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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 303x450, George-Washington-Carver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3049267 No.3049267 [Reply] [Original]

Peanut butter is the first and last significant thing a nog ever invented.

Prove m3 wrong.

>> No.3049281

And he done did good.

Now stop being an ignorant, racist faggot. This type of thing is why girls don't like you.

>> No.3049287

When I was in school, black history month may as well have been called George Washington Carver month.


>> No.3049292

reported for racial bullshit and not science. Take this back to /b/

>> No.3049293

he didn't invent peanut butter

>> No.3049299


and I suppose you think white people invented the slam dunk

>> No.3049301

How is discussion of inventions and inventors not science related?

>> No.3049303
File: 32 KB, 625x345, peanut butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh man, i love peanut butter!"

>> No.3049329

HAHA classic, you da man EK!

>> No.3049333

I love how everyone thinks its racist to say they havent contributed. In my opinion those people are being more patronising than the racists.

It wuld be like telling children to please do the washing up for you because you have to go to work, coming home later and one plate out of a mountain of plates is sorta half cleaned and everyone going "Heeey don't be mean he cleaned that one see! You just a racist!11112"

>> No.3049340

The reason african americans have invented less than the white man is because the history of civilisation has been dominated by white europeans and americans, while the african american has been denied opportunity.

>> No.3049343

So riddle me this, why would a class of people generally treated as shit and not being benefitted at all by contributing to a society that opresses them be judged for ... making the smart move and not contributing?

>> No.3049345

Black people invented iron working.

The more you know...

>> No.3049347
File: 345 KB, 661x642, you're welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denied opportunity

>> No.3049348
File: 76 KB, 300x225, reeses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3049349

typical racist EK

>> No.3049352

i'm not racist, these are the facts.

>> No.3049356

not facts at all. but bias.

>> No.3049358
File: 9 KB, 244x304, nigger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru dat, yt always b keepin a siencey-minded nigga down wit his rasisim and shit

>> No.3049363

how is it bias?
objectively, who has the better quality of life, those decended from slaves that were taken to america, or those who decended from africans who were not enslaved and had to develop on their own?

fact is, they just arn't great at developing technology ad inventing shit, thats not racist, thats just the way it is.
they also have a lower average IQ, again, not racism, just a fact.

>> No.3049370


Peanut butter is a recipe not a invention.


That's bullshit because you assume that African Americans are more than a minority group in the overall Black race. Africa is a shit hole and always has been a shit hole. And Africans are looked down upon everywhere in the world... even places with no history of slavery.

Europe didn't dominate civilisation until the enlightenment. And America has only dominated civilisation since World War 2 less than 70 years.

The real reason that black Africans are slow mentally and different from other races is because they are the only pure bred humans on the planet. Eurasian's ancestors mated with Neanderthals when they left Africa. It is the mix of Human and Neanderthal DNA that accounts for the difference in intellect.

>> No.3049371


How come the Asians also haven't made as many breakthroughs and modern inventions as us. SUre they make alot of advances but the new stuff the major breakthroughs, the imagination is usally from a white man. You can't use that argument for Asia, they've had an incredibly impressive and enlightened technological past. How come the modern day breakthroughs aren't evenly split between Asians and Whites? I'm talking about major things here like your Newtons and Einsteins and Faradays and Feynmans etc.

I'll tell you why. Our brains our wired differently. All races are DIFFERENT. When will "herp its only the colour of your skin" fags realsie the truth staring you in the face.

[Incidentally the future may well be shifting to Asian rather than white, their brains are incredibly good at using and optimising and improving on existing things. It may be a white guy that invented concepts of computing and the internet but the Asians really excel in using them. The intial best cars in the world were European and American, the idea was ours, but the Japanese came along and improved the existing idea by factors of 10. They made starting your car in winter a given rather than a hassle.

>> No.3049373

>1000 uses for peanuts and legumes...and not one of them butter

>> No.3049374


probably the descendants of the people whose society was not systematically destroyed over and over again and had time to incrementally improve over generations rather than rebuild everything every 10-20 years

>> No.3049380

It's racist not because it's not true, but because it's irrelevant.
Genetically, there is so little difference between whites and black, that it's unlikely that there's no other cause. For example, maybe because of the warm climate, they needn't prepare for winter, and never developed the necessary technology because they didn't need it.
Fact is. You personally also didn't invent modern society, neither did you contribute to it (in all likelyhood). So why should we not group you in the group of lazy cunts?

>> No.3049381

if they didn't develop the technology is because the cultural conditions didn't merit it.

the lower IQ just shows that culturally they aren't trained to be good at IQ tests. Not that they are less intelligent or creative.

>> No.3049385

bitches don't know about ma George Edward Alcorn, Jr

>> No.3049387


>probably the descendants of the people whose society was not systematically destroyed over and over again

What you mean like one who experience mass cullings at the hands of the Black Death and various other plagues? Epidemics and Mass Wars and invasions??

>> No.3049388
File: 52 KB, 513x341, Local-farm-worker-driving-tractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descendant of an african you was left alone to develop their own technology and culture

>> No.3049395

>African Americans
>less than 200 years of freedom and education
>European Americans
>over 200 years of freedom and education

something doesn't seem right here...

>> No.3049396
File: 152 KB, 500x375, african american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descendant of an african who was enslaved by white people and taken to america

>> No.3049398

Thing that did not happen in sub-saharan african "civilizations":

1) cultivation of crops
2) domestication of animals
3) written language

>> No.3049400

yeh, destroyed by other blacks. whites learned to be more civilised, and got on with scientific progress rather than killing each other.

