't mean you're an authority.
I, for example, could have the high capacity to be a great Olympic skier that doesn't mean anything if I don't ever go skiing, Someone may not have as high a skill capacity as me but, through hard practice and repetition, could be come a better skier then I could ever hope to become.
Effort in > Natural Ability

>> No.3052973

get out of here /new/

>> No.3052977

Why is race a social construct? In every other species on earth, different races have a different average intelligence. Some more noticeable than others, granted. So why should the human species be any different?

>> No.3052978

And society is comprised, partly of black people, dumbass.

So far all you've done is make a list of things YOU don't like, and stamped it with 'not intelligent'.

>> No.3052983


Define intelligence.

>> No.3052988

>Race, is a social construct.
it's the other way around, dude. it's obvious that the different colors of people are undergoing speciation. for example, there are many varieties of dogs, but their intelligence vary widely.
>Effort in > Natural Ability
you're buying into the liberal fantasy that those idiots are trying to sell you. natural ability is always huge plus.

>> No.3052989

Name one species that has "races" as defined by current human standards.
Do cows have races? Do ducks have races?
And if so how do you measure their intelligence?

>> No.3052992

look it up yourself. oh wait, i get it. you're A LAZY N*GGER!

>> No.3052993

race is not a social construct, just because mtv and liberal professors says so doesnt make it true



besides plain old common sense, even science shows race real. hell, they can even tell the race of a criminal by dna taken at the crime scene

>> No.3052998
File: 36 KB, 363x437, James_Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey guise what's going on in this thread?

>> No.3053002

dogs and cats have races. And their intelligence is very noticeable. while it is hard to tell some breeds apart, I doubt anyone would say a basset hound is as smart as a border collie on average.

>> No.3053006

race is just a layman's term for speciation. it's funny you used the word "cow" instead of "oxen". it clearly shows that you're undereducated.

>> No.3053009

>>liberal fantasy
>>natural ability is always huge plus
True, but what I was trying to illustrate was natural ability can be taken for granted and squandered.
Also Breeds of dogs are genotypical and phenotypical characteristics while race is purely phenotypical characteristics.

>> No.3053013




>> No.3053019


>> No.3053020

I find it difficult to believe that race is purely phenotypical and demand proof.

>> No.3053022

Let's assume you aren't all trolling what are some UNBIASED characteristics of the races in Humans?
Are they accurate? Do these apply to everyone in the race? and if so where is your evidence?

>> No.3053025


Are you trying to have a serious debate with these people? why bother?

>> No.3053032
File: 14 KB, 430x490, 28579633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are white people constantly trying to convince themselves that they have absolutely no hand in other races cultural functions....

The Civil rights movement was only 50 fucking years ago, and Africa is a MESS of European colonialism

>> No.3053037

not the person you are asking, but only a idiot racist would say it applies to everyone in the race. Asians are generally smart, blacks are generally dumb. But of course there are some dumb Asians and there are some very smart blacks.
The important note is just because individuals within a race can be different than the average member of their race, does not mean that all races are the same on average.

>> No.3053043

Well aside, from genetic diversity, found in all sexually reproducing organisms, there isn't much difference between between someone born in Africa and someone born in England. and the small genetic differences between the two are so minute that it's not even worth quantifying.

DNA enables you aserrtain the race of a human, perhaps, but not the height, or build, or even the intelligence level.
3 B's
Bored Black Biologist

>> No.3053048


I know, but i have watched this same arguments unfold over the years on this form...and it just so fucking pointless. They're not honest, so ANY attempt at rational discourse is instantly met with the most immature and illogical resistance known to man

>> No.3053047 [DELETED] 

because in sports they are trying to WIN. A black person yearning for higher education will not effect you.

so stop crying over the niggers that hurt you.

>> No.3053052

and yet the countries that werent colonized have the lowest IQs and the most poverty

a million excuses and explanations for every contradiction and political movements against science and blackmailing of those who challenge the status quo, thats all the "everyone is equal" school of thought has

>> No.3053053

Black people shouldn't be any less intelligent, and I have a few very smart dark skinned friends.

