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File: 38 KB, 495x510, universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3037104 No.3037104 [Reply] [Original]

Our sun is just one in an estimated 10^24 others. You are a cluster of organic matter on a rock that got caught in its gravitational force, among billions of others just like you. Your consciousness, everything you've ever thought and felt and worried about, is a survival mechanism that we've developed in order to live as a society so our species could have a better chance at survival. Most of what you think about on a day-to-day basis, how someone thinks of you, what to wear, who you are, your hopes and dreams, are all part of that survival mechanism. You are not special, you are only thinking what you were predetermined to think, just like everyone else. Nothing has meaning, words and definitions are connections that your brain makes to sensory input.

>> No.3037109

It doesn't mean I cant enjoy life

>> No.3037111
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And your point is

>> No.3037119


My point is, your life is insignificant.

>> No.3037121
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nihilist detected

>> No.3037129
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Thanks for the update.

>> No.3037145

Doesn't mean I can't enjoy it.

You are approaching the scenario in a different way than I would. I like to think of the unlikelihood of my existence, such as it being this planet around this star in this galaxy out of all the galaxies that developed life. Then all series of unlikely events that lead to our evolution, along with the chances of your parents meeting and their parents meeting etc etc. The chance of your existence is ridiculously close to 0 yet here you are. Make the most of it.

>> No.3037154

Doesn't matter.

>> No.3037155

ITT: People who should just have read Watchmen chapter IX instead of creating a new topic.

>> No.3037159

I'm not making an approach, I am stating facts. You are the one attaching meaning to numerical values to justify your existence. I guess I shouldn't blame you, since it is an evolutionary imperative that you do so.

>> No.3037160

It's kinda hard not to be once you realize all this. I try to not think about it too much.

>> No.3037161

Reading doesn't matter.

>> No.3037167

Same. I know it doesn't mean anything, but sex with anonymous partners makes it feel better

>> No.3037172

significance is an attribute inscribed on things by human perception.

You are you and its the only thing you will ever be. if there is anything that is significant its that fact.

Also, if you dont appreciate this playground you've been born into, leave and don't come back. in other words, kill yourself.

>> No.3037174

unless a circumcision accident left you without external genitals but your parents raised you as a girl.

>> No.3037179

Not saying I don't like it either.

>> No.3037196

Then you just do anal

>> No.3037202

Everything is temporary. When you're dead, all your memories will be eaten by worms, and nothing you've ever experienced, thought or done will matter. When everyone who knows you is gone, and there is no evidence of your existence left, will you have existed at all?

>> No.3037205

inbfour heat death

>> No.3037210

Yeah and so what? Why are you concerned with the state of on existence? You don't not exist so it's of no concern to you.

>> No.3037219

Of all the chances, OP is a fag

>> No.3037224

to what end?

>> No.3037249

It is that way.
But when you stop thinking about it and go to eat because you gotta do what you gotta do, you're back in your everyday life. Even knowing that, you still worry about your life even if it doesn't fucking matter.

The best thing is to accept that fact (and drop the traditional religions that conflict with this view) and do your best to be happy. If the earth explodes, it doesn't matter, the universe is so big.
So just try to be happy, just because it makes you feel good, as meaningless as it is.

>> No.3037252


Of course it doesn't. Enjoying life is an evolutionary imperative.

>> No.3037267

Thanks, OP. I actually seriously feel better after reading that. And I'm not even being sarcastic. <3

>> No.3037271
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If nothing has meaning

Then whence cometh "meaning"?

>> No.3037272

I'm being sarcastic.

>> No.3037277

The important thing is you found a way to feel important by badly copying that.

>> No.3037278

There's this thing, existence. Only maybe it's not so much a thing. Anyway some stuff manufactured by processes in that 'existence' thing assembled into increasingly complex organisms, some of which adapted reason and communication and became self-aware. Then one of them made a post on 4chan in which he was OP and a fag.