>Genetically, there is so little difference between whites and black
there is quite a lot of difference, there are very large behaviour differences in the genetics, as well as the obvious aesthetic differences.

and yeh, i didnt help create modern society, but i am still young, maybe i will add to it at some point.

>> No.3049402
File: 81 KB, 512x511, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin' this.
I try not to be racist, but there really is a difference between Neil Degrasse Tyson and Ubunto who hunts pigs with sticks.

>> No.3049404

>The real reason that black Africans are slow mentally and different from other races is because they are the only pure bred humans on the planet. Eurasian's ancestors mated with Neanderthals when they left Africa. It is the mix of Human and Neanderthal DNA that accounts for the difference in intellect.

>Yfw you realise Neanderthals which are depicted in popular culture as being stupid and thugish contributed to what makes the Western world what it is today, and a 'pure' human considered to be intelligent and refined and civilsed = a black person

>> No.3049412

>yeh, destroyed by other blacks. whites learned to be more civilised, and got on with scientific progress rather than killing each other.

colonialism by the european countries clearly had a more substantial and destructive impact

>> No.3049415
File: 31 KB, 450x298, 01 - Nigger Prison Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall now dump several scientifically documented facts, presented in the form of amusing pictures.

>> No.3049416
File: 94 KB, 533x849, neander-human-comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know...
I never thought about variances between africans and eurasians when it came to the introduction of neanderthal genes. neanderthal remains havn't been found outside of europe, have they?

>> No.3049418


> blacks sell blacks into slavery
> sell their defense away
> shocked they get taken over by others
> implying this was not a choice

>> No.3049420
File: 34 KB, 265x408, 02 - Niggers Use Drugs While Pregnant_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049423

>colonialism by the european countries clearly had a more substantial and destructive impact

>> No.3049425
File: 101 KB, 533x711, 03 - Unwed Nigger Mammies_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049426


>> No.3049428


Are you kidding? We didn;'t even have that. Even less than 100 years ago we were still at it in a massive conflict involving half the world dragging our old colonies in as well.

Whites had just as many wars with much more sophisticated technology, 70 years ago we were bombing each other with planes and high explosives and inflicting civilian casualties and roping in every man of able age to join the fighitng. You act like whites have had it easy compared to blacks, its been exactly the same stop using excuses.

(I'm on your side by the way but the way you posted implies his argument is a correct one when its not every society has had just as much shitto go through, Africans were never surrounded by other technologically advanced countries in an arms race where the others were sending over unmanned rocket powered bombs into your cities)

>> No.3049429
File: 58 KB, 497x341, 04 - Modern Nigger Slavery_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049431
File: 54 KB, 424x533, 05 - Niggers Have Herpes_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049434
File: 67 KB, 590x444, 06 - Nigger Arrest Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049439


did that happen over and over for almost every generation? did that also wipe out most of the available technology and records?
No, then probably not comparable

>> No.3049440
File: 77 KB, 638x454, 07 - Niggers Rape Babies_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049441
File: 42 KB, 600x480, bravery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that tech is imported, and was created by a white man.

he has opportunity, is just too lazy to get a job.

<<<for the lulz.

>> No.3049437


Asians made plenty of inventions in the past.

Mathematics was pretty much developed by Indian and Persian thinkers and China developed many technologies in the past (such as gun powder). And these things were done while Europe was pretty undeveloped. You cannot deny that culture has a large influence on things.

European DNA didn't change between the Dark Ages and the Enlightenment... what changed was culture.

I'm not denying that Africans are generally less able but it's pretty ignorant to think that Europeans are better than every other race.

>> No.3049442
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 08 - Niggers Rape Goats_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049443


You're implying the european countries and empires left each other well alone and targetted black people.
Its not as if we were at war with France, Spain, Portugal, pretty much everyone at one point or another for a total of hundreds of years or anything.

>> No.3049444
File: 52 KB, 512x768, 09 - Fat Nigger She-Boons_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049445
File: 95 KB, 407x405, 1300318015311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fuckin thread

>> No.3049447
File: 61 KB, 683x522, 10 - Niggers Sniff Shit_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049448

>he has opportunity, is just too lazy to get a job.

hahahaha, no.

>> No.3049452
File: 84 KB, 697x409, 11 - Nigger Brains Are Primative_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049454
File: 101 KB, 700x530, 12 - Niggers Do Not Advance_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049457
File: 67 KB, 503x461, 13 Nigger AIDS Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049459

>nuff said

>> No.3049461
File: 52 KB, 433x401, 14 - Nigger Welfare Births_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049463
File: 65 KB, 700x453, 15 - Nigger Crimes Against Whites_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049464
File: 155 KB, 1000x1398, robert-johnson_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man invented the blues.

>> No.3049465
File: 48 KB, 425x361, 16 - Nigger Ape Skulls_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049466
File: 58 KB, 355x507, 17 - Nigger Pigment_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049469
File: 72 KB, 700x530, 18 - Nigger Ape Eyes_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049471


I didn't say Europe was better I said technology and breakthroughs have been shifting from Asia to Europe as the kinds of breakthroughs change, and now is slowly shifting back to Asia.

Asians layed alot of groundwork, then Europe made some imaginative breakthroughs and massive leaps forward once we got the issues with religion holding us back and plagues and things out of the way, now its shifting back towards Asia again as the technologically advanced society we live in has already been esstablished. We're working on improving it now.

Asians may have had very advanced technology in the past but Europeans took it further, China was massively advanced, or thought they were, then they met an iron European warship and suddenly their wooden sailing boat didn't cut it anymore.

Something like that didn't actually happen obviously but its kinda a good metaphor for when our two cultures met for the first time.

