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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 443x389, sad frog pepe teaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3030714 No.3030714 [Reply] [Original]

What's so bad about teaching science? I mean, fuck. People just look down on me. ;_;

>> No.3030718

Those who can do it are doing it.
Those who can't are teaching it

>> No.3030719

just do a really good job of it, and judge yourself by the quality of your students lives a few years down the road.

i mean, my high school science teachers were fucking worthless and set me back years, but i'm sure they still take pride in my success.

>> No.3030721

Those who can, teach.
Those who can't teach, do something less important.

>> No.3030725

What are you talking about? I had several teachers who affected me profoundly.

>> No.3030730

if people are looking down on you, its because you are doing a shitty job. if you do a good job as a science teacher no one will ever look down on you.

>> No.3030732

>implying OP is actually teaching

>> No.3030734

I am, but as a tutor for a small company. I'm considering it as a career.

>> No.3030737

>Teaching will never be a respectable position
Yes it can. It used to be. Teaching positions were once primarily held by men.

I'm sad to report that the prestige of the office declined when it became primarily women. Guess why being a university professor is still fairly prestigious?

>> No.3030748

>Guess why being a university professor is still fairly prestigious?

>Best universities in the world
>Conduct faculty searches
>Explicitly state they have a preference for women and non-asian minorities
>My tears

>> No.3030751
File: 643 KB, 936x1282, teacher-randall-1962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when teachers were actually respected? On par with doctors and lawyers?

>> No.3030754

you're talking out of your arse.
Also, plenty of university lecturers are women.

>> No.3030756

In my country teachers are well respected. Their wages aren't exactly optimal though (read: shit compared to the amount of studies required).

>> No.3030758

Only because of affirmative action

>> No.3030762

What country are you from?

>> No.3030766

>Their wages aren't exactly optimal though (read: shit compared to the amount of studies required).

In the US, the wages of a K-12 teacher are fucking incredible compared to the amount of studies required. They generally do one of the easiest 4-year degrees that can be found at any major university. Then they end up working 9 months a year, 7 days a week, and have a median pay and benefit package near $100k and can't be fired.

Which would be perfectly fine by me, if they did their fucking jobs, and American math/science standards weren't so goddam low.

>> No.3030768


>> No.3030769

its not that at all, its a fair system. its just better with no sexual discrimination in the workplace anymore. Women who are good at a specific job are chosen for it, and some are good university professors, and so they are employed as such. they arn't employed just because they are women, or just to balance out the sex ratio. that's utter bullshit.

>> No.3030771

I go to a research focused university and the classes are a fucking joke. None of the faculty has any fucking clue how to teach people. We need more PhDs willing to focus on teaching.

>> No.3030774

Those who excell at it, do it.
Those who wish to spread their knowledge teach.
Those who are worthless are PI Teachers

>> No.3030776

It's not very prestigious here, even though two of my chemistry teachers in high school were fucking chemical engineers who knew their shit.

>> No.3030781


99.999% of professors teach only because they have to. The greatest teacher I ever had was in first year calculus, and he was just a "senior lecturer" with a Master's degree.

>> No.3030786

>a median pay and benefit package near $100k and can't be fired
WHERE DO YOU LIVE? I want to be a teacher there!
Around here in the midwest, K-12 starts at like $25k a year, and you can definitely be fired. In the shithole ghetto parts of the big cities you can make around $75k a year, but you'll probably get shot, raped, and/or knifed by one of your drug-dealer students before the year is out.

>> No.3030798

chemical engineers don't know about chemistry as much as do PhD:s in chemistry.
they know everything about chemical engineering though.

>> No.3030799
File: 74 KB, 441x403, reaction smugbastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teaching science

What's the matter? Can't win a Noble Prize?

>> No.3030803

you have to include the outrageous benefits packages and pension plans they get. during the wisconsin teachers union strike, once it was publicized that these "teachers" who were skipping work to protest were receiving a typical compensation around $100k/year, the public was suddenly against them.

>> No.3030804
File: 13 KB, 417x355, 12645648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noble Prize

thats 'Nobel', jackass!

>> No.3030813

yeah! you tell them

>> No.3030817

thankyou, i will.

>> No.3030855

Enjoy your low prestige, low pay job.

>> No.3030862

Lucky you were there to point that out, I had absolutely no idea what they meant!

>> No.3030865

there is a art to correct spelling and grammar. It should be practised by all.

>> No.3030876

>Also, plenty of university lecturers are women.
Try again with "professors".

I'm not saying I'm happy about it. But there's a long history of certain jobs that were once prestigious becoming abandoned by men and becoming less prestigious.

>> No.3030881

I assume you meant "an" art.

>> No.3030882

prestige is subjective. also, you are wrong.

>> No.3030883

There is also AN art to correcting grammar.

Captcha: quality, eonted

>> No.3030887

Oh really? How am I wrong?

Again, I'm not arguing what SHOULD be. I'm just saying what IS.

>> No.3030889
File: 78 KB, 400x904, aart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolling is also a art.

>> No.3030896


....well played, then, good sir!

>> No.3030898

fine. list all these jobs that men have abandoned and people now have no respect for.

>> No.3030900

Also I assume you meant practice, i.e. to repeat something to gain skill, rather than "practise" as a profession.

>> No.3030903


Regurgitating old means is a art.

>> No.3030904
File: 714 KB, 800x818, 1201421269273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a History major
and I tutor Math to disabled kids
I still love it there is nothing else I would rather be doing
and women love it, I met my current GF at my job
I don't care if the pay or "prestige" is lower
than some Pharma engineer making drugs to sell to dying people
when I can sleep at night knowing I am actually helping people

>> No.3030907

God, you are so fucking new. Is this your first day or what?

>> No.3030908


Nobody in this thread knows how to spell or grammar lol

>> No.3030912
File: 43 KB, 456x578, 1288574506509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is that jobs become less prestigious if women start doing them. Some serious boy's club psychology going on thurrr.

>> No.3030913
File: 14 KB, 204x197, grammarnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Practise: To perform an activity or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency."

if i'm gonna grammar-nazi... i make sure my S&G for that particular post is pristine.


>> No.3030917

First off, there's K-12 teaching. However, things like being the principal, or even more strongly, the school board superintendent, have a higher rate of being occupied by men.

Nurses were once largely men. Then there was a large influx of women once higher education kicked off for them, and fewer men become nurses now. Some do, but it's less than before.

Cheerleaders were originally male. That changed, though admittedly due to drafting for a war. Link for that one:

>> No.3030918

I'm not saying it's a good thing. It just is, currently.

>> No.3030921

lol, so i guess he thinks faggotry and engineering are the most prestigious occupations imaginable!

>> No.3030923

Cheerleaders are consider high status among women. But not all that many men would join high school cheerleading squads.