>> No.3037293

and? Is there a point to your post or are you just showing you know how to use wikipedia?

>> No.3037294
File: 44 KB, 477x358, confused1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw this is depressing to some people instead of being envigorating

Wtf is up with some people its like they can't handle not being a speshul little snowflake on a planet thats a vested interest of some God who takes note of every little thing they do and protects them.

Fucking religion, how do they work

>> No.3037295

what if our existence is just the software from something hardware? O_O

>> No.3037299

You're so edgy.

>> No.3037303


>accusing someone of being "edgy" in an "edgy" thread

How edgy!

>> No.3037306

My insignificance is irrelevant to me.

Also, the size and age of the universe is not a factor in determining my significance.

>> No.3037312

>implying the fact that I am literally atoms that have become self-aware doesn't make me more important than thousands and thousands of stars and dust

>> No.3037313

stop assuming his assumption of the thread being edgy you assumer

>> No.3037315


Who said anything about a god?

>> No.3037317
File: 83 KB, 256x200, Zerg rushan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but this thread is an edgy nihilism thread!

See, nobody ever thought of nihilism before, it's certainly not millennia old

>> No.3037318

Can you please confine your intellectual masturbation to your blog that nobody reads? There's very little about your post which is original, novel or interesting.

>> No.3037319
File: 36 KB, 500x289, nigga you gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> edgy edgy edgy edgy edgy

>> No.3037321


Importance is a human-made concept, it does not exist.

>> No.3037322 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 336x303, robin-williams-robin-williams-facepalm-demotivational-poster-1262326985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my face when i dont enjoy life

>> No.3037327


If "importance" has no meaning, then "unimportance" has no meaning.

There is no such meaning as "meaning".

Your language is a nullity and there is just as much reason to keep living as to die.

>> No.3037328

And what are you? An inanimate object?

>> No.3037330

The same coud be said of this board, so why are you here? What you actually mean is that you are trying to explain away the lack of interest in what you have to say because confronting reality would be horrible.

>> No.3037331

>just like you
>You are not special

last time I checked every human was different, even if only slightly. I'm happy that I don't sound as negative as you do, OP.

>> No.3037337

"Significance" is relative and subjective. It's just a human opinion.

>> No.3037338

This isn't negative or positive. It just is.

>> No.3037340

question is if you enjoy your life or not. because you sound like you do not. people who enjoy their life... well enjoy their life and that's the only thing you should care about. If you don't enjoy your life you can just as well end it.

>> No.3037344
File: 705 KB, 1386x1660, michael_whelan__ephemeros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, you're very dark-n-edgy, OP. Here's your complimentary mascara, which you can apply in that bathroom over there behind those other kids going through their teenage angst.

When you get over it, remember to wash that mascara off, because it makes you look even more silly.

>> No.3037348

Doesn't matter in the end either way, but do continue.

>> No.3037355

or maybe its both negative and positive like Schrödinger's Slong, it is erect and not erect at teh same time

>> No.3037356

yeah, but why care about the end? right now I can either feel pleasant or bad. So if I could choose I'd choose pleasant.
If you only care about the end, then maybe you should just end it.

>> No.3037361
File: 150 KB, 448x353, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cares about non-existence when he exists

>> No.3037418

Op has aspergers.

>> No.3037643

>See, nobody ever thought of nihilism before, it's certainly not millennia old
Well, atheism is also thousands of years old ant still people here talk about it daily.

>> No.3037727

>The chance of your existence is ridiculously close to 0 yet here you are.
That's actually a fallacy. If something has already happened, then its chance of occurring is 100% because it has already happened.

Think about it. If you go to the top floor of a skyscraper and drop a coin from there, you can't say how unlikely it is that the coin dropped where it accidently dropped, that there must be something special in that coin because it would have dropped anywhere else but it dropped just there. It couln't have happened by chance.

That would be fucking stupid.