>> No.3049473
File: 76 KB, 768x512, 19 - Niggers Kill Their Niglets_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049476
File: 118 KB, 700x530, 20 - Niggers Abandon Nigglets_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049480
File: 54 KB, 436x469, 21 - Niggers Are Ugly_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049482
File: 108 KB, 643x493, 22 - Nigger Lack Gene_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049486
File: 57 KB, 643x387, 23 - Niggers Are Retarded_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049487
File: 46 KB, 437x468, neilpissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientists report on race differences
>published 1956

>> No.3049489
File: 132 KB, 700x511, 24- Niggers Look Like Apes_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049492
File: 92 KB, 700x451, 25 - Niggers Have Small Brains_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049494
File: 45 KB, 293x503, 26 - Nigger Ape Noses_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049495

i lol'd
>implying they are not human.

>> No.3049496
File: 104 KB, 623x471, 27 - Nigger Murder Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049499
File: 60 KB, 697x351, 28 - Nigger Serial Killers_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049500
File: 23 KB, 296x317, MeetingAdjourned[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for stormfaggotry.

>> No.3049505
File: 86 KB, 700x530, 29 - Nigger Parole Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049510
File: 136 KB, 700x456, 30 - Modern Nigger Medicine_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049512


>> No.3049514
File: 112 KB, 401x401, 1302226962264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's funny is it's just the same few stormfags samefaggin' it up.

Protip, no one cares, even if you WERE right, which you're not.

>> No.3049515
File: 93 KB, 599x521, 31 - Modern Nigger Engineering_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049517
File: 66 KB, 479x530, 32 - High Nigger Unemployment Rate_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049522
File: 32 KB, 401x373, 33 - Nigger Drug and Alcohol Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049523


>Implying that sort of thing could be published nowadays even if it was facutally 100% correct
>Implying a lecturer didn't lose their post at Leeds University for saying there are intelligence differences in race.

We live in a PC world that tries to cover our eyes and go LALALALAALLALA to the facts because people feel guilty that they think we somehow caused this, (as evident by some deluded posters here) when actually its been lke it all all along like in this picture


>> No.3049526
File: 64 KB, 583x451, 34 - Niggers Are Retarded_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049527
File: 106 KB, 300x406, TYSON&#44;+NEIL+2005+2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do racists explain this guy being hundreds of times smarter than they are?

>> No.3049528


how many are there?

>> No.3049529
File: 63 KB, 489x455, 35 - Niggers Eat Menstraul Waste_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049532
File: 74 KB, 435x530, 36 - Nigger Welfare Rates_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049535
File: 47 KB, 509x312, 37 - Niggers Bathe in Urine_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049538

I would ask you for some data on his intelligence, my intelligence and the means you used to calculate the difference.

>> No.3049539
File: 49 KB, 543x415, 38 - Niggers Lick Animal Genitals_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049542
File: 26 KB, 293x421, 39 - Niggers Molest Children_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3049545


> China was massively advanced, or thought they were, then they met an iron European warship and suddenly their wooden sailing boat didn't cut it anymore.

That is actually fairly close to what happened actually. The Chinese were so convinced of their superiority that they did not understand the world had innovated past them... they literally thought that China was the centre of the world and every other nation was a barbarian kingdom.

After the industrial revolution in Britain, British traders tried to open up the Chinese markets on things like silk and tea... the Chinese refused and referred to Queen Victoria as a 'The Barbarian Vassal Victoria' because they did not accept that Britain was a independent nation... all nations were ruled by the Middle Kingdom of China.

In the end Britain sent in the Royal Navy during the first Opium War and destroyed the Chinese forces.

>> No.3049546
File: 17 KB, 300x400, laughing-jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying race-scientists in the 50's wern't fucking fools trying to justify a political outlook
Note to self: take a look at a trailer park in arkansas and tell me we whites are the superior race.

>> No.3049549

I have someone you guys might like to meet. His name is "Adolf Hitler."

>> No.3049550

Why do animals have breeds and humans have races?

People like to say all humans are equal but they would never say all breeds of dogs are equal but they're not.

Why is it racist to suggest that different races of humans are built in different ways?

>> No.3049551

read one of his books and see what you think.
meanwhile, I'll read some of your published scientific pape-
....oh.....you don't have any?
well this is awkward.

>> No.3049554


Using that logic all negros are murders and rapists because of one of the guys named in this picture (take your pick)


We're lookig at statistics and averages here, its meaningless to the individual but gives a good overall impression of a groups traits

>> No.3049555

because martin luther king

>> No.3049556
File: 3 KB, 125x105, zp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>note to self
>tell me

>> No.3049559


This doesn't really help your point, but Neil's ancestry is mostly white.

Saging a stormthread.

>> No.3049561
File: 64 KB, 300x300, sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's late, mistakes are made

>> No.3049566

I'm asking for your data, not your opinions and baseless assumptions. This is /sci/, not /x/, where you usually roam about.

>> No.3049571

I thought something like this happened but didn't present it as solid fact incase I remembered wrong or it didn't actually happen or something, awesome thanks.

Ignore the first quote I clicked

>> No.3049572

here you go.

>> No.3049573
File: 14 KB, 247x340, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believes in intelligence testing
>laughing whores.jpg


>claims to have valid, reliable science
>can't reproduce studies
>argument based entirely upon cultural "evidence"
>ignore the fact that blacks are the origin of genetic material, and possess the ability of all other races under current model
>ignoring race is a social construct
>ignoring peer review
>ignoring genetics
>ignoring biases
>ignoring black scientists and innovators
>claims conspiracy theories about world hiding the "truth" so no real science can be done
>ignore the fact that this was debated and destroyed decades ago
>ignore that racism is the result of insecurities or group selection

Confirmed for insecure faggotry. Clearly, if there was a "race" of people that were inferior, it would be racists themselves.

