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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3026333 No.3026333 [Reply] [Original]

Attempt to blow my mind, /sci/.

>> No.3026337
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>> No.3026350

Let the shitstorm begin.

>> No.3026351

I can't shit until I am physically incapable of holding it in

>> No.3026359
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There is no grand meaning to life, we are all part of the infinite cycle of life and death that is our universe, we will never know why existence is what it is, and eventually every person, every specie, and every planet will be forgotten and brought together in cosmic unity.
Congrats, you are just a cog in a machine so grand no being will ever understand it.
It's even weirder when you consider there is no "you", the "you" that you are today is in every way different than the "you" 5 years ago, you don't contain a single atom that you did then, all we are are vessels transporting indestructible fragments of matter from point a to point b, the same as anything else.

>> No.3026363

You will never be able to experience the universe through anything other than your own perspective. You will never know what it is like to be someone else. There are billions of other sense organs experiencing the universe every second, but you only have access to your own.

>> No.3026367

Hey, now, you don't know if that's true, man.

>> No.3026374


I'm fully aware that the universe I am experiencing may be totally contrary to the actual reality.

It's pretty likely actually.

>> No.3026426

All known matter in the universe is mainly empty space, quantum particles are virtual particles they come in and out of existence, a research facility is convinced that the universe is a 3d holographic representation of a 2d world in a few years they'll have their proof

>> No.3026442

Give me this institution's website.

>> No.3026463


>3D representation of a 2D world

How could that possibly work?

How could the extra information of an entire extra dimension come to place?

>> No.3026468

Theres no originality, how the hell did civilization even begin to think up what we know now?

Curiosity fuels false originality, while perspective produces ideas. now we know what up is and what velocity could be. All thats left is new discoveries.

>> No.3026472

If not for electromagnetism you could put your hand through a wall as the atoms making up the wall are 99.9% empty space.

>> No.3026478

Fermi lab
Proffesor hogan read it in science magazine not internet

>> No.3026484


The original "originality" was simply derived from real life experience or extrapolation.

>> No.3026528

Look it up im on my cell phone I can't site shit for you right now but professor hogans is in charge, fermi lab is developing the largest and most precise atomic clock

>> No.3026551

Driving trying not to crash and have my mutilated corpse posted all over /b/ to be made fun of

>> No.3026557


Makes no sense.

>> No.3026591


>> No.3026595
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>> No.3026598

Sooo... for furries that are into anal stretching?

>> No.3026603

Everyone who bitches about "true originality" needs to shut the fuck up already. You are a waste of oxygen.

>> No.3026604
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It's not for your use it's if you need to compensate for her.

>> No.3026605
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>> No.3026606

>compensate for her.
what does that even mean?

>> No.3026609

its ok dude its 4chan you can be honest, besides we know only men are perverted enough to stick shit that size inside them without being paid

>> No.3026613
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You're going to need that if you have a tiny dick.

Just shut off the lights first bro.

>> No.3026624

A copy of the article is here:


I think it has since been confirmed. I remember watching a video of Lawrence Krauss talking about quantum convulsions in empty space.

>> No.3026662


OP here.

That's pretty fucking crazy.

>> No.3026677

Given Nick Bostrom's argument for our reality being a simulation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_reality#Nick_Bostrom)), we should really be careful.

Perhaps the simulation is being run to find out how long it takes for inhabitants of the simulation to discover that they are living in a simulation. Once we achieve that end, by proving that we live in a 3d hologram projected by a 2d skin around the cosmos, the simulation could be ended by those running it.

>> No.3026702
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>> No.3026703

When you subconsciously blink, you don't notice because your brain uses whatever you last saw as a "fixed image".

You will realize it, but never be able to actually notice it until after it happens.

>> No.3026709

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.3026714

Reality is a subset of the field of Mathematics.

>> No.3026719


>> No.3026727


and as we go we wouldn't feel a thing

i didn't want to be the one to bring up ~dimensions~ but the alternative is we find out, and they let us live.

see what i did there?

>> No.3026728

Did that do the trick, OP?

Last night, I made an argument for a moderate God of the Gaps (in connection to another ridiculous argument about sailing monkeys) that was basically this: all human beings in all cultures throughout time seem to have intuited a God of Gaps, and 100 billion Elvis fans might be on to something.