But the majority perpetuate their own stereotype and choose to act like fucking dumbasses. It's "cool" to be a nigger gangsta and use bad grammar and make shitty "music" about killing cops.

They call it their "culture". It's not culture. It's violent retarded idiocy.

>> No.3053054

Yeah you're right but, damn, race threads that use flaky science always russels my jimmies

>> No.3053055

no its culture. left to themselves, black culture always develops into violence and ignorance. oh wait but its the white mans fault that every single black culture in history has always been this way, even before they ever met whites it was the white mans fault then too and anyone who doesnt want to give them the benefits of white labor and white lives by spending time and money giving them white culture is a racist

>> No.3053057

what about this study: http://www.news-medical.net/news/2005/04/26/9530.aspx
that says that sub-Saharan African blacks have a lower IQ than European, American, and Asians. And you said it yourself that IQ is the capacity to learn, So unless you are saying the capacity to learn is purely social and economic, than doesn't that imply that races are in fact different?

>> No.3053062



Its my fault for posting in a troll thread....

>> No.3053070
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>> No.3053081

This picture has to be a shoop. It's too ridiculous

>> No.3053090
File: 44 KB, 264x700, tumblr_lexwylXfdA1qd8gt3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me of this picture (I hope it's this one... it was too small to see properly in the icon)

>> No.3053091

While this study is a interesting read I questioned it's legitimacy when I saw the names Rushton and Jensen. They have a history of faulty data and self-serving results that don't always reflect reality.
I can tell you that their works are questionable at best.
But, despite that, I actually concede to you that "races" are different but that doesn't mean one is superior to another.

>> No.3053100

Oh i can certainly agree that assuming one race is inherently superior over one another is wrong. While I think that people should acknowledge that races can be different on average, it would be an embarrassment to human kind if a intelligent black person, or any other race for that matter, was regarded as inferior to a less intelligent member of a different race just because their races were different.

>> No.3053103
File: 54 KB, 600x639, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You can have two dogs, who are both dogs, but different species of dogs. Similar dogs, say a daschund and a beagle.

>You can have to birds, who are both birds, even two specific birds, like owls. Similar owls, say a barn owl and a screech owl.

Same goes for basically every animal on the planet- fish, turtles, snakes, mice... etc.

Humans are animals.

We evolved from primates- just like dogs evolved from wolves.

Why do we consider ourselves one species?

If you look at it completely objectively, we're different subsets of the same genus.

We've evolved for different things.

There hasn't been an intelligence test yet that puts blacks and whites on equal ground. We're physically different- not even just skin color, it's bone structure, musculature, brain size and other things. We're socially different- blacks are 8 times more likely to commit interracial crime than whites, 1 in 3 black men will have been in prison or on parole by their mid 20's and 1 in 4 of all black men in America are in prison- right now.

When will we get over this "everyone is equal" bullshit?

That is all.

>> No.3053111
File: 62 KB, 300x300, trisomy21b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>IQ tests

>> No.3053116

>There hasn't been an intelligence test yet

>Doesn't read my whole post

>Posts a downsie girl

>Makes some point that... I'm not quite sure of...

>> No.3053120
File: 13 KB, 242x226, 87606676111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watches FAUX NEWS

>> No.3053121
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>thinks different breeds of dogs = different species.

>> No.3053122

Thank Based God, a logical position on race.
Time for sleep

>> No.3053128
File: 64 KB, 250x250, 1305302523656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He doesn't use reaction images

>> No.3053129

>Does independent research.
>Doesn't even know what channel fox news is on.

See how you're disputing my post with childish jibes instead of facts?

>> No.3053141
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1301465338643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He watches fox news

>> No.3053144

It isn't touched because you cannot gauge someone's intelligence or potential by their skin color. Indeed, skin color and other superficial features are only recent adaptations in our species' evolutionary history.