>> No.3030926

Your butthurt is palpable.

Again, I'm talking about "IS", not "OUGHT". Stop being buttmad.

>> No.3030937

I aint even mad. people talking crap usually doesn't make me mad.

>> No.3030938

Since when? I'm old and since I was a kid cheerleaders have been representative of empty-headed whores.

>> No.3030940

Link about men in nursing:

>> No.3030947

.. among men, and among jealous women. If they could, IMO a majority of women would like the status in high school of being a cheerleader (if not the work).

>> No.3030954

Denial, huh?

OK, drop the whole "prestige" thing. All I really meant is that when a large proportion of women move into a profession that was once largely men, there seems to be a historical tendency for men to abandon that profession. It may be an issue of competing with other men as much as anything.
>Bill is a medical doctor, and you're a junior high teacher? OK, I'm sure that's great for you...

>> No.3030958

>Want to teach history at a university.
>people normally look down on teaching jobs because of the pay, even if you do well.
>don't know why

All of you would be clueless without teachers.

>> No.3030959

They wanted to be popular. Cheerleaders are identified as popular because they are forcibly in the public eye. But being popular is like small-scale being a movie star. Attention whores want the attention, but I don't know anyone who respected the cheerleaders on the merit of being cheerleaders alone.

>> No.3030965
File: 10 KB, 376x327, 13645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what the fuck do you think would happen?? you stupid fucking idiot!

think logicla;;y, just ofor a second:
if an occupation is held entirely by men, and suddenly women start wanting to do it as well, they demand for this occupation has massively risen, the amount of jobs in this field stays static for the most part, and so obviously with more women entering, some of the men must leave. so of course they 'abandon that profession'
its just common sense!

>> No.3030966

Oh sure, it's not the profession itself I suppose. But there is a certain glamour associated with it. No idea why, really.

>> No.3030969

>think logicla;;y, just ofor a second:
oh you so mad

> the amount of jobs in this field stays static for the most part, and so obviously with more women entering, some of the men must leave.
If that were the case, these professions would be more like 50/50 men and women. They're not even close.

>> No.3030985

Uh, dude, you gotta seriously be insecure about your gender if you feel threatened by women just because you're doing a job they can also do. But of course, I guess most college professors are older guys who probably still have that 50s mentality. I can just imagine them shaking their fist, cane in hand, yelling, "Damn punk women! Get off my lawn!"

>> No.3030999

Women can do any job that men can do (except for being pedophile priests/ male porn stars etc)

its just that most of us arn't stupid enough to do shit like join the army. I don't fancy being shot at.

>> No.3030996 [DELETED] 

Women can do any job that men can do "except for being pedophile priests/ male porn stars etc"

its just that most of us arn't stupid enough to do shit like join the army. I don't fancy being shot at.

>> No.3031005

Sure, but the mentality is still around.

>> No.3031010

I don't see joining the military as stupid. You simply have to believe you're supporting your country and be brave enough to do so. Most women aren't brave, from my experience.

>> No.3031011

I agree with what you said.

What, did you expect me to disagree? You're imagining I'm so stereotypical male chauvinist or something, but I've emphasized over and over again what I'm saying, and what I'm not.

>> No.3031018

>not this shit again.

I hope you like shitstorms.

>> No.3031029

theres more than one type of bravery. women are braver than men in some respects. I doubt many of you guys would voluntarily inflict the pain of shitting out a melon to yourself.

>> No.3031030

the hard drive was invented by a science teacher...

>> No.3031031



It's coming out whether they want it to or not.

>> No.3031037

thats a load of nonsense
Nature has made women want to shit out melons

>> No.3031038

pulls the pregnancy card.

You aren't brave for WANTING pregnancy as a female. you are a human female for wanting a pregnancy its in your biology. The same way its in the biology for a man to want to join an army and kill something.

you are mixing up stupid/brave with biology.
Stop it.

>> No.3031042

they choose to get pregnant, they know the consequences.

>> No.3031044

>I doubt many of you guys would voluntarily inflict the pain of shitting out a melon to yourself.

Oh I don't know about that. Holding out for two weeks is not a good idea for either your anus or your plumber, I'll tell you that.

>> No.3031045

>Women can do any job that men can do

Sure. About half as well.

>> No.3031049


And yet you call women brave for taking this voluntary cost/risk (pregnancy), and men stupid for taking their voluntary cost/risk (in the military).

Fuck you, you sexist pig.

>> No.3031050

name 10 women who contributed something to the field of science or mathematics

>> No.3031051

just as nature has made men want to kill and injure each other? so join the army? yeh? yeh.

something in our biology can also require bravery. bravery itself is in our biology, as in, there are genes contained within individuals that make them more or less brave than other people, just as all of our behaviour is genetic.

>> No.3031055

Stop trolling. EK is the sexist here, it seems.

>> No.3031059

Fuck your sexist double standard.

>> No.3031065

how am i sexist?
women are brave in that they volunteer to CREATE life at the expense of excruciating personal pain for themselves
men are brave in the sense that they volunteer to DESTROY life, at the expense of excruciating personal pain to their enemies.

am i missing something?

eh, can we just call it 3, and i'll link you to the most recent but 1, XKCD page?

>> No.3031066

A scientist can watch his work unfold and create new opportunities. A teacher, however, a techer never knows how far his work carries on through the universe, as it continues to take effect forever, through his students and their work

>> No.3031073

>men are brave in the sense that they volunteer to DESTROY life
Try "protect". Also, nice 180 there, champ.
>Women can do any job that men can do
>its just that most of us arn't stupid enough to do shit like join the army.

>> No.3031075

I respect teachers in the same way that I respect cops: it's something very valuable and useful for society but I personally wouldn't like to work as a teacher or cop (that's only a matter of liking though).

>> No.3031076

EDIT: most recent XKCD page

>> No.3031078

Funny no one has mentioned pure morals.

My science teacher in high school who taught physics, biochem, chem, and biology was part of the human genome project

but he saw where they were going with the whole project and threw away his probably amazing salary to become a highschool teacher because he loved teaching and kids and was fantastic at it.

this is the part where you cry

>> No.3031080

>there are genes contained within individuals that make them more or less brave than other people

No you aren't switching this around, we are talking as a whole. not individuals. That just leads to mutations in genetics and variation that cause individuals to be different, not how everything is on an average.

Just deal with the fact that the majority of what you think makes women "better" than men is genetics.

>> No.3031082


make a discovery and then i'll respect u

>> No.3031087

fuck you EK, i knew you'd try to turn it around like i just said.

you said here. >>3030999 men are stupid for joining the army.

You try to be an elaborate troll. but you fail and just show to be an attention whore.