Well, this might be the thing they were on to. When Einstein got his idea of relativity, he was riding on a street car, looking at a tower clock. He intuited it. It hit him like a ton of bricks. He was physically shaken by the experience. http://books.google.com/books?id=YwQl21PeRSwC&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=einstein+theory+street

I believe that we routinely discount the usefulness of intuition, and are wrong to do so to the extent that we do.

>> No.3026730

This. And mathematicians are people who are interested in mathematics which does not correspond to our reality. Physicists have a nasty habit of making their abstract creations useful.

>> No.3026736

The intellect necessary to formulate this post staggers the imagination.

>> No.3026741

I lold.

>> No.3026748

It would be interesting to see what happens to the philosophy of ethics, once the idea that everything is a simulation has taken hold of the public imagination.

>> No.3026770

When you look up at the night sky on a clear night, in a dark place away from city lights, you're seeing 1/1millionth of 1% of all the stars in the milky way galaxy. There are at least 200 billion galaxies. Mind = blown /thread.

>> No.3026771


easily achievable with the right media

just get kanye to put it in a song and sound smart alongside a few convinced celebs and we're gold

>> No.3026781

It's already been done, dammit. It's called The Matrix.

And in the end, no one really cares.

>> No.3026788

Perhaps we would just 'wake up', and wonder if we were in yet another simulation. Perhaps we are simulations of individuals, all run on the same computer. Some error in programming could account for the collective unconscious.
It seems unlikely that we'd all just discover we were puppets living in a fake world and just go on with business as usual. I, for one, would cease giving a shit about anything, including my own safety.

>> No.3026794

No one gives a shit. And no one should.

Really, solipsism, brain-in-a-vat, etc. It all ends with "so fucking what?" Get on with life and try to make it suck less.

>> No.3026811

Why would I decline that much freedom and a total release from all responsibility? I mean, so long as this world might possibly be real, I'll be a bit careful. But once I know that no one wins, no one loses, and nothing will ever really change anything, I'll go fucking rogue as hell.

>> No.3026822

Ahhhh... teenage philosophy.

You aren't free from consequences. If you break laws, you will be caught and punished sooner or later. And you wouldn't want to live in a society that didn't do this.

Deal with it.

>> No.3026823


me too

>> No.3026825

It's like everyone in the world would suddenly become as worthy of consideration as a battle droid from the Star Wars prequels.

Also, if we knew it was a simulation, we could get to work on hacking it.

>> No.3026828

I really wouldn't care. I'd go out in a blaze of glory, shooting it out with the cops. I would give a shit about the state of society. Why would I care what happens to a bunch of computer simulations?

>> No.3026834

I like having my happiness variable high. Now shut the fuck up, and if you take my shit you'll pay the price.

>> No.3026845

So long as I suspect you are real, I'll respect how you like your happiness variable. Once I find out you're a Sim, I'll fuck you up just to watch you piss yourself, and I'll laugh just like I laugh when the helicopters and tanks come after me in GTA.

>> No.3026846

Wow, the ignorance and idiocy of some of you guys is astounding. I thought pretentious philosophy faggots were bad but you're actually too stupid to understand them and that's worse.

>> No.3026855

There's no difference between being a dynamical pattern in a computer or a pattern made of chemistry. Neither is more fundamentally valuable.

>> No.3026857

Thanks for the help mane

Threads over

>> No.3026859
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OP here.

I was drunk when creating this thread.

I still am, infact.

I can't really comprehend what people are posting, unfortunately.

How odd that the very substance that makes me desire knowledge makes it more difficult to obtain.

>> No.3026864

You don't get it.

You're no the only player-character. And you will get fucked up.

You saying you don't care about yourself anymore? Do yourself a favor and commit suicide.

>> No.3026872

In either case, you're ephemeral. In the case that you're a Sim, you're not unique and you can be precisely recreated. And so can I. If we die, nothing of value was lost.
If we aren't Sims, but dynamic chemical patterns, we are irreplaceable as unique entities.

>> No.3026885

I could do that as easily as Bill Murray in Groundhog's Day. I could do that like jumping off a cliff in LOTRO, just to feel the exhilaration in my stomach from watching the fall.