>> No.3049580
File: 58 KB, 178x188, 1262447869088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black scientists and innovators

>> No.3049584


>Lives in a sheltered ideal world
>Has clearly never been, lived, or worked in an area with black people.
>Follows the politically correct asumptions of the society that "Everywun is equul in every single possible way we all look talk and act the same except we have different coloured skin, we evolved completely separately for thousands of years yet ended up evolving down exactly the same line despite being in different conditions and some of us crossbreeding with other species and all ended up exactly the same in every posible way lol what a coincidence!! If you don't agree you's just racist"

>> No.3049586
File: 18 KB, 338x231, woot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>IQ test biased in favor of blacks


>online version of test


multiple choice:

1. A “handkerchief head” is:
a. a cool cat
b. a porter
c. an Uncle Tom
d. a hoddi
e. a preacher

3. A “gas head” is a person who has a:
a. fast-moving car
b. stable of “lace”
c. ”process”
d. habit of stealing cars
e. long jail record for arson

5. ”Hully Gully” came from:
a. East Oakland
b. Fillmore
c. Watts
d. Harlem
e. Motor City

6. Cheap chitlings (not the kind you purchase at a frozen food counter) will taste rubbery unless they are cooked long enough. How soon can you quit cooking them to eat and enjoy them?
a. 45 minutes
b. 2 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 1 week (on a low flame)
e. 1 hour

12. Hattie Mae Johnson is on the Country. She has four children and her husband is now in jail for non-support, as he was unemployed and was not able to give her any money. Her welfare check is now $286 per month. Last night she went out with the highest player in town. If she got pregnant, then nine months from now how much more will her welfare check be?
a. $80
b. $2
c. $35
d. $150
e. $100

>> No.3049589

>data on his intelligence, my intelligence and the means you used to calculate the difference
The page you linked doesn't include data on either of those things.

I'll stop asking you to back up your claims, though. It's not going anywhere. Let's just hope you remember that claims require an empirical basis in order to be valid, before you launch your next personal attack void of any argumentative value.

>> No.3049590


Point out that black people are equal to whites... use examples like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Barack Obama. Forget to mention that these 'blacks' are mostly European with only a small amount of African DNA.

>> No.3049592

You just made those questions up, dude.

>> No.3049593
File: 7 KB, 125x107, 1300079830793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginning of thread:
>reported for racist bullshit, not science
>How is discussion of inventions and inventors not science related?

end of thread:
>black people are stuppppiidd WHITE POWER

>> No.3049594
File: 39 KB, 410x272, 1300594506610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol racists, are you even trying?

>> No.3049598

nope. Just because we aren't stormfags it doesn't mean we believe everyone is equal. the principle difference is socially/culturally/politically

>> No.3049599
File: 55 KB, 1185x1137, 1262525766040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Test of black culture
>If she got pregnant, then nine months from now how much more will her welfare check be?

>> No.3049600

nope, click the link at the bottom of the wiki page.

>> No.3049601



>> No.3049603
File: 4 KB, 126x126, trololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly because a black man is in charge of a prestigious planetarium and you're stuck posting racist bullshit on 4chan?
I suppose I'd lash out too if I were you.

>> No.3049605
File: 16 KB, 210x214, 1300109027897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3049606

>confirmed for using ad hominem and not being able to argue

thank for coming to sci, please come again when you've received a basic education!

>> No.3049616


I used to think like that. I lived in the suburbs and had nice PC parents who raised me to believe everyone was equal.

Then I started travelling and actually encountered the way blacks act in real life. I soon lost my 'everyone is equal' outlook.

It amazes me how people can accept that evolution exists.... and accept that different races have unique genetic attributes. But will refuse to accept ANY POSSIBILITY that intelligence is genetic as well. It's a classic case of ideology over ruling evidence.

>> No.3049619

I didn't post even a single racist comment in this entire thread, nor do I harbor any feelings of jealousy (or disrespect, for that matter) towards Tyson.

I responded to one thing and one thing only: The baselessness of your claim.

>> No.3049623


I used to think like that. I lived in the suburbs and had nice PC parents who raised me to believe everyone was equal.

Then I started travelling and actually encountered the way my cultural and societal biases surface I soon lost my 'everyone is equal' outlook.

It amazes me how people can't accept that race doesn't exist.... and accept that different people draw from a bank of similar genetic attributes. But will refuse to accept ANY POSSIBILITY that intelligence is socially and culturally defined as well. It's a classic case of ideology over ruling evidence.


>> No.3049626


the one place I go where I can MAYBE find something interesting, and theres /b/ shit all over the front page. fuck you guys. YES I MAD

>> No.3049627


Very well I shall restructure my post (even though to begin with it was just a parody of yours with all the greentexting so you can hardly critisise the layout)

Are you really saying that "Everyone is equal in every single possible way we all look talk and act the same except we have different coloured skin, we evolved completely separately for thousands of years yet ended up evolving down exactly the same line despite being in different conditions and some of us crossbreeding with other species and all ended up exactly the same in every posible way lol what a coincidence!! If you don't agree you's just racist"

Also, you ask me to receive a basic education yet you can't construct a basic sentence properly.

>> No.3049630

No it's realisation of the fact that we are all the same species. Genetic differences very often are negligible because we're not separate species. Differences in intelligence are better explained scientifically as developmental. That's why you can have a black guy who's really fucking smart, a white who's really dumb, or a black guy who's really dumb and a white guy who's rally smart.