>> No.3031088

>My science teacher in high school was part of the human genome project
>but he saw where they were going with the whole project
You fucking anti-science bastard. Justify your bullshit comment about the human genome project.

>> No.3031089

'no 180's here, boss!'

i'm not denying that men can be brave, i was just saying there are multiple paths for bravery, and that women can also be brave.
And as i said before, most women prefer not to join the army, but some do, so there we go.

>> No.3031091

Shut the fuck up or eat crow and take back your comment.

>> No.3031098

>just as nature has made men want to kill and injure each other? so join the army? yeh? yeh
hold your horses right there
Nature doesn't want anyone to kill anyone
That's just counter productive

>> No.3031100

>still leaving out the stupid part.

EK you failed. give up and try again tomorrow.

Also if you want equality so much. When you get punched in the face for being a faggot by a man. Don't try to get sympathy. cause being equal means you can take it just as well as a man.

i love how women that are for equality don't care for the bad parts that come with it.

>> No.3031101
File: 19 KB, 389x437, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, where did i say women are better than men?
genders are equal, and i am not sexist.

and i'm not even trolling.
enjoy your butthurt, its on special today, and comes wit ha side of 'fuck you!'

>> No.3031104

Nature doesn't want anything. It is not a person. It has no will, or consciousness.

>> No.3031109

I meant nature as a metaphor for human instinct

>> No.3031111

>women are equal.

then read what i said here. >>3031100 and deal with it.

and no im not mad, i just like watching all the debates you get into and then coming in and pointing out the faults. you make too many mistakes

>> No.3031108

You fail. Fuck you forever.

If you had owned up and apologized for your sexist remark, I would have let it slide. Now you're a sexist AND in denial about it. Fuck you.

>> No.3031117

oh? you were mad hat i said joining the army was a stupid decision to make?
well lets see, going half way across the world to murder brown people and steal their precious oil...hmm, i think i can find something better to do with my time.

no-one would punch me, i am sweet and diplomatic IRL. I know when to keep my mouth shut, if danger poses. its called tact, lern it, fella's.

>> No.3031118

This is nonsense. I do not agree with this line of thinking you are presenting.

Women have babies because of a biological imperative that overrides fear or courage. In short, they do it because ONLY THEY CAN.

Men fight in the army because of a social imperative. Thousands of years of civilization have groomed men to believe they must fight to defend home and country.

That's changing these days. A lot more chicks in the military. Just like if we were to make it biologically feasible for men to make babies, you'd see men jumping into it. As is, you see a lot more men becoming home makers. It's not easy to get over so many millenia of conditioning. The fact that we're getting it underway in less than a century is actually pretty mind-blowing in how fast we can change as a race.

>> No.3031119

If you knew anything about the history of Mankind, you'd realise teaching and learning through the generations is integral to what distinguishes us from the rest of the planet.

Teaching is the most important thing anyone could ever do,

>> No.3031120

Ah. Fair enough.

>> No.3031131

Teaching IS a respectable profession in mosts parts of the world.

>> No.3031134

> its called tact, lern it, fella's.
This from the person who just failed so hard? If you were a politician this would be all OVER the political comedy shows.

>> No.3031136

yeah you just lost every argument you were trying to present by applying global standards on a national scale. A flawed one at that.

>> No.3031140

DO you want a shit load patents sci bro? be known as a innovator? or do you want to be beta as fuck teaching a bunch of retards.I mean if i put all that time in becoming a scientist my ass wouldn't be teaching fucktards that should be working at MickyDs right now but got pushed into school.

>> No.3031141

fuck you asshat, i'm not sexist. i said joining the army was stpid, that in itself isnt a sexist remark. some women join the army as well. and did you miss the part where i said "both genders are equal"?
yeh...really sexist arn't i?

>> No.3031142

>reading comprehension
>Tunnel thought

I was talking about war in general.

As a history major i am thinking of any war that has happened. You seem to be thinking of the current war which; yes would be stupid to join atm, but guess what. instead of saying war. you should say the specific one you were thinking of. Because you certainly only had one war in your mind when you called men stupid. you also said women were smarter, but guess what there are women over there to.

you fucked up again EK. like i said come back tomorrow.

>> No.3031144

If you are an educator, I weep for the children.

>> No.3031152

I used to think teaching was just another profession, but then I watched David Christian's TED talk and it hit me that teaching is the greatest thing ever

>> No.3031158

The problem is that if you don't have people willing to bite the bullet and teach, you end up with a next generation who are voting with their feet. We have fewer people going into the fields of mathematics and sciences. In America, teachers make little and aren't very respected, and our kids' education are SUFFERING badly because of it. The next generation's education should be a top priority and it's not and it hasn't been for too long. To be honest I think it's the root for what's to blame for most of the U.S.'s problems. We're dumb and we're getting dumber.

>> No.3031162

Make up your fucking mind.

Is military service an act of bravery and sacrifice that men almost exclusively make, akin to women and chilbearing, as in
Or is it an evidence of male stupidity that lets you stroke your ego just for being female?

But it doesn't matter what you say, really. I know you're sexist. The only question is whether you'll stay in denial, or outright admit to trolling.

>> No.3031164

failed hard? em, nope. sorry we're all out of that.
links/quotes or it didn't happen.

why come back tommorow? discuss it here and now.
I'm not saying all war is stupid, some things are worth fighting for. and i never said women are more clever than men, you just made that up. don't make presumptions.

>> No.3031174

>links/quotes or it didn't happen.
You fail again. It's been done several times.

>> No.3031178

.....>>3030999 you said it right there.

Don't try to switch out smarter with clever. And i never said you did say all war was stupid. But when you made your statement you clearly had only the war in the middle east in mind. not all others.

I am saying come back tomorrow. so you can have a fresh head and try your trolling attempts and attention whoring again.

>> No.3031182
File: 23 KB, 508x406, comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a very very tiny fraction of men actually choose to become soldiers.
for those who choose it, it IS an act of bravery and i never said it wasn't.
I wasn't stroking my ego at all, i was just saying that I personally think it is a bad idea to join the army, and so i won't be choosing to do it myself.
the fuck is your problem?
you so mad.
And i know i'm not sexist, most of my best friends are guys.

>> No.3031193

I love you. You're not faultless, but who is?

>> No.3031194

it isn't trolling or attention whoring. This isn't about me, this is about the issue of whether it is a good idea to joijn the army.

if you don't want to discuss the topic, then i have an easy solution for you. get out of the thread and stop posting

>> No.3031195

>its just that most of us arn't stupid enough to do shit like join the army.

Do i have to greentext it and spam the link?

Unless you have bad reading comprehension or can't even sort through your own thoughts. this sentence clearly states that you think men are stupid and women are smarter for not joining the army. You also didn't specify that you actually meant just the war in the middle east.