Once I know I'm a Sim, I could do absolutely anything. Lots of people would take the same point of view. How many people never fuck with or kill their Sims or avatars in games? I'm sure there are some who take their shit seriously, but we tend to laugh at those people.

That's why the people running the simulation would have to shut it down. Shit would go absolutely nuts.

>> No.3026892

>If we aren't Sims, but dynamic chemical patterns, we are irreplaceable as unique entities.
Bullshit. Anything that can be described can be created.

>> No.3026896

You first.

You don't seem to get it. The ultimate nature of our existence does not change the reality of that existence.

>> No.3026901

> says can never understand
> gives explanation, claiming to understand

>> No.3026902


That's not odd at all OP, in fact it's just like women. (The more you want them, the less you get, and vice versa.)

>> No.3026908

We can't make a human from scratch, with personality and memories in tact. If we could, I would cease giving a fuck.

>> No.3026910

>ITT dudes in a basement, in a weed smoking circle
>HEY MAN, what if this like ISN'T REAL MAN?

>> No.3026912

Yes, it does. If it's not real, then it's not serious. It's all for the lulz.

>> No.3026917

We can't make life in silica yet either.

But I agree, once you CAN replace individuals trivially, quite a bit changes. A large part of our morality consists of recognizing how hard it is to replace dead people.

>> No.3026919

More intuition at work. Also, I should really be on mushrooms for this.

>> No.3026922

The simulation is also real. It exists. You exist.

Your imagined distinction is what doesn't exist. Whether you are chemicals or digital patterns, you are.

>> No.3026927
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Makes sense.

>> No.3026929

According to our genetics, the purpose for our existence is to make babies and kill each other.
The joke is that we kill each other to make babies and make babies to kill each other.

>> No.3026931

How about I punch you in the face? That'd be okay, since it's not real, just a simulator, right?

>> No.3026933

Bad news, son, your mother died.

Shit, again?! Don't ask ME to go get her from the Mom Store...I've got a date tonight!

>> No.3026940

Yeah, as soon as you conclusively prove that I'm a Sim, I really don't care.

>> No.3026945

I don't think we agree on what the word "exist" means.

>> No.3026946

Mom Store?

No, that sounds like you're ignoring individual characteristics. It would be more like instantiating a new copy from the most recent backup. You could get the blanks from a store, perhaps.

>> No.3026950

True. But I deny that a digital organism has any more justification for devaluing its existence than a chemical organism.

>> No.3026953

A still more glorious dawn awaits, not a sun rise but a galaxy rise. A morning filled with four-hundred billion suns.

>> No.3026958

>implying it's not a date for a LOTRO raid

>> No.3026960

Nothing unreal exists. All things which are, exist.

What is your definition?

>> No.3026961
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why i'm i so goddamn nervous around hot chicks?

i see this hot chick in at the laundromat we start talking an then all of a sudden my body cranks up an anxiety shitstorm.

And i'm thinking to myself, why the fuck i'm i not in control of my body?

>> No.3026967
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OP here, again.

Humans are merely macroscopic catalysts.

Our creations, eg: skyscrapers, computers, etc. are just a natural as a tree, they're just catalysed by humans, providing a reasonable thermodynamic route which would be impossible without a catayst.

Does this make sense?

>> No.3026968

Bullshit. Two minutes with rope and crowbar will get you caring again.

>> No.3026970

Yeah, we go to the Mom Store and get her back. She would still be different from all the other moms, but if one copy perished, it would be no big deal.

>> No.3026980

Fight/flight/fuck response. Sympathetic nervous system at work, and not being very sympathetic to your plight.

>> No.3026983

Yeah. Artificial is a meaningless word.

>> No.3026988

No, you're still ignoring the value of personal characteristics. "Mom" is the person with whom you have a shared memory of an ongoing relationship. The new "mom" has to have the same memory/personality. Basically, restoring a backup onto a blank template.

>> No.3026990

Not once I've completely internalized my situation. It would be like beating up the Joker, or any schizo. Hell, if I think about it the right way, pain could give me orgasms. That actually happens in BDSM.

>> No.3026992

On second thought, maybe you're saying that the "store" has running nightly backups of minds. Is that what you mean?