>> No.3049631

This guy's a showman, not a scientific. There is nothing brilliant or smart in his speeches.
Token black scientist

>> No.3049635

I claim only that this racist bs in this thread is, in fact, untrue. cultures vary from place to place, and shining examples of fantastic humans can be found in all races.
(just like stupid comes in all colors)
And chances are, the guy's PROBABLY smarter than you. ( i don't know, I don't have your IQ or anything)
Don't take it personally though, he's smarter than me too, probably much of the board.

>> No.3049638

>not a scientific

lol and also tyson is an astrophysicist, that's a scientist, you plank!

>> No.3049640

I listed many different topics and all you can come up with is an unproven concept of evolution and genetic differentiability? Our species is not that old, and furthermore you're claiming the BASES of the entire genetic pool is somehow inferior. Completely ignoring the fact that African has been in a colonial state since the ancients. Completely ignoring cultural and societal differences. You're a tard bro. That's why no one takes you seriously, your own insecurities can be seen from /b/

>> No.3049641

inb4 hes an exception

>> No.3049643


>> No.3049644
File: 171 KB, 160x120, ohsnap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your own insecurities can be seen from /b/

>> No.3049654

I think their lives would improve if they were seen as domesticated monkeys rather than humans. They'd be looked after by someone who'll feed them and give them a place to live. People are only mean to these creatures because we set out expectations of them too high and we're always disappointed.

>> No.3049655


Except we are not all the same species.

Africans are human. Eurasian's are humans who left Africa and interbred with Neanderthals to create a hybrid species.

>> No.3049661

Really? Show me the peer review?

wait! it doesn't exist!

>> No.3049668

Oh my fucking god.

>> No.3049672

Damn racists, that's all you got? You got fucking owned.

Now that your arguments will boil down to semantics and unproven personal theories I'll leave until you can find more pseudo science articles to back up your baseless claims.

Please, come again, shits too easy!

>> No.3049673
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>> No.3049674
File: 10 KB, 220x293, 220px-Albert_Einstein_1947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and Einstein was a genius.

Therefore using your own logic, all white scientists are smarter than all black scientists are smarter than all of /sci/

Incase you didn't decipher this from the above: Individuals mean nothing you need to look at data sets.

>> No.3049675

That doesn't prove we're not the same species.

If they could interbreed, then clearly they are the same species, they did not branch off into two distinct species. Two breeds maybe but that's inherently more complex and difficult to clarify

>> No.3049677
File: 8 KB, 293x315, 1281681855037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /sci/s mod is like /gif/s then when the thread dies down a bit, the mod will delete all comments that hint that races are equal.

Even the mods are racist.

>> No.3049683

Races are not equal. At least, not in a prgramatic or realistic sense. They have equal rights to life and suchlike.

>> No.3049688

Cite one of his discoveries.

>> No.3049689

>But Green said there is no evidence that anything genetically important came over from Neanderthals.

Owned by your own article researcher! Damn, read first, then post. You'll learn one day

>> No.3049690

> But Green said there is no evidence that anything genetically important came over from Neanderthals. "The signal is sparsely distributed across the genome, just a 'bread crumbs' clue of what happened in the past," he said. "If there was something that conferred a fitness advantage, we probably would have found it already by comparing human genomes."

beaten by your own source

>> No.3049692


>Completely ignoring the fact that African has been in a colonial state since the ancients


Africa is the birthplace of the human species. They have had longer than anyone else to civilise.

Africans were only colonised from the 19th century onwards. It wasn't until then that Europeans could even enter Africa without dying from Malaria. Before the invention of Quinine Africa was known as 'the white man's grave' and travelling there was a death sentence.

Any colonisation done before the 19th century was done in the far north of Africa these places are inhabited by Arabs not black Africans. That part of Africa is considered part of the Mediterranean culture (the same as Rome and Greece).

>> No.3049694

>science mind
high five bro

>> No.3049703
File: 531 KB, 885x1410, michael_whelan__being_a_green_mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun racist fact: 99.9% of racists telling fun facts reflect those facts better than their target.

mostly unemployed, of less-than-average intelligence, little or no knowledge of the world beyond their home town, insecure, feeble, overcompensating, badly behaving, alcoholic, drug-abusing, criminal, loud

>> No.3049699

The two worst aspects of scientific debate: those with religious people and those with stormfront.

it's really no wonder you find /sc/ is effectively made up of these two issues almost exclusively. /sci/ isn't science, it's just /b/ with less images

>> No.3049701

Negroids where physically challenged by their environment, intellectually unchallenged.
That's why they're physically superior and intellectually inferior to other races.


>> No.3049704

Just to contribute to the thread...

Black people invented modern music. (Rock and Hip Hop)

>> No.3049705


>The process of sequencing was painstaking. Among the challenges were eliminating bacterial and fungal DNA, which accounted for 97% of the genetic material in the samples, and guarding against contamination from the researchers, whose DNA might be mistaken for Neanderthals'. Plus, the DNA was so fragmented that the chains were often no longer than 40 or 50 base pairs. "We used half a gram of bones to produce the 3 billion base pairs," Pääbo said in a May 5 press conference. "I really thought until six or seven years ago that it would remain impossible, at least for my lifetime, to sequence the entire genome." New sequencing technologies made it feasible, he said.

>Researchers compared the Neanderthal genome with the genomes of five living people: one San from southern Africa, one Yoruba from West Africa, one Papua New Guinean, one Han Chinese and one French person. Scientists discovered that 1% to 4% of the latter three DNA samples is shared with Neanderthals — proof that Neanderthals and early modern humans interbred. The absence of Neanderthal DNA in the genomes of the two present-day Africans indicates that interbreeding occurred after some root population of early modern humans left Africa but before the species evolved into distinct groups in Europe and Asia. (See a photo gallery celebrating the genius of Darwin.)