Watch this: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7677528555527674049#docid=3812249801848706206

>> No.3053152

>Independant research

>> No.3053153


mine is over 150. IQ has some validity, but really not that much. using that number, you can classify me as smart. you could also classify someone with a 130 as smart. you can't claim that i am smarter than he

>> No.3053154
File: 49 KB, 679x516, NO U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets stop this shit right now.

Refute my post with facts, and facts only. Children should really be in bed by now.

Also I smell samefags

>> No.3053156
File: 28 KB, 363x310, 1277429447433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He watches Faux news

>> No.3053157
File: 125 KB, 445x445, 1301459309919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He uses images as a form of expression.

>> No.3053158

> you can't claim that i am smarter than he

Exactly why not?

>> No.3053163
File: 53 KB, 615x600, 1293417184888888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why you watch FAUX NEWS?
>WHY do you hate yourself so much?

>> No.3053166


Fine, your argument from analogy is fallacious. The Taxonomic differences unimportant. And your social statistic is bias.

That good enough for you?

>> No.3053167
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U watch Faux?

>> No.3053169
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>> No.3053179
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You are retarded. You lack critical thinking skills and can't research for shit.

>> No.3053180

Bigger words =/= fact. It's still an opinion

There's been EXTENSIVE research on this subject. It takes into account:
>Social bias
They count black kids adopted by white people
They count mixed race kids
They count white kids in the same shit-neighborhoods as black kids.
and many, many other factors I can't just rattle off the top of my head.

They've tried. There isn't an intelligence test made (not just IQ tests. and yes, there are other scales than just IQ tests) that suggests equality.

Sharks who live in the pacific ocean are different than sharks who live in the Atlantic.

>> No.3053183


All research conducted hasn't met peer review

it doesn't count

>> No.3053187

It took 2 minutes to look up and form a retort.


>> No.3053188


Cite yours first

>> No.3053192
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Confuses obvious racial differences with intellectual inequality.

Do you understand how retarded you sound? U trolling on purpose, or do you really just watch too much fox news? How old are you, 12? 13?

>> No.3053194


Your turn. I'll wait.

>> No.3053195


>> No.3053202
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OP can't be this stupid, or can he? Maybe he is black? LMFAO

>> No.3053207

>The Taxonomic differences unimportant. And your social statistic is bias.

In smaller words for you-

He said "Your categorizing doesn't matter, you're wrong."

It's not actually saying... anything other than "No you're wrong."

>> No.3053216
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Hey- has anyone used a fact to refute me yet? I lost track...

>> No.3053219
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>uses a methodology he calls "aggregation" of evidence, in which he averages hundreds of studies, modern and historical, with equal weight regardless of the quality of the data to demonstrate the racial patterns he asserts

That is not valid science.

>> No.3053221 [DELETED] 


because IQ tests on test certain skills which could contribute to "intelligence," whatever that may be. i may possess certain skills that allow me to perform well on IQ tests, while the other guy may not - he may have other intelligence-related skills which I do not possess. you could make a claim that statistically there is a higher probability that i am smarter than he, but nothing can definitely said based on the scores alone. also, there is variability with IQ tests if taken more than once. also, as a previous anon said, scores 130+ are just a crapshoot. also, lulz at the concept of measuring intelligence by a quantitative method.

>> No.3053224


>> No.3053225


absolute hogwash

>Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks


>> No.3053228

I could try.
>You can have two dogs, who are both dogs, but different species of dogs. Similar dogs, say a daschund and a beagle.
Dachshunds and beagles are two different breeds within the same species, not two different species altogether.

>> No.3053231


because IQ tests only test on certain skills which could contribute to "intelligence," whatever that may be. i may possess certain skills that allow me to perform well on IQ tests, while the other guy may not - he may have other intelligence-related skills which I do not possess. you could make a claim that statistically there is a higher probability that i am smarter than he, but nothing can definitely said based on the scores alone. also, there is variability with IQ tests if taken more than once. also, as a previous anon said, scores 130+ are just a crapshoot. also, lulz at the concept of measuring intelligence by a quantitative method.

