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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.99 MB, 1627x1470, electric_wizard_-_2000_dopethrone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3051608 No.3051608 [Reply] [Original]

Most people, including a great many who are as smart as or smarter than you, believe in God. How can you be sure you're right and they're wrong? You can't say it's because you're so smart. And no matter how you think you managed to stumble onto the one true correct line of reasoning, guess what? Religious people feel the same way about themselves. How can you be so sure they're the deluded ones, and you're not? You're only human, just like them.

What now atheists?

pic unrelated, just a great album

>> No.3051614

Reported. Also, no one who believes in imaginary figures is smarter than me.

>> No.3051620

Every single god that is part of a specific religion can be disproven.

A god that isn't part of a religion apparently doesn't need to be worshiped or prayed to. How am I supposed to act like I believe in him? it changes nothing.

So I figure I'm an agnostic atheist until someone has evidence for a god that interacts with the universe.

>> No.3051623
File: 138 KB, 407x559, IsaacNewton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.3051627

well if it isn't trolly McTrollenstein.

>> No.3051628

Athiests just don't like axioms. Everything must be substantiated with no basic principles

>> No.3051631

Because all those people were either insane (like newton) or were forced by their community to act like they believe.

>> No.3051633

a caring loving God wouldnt crush to death tens of THOUSANDS of babies and children every year with earthquakes now would he?

if GOD exists, its evil.

so there are 2 choices .. no god, or an evil god

what now Godsucker?