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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3052700 No.3052700 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/,

Two years ago, I graduated with a practically useless degree. I spent the next year losing ever contact I'd made in the industry I'd studied to get into, getting stuck in a shitty apartment with four disgusting freeloaders, and working two jobs to pay my bills. Life sucked and I had no drive, no prospects, no goals to work towards.

Then, about fifteen months ago, I stumbled upon /sci/. The conversations, the debates - this board rekindled a passion for science I hadn't felt since I was in high school. I began to bury myself in books and journals, I taught myself calculus, and last summer I took a leap and registered for the physics program at the university.

Yesterday I finished my first year as a physics and astronomy student. This semester I got a 3.5, worked with one of the faculty members on upgrading a telescope the university operates out of Tuscon, and today I received the confirmation letter for my first research grant.

Thank you /sci/!!

>> No.3052703

if this is real, congrats. great accomplishment

>> No.3052725


This is either an attempt to motivate people or real, either way bravo op you made me feel good more importantly, hope.

You may be waiting till you inspire us just to come in and say you were trolling, crushing us, but real or troll I approve.

>> No.3052730
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>A worthy use of time

>> No.3052735

I read
>about fifteen months ago I stumbled upon /sci/
>about fifteen minutes ago....

>> No.3052741

just 9 years to go until you get a phD, then another 5 years competing to get tenure and then your set for life.

>> No.3052751
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No, I promise this is legit. If you're interested I'd be happy to share a bit about the research project.

>> No.3052759

Whoa! You live in Tucson! I dont know the name of the telescope, but I know where you are!

Im in Phoenix

>> No.3052762

Please elaborate. I've trouble believing /sci/ has ever been good at anything but trolling and... well, that's all if you're not into racism, philosophy, politics and other non-science stuff.

>> No.3052766

/sci/ .... motivated someone? 90% of the threads are troll threads... i'm truly surprised.

>> No.3052775

hes majoring in astronomy at a mexican shit teir school

>> No.3052778
File: 22 KB, 218x283, Rigel_telescope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm actually at Iowa. The university operates a 0.4m robotic telescope at Winer called Rigel

>> No.3052791


A mexican shit teir school...

...with one of the best telescopes in the world, and an amazing astronomy deparment...

>> No.3052795

Congrats dude! Awesome success story!
I felt motivated after watching Cosmos last summer. I knew I loved science, but I couldnt find a direction to go.
I'm majoring in astronomy & biology now.

>> No.3052797


Oh never mind, I assumed he lived in Arizona.

>> No.3052799
File: 87 KB, 720x405, Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm double majoring in physics and astronomy at the University of Iowa. /sci/ wasn't the *only* factor that led to me going back to school, but you guys really helped motivate me.

>> No.3052805


Congratulations on the research positions by the way

>> No.3052811

>econofag is jelly because hes not majoring in a real science

>> No.3052818

Kitt Peak

>> No.3052819

/sci/ practically did the same for me. I was doing a mundane, useless economics/political science degree until i switched biochemistry and hold a strong 3.7 GPA
Medical school here I come.

thanks /sci/

>> No.3052829
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>> No.3052849

enjoy flipping burgers at McDonalds for the coming years until you study something that is actually useful

>> No.3052855

congrats bro.

this is what happens when you get off /b/ and browse the other boards.

ya, if you ignore all the trolls, this board can be quite interesting and hilarious.

>> No.3052868

/sci/, uh, made me shift from Computer Engineering to ECE.

Eh, I got nothing compared to this guy.

>> No.3053034

whatever you say bro, enjoy your useful yet meaningless and unfullfilling job.

>> No.3053628



>> No.3053639


lol economics

its like trying to fix a car with a spanner that seems intent on denting it and whacking you in the dick

>> No.3053872

congrats op!

bumping for inspiration

>> No.3053944

>I graduated with a practically useless degree

Get used to having that feeling again.

>> No.3053949
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>> No.3053963

/sci/ saved my life

>> No.3053976

I've gotta ask OP:

What was the useless degree you graduated with?

Was it liberal artsy or Science related?

>> No.3053982

>The conversations, the debates - this board rekindled a passion for science
Men /sci/ at that time should be great because now I almost only see religion/philosophy and homework threads.

>> No.3053983

>fifteen months ago

jesus christ

>> No.3053988

made me lol.
To OP: Fuck yeah, science is awesome.

>> No.3053997
File: 18 KB, 319x218, 1283729493622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic story op, I hope it's true because it's just awesome.
brofist for science!

>> No.3054041
File: 90 KB, 720x405, Grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thread's still up! :)

... yes but I'd rather not say what major - it's not as embarrassing as something like 'communications' or 'gender studies' but I'm still pretty ashamed that I wasted four years on it.

There have always been trolls and spam, and there will always be trolls and spam - all you have to do is ignore them.

>> No.3054526
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awesome story

>> No.3054626
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A 4chan board... inspiring people!?!?


>> No.3054654

ISU AerE grad here. if there's one thing IC has in abundance, it's disgusting freeloaders.

>> No.3054679
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When american teenagers are at school, /sci/ can be a pleasant place. It actually made me discovered a fuck tons of stuff, and helped me realize I wanted to do astrophysics.

Thank you /sci/

>inb4 hurr durrr astrophysics useless ur stupid

> Oh, and animooted