>> No.3037733
File: 25 KB, 320x320, dr-manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>thermodynamic miracles all up in this bitch

>> No.3037748

>survival mechanism
>implying that every evolutionary trait is desirable, or conducive to survival

>> No.3037763
File: 78 KB, 744x765, 1234394337993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchmen was awesome otherwise, but that part bothered me. Mainly because that same argument has so often been exploited by creationists. Well, Alan Moore can't know everything.

>> No.3037766

Most of them are.

>> No.3037771

It's comforting to know there are other people who use harsh, rational logic to describe our place in this world. Enlightenment sucks.

>> No.3037773

Yes all measured and verifiable

>> No.3037774


>> No.3037776
File: 22 KB, 250x288, stephen_hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFW you see Cyclops Baby

>> No.3037779
File: 39 KB, 311x334, FH_Jacobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My point is, your life is insignificant.

wow, did you come up with this all by yourself?

commening youtube dump;



>> No.3037782

Those are very rare cases.

>> No.3037785


Copypasta, go fuck yourself troll fag

Oh and yeah nothing matters, but that means we can do whatever we want, dont be all depressed fag about it

>> No.3037789
File: 68 KB, 514x480, uli-pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing OP.

>> No.3037790

Fucking 10/10 dump

>> No.3037793

You know whats worse than an atheist, an atheist who needs God to give life meaning. The fact that we dictate what important arbitrarily makes its pretty fucking cool in and of itself. Consciousness may indeed turn out to be the single most powerful force in the universe. Who cares if it emerged due to evolution.

>> No.3037796
File: 152 KB, 1207x778, The Truth Hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3037797

I don't think you understand what it means. It's not a creationist argument in the slightest. If anything it's an explanation as to why people may feel like everything is designed. But it also explains why other people may perceive everything in nihilistic terms.

Obviously from all the decisions and events that happened prior to your birth, only 1 thing in one particular shape was ever going to be the result. That doesn't make it any less amazing because theres no way for anyone to know at the time what that result would be.

>> No.3037798

>Oh and yeah nothing matters, but that means we can do whatever we want, dont be all depressed fag about it
This. Everything is insignificant, so what, what stops you from still having a good time ?

>> No.3037801

>implying my existence needs to be cosmically important in order for it to have meaning

>> No.3037808
File: 11 KB, 190x196, index..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you OP, glad you figured that out.

>> No.3037809

MFW I have been here since the beginning of the thread and can't believe this faggot keeps babbling about enjoying life

>> No.3037815

It was the first time I answered to this thread.

>> No.3037823

look at the atom. 1 atom. why is an atom here? more importantly, why would atoms arrange themselves into a pattern that can to question why they are here? Atoms just are. Sure these atoms that make up people on earth may be no more significant than the atoms a billion light years away. But that fact does not mean either of them are insignificant . it just means the whole significance/insignificance dichotomy is useless.

>> No.3037827

I know very well what it means. But if I were a different kind of creature, I would still wonder how awesome and unlikely it is that I came to existence like that. Or if there wasn't conscious life at all, there would no one to wonder about this at all.

Check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropic_principle

>> No.3037831

Yeah, well. You're a faggot who said the same thing as the 2nd poster in the thread then.

>> No.3037849

I don't understand how people are disagreeing with the OP. It doesn't suggest that one can't enjoy himself, and it's more likely to be true than any other kind of speculation about existence.

>> No.3037853


>> No.3037854

OP has repeated his statement over and over again in this thread, why don't you complain to him?

>> No.3037860

OP is a faggot too... Everyone is a faggot except this guy

>> No.3037862

Yes, I know of the anthropic principle, mate. Could you try to fit it into your main point instead of just linking shit?

>> No.3037885

The earth doesn't need to support life at all. Another planet could. Or none might. We just tend to see things from our point of view, we see that the world was obviously made for us... when in fact we exist because we've developed to live here.