>> No.3053232
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>> No.3053234


why is it that some white countries are much better than others?

why are some black countries much better than others?

hm, maybe germans are more genetically intelligent than ape minded russians

how come botswana/namibia are on the same living standard level as vietnam or thailand?

hm maybe there were a lot of external factors in history that helped certain nations develope more but NO IT'S ALL because of genes

>> No.3053236
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>> No.3053242
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>> No.3053245

Wasn't my wiki post- wikipedia is too unreliable anyway.

>> No.3053246
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>PHD in trollling

>Anyboard i want

>250 replies starting

>> No.3053247

brain size has a correlation to intelligence. more synapses & neurons = faster/better processing of information. people of african descent have smaller brain sizes

>> No.3053249


No peer reviewed scientific research would agree with you.

>> No.3053252


But that's more arguing semantics. Which is literally all anyone has done.

If you read my link in >>3053152

you'll see the argument that if we found fossils of two different breeds of dogs, we'd consider them two different species.

>> No.3053253

aborigines have some BIG heads/brains.

so do whales.

>> No.3053254


>> No.3053256
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No, that is not true.

>> No.3053260


dolphins and whales are a different story. since, they're not human, we shall ignore them.

for aborigines on the other hand. large head != large brain

>> No.3053261

>No, that is not true.
-_- thank you for your dazzling insight. How DID we live before that unique perspective was bestowed upon us?

>> No.3053262


which part and why

>> No.3053266
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> scientific merit

>mfw your emotions will never be backed by science

>> No.3053275


>The less you have interacted with blacks in your life, the more dire your defense of them will be.

I know it's pretty opposite-ends-of-the-spectrum but people who claim equality either are black or have met only a handful in their lives.

>> No.3053278

>If you read my link in >>3053152
>A humorous take on using dog breeds to prove evolution
Yeah, that's fantastic, but no argument for anything. First, we find radically different-looking dinosaur fossils all the time without classifying them as individual species based solely on different morphology. Second, since we don't *have* to rely on dead remains to establish whether a live animal, like a dog, belongs to a certain species or not, I fail to see how this hypothetical example would be relevant in any way whatsoever, even if it were perfectly sound.

>But that's more arguing semantics. Which is literally all anyone has done.
Don't be silly. The difference between a breed and a species is far from purely semantical.

>> No.3053281


FACT #1: Among human races numerous studies have been made of the comparative weight of White and Negro brains with results that fell within the range of about an 8–12 percent lower weight for the Negro brain. Such studies have been conducted by Bean, Pearl, Vint, Tilney, Gordon, Todd, and others.

FACT #2: In addition to the difference in brain weight, the Negro brain grows less after puberty than the white. Though the Negro brain and nervous system mature faster than the white brain, its development is arrested at an earlier age which limits further intellectual advancement.

FACT #3: The thickness of the supragranular layer (the outside layer) of the Negro brain is about 15 percent thinner, and its convolutions are fewer and more simple, on average, than that of the White brain.

FACT #4: The frontal lobes of the Negro brain, responsible for abstract conceptional reasoning, are smaller relative to body weight, less fissured, and less complex than those of the White brain.

>> No.3053283
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>completely unsubstantiated claims

Racists sure are funny

>> No.3053284

Retards up in this threads trying to correlate "smaller" black brains forget to mention the percent difference compared to whites is 0.35% smaller and compared to asians its 0.40% smaller after controlling for body size (see NBA players and their respective larger heads and therefore brains) but not controlling for malnutrition and poverty.

>> No.3053286


FACT #5: The name Homo sapien was first used by the 18th Century Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus. The word ‘sapien’ means ‘wise.’ The name was originally used to speak of the White man and synonymous with ‘europaeus.’ as a result, many later taxonomists and geneticists believed that Negroes and other races should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the varieties of mankind are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification in different species, if not different genera.

FACT #6: for his mammoth work, The Origin of Races, Prof essor Carleton Coon, President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the premier geneticist of the world, assembled massive evidence from geography, anatomy, genetics, physiology, comparative dentition, linguistics, archeology, and fossil records from 300 bone-bearing sites to verify his theory of pre-sapien racianation. In other words, Homo erectus was divided by race even before evolution into Homo sapien stage.

