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File: 70 KB, 500x333, homeopathy_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3032798 No.3032798 [Reply] [Original]

How does homeopathy work?

>> No.3032801


>> No.3032806

> implying it works

>> No.3032807

It doesn't.

>> No.3032832

Yes it does. It cured my cancer.

>> No.3032854


>> No.3032855

Charlene Werner explains it all:


>> No.3032851

That's nice, deary. Go back to bed, there are no monsters in your closet.

>> No.3032863

Can you taste one grain of sugar amongst 10 billion grains of salt? No. Same deal with homeopathy.

>> No.3032869


Most illnesses are not actually real, but are a result of you being convinced that you are ill. Hence why the placebo effect works.

>> No.3032875

>3928 dislikes

well...this should be good.

>> No.3032888

no joke, and she says it with a straight face too.

>> No.3032894


Oh man that's some funny shit.

>> No.3032899

>Most illnesses are not actually real

Except that's bullshit. Most illnesses are real. The placebo effect works on real illnesses too by illiciting actual physiological responses.


But you are right in saying the effect of homeopathy is purely a placebo effect. However, to OP, keep in mind that real drugs ALSO carry a placebo effect AND have benefits themselves (that far outweigh the placebo in most medicines) - so their is zero justification in taking homeopathy as an alternative to any medicine.

Some herbal medicines and perhaps meditation are the absolute minimum of what you should take away from the New Age movement. And even a lot of herbal medicines are complete bullshit.

>> No.3032911
File: 15 KB, 614x604, awwlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"And god, in his infinite wisdom, sent down another genius, professor stephen hawking"

lost hard.
>mfw hawking is an atheist

>> No.3032912

>The placebo effect works on real illnesses too by illiciting actual physiological responses.

Well fuck me...

>> No.3032917


>> No.3032918

This woman gets all of my hatred. All of it.

>> No.3032924
File: 61 KB, 400x350, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it to where she said that Stephen Hawking was sent down by god to show us string theory. I can't watch anymore.

>> No.3032929

don't go homo bro

>> No.3032930

It doesn't work, unless by work you mean "Makes fake doctors loads of money by scamming borderline retards with effectively sugar pills and water"

>> No.3032931

Suddenly they find the tumor that metastasized to the brain.

>> No.3032932

Was that before or after E = C (ENERGY = LIGHT LAWL)

It's been awhile since I saw that.

>> No.3032939

After. She also said that the entire universe can be compressed to the size of a bowling ball.

>> No.3032943



To say it doesn't work at all is a liet. It works through the placebo effect. It's just that it sells itself as a genuine alternative to proper medicine and that it works on a premise other than the placebo effect that is where it's wrong.

>> No.3032945


I actually had a little hope when she was going onto partciles of energy that she might say photons but suddenly ELECTRONS, PROTONS, NEUTRONS. It's just embarassing to listen to.

>> No.3032946

EK gets all your hatred, or the woman on the homeopathy video?

>> No.3032942

I love how she doesn't even get Stephen Hawking's name right.

>> No.3032948

The entire universe can be compressed into 40mg of N-N-DMT.

>> No.3032954
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>> No.3032956

The homeopathy "Doctor" gets all my hatred.\

I have nothing against EK.

>> No.3032960

the big bang singularity was even smaller than a bowling ball, and that presumably contained all the mass in the universe.

>> No.3032964
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Depending on the density of the object all the mass in the Universe can be compressed into the size of any arbitrary object, right? How is a bowling ball somehow significant? Why does it matter? Why is the audience questioning NONE of this?!

The only people on this planet more ignorant that Charlene herself are all those idiots in the room nodding and agreeing for no reason.

>> No.3032971

I bet there wasn't anyone actually in that room except for those two. They were just stupiding up the room all by themselves.

>> No.3032972

But it wasn't matter.

>> No.3032973



yes. it works.

>> No.3032974



>> No.3032982

because an ordinary object like a bowling ball is easily pictured, and to state categorically that the sun, the moon, the earth, and all the stars once fit inside said bowling ball illustrates how stupid people are to believe the ludicrous lie that it has always been

>> No.3032987
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>> No.3032996

fuck you. its stephen hawkings, not hawking

>> No.3032998


>taste one grain of sugar amongst 10 billion grains of salt?

its much more diluted than that.