Source: http://minglecity.com/group/conspiracycontroversyhiddenknowledge/forum/topics/all-nonafricans-are-no

Yes its a conspiracy site, before you attack that fact, have a more rigorous article I don't havet ime to read because I have to go to a lecture, this one cites the original article I just posted the above site because I wanted to show where I got that quote from.


>> No.3049706

How can you breathe up there from sitting on such a high horse?

>> No.3049707

Firstly, samefag

Secondly, what the fuck are you talking about? All I did was give a source that shows that Africans possess distinct genetic differences from other races given their heritage. With the deaths of Neanderthals it is no surprise that any genetic heritage from them has mostly vanished, but that doesn't change the fact that there are tangible genetic differences between Africans and others, which "baww we're all equal"fags can't ignore.

>> No.3049709

>Yes its a conspiracy site
you've already debunked your own source

are you retarded or something?

>> No.3049714
File: 62 KB, 447x686, 1299546526773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hive five!
>implying every culture has a set time limit to erect western society
lol seriously? And no, it' was parts of central Africa too. There are thousands of cultures across the land that didn't erect anything similar to western culture and they're also not inferior. Racism, like race, are cultural and societal terms applied by those wishing to be superior to a race they do no like. it's completely pseudo science and conspiracy theorists backed by group selection and insecurities. Fuck, even if this shit they spewed WERE true it wouldn't fucking matter. And yet, here they are, making offensive slides and arguing past their ignorance into subjects they barely understand to prove a simple societal bias. It'
s intellectual absentmindedness at it's best.

>> No.3049715
File: 53 KB, 628x702, 1298976894813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Firstly, samefag

> All I did was give a source
and claimed Eurasian's created a hybrid species.

Hey bro, you're anonymous. No need to save-face on the internet.

>> No.3049719


>mostly unemployed

>of less-than-average intelligence,

>little or no knowledge of the world beyond their home town


Don't even know what you mean by this

For what?

>badly behaving

Nowhere near

Never touched the stuff

Again, no

Nowhere near

But whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.3049720
File: 72 KB, 637x602, umadbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt the need to defend himself.
Obviously buttraged

>> No.3049722

>picking the easiest argument to critique

At least you recognise your limits.

>> No.3049726


I was the person that stated Humans and Neanderthals interbred and created a hybrid species. Not the anon you were responding too.

Not everyone called anonymous is the same person.

>> No.3049728




ya, we samefaged a post both providing different criticisms in less than one minute! You're a fucking retard. There is no proper distinction of race provided, they could easily mean the first humans coming out of africa (y'know the common base of man and ALL OF OUR GENETIC POSSIBILITIES) Take your butthurt pseudo science elsewhere

>> No.3049732


You don't even know what this mean (actually, it means nothing).
Environmental constraints makes evolution happens, not genetics alone.

>> No.3049734

Hahaha I can't stop laughing at this post by a user with an avatar showing a black guy.

Posted on one of the articles linked

Oh boy

> these are some more lies the white devil has worked up! first of all...all creation came from black people, the world was repopulated with noahs three sons shem, ham and japhath...the so called african americans, latino's, hispanics, mexicans, indians, panamanians, dominicans, cubans, jamaicians and ppl of the islands come from shem which makes up the 12 tribes of israel... the african nations come from ham, mizraim/egyptians/africans, kushites/ethiopians, phut/libyans, caanan/other african nations..japhath produced european nations such as gomar/irish, jaban/greeks, meshac/moscow, tubal/russia, tyrus/italians, ashkenaz/germans/fake jews,riphath and togamar/turkey and tarshish/spain...and these original european nations were albino, not white, they became white and pale through curse of leprosy and the ice age...now back to shem...the arabs also come from shem but through black men mixing seed with white women...every nation comes from black people...blacks are the only nation of people that can produce multiple colors thats how you know all other nations come from us and the europeans did not exist until the middle centuries, thousands of years after black people were here and the only reason white ppl even exist is because of our disobedience to god yah and he cursed some of our seed to be white 2nd kings 5:27 the story of Naaman so dont get caught up in the white man's lies..the white man is the Neanderthal(Cave Man) and black moores had to civilize them.

>> No.3049735


>> No.3049736
File: 91 KB, 392x345, 1287291959658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his one cites the original article I just posted the above site because I wanted to show where I got that quote from.
>I wanted to show

Oh wow, everyone must know the exact article you were talking about. Infact, about 2-3 completely different people just happen to reference your post and defend it as if it was there own and claimed it as there post.


try again.

>> No.3049742

I'm always trying to calm down my racistic urges.... always trying to rationalize, to excuse them etc etc.
But when I read this kind of shit... It makes me boil inside and my right arm starts raising for no reason

Fucking n!ggers

>> No.3049743

shouldn't you be getting ready for you highschool classes?

>> No.3049749

>raging at some idiot posting on a forum
>reduces it to the fact that he's descended from a group of people from somwhere
>confirmed for full retard

>> No.3049750

I'm 30 brah.
I'm going to work in 3 hours.

How is your parents basement today, not to dark and damp?

>> No.3049753

>i'm 30 i have a hot girlfriend and make six figures you're all just jealous virgins

cool story kid

>> No.3049754

hey you're insulting someone. that means you're not a very nice person. i think it's probably because your ancestors are all biologically inclined to insult people.

that there is racist logic

>> No.3049756

Blacks are physically superior to all races.
This is a fact.
That is a "+"

Then, if they are intellectually equal, that is a "="

In the end, it means they are one + and one =
When all other races are one - and one =.