FACT #7: According to Dr. Coon, while the Caucasoid subspecies (the White race) was evolving in Europe, the Negro race was standing still on the evolutionary plane and is today no less than 200,000 years behind the European in skull and brain development.

FACT #8: The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous; i.e., the lower face projects forward, rather in the manner of an animal’s muzzle. In consequence, the Negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the Negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the “simian shelf,” a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites.

>> No.3053289

FACT #9: The rate at which Blacks commit murder is thirteen times that of Whites; Rape and assault, ten times. These figures, as given by the F.B.I. reports, vary somewhat from year to year but fairly represent the trend for the past decade.

FACT #10: According to the justice Dept, 1 in every 4 Black males between the ages of 20 and 29 is currently in prison or on probation or parole.

FACT #11: Though only 12 % of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60 % of all murders in the U.S.

FACT #12: Approximately 50 % of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime.

FACT #13: A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than vice versa.

FACT #14: Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9 %) of the time, 30× as of ten as Whites choose Blacks.

FACT #15: The annual report from the Department of justice shows that when Whites commit violence they do it to Blacks 2.4 % of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose White victims MORE THAN HALF the time.

FACT #16: In New York City, any White is over 300 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be assaulted by a gang of Blacks than is a Black by a gang of Whites.

>> No.3053291

FACT #17: Many people argue that high Black incarceration rates show that police center enforcement at Black crimes and ignore white-collar crimes. However, Blacks commit a disproportionate number of white-collar of fenses as well. In 1990, Blacks were nearly 3 times as likely to be arrested for forgery, counterfeiting, and embezzlement as Whites.

FACT #18: Many people believe that crime is a product of poverty and lack of “advantages.” However, the District of Columbia, which enjoys the highest average annual salaries and is second only to Alaska in personal income per capita, leads the nation in just about every category of crime including murder, robbery, aggravated assault, and vehicle theft. D.C. also has the country’s strictest gun control, highest police costs per capita, highest ration of police and correctional of ficers per citizen, and highest rate of incarceration. Its permanent population is over 80 % Black. West Virginia, which has the nation’s lowest crime rate, suffers from chronic poverty and has the highest unemployment in the U.S. It also has the fewest police per capita. West Virginia is over 96 % White.

>> No.3053294
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You can find plenty of black people around the world with higher IQ's than whites.

It only takes one person to scientifically invalidate your so called facts.

>also implying i didn't make you rage.

>> No.3053295
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Keep arguing with trolls /sci/! Let's shit up the board completely!

>> No.3053298
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>> No.3053300
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You totally did make me rage because
A- You assumed it's the same poster
B- You somehow linked IQ and tollerable behavior

>> No.3053301

And half of them are people pointing out that this is indeed a troll thread.

>> No.3053302
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DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3053307
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>> No.3053311


FACT #5:
FACT #6:
FACT #7:
FACT #8:
FACT #9:
FACT #10:
FACT #11:
FACT #12:
FACT #13:
FACT #14:
FACT #15:
FACT #16:
FACT #17:
FACT #18

>implying black people don't exist outside of america.

>> No.3053312


I'm... gonna have to google all of this...

>> No.3053316
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They do, but wish they didn't.

>> No.3053318

Fact. If you try to google any of these "facts" for scientific evidence supporting these claims you'll only be redirected to poorly written opinionated posts on racist website forums.

>> No.3053319
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Keep feeding the troll


>> No.3053322

this shit makes me rage...
damn ignorant ppl that cant accept the fact that there are physical differences between blacks and whites.
Even though it is obvious.
I even think that the ppl that are denying this in /sci/ are just trollin'.

Ofc a black person can be more intelligent than a white..denying this would be ignorant. But you must look at averages you trolls.

>> No.3053323

Not if you google "FBI crime statistics" and scroll down the page...