THAT is why homeopathy works "sometimes"

because they dilute it soo much, that they partition it so that it is randomly distributed amongst the dosage.

literally they take 6.022*10^23 molecules, and split them into about 8*10^23 different doses...

this means that SOME of the doses actually have 1 single molecule of the shit inside of it.

some have nothing.
and also, water H-bond networks reorganize on a picosecond timescale and they are 100% unpredictable.

its been proven time and time again that you cannot predict the dynamics of H-bond networks, and you cannot even create simple models to predict the solvation networks beyond about 2-3 solvation spheres.

>> No.3033011

>this means that SOME of the doses actually have 1 single molecule of the shit inside of it.

That's not why it 'works.' It works because of the placebo effect.

One molecule of anything isn't enough to effect a human body.

>> No.3033012
File: 4 KB, 126x121, 1266761416547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean that she said 'hawkings' but it actually is just 'hawking'?
coz yeh, i quoted wrong.
so yeh, she's even dumber than i originally made her out to be.

>> No.3033014

Watch this, it's educational and funny.


>> No.3033040

Watch this, it's funny too.


>> No.3033052
File: 13 KB, 200x150, 50513_223659684351_5884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for Homeopathy.

If Rain is God's tears, it must have been mixed a hundred times from God. Why aren't we all gods?

Check and mate.

>> No.3033057

You seem to think that throwing Avogradro's constant around validates your argument. It does not.
Since you seem to be familiar with chemistry I'll use another analogy.

Imagine an alcohol. Let's take methanol. It's infinitely soluble in water. Then there's ethanol, also infinitely soluble. Because the hydrogen bonds take precedence. However as you start to increase the carbon chain, as the the number of carbon atoms increases, so does the number of van der Waals forces interacting between molecules, and they become less polar and less soluble. Even at heptanol, with only 6 more carbons than methanol it's barely soluble at all.

tldr one tiny molecule among billions plays no effect whatsoever: homeopathy is suicide.

>> No.3033094

Comparing tryptamines and an anticholinergic? lol.

>> No.3033127

Yeah, she calls him "Hawkings" throughout the entire video. You know, because she's such a devoted admirer of his work.

>> No.3033141
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e = c^2 cuz their is not much mass.

problem officer?

>> No.3033142
File: 56 KB, 401x599, herbivore_skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does homeopathy work?
It works great!
It's a nationally acclaimed way for snake-oil vendors to make a comeback and in such a way that this time any and all harmful effects get blamed on the patients themselves, BY the patients themselves!

It truly is a remarkable revolution in swindling!

>> No.3033162


This guy proves you all wrong.


>> No.3033178

>homeopathy is suicide.
Hm... No one actuallly uses homeopathy to treat or cure life-threatening conditions, though...
Right ?

>> No.3033183

>Dana Ullman
Oh dear, the Quackmaster himself. I didn't know he had a YouTube channel.

>> No.3033182

Have hypochondria? Need help?! GET IT CURED WITH HOMEOPATHY

>> No.3033211

>No one actuallly uses homeopathy to treat or cure life-threatening conditions, though... Right ?


>> No.3033212


>There is research that proves homeopathy
>buy my book to see them!

>> No.3033235

Homeopathy is aligned with power of prayer. By being humble with our allocated doses, god will multiply their power times infinite.

Now if only we could disassemble the corrupt Western medical system that murders more people than died in Vietnam War each year we could actually heal people.

>> No.3033251
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>> No.3033254
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>> No.3033336
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>> No.3033342
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>> No.3033560

There was an entire audience.

>> No.3033578
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>homeopathy and astrology

further reading: http://www.1023.org.uk/

>> No.3033590
File: 22 KB, 394x493, 1274541879779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he just say the same disease is unique to individuals to the point that you need a completely unique medication?

>> No.3033612
File: 8 KB, 200x250, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are just haters. I once had a health problem called "dehydration" (I don't know what that means, it's a medical term and the doctor said that it is life threatening) and I was prescribed homeopathic medicine. I got better in less than a week.