Therefore, +, = > - =
Therefore blacks = superior race ?

I don't think so Tim.

>> No.3049757

4) the wheel

>> No.3049758

>Blacks are physically superior to all races.
[citation needed]

>> No.3049760

Let me correct this.
I'm 30
My girfriend is a cute (at least for me), smart young woman.
My salary is nothing impressive, I live my life quietly and I enjoy it. I'm no man of materialistic and shallow ambitions.

Don't be mad, youngster.

>> No.3049762


>no answers

Fuck you guys

>> No.3049767

They won all athletic contests since they started to gradually massively participate in the 50s.

If it's not fact enough....

>> No.3049773

There is a white lab, and there is a black lab. Both labs are from the same breed but contain a different fur color. They both have the same physical and mental potential.

There is a white man, and there is a black man. Both men are from the same race but contain a different skin color. They both have the same physical and mental potential.

Is this clear enough for you? Or are you going to disagree no matter what because it doesn't fit in with your bias?

>> No.3049775

That's why the best swimmers have been blacks; that's why blacks have dominated Strongman competitions, etc...

>> No.3049777

you're treating human breeds as if they were distinct species.

fact of the matter is, everything the racist puts forward as some kind of unavoidable biological inclination can better be explained scientifically as developmental. not genetic.

>> No.3049781

Have you noticed how "the distribution of intelligence in negroid ethnic groupis the same as in all other ethnic groups" is held as a kind of universal postulate like "light travels at the same speed in all reference frames" or " the momentum operator is -i.hbar.d/dx", even though it doesn't agree with observed experimental evidence at all?

I hate how society enforces this unscientific bullshit, and anyone who questions this unsuppoirted hypothesis like James Watson for example is shunned andturned into a pariah.

>> No.3049786

>"the distribution of intelligence in negroid ethnic groupis the same as in all other ethnic groups"

it may be true that it's not equally distributed. In fact i think it's fair to say it's not equally distributed.

But first >define intelligence

Fact of the matter is, you have no basis for asserting that intelligence is an inescapable biological inclination when it well also be (and according to scientific evidence is much more likely to be) developmental.

>> No.3049788

Swimming : requires a pool.
Most black come from poorer neighbourough so they don'"t have accesss to pools.
Also swimming is kind of unnatural for the black man : it was never needed to survive in africa while runing and jumping was.

Strongmen: traditionally practiced by white peasants in the countryside. Black people in white countries were never land owners nor they were accepted in white "clans"...

This has nothing to do with their inability to practice these sports, it's just not culturally or materially probable for us to practice them.

Learn to use your brain a little more intensively, it helps understanding things.

>> No.3049791

Why are you so angry...

In 1967, George Edward Alcorn earned a Ph.D. in Atomic and Molecular Physics from Howard University. Between 1965-67 Alcorn conducted research on negative ion formation under a NASA-sponsored grant. Dr. George Edward Alcorn holds eight patents in the United States and Europe on semiconductor technology, one of which is a method of fabricating an imaging X-ray spectrometer. His area of research includes: adaptation of chemical ionization mass spectrometers for the detection of amino acids and development of other experimental methods for planetary life detection; classified research involved with missile reentry and missile defense; design and building of space instrumentation, atmospheric contaminant sensors, magnetic mass spectrometers, mass analyzers; and development of new concepts of magnet design and the invention of a new type of x-ray spectrometer.and limbs...

He's black


>> No.3049792

Except race is more than skin colour. There are other physical differences between the races.

A better example would be between dog breeds such as a Terrier and a Great Dane.

Every dog breeder knows that each breed has it's own strengths and weaknesses. They also act differently.

>> No.3049794

[citation needed]
inb4 just look at them

>> No.3049796

Every non-black ethnic group values intelligence as the end all of human abilities.
But it's only a human construct.
If black are better at physical stuff and it allowed them to survive, then , in the eyes of the universe, it's as good as being able to survive trough intelligence.
I think blacks are less inclined to intellectual tasks and more gifted in physical prowesses.
And the universe won't call me a racist creep, it doesn't give a flying fuck.

>> No.3049807


Wrong. IQ is 80 % heritable. And it is VERY well defined. The g factor is a correlation between a persons scores on any kind of IQ test, even ones that seem superficially unrelated to someone like you.

A person that scores high on one test, scores high on all of them, and also scores pretty close to what their parents did.

>> No.3049812

I'm pretty racist. Black people do have lower mean intelligence than almost every other ethnicity on earth save pygmies or abos or other shit.

However comparing human races to dog breeds is dumb because humans never underwent selective breeding to specifically enhance traits. So the differences between humans living in different parts of the world will be less specialised than dog breeds.

>> No.3049816

The swimming thing really just boils down to pool access. Most people have to take swim lessons to be able to swim... so if blacks don't take lessons or ever go swimming, they don't learn to swim. It's really simple.

But there are always a ton of little black kids at my neighborhood's pool, so whatever.

>> No.3049818

Black slaves descendant who are now the best athlets in the world after being slected and bred like horses is a reality that tends to disagreee with you.

>> No.3049822

Sorry but it's much more likely that the differences and patterns of behaviour that people in this thread are asserting as inescapable biological inclinations are in fact shaped by cultural developments.

>> No.3049826

Culturally, blacks see no interest in swimming : it doesn't bring them pussy. Swimming is essentially gay.

>> No.3049828

Still waiting for that citation.

>> No.3049839

So if what you're saying is right and there are heritable differences in intelligence, what do you suppose should happen to those who aren't clever?