>> No.3053324
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FACT #5:
FACT #6:
FACT #7:
FACT #8:
FACT #9:
FACT #10:
FACT #11:
FACT #12:
FACT #13:
FACT #14:
FACT #15:
FACT #16:
FACT #17:
FACT #18

>The fucking bible has better factd than that.

OP believes it like canon.

This how religious activism got started, people like OP clinging unto mythical ideas and believing it is their righteous duty to do gods work by converting disbelievers, "science folks" into believers.

>> No.3053328
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>Black people dominate sports
>White people dominate poliltics
>"Race has nothing to do with anything"

>> No.3053329
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>> No.3053333
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>White people dominate poliltics

>> No.3053372

I'll see your one politician and raise you thousands and thousands more.

>> No.3053391
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You can take all the other politicians you want, I'll stick with the president (the most powerful man on the earth) who happens to be Black.

>> No.3053394

You guys are arguing with black people and you wonder why...

>> No.3053398

Half black if you want to play the race card.

His mom's white.

Just like Tiger Woods, after he got successful at something white people do, it's revealed he's not fully black.

Also I'll take the House and Senate over the president any day.

Also whatever system of government Canada has I'm sure it's run by whites...

Whites or Bears...

>> No.3053405

Black people can't work computers, you troll.

>> No.3053476

well the head of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is an african american.. so uhm there goes your entire argument....

>> No.3054062
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>> No.3054066


black computer sci major reporting in

>> No.3054078


woooah. Are you like the supersaian of your race? Do people bow down when you walk past them?>

>> No.3054080

favorite OS:
Person you hate the most:
favorite algorithm:
turnring machine notation:

>> No.3054111

It's highly unlikely that blacks actually have an average IQ of 80. Brain MRI scans have showed very little to no distinction between anatomy among humans. I have a feeling they just don't give a shit/don't try on those tests, for whatever reason.

>> No.3054186

>for whatever reason
Such as, say, an overwhelming genetic aversion to putting forth effort of any sort? That's my hypothesis.

>> No.3054197

Because they come from multiple generations of ignorance and poverty. There exist white people in the same situation, and they're just as hopeless and moronic. "Trailer trash". There're just enough white people who aren't that way that it isn't clearly a racial characteristic.

If black people hadn't been enslaved, impoverished, and denied education they'd be better off today. Remember that 80 year old black grandmothers of today went to high school in the 40's, and they're the elders of the black people today. What else do you expect?

>> No.3054202

I'm gonna say it is a culture thing. Black people are not inherently dumb, but rather majority of the are the products of the society they are brought up in.
Like most Chinese families value studying and education. So they seem smarter and look better a lot in schools.
Blacks in America are raised culturally different then whites. So they appear less intelligent. Plus they didn't sleep with other pre-historic races of 'humans'

>> No.3054210

>on /sci/


>> No.3054250

The disgusting and disturbing thing about Nazism was their attitude towards race - their conviction to somehow improving and 'purifying' the evolution of people. Eugenics, basically.

Trouble is all of it is explained quite simply as a disgracefully widespread misconception of natural history. Simply put, evolution is not progress. There is no higher form. There is no ultimately goal or ambition. It is merely change. Change over an inconceivable timeframe. You will never fully appreciate just how long it take, just as you will never fully appreciate the length of time the universe has existed and will continue to exist without humans.

For people to declare that it is not only possible but also a moral obligation to 'improve' upon this process, it takes an incredible ignorance of these these facts and, more concerning, an unbelievably arrogant overstating of our infinitesimal role in the cosmos.

>> No.3054256


Race does not exist genetically. It's a societal concept. You can have more in common genetically with a Chinese peasant farmer than your 5th cousin bill down the road.

Seriously. Imagine a society where they judged people based on the length of their hair, the size of their feet, or the colour of their eyes. You would think this society to be completely insane, irrational, and idiotic.

Welp. Got some bad news for you.

>> No.3054299

>Be asian
>Asians everywhere in university and grad school
>Don't have to worry about racism from poor, stupid and uneducated people

Anyone notice how the poorer and stupider you are, the more racist you tend to be?