>> No.3031201

did you forget the part where it is only a small minority of men who join the army, and also a small minority of women who join the army as well?

i think its a bad idea, yeh. but that means i think an equally bad idea for whoever chooses to join, men and women. so it can't possibly be a sexist remark because joining the army isn't even gender specific.

>> No.3031202

This. You INSTANTLY know that someone who has spent their whole life in academia, gotten a doctorate in [x], and is leaching off the overbloated education system is someone who doesn't know how to function in the real world.

>> No.3031205
File: 3 KB, 126x108, sci5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, thanks hun.

>> No.3031210

Whether you think its a bad idea or not, you better be damn grateful there's people willing to do it. >:(

>> No.3031212

If nobody joined the Army, China would invade and they'd be drafted to fight to defend their country. Quite frankly, it's much better for people to volunteer to join the military. Yes, that means they'll used in wars they may not agree with. But just the presence of a strong military force is the #1 greatest defense our country has, and just be serving, you're defending your country. It's not fun. It's often hard work. But you're doing it because you're the person in the situation that can do it.

Quite frankly, anyone who disrespects soldiers is a fucking miserable excuse for a human.

You go off and fight in battles for people who do appreciate you, then come home to people who criticize you for what you did. That's fucked, up, but that's what's happening in America. I know because I have a lot of friends and family who are military, who have been over in Afghanistan and Iraq. I get to hear the shit they don't feed you in the news. I don't think we could afford this war economically and I think it was foolish to start it in the first place. But I know better than to think it hasn't done a load of good for some folks over there.

>> No.3031213

or you know... they are trying to help out self entitled asses like you to actually learn something?

>> No.3031218

Still backpedaling and downplaying without apologizing, huh?

How about you start calling women who bear children stupid? That would be about even.

>> No.3031220

if it was equal, you wouldn't have said women aren't stupid enough. you would've said people.

You are failing at showing me you aren't sexist.

>> No.3031225

Pardon the spelling mistakes. I never went to bed last night and I'm pretty much coasting on irritation right now.

>> No.3031231

I am grateful. I just definitely don't want to be the one doing it.

interesting post. yes, i think you were right, and i might have been a bit harsh earlier. i'll remember that. thanks.

>> No.3031243


all right fine, you win. joining the army isn't stupid.

>> No.3031248

If the US had no army. It would be more than just China invading.

And you are still leaving out human nature. If humans weren't naturally violent, there would be no need for armies. we'd probably advance much faster also.

>> No.3031252

Thanks. I'm done now.

>> No.3031257

While we're wishing, I'd like a unicorn.


>> No.3031263

That wasn't the point i was trying to get out of you. I am trying to get you to say you're sexist. and see the error of what you are trying to deny.

I don't care if you're sexist. It's stupid anyways when as a species we should be working naturally together. not forcing equality and other time wasting bullshit.

I also like that you go back on your morals because you are backed into a corner.

>> No.3031272

Not necessarily, although now we're getting into the realm of philosophy. It's one branch of thought that conflict is what drives creativity. Violence isn't inherent to human nature. Animals do it. Insects do it. Even microscopic single-celled organisms do it. And not always out of basic drive. One could say the more complex an organism is, the less reason they are driven to violence. One could also argue that nature itself is violent. Look at weather. Look at the formation of planets, stars. Look at chemistry, the way even elements are torn and reformed is often violent in its own incidental way. The whole destruction/creation yin/yang thing is a really old concept, and not one easily disproven.

>> No.3031275

Short response : Egotism, elitism, egocentrism, arrogance, inflated senses of self-interest and entitlement, humanity...

>> No.3031286

lol, i hate sexism, so i certainly am not a sexist myself.
equality is important in terms of rights and social standing and a fair environment. that doesn't necessarily mean men and women should have the same roles in all things. play to your talents and abilities, thats the smartest way.
i wasn't backed into a corner, it's just that >>3031212 made a particularly inciteful post, and i might have been slightly careless and mispoken in an earlier post that i made.
I can admit when i'm wrong, its fine, learning new things is always a success.

>> No.3031300

Very good point. Maybe conflict and violence is inevitable. But i still see violence among your own species as redundant and counter productive to the advancement of your species.

Now im not saying there should be no pressure for survival of the fittest. but in modern times i think natural selection has dwindled down to just being stupid. instead of conflict from surrounding peers.

>> No.3031301

>Violence isn't inherent to human nature. Animals do it. Insects do it. Even microscopic single-celled organisms do it.

I like the fact you remove humans from the notion of inherit violence because, well, it's humanity; nothing more than romanticizing the human.

>> No.3031303

>i hate sexism, so i certainly am not a sexist myself
you cannot be serious

>> No.3031314

tl;dr, and it looks irrelevant.
if i hate sexism (which i do) then how could i be sexist? if i knowingly hate a quality about myself i would change it.

>> No.3031317

Read an interesting article in Time about the finnish school system, and how teaching is actually one of the most respected professions there. It's very hard to even get into teaching school, like 1 in 15 applicants get in, and it's a 5 years masters degree. Wish it was like that everywhere, cause the teaching standards are _WAY_ to low most places.

>> No.3031322

I hate racism and yet im racist.

Learn more about your sub conscious

>> No.3031324

>palindrome get

>> No.3031325

Maybe, but it was the spirit of competition which got us to the moon, and the spirit of competition that drives people to train mercilessly for sports. It's the spirit of (economical) competition that pushes the cell phone companies to push out newer, faster, better handheld electronics.

Can you name off the top of your head one situation where global, non-competitive cooperation has achieved ANYTHING?

>> No.3031341

well then you must hate yourself. so change one of the views! they arn't compatible.
either stop being a racist or stop hating racism, you cant be content with both opposing beliefs in your head at the same time. it makes no sense.

>> No.3031348

those are all forms of pressure though.

We were on violence. Non of those things come from violence. just pressure.

We can pressure ourselves as a species. but violence towards each other and death. just, like i said, is counter productive.

>> No.3031349

I had two professors lecturing my first year chemistry course. One of them was only on staff as a teacher and did no research. The other one was a brilliant researcher who had made many contributions to his field and who would often link his research to the lecture topics.

Guess who got me more interested in chemistry, to the point where I want to major in it now? It was the one that was dedicated only to teaching. His enthusiasm for chemistry was much more noticeable. Teaching can be very respectable, if done right.