>> No.3033617

YOU STUPID FUCKER go look up what dehyrdeyion means uyo dumb fuck im' sick of every single one of your stupid dickheads!!!!!!! why donty u read a science book faggots

>> No.3033624

Impossible, the active ingredient isn't diluted enough.

>> No.3033629


>> No.3033630
File: 18 KB, 399x386, 1284335417595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my brother overdosed on homeopathic remedies and died

>> No.3033632
File: 138 KB, 472x350, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha good one. gonna use that next time homeopathy comes up in conversation (which it hasn't because I don't befriend idiots)

>> No.3033635

Which one of the following are you?
1) Countertroll
2) Idiot

You may select both.

>> No.3033637


>> No.3033642

Don't know if this has been posted already, but here's John Benneth having an emotional breakdown after getting bullied by homeopathy deniers:


Shame on you, science.

>> No.3033646

Thanks, but what would you say to Nobel laureate virologist Luc Montagnier, who, after conducting biochemical studies of high dilutions (as used in homeopathy), said "I can’t say that homeopathy is right in everything. What I can say now is that the high dilutions are right. High dilutions of something are not nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules." Is he "a scam artist, a fraud, an uneducated loon, deluded old coot" for validating my claims? LOL!

>Athiests: Told

>> No.3033652
File: 25 KB, 360x228, oscillococcinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sick with the flu
>my dad gives me this
>throw that shit in the trash where it belongs but don't tell him
>get better eventually
>said it cured me

>> No.3033655

>mfw my brother overdosed on homeopathic remedies and died

That's called drowning, my friend.

>> No.3033670

intelligent? No.

hard working? Maybe

trying to make the world a better place? I honestly believe they are TRYING yes.

I don't think homeopathy is one big conspiracy or scam. Sure there are those who latch onto it to scam people but the majority, though they may well be scamming people are not doing it intentionally. (and that is all the more dangerous in many ways)

they genuinely believe what they are doing is right, beneficial and in some cases preferably to real solutions. They have who'll careers around ignorance. This is why you'd never convince a homoepathic "doctor"/dealer/whatever into denouncing the practice.

it's the same way it's incredibly difficult for priests and christian laity to denounce their faith even when presented with incontrovertibile reasons.

You only have one life and if you find out that you've wasted the majority of that on some bullshit, well you're barely going to be able to face it.

It's all incredibly upsetting to see all this human potential squandered.

>> No.3033674

Should have said. Intelligent? Maybe, but mislead: almost certainly.

>> No.3033682

Google is my friend, and your enemy. Copypasta follows:
A recent study is being cited as support for homeopathy. For instance, the Homeopathy World Community website says

Luc Montagnier Foundation Proves Homeopathy Works.

Dana Ullman cites it in the comments to this blog

And I assume that you all have seen the new research by Nobel Prize-winning virologist Luc Montagnier that provides significant support to homeopathy.

Nope. Sorry, guys. It doesn’t. In fact, its findings are inconsistent with homeopathic theory.

The study has nothing whatsoever to say about homeopathy. Its abstract concludes:

This opens the way to the development of highly sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases.

Homeopaths are grasping at straws when they cite this study. It involved dilution and agitation: that’s the only possible hint of anything homeopathic and it is nothing but a false analogy.

While not necessarily impacting the validity of the study, its publishing details raise some concerns. It was not published in an established, respected journal. It appeared in the first volume, second issue of a new journal, Interdisciplinary Sciences–Computational Life Sciences. The article is not written in the usual scientific format – it lacks separate sections for Methods, Results, etc. There are numerous typos and language errors that should have been caught by any proofreader even if the peer reviewers missed them. The editor in chief is in Shanghai, and four of the other editors are in various Chinese cities, while the other two are US based but have Chinese names. Montagnier is on the editorial board. It says it is peer-reviewed, but the speed of the process is worrisome: the Montagnier article was received 3 January 2009, revised 5 January 2009 and accepted 6 January 2009.

more here:

>> No.3033685

Actually it's called nocebo

>> No.3033689


Captcha: waterpills bullshit

>> No.3033744

Hawking has publically flip-flopped on the god issue like 3 times in the last 20 years.
Einstein and Newton both did the same thing.
But none of them are as smart as us here on 4chan!!!

>> No.3033758

This isn't a god debate no matter how much you want it to be, moron.