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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3048035 No.3048035 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /sci/ I really need some help. So I'm studying for a math test tomorrow and I just absolutely forget how to do this one type of world problem.
So, the equation is h = -4.9t^2 +27t +2.4
It;s for a water balloon being catapulted.
Now I have too find out how long it is over 30m in the air, AND what its maximum height is. Now I realize this is really basic quadratics but I just forget it absolutely. I've tried the quadratic equation and completing the square and it's just not working out with me. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


>> No.3048039

also, H obviously stands for height and T obviously stands for time. If that really is obvious I don't know. I'm tired as fuck.

>> No.3048043

you mean physics test? just take the derivative and set it equal to 0

>> No.3048056

Okay, I'm probably going to be banned for this but I'm hoping whatever mod or people see this will have compassion and not report/ban me.
I'm underage, this is for a generals math unit test on Quadratics tomorrow. I actually plan on going into engineering so I'm hoping that you guys will actually see I have ambition and don't ban me. If you do at least help me first...

>> No.3048058

^this post is also me telling you I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3048070

Uhhhh, bump?

>> No.3048078
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>going into engineering

I was right about to help you too. What a shame.

>> No.3048081

Surely you can reason it out. What is t equal to when h is 30? What does this represent? How can you apply the quadratic formula from this?

>> No.3048083

I'm good at math, but not so much science. I planned on going into the Canadian Forces as an Engineer Officer then going into whatever specialized engineering I decided to study afterwards. Please help...

>> No.3048084
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Rot in hell faggot!

>> No.3048089

Solve h=30 for t. You should get two values. large t-small t = time in the air above 30m

For maximum height, I would do derivatives but if you don't have this tool you could probably solve for h=0 for t. Since the median distance between these two is the time at which the parabola is at its maximum...then you take the difference of this divided by 2 and use that value of t for max height.

>> No.3048091
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you are the lowest common denominator of the academic world. Enjoy your endless supply of men to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.3048104
File: 200 KB, 401x500, 1295295247141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't like your kind around here. It's not natural. Stay away from our children!

>> No.3048110

Not trying to start a bragfest or anything, but my father is a P. Eng and he makes a 6 figure salary, so I don't think that is too shitty.

I'm really brain dead right now, could you possibly do the problem whilst showing the solution, if it's not too much trouble. Thanks.

>> No.3048112

Okay, so what are all of your professions then?

>> No.3048115

sorry, engineers dont fucking post their middle school algebra homework on 4chan

>> No.3048123

Secondary school, but close enough I guess?
This is science and math, I have had fuck all help from google searches so I thought I'd ask science and math...

>> No.3048128


/sci/ - Science & Math

All science and math related topics welcome.
Homework threads will be deleted, and the poster banned.
No "religion vs. science" threads.

I guess engineers don't know how to math or read.

>> No.3048132

h = -4.9t^2 +27t +2.4

30 = -4.9t^2 +27t +2.4
-4.9t^2 +27t-27.6=0
therefore t = 1.35, 4.15

I think.

>> No.3048133

screw this problem, just derive the quadratic formula and youll ace the test.

>> No.3048141
File: 902 KB, 1620x720, 1284858452022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P. Eng = Phallus engineering = Makes Dildos

>> No.3048147

Umm the back of the book says 2.8s so I don't think those are right...I was thinking, why don't I get the maximum height (I dont know how to on this problem) then find how long it takes to get to 30m, THEN find the difference between the two and I would have 2.8 seconds.
I have been trying, I get what I'm assuming are the correct zeroes but I don't know where I go from there.

>> No.3048150


>> No.3048152

so it would be above 30 metres for 4.15-1.35 = 2.8 seconds.

For maximum height, dh/dt = -9.8t+27 = 0
t= 2.755, so h(2.755) = ......

>> No.3048153

Professional Engineering, He's an electrical engineer, and makes six figures. I don't care about your opinion on engineers. But whatever profession makes that kind of money I daresay it's usually worth it. Unless it's a really shitty job.

>> No.3048154
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>I guess engineers don't know how to math or read

No shit.

>> No.3048156

My brain is a cloud, someone explain derivatives. Oh cool, triple post.

>> No.3048160
File: 64 KB, 966x678, 1277215612634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad literally sucks cock for a living
>Brags that he makes so much money for it

>> No.3048163
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>> No.3048164

He actually does something to do with SCADA systems. I ain't mad, bro.
Okay, but you just skipped from standard form with the 30 put in to the solutions, could you explain a bit better? haha

>> No.3048172

I don't get it.

>> No.3048174
File: 242 KB, 1024x764, IMG_6468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't need derivatives. It's calculus. If you haven't learned calculus...

>> No.3048180

no, no, not use the quadratic formula, actually derive it.

>> No.3048183

I'm grade 10, I have not learned calculus

>> No.3048184

which bit don't you get?

>> No.3048190

What is the solution that you used to get those? you just go from -4.9t^2 +27t-27.6=0
to = 1.35, 4.15

>> No.3048192


Sorry it's blurry...but note in the picture how the vertex of any parabola will lie right in between two t values. You actually don't even need to solve for t=0. If you used the t values you found for where the height is 30, add them, and divide by 2, you get the same result.

Should be 2.76 actually did some math wrong in there.

>> No.3048194

use quadratic formula on -4.9t^2 +27t-27.6

>> No.3048214

Ah, okay, I see. I use the quadratic formula and somehow I get -4.1 AND a -1.35 (weird rounding but ya) whereas both of you seem to get a positive 4.1...

>> No.3048225


Did you make a on the denominator negative? cause it should be and that will give you an opposite sign.

>> No.3048232

I have tried the quadratic formula, about a hundred times from 11pm to 1:48am and I NEVER noticed that. I feel fucking retarded

>> No.3048238

<span class="math"> x= \frac{-b +/- \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} [/spoiler]

>> No.3048239

Okay now how do I get the maximum height. Obviously vertex, but I'm REEALLLY brain dead now. Could you just explain this last thing for me?

>> No.3048241

-b/2a to the time it takes to get there, then sub that answer into the original expression for h

>> No.3048250

Okay, so my answer matches up with the back of the books but WHY is it -b/2a?

>> No.3048255

Also, when I complete the square my vertex ends up being 2.75, 61.2 where am I going wrong?

>> No.3048257

when the derivative(rate at which h is increasing or decreasing)=0,
(derivative h)=0=-2At+B
its calculus, so you dont need to understand it completely

>> No.3048260

just ignore that! haha I figured it out, i forgot a decimal! Anyways thanks for your help, it was immense

>> No.3048265


h = -4.9t^2 +27t +2.4

time it's over 30 m implies
30<-4.9t^2 +27t +2.4
subtract 30 from both sides to get
0<-4.9t^2 +27t +2.4-30
Solve for t using the quadratic equation
t = 1.35, 4.15
Since you have a downward opening parabola then between the two points it's greater than that height.
so (1.35,4.15) for that part

To find the maximum use t=-b/(2a) for the time at which you have a maximum and h(-b/(2a)) for the height where you have a maximum.

Good luck on your test.

>> No.3048266

*should be postive 2At,
so 0=2At+B

>> No.3048273

find out what the first (lesser) value of t and the second (greater) value of t is for when h = 30.

t2 - t1 = time it was 30m or above

>> No.3048285

To find out how long it is in the air for 30 minutes, h = 30, solve for t

To find the max height, differentiate with respect to t, set to 0, solve, etc