>> No.3031355

Information is cheap. Learning isn't as difficult as the teachers' unions would have you believe. Back in the good old days at the turn of the 20th century, all the brilliant minds were largely self-taught. Then a few socialists and progressives thought it'd be a good idea to make a public education system available for everyone - and it WAS a good idea, to an extent. But then educators got butthurt over low pay (which is all they really deserved, seeing as the ability to teach really ISN'T that rare of a 'skill' amongst an educated populace), and so they unionized. They kept pushing for more public education, more funding, more this, more that. They convinced the public that tertiary education was somehow a right, and that staying in school for more than a quarter of your lifetime is somehow worthwhile. They convinced lawmakers that lawyers and doctors HAD to go to formal school for four more fucking years just to practice even the narrowest and simplest jobs in their respective fields. And everybody bought it, because education in itself is a good thing and therefore it's become a sacred cow that noone has the balls to cut.

>> No.3031374

Really liked this post. It made me smile.

>> No.3031377

Ultimately the root of rivalry IS violence. Competition is a struggle of its own. There is a fear of failure. You are protecting yourself; your lifestyle, your reputation, your family, your livelihood... whatever it may be, from a would-be attacker. It may have a more civilized form but the motions of the dance are all there.

>> No.3031394


It is entirely possible for a Christian Minister to hate religious discrimination against christians, and still discriminate against muslims and atheists.

In the same way, it is possible to hate sexism to ward females and still be sexist towards males.

See: The entire popular feminist movement.

>> No.3031398

OP just make sure you're relating the science to everyday life. The best moments I've had in my science classes were when I was able to say "oh...so THAT'S why so and so happens."

E.g. the other day we learned in physics why auroras form at the poles, explained by the perpendicular motion of charged particles through magnetic fields. Everyone in the tutorial was like AWW SHIT THIS IS AWESOME.

>> No.3031407

You really don't understand this do you. or you really do have tunnel vision for your thoughts.

You are racist if you put your own race before others. If a white person says they would rather help out their own race then another. they are racist to other races. They may not go around acting like a stereotypical racist; Which is probably what you were thinking of when i said i was racist, But they are still racist.
All i do is think that you should like your own culture of your race and work together with other races.
But supporting your own race above others is racist.

>> No.3031434

yes, its called hipocrisy.
and i am no hippocrit.

>> No.3031440

On some of those points i won't deny what you're saying. But with a population as big as we have. Teaching is something that is needed. if the majority was self taught nowadays we probably wouldn't get anywhere. Self teaching doesn't work for everyone also

>> No.3031455
File: 43 KB, 396x435, 1288217153329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a hypocrite

I think you need to evaluate yourself. No matter how hard anyone tries. Everyone is a hypocrite in some way. You should come to terms with that.

>> No.3031480

well i'll look out for it, but untill then...


fuck, i used to have a 4X4 grid of that jackie chan face for some reason, i cant find it and must have deleted it.

>> No.3031483

When I look back at the classes I have I must say I am kinda dissapointed how I did at school.

I hated when I would get stuff like maths and chemistry I just did not understand making me not liking it and I disliked the teachers and they disliked me too but I didn't know better.

Now that I look back I realized I should have just realized the importance of it all, even if I wasn't going to use it in later studies/classes.

My teachers have influenced me alot, positivly each and every one of them. From the greatest assholes to the cool ones.

There are different ways of teaching and not every person gets stimulated with the same way.

It's a great challenge to make others understand things when you do it as your work.

>> No.3031496

>Self teaching doesn't work for everyone also
Right, because some people are STUPID. And we shouldn't waste our time on them - we should put them through high school (if that) and then let them get on with what they do best - unskilled labor. Those who can learn will learn.

I'm not saying we should abolish institutionalized learning; that'd be just plain medieval. But treating it like every Rick and Jane should attend school for 16+ years of their life in school rather than getting out into the real world and contributing to society is silly. Formal higher education is FAAAR to highly-valued in today's society.

Perhaps we should create a wide set of standardized tests in every industry so that self-taught individuals have a way to prove their knowledge to potential employers...

>> No.3031497

If you didn't catch it in this thread, you never will IMO.

>> No.3031516

well i'm definitely not sexist in any form...so that isn't it.
race didn't even come up, so that isn't it.
i said joining the army was stupid, then retracted it, but that isn't hipocritical so that isn't it either...

hmm, i guess it isn't in the thread.

>> No.3031519

>well i'm definitely not sexist in any form...so that isn't it.

Oh EK, you card

>> No.3031532

i'm really not!
if anything, i'd be sexist towards girls than towards guys because i get along with guys better than girls, most of my mates are guys, and they don't bitch or manipulate etc, so they are easier to talk to.

>> No.3031539

Some people have to be inspired before they self teach themselves though.

It took until I left high school to actually care about learning as much as I could. I won't debate this anymore as i agree that self taught people should have a way of being allowed into higher industries.

Anything before universities should be mandatory. But after that self taught or learned from someone else should be even. I also think that the main reason universities are appealed to more is because of the resources they have access to. even if you self teach yourself you may not have the ability to get a chemistry lab.
Its not just what you know its what you can do. but thats up to the employer to decide

>> No.3031547

Everyone's a little bit racist. *cue song*
You're also a little bit sexist. It's OK, I think I am too.

>> No.3031552


Ok, I'm going out on a limb here, as I might be getting trolled, but the psychology is fairly simple.

The following response is an example of sub or concious sexism:

>>women are brave in that they volunteer to CREATE life at the expense of excruciating personal pain for themselves
men are brave in the sense that they volunteer to DESTROY life, at the expense of excruciating personal pain to their enemies.

You apply a positive conjoiner to the act or birth, which you associate with females, while automatically adding a negative one to the act you associate with males.

As has been said before, there were many other choices you could have used in these sentences. You could have said "protecting" you could have included that men who go to war risk their lives at far worse odds than women who get pregnant, you could have used neutral instead of polarized blatantly negative and positive descriptors for each group.

You did not. The statement reads as a sexist statement. It is functionally the same to saying "Blacks are inherently more violent and Whites are more pious!"

You may not have intended it to be sexist consciously, but it was. And it's a symptom of underlying sexism, no matter how much you consciously deny it. In the same way that the most vociferous opponents of homosexuality sometimes turn out to be gay.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

This is what people were referring too earlier, but no one else felt the need to explicitly spell it out.

This is it.

>> No.3031555

I would love to attend various college and university courses on various subjects and topics, i just don't have access to a spare 70,000 dollars of tuition, and would rather not be subject to predatory lending. Scholarships can help, but even then, unless it's a full ride for tuition, many universities / colleges are just out of reach monetarily, currently.

Many schools also don't seem to be adapting, and are still running off of dated structures and methods. The internet, thus far, has greatly altered the landscape regarding education...

>> No.3031566

I"ve heard a few girls saying that (girls are bitches, guys are more laid back etc) All I can say is are you sure its unavoidable in the relationship between women, or are you just hanging around with the wrong girls?

