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3035520 No.3035520 [Reply] [Original]

>At grandparents anniversary party
>tons of people I haven't seen a few months
>"Oh how are you doing these days?"
>"Oh you know doin' alright, just trying to enjoy the summer..."
>"So how's school?"
>"....it's cool, last semester was pretty tough but I did good"
>"Good to hear, what's your major again?"
>...............civil engineering. But anyway, so I heard that-"
>"mmhm, and what classes are you taking now?"
>pic related

Does anyone else get really fucking irritated when people ask about your major or just school in general? It's like the same fucking stupid ass small talk all the time. Fuck.

>> No.3035538

You find it annoying? Why did you start a thread about it?

>> No.3035540
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>civil engineering

just for you, OP

>> No.3035545

>Ooooooh noooooo people care about me waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

>> No.3035546

Maybe they're just checking if you're still getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.3035548

I love it when people ask me my major.

>> No.3035553

Well, if you're a civil-e major I can understand the shame.

>> No.3035562

Civil Engineering? Is that like learning the etiquette of building things? Or building the etiquette of things in general?

>> No.3035564
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>civil engineering

>> No.3035579

It is actually the etiquette of homosex. It involves alot of community service.

>> No.3035592

So OP what classes are you taking? What's your major?

>> No.3035617

I hate it because I finished freshman year and I'm still undecided.

>> No.3035621

If you think Civil Engineering is bad, try being an Art major.
I got so sick of people asking me when I would go to a "real school."
So glad to be an Mech Eng major now

>> No.3035628

every year you spend undecided is a year of your life wasted

I learned this the hard way

Better to pick something and run with it, after all, they all are good career choices in their own ways... don't think about what you're missing, think about what you're getting

>> No.3035680

It bothers me a little bit because everyone thinks my field (ChemE) is the hardest thing in the world. I know it's not nearly as difficult as maths/physics, but I don't want to sound like a prick by talking it down like it's piss easy. I also don't want to make it sound harder than it it is. I usually end up saying something like "Yeah, it has its challenges, especially X and Y"

>> No.3035691

What made you be an art major in the first place, and what brought you back to STEM?

>> No.3035710

I'm planning on majoring in ChemE, or maybe BioMedE. What's it like in general? Is there a lot of chemistry as the name implies? (I haven't taken chem in a while) Or is there focus in other subjects as well?

>> No.3035725

You take general, organic, and physical chemistry (depending on the program). But as far as the course material, thermodynamics, thermodynamics everywhere.

>> No.3035727

I like it when people ask me, because I get all excited when people ask me about areas in which I am well-informed. I like to talk about the stuff I am studying, and also that way I don't have to directly talk about myself.

>> No.3035742

chemical engineering eh?
how far along are you
and do you know much about fluoride reactions and molten salts?

>> No.3035764

How good do you have to be at math? I checked out the wiki on thermodynamics and it seemed difficult

>> No.3035786

As an aspie, I find familiar small talk comforting. Real conversation scares me.

>> No.3035790


<another ChemE here, recently graduated>

My experience was two semesters of Chem, two semesters of Organic, and Biochem. The actual coursework focused more on calculations using balances, fluid dynamics, reaction equilibria, thermo, etc. Most actual ChemE classes involving chemistry centered calculations around one chemical reaction, ie little to no memorization of chemical reactions necessary. I hate chemistry classes, yet survived the major coursework quite well

>> No.3035802

"Dig the hole here."

>> No.3035950

Sounds good, I actually prefer the calculation instead of the rote memorization like in Biology

>> No.3036093

Well, to sum it up, my idol is Da Vinci and I share his interests.
All sorts of creation are my passion, among other hobbies. I'm spread sort of wide... but unfortunately, nobody offers Polymath degrees, so I have to pick and choose. I would still be an Art major if not for the fact that it was a joke and I was being taught nothing.
No, you do NOT devote an entire day of a drawing class to teaching people how to bullshit pseudo-philosophical meaning into their bland garbage retroactively. That is not how it works.
I switched to Mech Eng because I live in Massachusetts. I can take a state university's run for a basic degree, then see about MIT for more beyond that. It's a bit of a pipe dream as a highschool dropout, but I'm going to go for it anyway.