If the situation was different; for example, if the earth was all covered in water. There might be an intelligent octopussy waving his tentacles in amazement at how perfect he is and the earth is just made for him etc..

Do you get this?

>> No.3037888

He is a retard too.

>> No.3037902


I'ld like you to post yfw you realize that 75% earth's surface is covered in water

>> No.3037906

I'm NOT disputing any of that. it's like you just wanted to recite some stock answer you had banked away. I don't think you grasped what I was saying.

>> No.3037907

In a computer system there may arise, given time and appropriate laws of behaviour, an entity that sees itself as conscious. To an outsider it is obvious that this phenomenon is a product of the laws of the system. This is true of our reality as well. The concept of an outsider is beyond me because they may be governed by laws much different to us and that doesn't make sense.

Even if there is no outside and we live in a self contained universe that doesn't change the fact that our existence is purely mathematical... but does that take away value from our existence? No... the universe is pretty damn awesome and I'm glad to be a part.

>> No.3037910

Could you please then clarify your claim?

>> No.3037917
File: 28 KB, 738x479, FUCKING_MIRACLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's your point? We can only enjoy our lives because
>fucking miracles everywhere

>> No.3037950

Causality doesn't exist, so the coin hit that exact spot by chance, and if you were to repeat the drop with identical initial conditions it might not hit the same spot.

>> No.3037960


the universe wasn't made for conscious life. Life was made for it.

>f something has already happened, then its chance of occurring is 100%

if I flip a coin and get heads it doesn't mean it obviously doesnt mean the chances of getting heads is 100%. it just means the chances of heads happening that one time is 100%. that is a rather pointless and self evident observation.

Similarly, if my parents go through life and have sex and get me. it obviously doesnt mean the chances of going through life, meeting up and having sex will result in me 100% of the time. it just means that outcome of that one particular event in time had 100% chance of resulting in me. Again that is a rather pointless observation.

Dr Manhattan seems to be commenting on this confusion. Just the sheer multitude of variables

>> No.3037966


How WOULDN'T it hit the same spot? The forces that apply to it would be the same. Are you completely retarded or is this a troll?

>> No.3037969

so...? If you were to reboot universe from the big bang it also wouldn't result in the same exact humans like we are.

>> No.3037982
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>> No.3037988

no, if the conditions aren't precisely identical

>> No.3037992


This is actually a stupid question, either you're talking about a similar universe with similar conditions and ask your self how things would play out. Or you're talking about the exact same universe that yields the exact same results and there is no point in even considering the question.

>> No.3038024

A while ago I was hanging out with some friends and my girl-friend
She says "without ... my life would be pointless"
I, thinking all life is pointless similar to OP, ask "what point does your life have?"
She gets very offended, we break up.

>> No.3038073

Okay, and you say that your life is a miracle and you're special?

>> No.3038114

its not a miracle, since its not the result of anything over and above physical parameters.
Special is a relative term. Not special in that I was formed in a different way from any other life. Not special in that Im better than other lifeforms. But obviously my life is more special to me than to anyone else, just the same way their life is more special to them than my life is special to them.

do you get it?

>> No.3038133

despite all this the evidence is clear : OP is a fag

>> No.3038137

OP here, and I'm a she.

Identity is a survival mechanism. That's the only reason you think that you are special. That's the only reason you think.

>> No.3038140

>its not a miracle
then why did you refer to dr. manhattan?

>do you get it?
Yes. Except by this logic, every organism's life is special to them and I don't understand how it can then be special?

>> No.3038184

>OP here, and I'm a she.
Woah, that explains everything. tits or gtfo

>> No.3038207

Dr Manhattan wasn't describing it as a miracle in the conventional sense - because its somehow inexplicable by natural or physical laws. That wouldn't be consistent with the character. He was likely just utilising a 'poetic licence'.

>I don't understand how it can then be special
>every organism's life is special to them

Yeah that's why it's special. Perhaps we just hold drastically different streams of thought that can't be reconciled.