>> No.3031577

>ITT: tripfag derails a respectable thread
stop shitting up /sci/, seriously

>> No.3031581



>> No.3031587


>> No.3031590

haters etc etc

>> No.3031597

There's a lot of doctors and lawyers too. I don't see it as a question of rarity.

>> No.3031600

You know i hope EK would learn something from this. but come tomorrow that won't even matter and she'll be on something else. oh well

>> No.3031610


Well, I tried anyways.

>> No.3031619

I liked it. Reminds me that persuasion is better than flaming, and the whole world isn't trolls.

Though I *am* on 4chan... troll concentration is much higher than in public just about anywhere.

>> No.3031656


I prefer to make reasoned arguments rather then just starting off with the assumption that I can't win and I'm better off just calling my opponent stupid, taking my cards and going home.

I've tried the same thing in religion threads, nuclear safety threads and Mars threads.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

But, whatever. It's good practice. I plan to go into law and politics. Hopefully I can fix shit.

>> No.3031676


Don't even try when it comes to religion. it won't work.
A religion is a lifestyle and people don't change lifestyles unless its something close to their life that affects them.

>> No.3031693

fucking tripfags

>> No.3031845

no, the girls i hang out with arn't like that, but it is the reason why there are so few girls that i frequently hang out with.

don't worry. i'm reading, and i'm learning.

>> No.3031865


Any response? Any counter-argument besides 'Cause I'm not' which has already been shown to be invalid?

>> No.3031868

well i still don't think i'm sexist. i just don't think that what i typed fully reflected what i was trying to say, so i might have come across as sexist.
but hey, mistakes happen. no biggy.

>> No.3031878

Teaching is pretty respectable if you teach university and u teach classes that actually matter. But yes, you're right grade school teachers are pretty much baby sitters

>> No.3031887


But you can understand how that and similar statements can sound sexist even if you do not intend them to, and how a continued use of such statements might lead people to believe you to be subconciously sexist despite your denials?

As they say, once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times is a conspiracy.

>> No.3031898

alright, maybe subconsciously i am a little bit sexist, just as i am a little bit racist. but i don't want to 'kill all men' and i'm not some massive feminist or anything like that.

i mean it is a fact that men are, on average, more violent. thats just how it is, its all the testosterone or something like that, so its not like my stereotyping is completely baseless or anything.

>> No.3031902


>> No.3031931


True enough, there is a propensity for males to be violent, it's a leftover genetic trait plus a function of biochemistry. But you can say the same thing about the statistics of Blacks having a higher prison demographic as Whites as evidence for their violent tendencies, or any of the other arguments brought up to stifle civil rights. It's not about evidence at it's base though, it's about feeling better than others. It's a result of natural human failings, and pretty much everyone gets it to some degree.

I'll freely admit to being 'intellectualist' at some times for example, when confronted with truly stupid or inept people.

But, It's nice that you acknowledge your own mistakes. You just got a +1 in my book, and got taken off of my troll list.

Keep it up.

>> No.3031955

yai, EK scored some respect from anonymous. Go you, sir !

>> No.3031958


fuck off


>> No.3031966



>> No.3031972

Damn it guys, lessons don't stick in if you mix positive and negative reinforcement.

>> No.3031974

Excuse me, on what basis are you reporting this user?

>> No.3031975

cool thanks. although i hope you don't actually have a 'troll list'

reported? me?
which rule have i broken?

>> No.3031977


Please leave /sci/

I emailed moot and reported you along with the other 2 anons

>> No.3031987


Not the anon that reported but probably because of trip fagging one,


two: insulting males and spewing femenist garbage on /sci/

all the greatest scientists were males so gtfo, i agree with them in reporting you


>> No.3032000
File: 42 KB, 284x176, reaction wait wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP asks about teaching science as a respectable profession
>80% of the thread is some shitty argument about men vs women

>> No.3032011

and why were you reporting the 2 anons?
if we havent actually broken any specific rules then you are abusing the system and are filing false reports, which is rule breaking in itself.

obviously tripfagging is not an offense, and i wasn't just spamming sexism or anything like that, we were haveing an interesting discussion and i learned something from it.
you don't wanna join in, then stay out of the thread. no need to ruin it for the rest of us.

>> No.3032022


tripfagging is against the rules

reported again

>> No.3032026

reported for being EK

>> No.3032034




>> No.3032035


Guy who made the argument here,

It's not exactly helping my opinion of standard /sci/ dudes when a rational argument gets through to to someone, shows them through rational methods why something they did seemed strange, and the standard response is LOL REPORTED U ADMITUD IT LOLS.


>> No.3032047


Well, tripfagging is obviously not against the rules. But, y'know what is?

7. Submitting false reports or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban of indeterminate length.

So, yeah.

>> No.3032052

tripfagging is not against the rules.

tripfag haters like you is what kills threads, not the tripfags themselves.

You who insist on reducing everything to the fact they have utilised a tripcode are the cancer

tripfagging to piss you off because its funny and completely harmless.

Kill yourself, you ugly cunt.

>> No.3032058

>a ban of indeterminate length




>> No.3032060

Teachers have become less respected because most people say "lolinternet".

It used to be a secret club. Then every dumbass and half-wit the world over could access the same information with little to no effort. It doesn't MATTER if they understand it or not; all that matters to them is that they can "pretend" to be just as smart as somebody with a PhD.

>> No.3032062

when people report, they usually just do it. they don't start spamming the thread going "HURR DURR yew arr reportid! injoyy yur bann, faggort!!"
so they are probably just trolls.

if anyone actually has reported me, the mods will see that no rule has been broken, and ban the false reporter instead, so i'm not worried.

>> No.3032065

>lets visit it

makes perfect sense.

>go on 4chan
>get b&
>its okay I never liked that place anyway.

This is the definition of cognitive dissonance, psychfags

sougrapes much?

>> No.3032066


>>tripfag haters like you is what kills threads, not the tripfags themselves.



>> No.3032072


>>implying the mods wont ban you when over 9000 anons report you, they will side with ANONS



>> No.3032074
File: 144 KB, 460x355, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is forcing you to react so venomously to a tripcode.

Kill yourself.

>> No.3032077
File: 14 KB, 348x333, 126550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, haters cause the shitstorms, its just that they can't hate on 'anon' because their is no focus point for them to aim at.

lol, i can imagine it now
"dear M00T. there is this tripfag! and she has been posting! she hasn't spammed, or posted anything racist or pornographic, but you should ban her because i plain just don#'t like her!


>> No.3032085




>> No.3032094

reported for disrespecting The Dear Leader

>> No.3032104

>implying anyone here is dumb enough to be the personal army of a 'cruise-controlling' prick.

ahahah, lol you are pathetic. lets see what happens then, you creep.

>> No.3032107

It's all just trolls now, stop feeding em.

>> No.3032120

who is that in your pictures? I know its not you, but who is it?

