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3041355 No.3041355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Gingrich is also known as a dinosaur enthusiast. A New Yorker comment on his 1995 book To Renew America noted: "Charmingly, he has retained his enthusiasm for the extinct giants into middle age. In addition to including breakthroughs in dinosaur research on his list of futuristic wonders, he specified 'people interested in dinosaurs' as a prime example of who might benefit from his education proposals."[121]

>Another subject of interest to Gingrich is space exploration, originating in a fascination with the United States/Soviet Union space race during his teenage years.[122] Gingrich has stated that he would like to see the U.S. aggressively pursue new achievements in space, such as sustaining civilizations beyond Earth,[123] and he advocates relying more on the private sector and less on NASA to drive progress.[124] As of 2010[update], Gingrich serves on the National Space Society Board of Governors.[125]


>> No.3041360
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This election's Sarah Palin.

>> No.3041369

fine.. lets do this again.

Ron Paul 2012

fuck you OP.

>> No.3041373
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>> No.3041388


EVEN if he said that, it doesn't matter. His ideas on the economy and foreign policies make sense.
Hell, he could like little girls for all I care. If the man has a solid plan and its logical, then thats my guy.
I can give two shits for his personal beliefs.

>> No.3041399
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>EVEN if he said that
Well, you can google the quote.

>I can give two shits for his personal beliefs.
That's cool.

>> No.3041401


>> No.3041407

>he voted for obama
>he doesn't want to colonize mars

>> No.3041413

his name it too complicated. He won't be remembered.

>> No.3041430

0/2, but keep trying. Maybe you can guess my favorite color.

>> No.3041431

Every president's priorities change when they get that check from big business.

>> No.3041436

Your favorite color is black cock.

>> No.3041442

That's my favorite breakfast, actually, but close enough.

>> No.3041449

I support Ron Paul 2012.

>> No.3041458
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>> No.3041459

>ron paul 2012
>nasa literally disbanded
>national science foundation literally disbanded

>my invisible face when /sci/ is completely and utterly fucked by paulist libertarianism

>> No.3041470

>he won't be remembered
lol wtf are you 10? he is already remembered for basically bending over clinton and fucking him with the lewinsky scandal--he was speaker of the house when all that happened, and HE is the reason clinton was impeached

>> No.3041486

>HE is the reason clinton was impeached
so why would I vote for this guy who literally killed the best economic times the US has ever seen?

>> No.3041488


Bring in the big bad businesses, huh? Give me some examples.

>> No.3041492

I don't think even the OP has a clear idea of who Gingrich is, but fuck yeah, he likes teh rocket ships XD!!1

>> No.3041497

Government agencies are vastly inferior to the free market when it comes to innovation. Name one thing that the government has produced that was both good and couldn't have been done by the free market better and for less.

I'll save you the time. You can't, because there isn't one.

>> No.3041499


Because you either won't remember further back than twenty seconds ago or you have a different perspective of the clinton presidency.

This assumes you are the average, low-information voter.

>> No.3041498

Eisenhower, If I need to say more then it isn't worth explaining to you anyway.

>> No.3041508
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>The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders' political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government's hostility to religion.
>The Founding Fathers envisioned a robustly Christian yet religiously tolerant America, with churches serving as vital institutions that would eclipse the state in importance. Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.
-Ron Paul December 2003

>"I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature."
-Thomas Jefferson

>"God is an essence that we know nothing of. Until this awful blasphemy is got rid of, there will never be any liberal science in the world."
John Addams

>"Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."
Benjamin Franklin

>> No.3041511

>you don't see things my way
>you must be stupid

oooh. ok. I finally got an idea of the person I'm talking to. Alright, well I can see this won't go anywhere.

>> No.3041520

No idea why a Clinton-loving Democrat would, but shitloads of Republicans will because he was responsible for the "greatest" victory in the US since Reagan took 49 out of 50 states.

>> No.3041528

>Gingrich has stated that he has developed a greater appreciation for the role of faith in public life following his conversion, and believes that the United States has become too secular. At a 2011 appearance in Columbus, Ohio, he said, "In America, religious belief is being challenged by a cultural elite trying to create a secularized America, in which God is driven out of public life."

Sweet. America really has been way too secular recently.

>> No.3041529

Obama appointing a former RIAA lawyer as "copyright czar"

This copyright czar has proposed making streaming TV a la ATDHE.net a FELONY ("felony" in federal law means ONE YEAR MINIMUM IN PRISON)

>> No.3041543

>space exploration

Gingrich has my vote if I become a citizen by then.

>> No.3041544

Listen to his current speeches. He fully believes in separation.
Is a man not allowed to change his views from 8-9 years ago?

>> No.3041553

The head of the FCC just resigned and took an adviser job at Comcast.

>> No.3041557


>Gingrich presided over a fucking retarded impeachment
>Is a braying ass
>Literally the only way you can support a Gingrich run is if you have no concept of history or you do but are fucking retarded

You don't have to agree with me on issues. But you damn well better not vote for one of the most absurd candidates in the race this year.

You vote republican? Pick a candidate who isn't complete shit like Pawlenty or Romney. Are you a libertarian? Then the Ron Paul revolution is the most exciting nonstarter ever for you.

>> No.3041574

There's no serious support for Newt Gingrich, is there? I can accept some amount of Ron Paul support because libertarian idiots are furiously spamming their bullshit all over the internet 24/7, but Gingrich? He'd be the next Richard Nixon.

Even if you're a republican, you have to admit he's an awful choice. Romney is the only barely electable person who's surfaced so far.

But hell, if you're gonna lose, might as well go full retard. Ted Nugent 2012!!

>> No.3041579

The fact that some of you genuinely believe him to stand a real chance in a presidential election suggests that you have no fucking clue who this man actually is.

>> No.3041594

polotics r gay

>> No.3041599



>Newt Gingrich
>wow, what a weird name
>sounds pretty cool to me
>the 90's? lol I was 5 years old

>> No.3041615

Romney? REALLY?
The guy is a scumbag. look at his past. Hes a liar and always does what benefits him. Stop listening to his charming talks and look at his record. If he becomes president, I guarantee you we're screwed.

>> No.3041632

Ah, Gingrich

He tries so hard but he NEVER gets that presidency

>> No.3041664


I'm not saying he's got a shot or that he wouldn't be disastrous.

But look at who he's up against. Who else is going to get the nomination? Trump? Palin?