>> No.3038213

If nothing has meaning or value, why are you trying to spread a message to us?

>> No.3038228


What is your case for Identity being a survival mechanism I've never heard this argued intelligently by anyone.

>> No.3038298
File: 459 KB, 1234x762, 1304972554309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, so what?
pic related

>> No.3038305

If you're a girl then why aren't you sitting on my cock?

>> No.3038324

Because there's also no reason to NOT do that

>> No.3038340

There's also not reason to NOT search for and create your own meaning. Therefore life has meaning.

>> No.3038397

No, life doesn't have a meaning. That's the premise. You are still free to think that there is a meaning likewise you're free to think that there is God but that doesn't make either of them true.

>> No.3038423

meaning comes from your thoughts. thats the only place it could come from. you can only assign significance to something from your mind. That doesnt mean meaning doesn't exist. it clearly does.

there is no objective meaning. if the universe had no life in it. it'd just be a collection of stuff, none with any significance over the other. but the universe DOES have life in it and meaning inherently comes from them.

what the fuck are you arguing?

>> No.3038462


You mean conscious life. Life is a very broad term, it can apply to almost any membrane-bound cluster of organic matter and is only a means of categorising.

>> No.3038469

Well duh. that much was obvious.

>> No.3038470


It's a motivator, and it allows you to function in society by knowing your respective role. There are obviously exceptions.

>> No.3038474

>Speak in authoritative manner, regardless of subject of discussion
>Replies everywhere

>> No.3038493

So you are saying that the result of an electric impulse generated by a cluster of organic matter on a planet in a star system among approximately 10^24 others can define the rest of the universe?

>> No.3038500

>the result of an electric impulse generated by a cluster of organic matter

this would be your thoughts

>> No.3038623 [DELETED] 

nope, get a fucking clue you spaz

>> No.3038653

the ability to impact upon "the rest of the universe" is not what defines meaning or significance. WE ARE THE UNIVERSE. So by definition we are impacting upon the universe by conjuring meaning and significance.

>> No.3038664
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>> No.3038742
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Are there any other eliminative materialists in here?

>> No.3040934 [DELETED] 

All respectable philosophers hate nihilism and nihilists.

Even Nietzsche hated nihilism.

therefore, nihilism is babies first philosophy (a retarded one at that).

also, the universe can go fuck itself.

>> No.3040941

Prove it.

code word for future self: find such people as OP and you know what to do

>> No.3040957

Real men are compatibilists.

Babies believe in free will.

Retarded edgy teenagers believe in determinism.

op is retarded

>> No.3040966
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>> No.3040962

Nihilism is only hated because it's a philosophical dead-end. It suffocates discussion. It's just not very interesting, so not many have much regard for it. Basing something's worth in what respectable philosophers think of it is fallacy of authority anyway.

>> No.3040973

Nihilists are masochists.

and the ultimate kind of faggots

>> No.3040977

>Basing something's worth in what respectable philosophers think of it is fallacy of authority anyway.

Not when it's related to philosophical discussion, which Nihilism is.

>> No.3041003


Non-edgy, university student determinist here. I don't understand how compatibalism works. We can have the illusion of free will, sure but that's not what free will is trying to discuss, as a concept. Could you explain how compatibalism can reconcile this?

>> No.3041220

>>3041003 Yeah, that's a very common complaint about compatibilism. It defines free will as "freedom to act", which many would argue sort of misses the hardline determinist point. But, then again, the hardline determinist argument is already a case of meaningless definition (what does it matter if we have "free will" or not, whether it be the determinist concept or the compatibilist concept?), so whatever.

>> No.3041237

I think this perspective is quite humbling but it commits the fallacy of composition. Something can be greater than the sum of its parts. We can be more than just a group of atoms.

>> No.3041245

Think of it as the inconsequential high ground someone takes when they want to feel superior to both sides of an inherently binary issue. Kinda like agnosticism.