>> No.3032142

i never post my own pictures, i just have various reactionface images. the one i posted up above is a youtube atheist.

>> No.3032174


Don't act innocent. You break a sizable chunk of the global rules constantly.

I suggest going back and reading them if you're fuzzy on what they are.

>> No.3032184


> Teaching will never be a respectable profession

Yeah, because most teachers i've heard of/experienced sucked hard.

>> No.3032192
File: 20 KB, 300x100, Tripcodes_are_for_jerks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3032196
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that making one tripfag follow the rules will substantially improve the quality of /sci/.

/sci/ is shit. if you want to discuss science for real go to physicsforums.com

>> No.3032204


Excuse me, could I request just one example?

>> No.3032215

unless i am doing that right now, then you can't legitimately report me.
also, citation needed.
what global rules do i ever break? except perhaps 'keep the trolling on /b/ only'
but trolling alone, is a pretty minor offence, one which i can pretty safely say we are all guilty of at one time or another.

i already do follow the rules. there are far worse tripfags than me, trust me.

>> No.3032230

rule 3: "Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography."

thats the only global rule that even has a chance of being applicale to me.
hmm, lets see, "trolling, flaming and off topic replies'? looks like all my haters are deserving of a ban just as much, if not more, than i do.

>> No.3032247
File: 1 KB, 42x25, sci-trolling5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anthropomorphic ("furry")

But we're all transhumanists here!

>> No.3032295

don't worry, hun. we'll let you be an exception. :)

>> No.3032311


Well, some of us are anyway.

Some others are trolls, religious trolls, luddite trolls, and general trolls. Then there are the actual /sci/entists, that guy who is trying to build a LFTR in his basement, some more religious trolls, and people from other boards coming in asking for advice.

>> No.3032320
File: 6 KB, 192x144, 50316_2256816327_8655_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3032325

reported each of you for trip fag circle jerking

>> No.3032328

I usually dislike tripfags, and I even I hope you get banned for abusing the report system.

>> No.3032330
File: 14 KB, 478x357, 126549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, what global rule number was that again?

>> No.3032338


> doesn't understand anonymous culture
> didn't read the rules

Back to gamesfaq, huh?

>> No.3032367

ive never been on gamesfaw, i do know the rules, and tripfags are part of the culture.

FYI, MOOT likes tripfags (and is one himself)


>> No.3032374

It doesn't mean anyone else is going to like you (no one likes moot, as well)

>> No.3032399
File: 8 KB, 251x240, 1304246432448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF has happened to this thread?
I saw it some hours ago, when OP posted his initial post and now it's full of green text and butthurt.
Is it worth reading?

>> No.3032406
File: 15 KB, 489x358, 13635649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck you, you ungrateful prick, stop enjoying the fruits of his creation then.

I don't need people to like me here, i have real life friends for that, or have you fogotten what one of those is, you fucking basement dweller?
As it happens, some people do like me here. The OP's i have helped, you think they hate me? hmm?
I also get along with almost all of the tripfags.

>> No.3032408

EK was goaded into acknowledging the possibility that she might be a little sexist.

>> No.3032424

probably not worth reading. it derailed into a sexism 'are too!, are not!' scenario, the military, and other random crap that isn't worth concerning yourself over.

>> No.3032435

Aren't you on here 24/7? Maybe I'm wrong but when I do get on here, theres always a thread open where you're making yourself look like an idiot.

I remember a thread the other day where you were trying your damndest to convince everyone you were attractive but refused to post a picture, and would get your panties in a wad over someone calling you fat. Which obviously you're insecure about, since you seem to have this urge to try and make everyone aware that "LUK I HAVE A LIFE I DO I DO" any time someone calls you out on being a 'tard (Now a sexist I suppose?)

It isn't moots creation, moot ripped a code from a famous imageboard in japan, and posted it for people who speak english. Moot is, and always will be viewed as an enormous faggot.

And you'll always be viewed as enormous.

>> No.3032439

nothing against tripfags and obviously m00t is the expert . but when he says 'they're very important to the sites dynamic' maybe he's being rather conservative. although it never started out that way, it's clear that anonymous is the dominant 'culture'. So anonymous would be 'very important to the sites dynamic' while named people are less so.

>> No.3032440

EK fucking up a thread with her bs? Cancer on my /sci/


>> No.3032466

They might look down physics, but i'm damn sure that the teacher is not the problem, unless you're a cunt.

>Physic teacher
>my class has a incoming geometry exam
>i postpone my class and teach geometry instead, label it as optics to my higher ups
>Snell's law + popularity get

>> No.3032472

>mfw ek doesnt realize everyone but newfags think moot is a faggot

>> No.3032485

Yes it is an art, why don't you try to create something original instead of passing off a tired old "meme" in a misguided attempt to raise your self-esteem.

>> No.3032486

I hope you die in a car accident. It's not a hateful "I hope your tortured" scenario. It's just a realistically possible death scenario for the sole reason that you're an idiot.
And I hope it happens to you.
Please die in a car accident, EK.

We'll all pretend to miss you after you're gone, promise.

>> No.3032488

not all tripfags "add to the culture"
you, for example, add nothing of value and just shit everything up

>> No.3032489

>I remember a thread the other day where you were trying your damndest to convince everyone you were attractive...
i almost certainly was not doing that, i suggest you re-read the thread, if you can find it in the archives.

meh, its nice to have a choice. those who want to trip, can. and those who don't are not forced to. everybody wins.

>> No.3032496

the site is moots creation, he rules all and can make any changes he desires. the fact he imitated the model of another site is irrelevant. just about every web forum uses the same basic framework. phpBB usually. of course moots ultimate authority still makes him a faggot but in a very different way than you suggest. sounds like you're just jelly that moot has an awesome popular site and you don't.

>> No.3032498

Why would I need to? You're beginning to repeat the scenario here. Fatass. Why don't you go outside and make some friends? You know, friends that you don't whine to on MSN whenever you get butthurt on /sci/?

>> No.3032500

lol, looks like someone has decided to read the entire thread. your only a quarter of the way down, long ways to go yet!

>> No.3032501


> moot likes tripfags

hahaha, no

tripfags are not part of the culture. Why are you even here?

>> No.3032510

did you even watch the video?

>> No.3032512


Hardly. I did it, decided that universities are stultifying and exploitive BS, and now I teach chemistry. Interestingly it gives you time and cause to develop a holistic and pervasive understanding of your field, rather than the absurd hyperspecialization required at university.

That is, unless you teach at a public school. Then you're just boned. Ground down and ruined.

>> No.3032514

You're like that little kid who knows full well that every other little kid hates him, and then runs to the teacher and demands she make all the other little kids like him.