>> No.3054325

>implying blacks in good socio economical environments don't get influenced by their shitty culture

>> No.3054327

Rich people hit you with subtle racism. Which tends to be more confusing to deal with than some redneck calling you a nigger and waving a shotgun at you.

>> No.3054338

Agreed. I went to a private high school (inb4 spoiled brat) and the few well-off black kids who were there all dressed in baggy clothes, spoke ebonics, and were virtually indistinguishable from their poorer counterparts. It's sad, really.

>> No.3054359

Favorite OS: Debian
Person you hate the most: Tm Curry
Favorite Algorithm: O(n log n) Sorts
Turning Machine Notation: NDTM

>> No.3054371

Also I remember seeing that dumbfuck research paper about adopted blacks with white parents being dumber than adopted whites.
>emplying black culture isn't everywhere in america

If you isolate a black person from his shitty culture, with a good environment hell be just as smart as anyone.

>> No.3054397

Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study

It was funded by the Pioneer Fund (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_Fund).). They have a lot of conservative political influences, so I would take their data with a grain of salt, also given that their data and methods have been criticized in academia.

>> No.3054510
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>mfw people can't have a rational discussion about if there are racial differences.

>> No.3054523


why do you keep starting this thread using different races/nationalities?

isn't your stupid tired yet?

>> No.3054541


>mfw this proves OP dumber than a nigger

>even blacks wouldnt champion easily disprovable arguments.

>> No.3054585


How does it feel OP to know that you will inevitably Die someday with beliefs that are no more true than fairly tales?

It must really suck to be you OP, knowing that your reality in which America is the only country in the world is dying piece by piece as the world progresses.

>> No.3054587
File: 90 KB, 437x586, racial_differences_rushton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

race is a social construct.
And this pic proves it.

>> No.3054593

/sci/ is less retarded than the rest of the world so i'll put it out there.

humans are a very finely tuned biochemical/electrical meat machine made up of lots of lines of code.

the hardware is the meat, the firmware is the chemicals that drive it and the software is our environmental upbringing.

the firmware is different in the races. neurochemcial concentrations, hormone concentrations, density of neurones in sections of the brain. all this matters.

you take a group of people with normal brain chemistry and a group of people with different levels of GABA and glutamate and you've got group 2 full of schizophrenics

the races are built differently. different hardware (fast twitch / slow twich muscle concentrations), different firmware (different hormone and neurotransmitter concetrations) and different software (nigger mom is on crack) and it's all very clear and simple.

humans are not 1 species. we are now many sub-species. homo europaeus. homo riceeaterus. homo niggerus. etc.

>> No.3054596


Anyone can make up facts, you will need peer reviewed data to convert the none believers on this board.

>> No.3054607

>humans are not 1 species. we are now many sub-species. homo europaeus. homo riceeaterus. homo niggerus. etc.

4/10 lol'd

Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species#Definitions_of_species
Different races can produce fit offspring. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.3054617



This is what other scientists said:
http://www.charlesdarwinresearch.org/reb.html#History of Race, Evolution, and Behavior

Go to "what others said", amongst them are Lynn and Charles Murray.

Am not a racist, i grew up in a veryy liberal house and i had hard time dealing with this, but in the end it was just so evident, and i thought how stupid one can be not to notice the racial difference.

Am not a racist as i said, i can't hate someone because he is genetically different than me.
Although the bad part is that actual racist might use it to justify their sickened minds.

If you think that race is just a social construct then you were brainwashed just as much theists are.

>> No.3054620

no one will peer review his data because they don't want to be called a racist. (I'm guessing)

I read his short book, it was pretty well written, but he didn't have citations or sources. So I just don't know.
not samefag

>> No.3054623

look at
It has been read by many eminent scientists who say very positive things about his work.

>> No.3054627

I posted his short book here:

I hope people understand that it is another thing being a racist and another one understanding the truth.

>> No.3054631


semantics. a chihuaua and a wolf can produce offspring too, but you would never say they are the "same"