>> No.3049840

so that the conversation doesn't get derailed into "hurr IQ tests" horse shit, let's just define intelligence as the ability to do well on IQ tests.

Plenty of twin studies have shown that "intelligence" is not independant of ones genes. You might ask me to cite a specific study but this is something that you should have learnt about in highschool.

OMG he's like the best scientist of the twentieth century!!!

>> No.3049844

regardless, it's not an inherent genetic disability like a lot of people seem to believe for some reason. a black person taking swimming lessons will learn to swim just like any white person.

>> No.3049846

What citation?

Were you living on Mars these 50 last years?

>> No.3049855

it funny how people are constantly making claims and yet can never provide a source.
>DURR HURR I DON'T NEED A SOURCE [insert insult here]

yeah, you sound very credible. Stay in school kids.

>> No.3049857

He will swim better.

Mark my word : as soon as black people start massively entering swimming contests they'll win every single gold medal there is to win. Like they always do in every other sports they are numerous in.

They're physically superior : their type of muscular tissue is more efficient at releasing plenty of energy quick than every others ethnicity muscular tissues.
Look for it, it's a scientific fact.

>> No.3049858

You're probably right

Here's the real shocker: after 500 years of genetic commingling in North America, the genetics of African-Americans and North American Whites are not so separated. Using the IQ scores by country is no longer meaningful in analyzing dark-skinned phenotypes and light-skinned phenotypes in North America.

You think a particular race has a lower IQ? I guess that presupposes the controversial conclusion that there is such a uniform measure of thinking power. There is also the underlying assumption that culture/income/societal rank has less influence than particular genotypes.

tl,dr: Races aren't so genetically separate in North America, IQ may or may not exist, and ability to think (whether subject to IQ or something else) will certainly be affected by other things.

>> No.3049860


>> No.3049863

Citation please.

>> No.3049867

Shut up samefag and use your fingers to find said sources yourself.
Or are you a black person who needs assistance for every single task he has to accomplish?

>> No.3049868

They should be acknowledged as not being as intelligent as those more intelligent than them instead of enforcing a false axiom that everyone has to conform to or else they'll be treated like a child rapist.

What's the problem?

>> No.3049874

Lazy niggers detected

>> No.3049878


That's actually not true at all.

1. Different races excel at different sports.

2. The few hundred years of slavery "some" blacks suffered is not enough for any significant genetic mutations that actually make a difference.

3. Those black runners that are so praised are not all black people but rather a few tribes that make a very small percentage of all the black people world wide. A typical such tribe are the Raramuri (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarahumara).). Note that they are American indigenous not black Africans. Another example are the Kalenjin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalenjin_people).). These tribes actually do have supernormal athletic prowess which is largely attributed to their longer periods of time as hunters (tens of thousands of years).

>> No.3049882
File: 44 KB, 500x374, 1272229921846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah. so you have no source and you're just making baseless assumptions. Good to know.
We've had enough laughs now go do your homework.

>> No.3049889


This is a common (and shitty) internet debating tactic. You are asking that anon to provide sources for every statement he makes yet you do not provide similar sources for your own statements.

It's obvious that you are using this as a way of derailing the discussion.

>> No.3049895

The fact that I am white and lazy (and not particularly smart) goes someway to disregarding your theory that laziness and stupidness is somehow not only inherent genetically but the culturally defining factor for black people

>> No.3049900
File: 8 KB, 274x242, 1285310749616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hasn't provided any sources
>ask me to provide a source yet I've made no claims
>desperately trying to change the burden of proof because hes running out of tactics

>> No.3049907

>The few hundred years of slavery "some" blacks suffered is not enough for any significant genetic mutations that actually make a difference.
Awkwardly, it was enough to bred TONS of very different breeds of dogs.
You have no idea how selective bredding works ; it's MUCH, much more efficianet than natural selection in exagerating some broader traits.

If you mate 2 tall people together, their progeniture will have a very high chance to grow as a tall person.
Now, breed that tall son/daughter with another selected, tall son/daughter, and you have an even higher probability to pass on these genes to their descendant.

Or are you implying that tall people don't breed tall children and black people don't breed black children?

The political correctness ruining in your blood is dampening your intellectual abilities my friend.

>> No.3049909

But will they be treated as humans? If not then what kind of animal will they be treated as?

>> No.3049913


I'm not the anon you were asking to provide sources. I'm just pointing out your shitty debating tactics.

I'll also point out that not everyone who replies to you called 'anonymous' is the same person. You should have grasped that concept on 4chan by now.

>> No.3049920

>I'll also point out that not everyone who replies to you called 'anonymous' is the same person
I'm not that person you are refering to

also, you could easily end this by just providing a credible source.
Why should I look it up if you've made the claim. The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.3049936


African Americans don't even excel at anything other than basket ball and those are "tall African Americans" not African Americans in general.

Also, afaik selective breeding results in crippled dogs.

And being a slave is nowhere near physically exhausting as being a hunter in Africa. Working the fields and tending to white families doesn't exactly take that much physical effort.

Also because apparently you didn't read shit I'll repost the last line from my previous posts.

>3. Those black runners that are so praised are not all black people but rather a few tribes that make a very small percentage of all the black people world wide. A typical such tribe are the Raramuri (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarahumara).). Note that they are American indigenous not black Africans. Another example are the Kalenjin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalenjin_people).). These tribes actually do have supernormal athletic prowess which is largely attributed to their longer periods of time as hunters (tens of thousands of years).

>> No.3049951

Aren't you stormfags missing something? You should be fapping to your white supremacy at lemonparty.com.

>> No.3049952

There is no reason to consider that the claim "every race is equal" is to be treated as the postulat to disprove.

You prove to me the validity of this claim.