>> No.3032521

Looks like somebody is trying to change subjects to avoid embarrassment. You have no idea how much I've read.
You're biased.

>> No.3032527
File: 146 KB, 463x355, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like EK.


>> No.3032528

Who is this annoying sexist tripfag and what the fuck are they doing on my /sci/

>> No.3032529


Sure, and i understand what he means, unlike you and EK it seems.

>> No.3032530

no, i'm more like the little kid with a small tightly knit group of friends, that keep to themselves and disregard the opinions of bigoted pricks.

>> No.3032531

As I was scrolling I read you saying "You dont get mad when people talk shit"

What about the other day, you know, the thread where everyone called you out on how fat you are, and you proceeded to throw a huge shitfit over it?

>> No.3032543

"keep to themselves."
Google translate says
>Never invited to parties

>> No.3032544

that is rich

>> No.3032547

>mfw people who think EK is an idiot are automatically "Bigots"

>> No.3032551

Explain what he means. I bet you're wrong. :)

>> No.3032557

he means what he says.
god, your as irritating as moderate christians who try to reinterpret the bible as 'just symbolism and not to be taken literally'

ha, doubtless no 'shitfits' were thrown.

i am not offended or enraged by the lies and 'geusses' of a small minority of anon haters.

>> No.3032559


> :)

Not even worth it.

>> No.3032563


yeah right. umad?

>> No.3032567

EK's delusions of grandeur are as sad as they are pathetic.

>> No.3032568

Oh please you know full and well you got upset, started butthurting all over the thread, and then said you were leaving, only to return no more than 5 minutes later saying "I'VE BEEN MONITORING THE THREAD. FUCK ALL OF YOU" and getting even more butthurt.

>> No.3032572

in other words, you cant.


smilies are a really poor excuse

>> No.3032577

Small minority? Have you ever posted in a thread where the majority of posters don't hate you/call you out on being an idiot? This seems to be the case with EVERY thread you post in.

Is this what you tell yourself in real life to compensate for the fact that no one likes you, and wants to be around you?

>> No.3032581


no, that never happened. post the archive link.

>> No.3032588

I find it funny how EK started to ignore me when she started to look like a fool.
I hope your mind at least likes you, EK, because that's going to be your only companion.

>> No.3032590

I saw it too. And you're an idiot. The 4chanarchives archive "Popular" or otherwise really funny threads.

>> No.3032594


Why are you using smilies then?

>> No.3032597

*for being an idiot

and i presume most of it is samefaggotry. you usually only get about 2-3 haters maximum in any 1 particular thread. the rest are just innocent bystander anons wishing they would all just fuck off so we can get back to the science.

>> No.3032607


> implying there are more than 4 people on /sci/

so it's 3 vs 1

>> No.3032609

I read every comment, its just that most hater comments are not worth responding to. And i doubt i looked like a fool.

>> No.3032606

EK just implied she can do science. That's a fucking oxymoron!
You're far too irrational to apply logic, EK.

>> No.3032610

This is what you tell yourself. Do you really think theres a tiny group of anonymous that consistently follow you around 4chan 24/7 for the hell of it, samefagging every thread you post in just to make you miserable? Do you really think that's a more feasible idea than say, well, absolutely no one likes you?

Be honest with yourself, whale.

>> No.3032612

Teaching has neer been anything BUT a respectable profession. Teachers have always been held in high regard, and even in modern times when the poorly educated Louisiana knuckledraggers hate them for teaching their children facts, saying you're a teacher is among the fastest ways to get respect, up there with Doctor or Lawyer.

>> No.3032614

the stupidest people in college major in education

you reap what you sow

>> No.3032618
File: 2 KB, 126x106, zh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what an oxymoron is.

>> No.3032623

kinda funny watching /sci/ try to get rid of the only pussy that will post with them

>> No.3032624

How can you even possibly try to lie and say you're a scientist when you can't EVER accept that you're wrong?
You think anybody who tries to correct you is a "Hater". Grow up.

>> No.3032626

hate threads are rare. this hardly ever happens. only if you and i are both online at the same time.

>> No.3032627


> implying he's a girl

>> No.3032628

It must be very nice to live in such resolute denial.

>> No.3032633

if EK isn't a girl, i've lost faith in mankind

>> No.3032634

Horseshit. Every thread you post in this happens.

>> No.3032638


I personally think it's a trap

not even delicious though

>> No.3032640

>Oxymoron is putting two contradictory words together.
>Illogical retard trying to perform science, which is based in logic
Do you get it now, or do I need to explain some more words to you?

>> No.3032647
File: 72 KB, 700x836, BibleWarningLabel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those in power in this country don't want people to be able to fucking read. See Koch brothers, fox noise etc. And its working. Google "George Carlin american dream"

>> No.3032656

Hey EK, one question.

What does EK stand for?

>> No.3032665

no, there are several women on /sci/. my housemate has posted here a couple of times herself.

no, the ones who flame me for being me are the haters. i don't mind being corrected. and how can you say i 'never admit when i am wrong'? read THIS thread.

lurk moar.

doing it wrong

>> No.3032672

middle and surname initials.

>> No.3032680

Damn, you just love being an attention whore don't you?
Don't read a science board if being corrected causes you to type out 20 responses while crying.

>> No.3032681

I like to think you were named ellen karr after the great allen carr

>> No.3032697

if i am mis-corrected, it is worth pointing out, as with any false accusation. this doesn't count as attention-whoring.
attention whoring would be needless talking about myself when no-one had asked.
merely answering quick questions is not attention whoring.

>> No.3032711

massive butthurt detected

>> No.3032713

nothing against named or anonymous users but I dont think this board is for question and answer sessions on the topic of individual user's lives. if you feel the same way, bury this thread.

>> No.3032736

Simple psychology can pretty easily explain EKs wild delusions about herself.

Take a boy and a girl in a relationship, the girl begins to cheat, and gets away with it pretty nicely. Begins to think to herself "Wait, if I can get away with it so easily, how do I know he's not doing the same thing?" begins to become paranoid, ""Suspect" her boyfriend of being unfaithful because she was, and got away with it.

EK is the only one who is defending herself. She makes sockpuppets here and there to stand up for herself, but it's pretty obvious it's her. She assures herself no one can tell its her defending herself, but everyone knows it is.

Everyone on /sci/ hates her. Every thread she posts in turns into a shitstorm of everyone telling her to go die, and her crying and getting butthurt. But she's sure that people fall for her sockpuppet defense, and thus in turn likes to assure herself that it's only a few people samefagging EVERY SINGLE THREAD she posts in (Reminder shes active 24 hours a day because lolnofriends) and actually the majority of /sci/ likes her.

tl;dr. You, sir, are and idiot ;)

>> No.3032767

I like young ellen karr. She reminds me of my younger sister.