>> No.3027000

Realizing you are a simulation does not give you root access to that simulation. You've watched too much of The Matrix.

>> No.3027001

I'm trying to agree with you. Once all that's put together, who gives a fuck about a single copy?

>> No.3027016

Exactly. "Murder" means "killing someone and wiping all the backups". Just killing someone is more like assault and/or property damage. Causes physical pain, inconvenience, and expense. But nothing permanent.

>> No.3027018

Didn't mean to imply that it did. But really not caring changes everything.

If you cut me, that hurts. I've got an emotional response to that pain that intensifies the experience for me, and makes it very unpleasant.
When I go to patch up and pour alcohol on the cut, it hurts even worse than the initial cut. However, I know that it's a good pain, and that keeps it from being a negative experience for me. I kind of enjoy pouring alcohol on a cut, really.

>> No.3027023

I'm just saying that you don't have full control over your wants. You can't just say "I don't give a fuck" to torture. You don't work that way.

>> No.3027035

Yeah, and if it's established that we're all Sims anyway, it's just up to the people running the simulation, whether a backup is restored or not. If they choose not to, that's really no concern of mine. The backup exists. They could delete the backup, but they could delete any of us at any time, so who cares?
A Sim has zero responsibility. The Sim's behavior is entirely dependent upon the conditions of the simulation.

>> No.3027036

>I'm trying to agree with you.
Sorry about that. I eventually realized it.

>> No.3027040

But some people do. You might never have met any hard-core BDSM subs, but I have. I've seen someone orgasm from receiving enough pain to make a normal person lose consciousness.

>> No.3027042

Some people are wired a little differently. But everyone can be tortured. It just might be a little unorthodox.

>> No.3027058


This quote blew my mind:

Life is a partial, continuous, progressive, multiform and conditionally interactive self-realization of the potentialities of atomic electron states.

>> No.3027063

Yeah, that's fine. But once I've REALLY stopped giving a fuck, not a single fuck will be left for me to give, regardless of the circumstances.
It's not really about the congenital wiring of the person, but how that wiring has been trained through conditioning and cognitive coaching. Anyone can be trained to enjoy pain. All you really have to do is stop associating pain with anything bad.

>> No.3027069

Certain restrictions are intrinsic of Communities, even small tribes of nomads have rules. These are beneficial because it decreases the threats against your very existence and allowing you to expand the possibilities within your lifetime, thus giving you more freedom with said rules or laws.

>> No.3027076

Yeah, but none of that will matter to me, once it's been established that we're all Sims. I promise you, it will all be strictly for the lulz after that. I won't be the only person to take the realization this way.

>> No.3027169

The worse problem will be Ben Stein and all the other idiots saying, "The existence of a hologram implies the existence of a holographer. The existence of a simulation implies the existence of a simulator, and someone or someones controlling that simulation."

It will be a shit-storm of biblical proportions.

>> No.3027183

One time I did mushrooms, and ceased to exist as a separate person. I had no individual perceptions or thoughts, but was completely at one with the whole universe.
It's strange how so many chemically different substances, and even just prolonged meditation or fasting can lead to experiences of depersonalization. It's as if the simulators wanted us to have ways to understand.

>> No.3027254


The phenomenology that takes place on this planet is allegorically similar to the phenomenology that takes place in space or the cosmos at large.

>> No.3027255


>> No.3027260

The Universe is so vast, there are parts of it whose light hasn't even reached us, and never will within the lifetime of our planet.

>> No.3027267

There are parts of it that for our intents and purposes, don't exist, since we'll never be able to travel fast enough to get to them, and their light will never travel fast enough for us to see it. Ever.

>> No.3027274
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>> No.3027308

I've been reading the wikipedia entry on simulated reality. It's mostly bullshit, but there are some very interesting ideas.
The main idea that stands out to me is that we can prove that the universe is not a simulation if we discover that it cannot possibly be computed on a Turing computer. So far, it seems that it cannot, as it currently takes, as Feynman pointed out, "a computing machine an infinite number of logical operations to figure out what goes on in no matter how tiny a region of space, and no matter how tiny a region of time."
We could imagine a hypercomputer, much more capable than a Turing machine, but these existence of such a thing would be unfalsifiable and not fit for scientific inquiry.
If the universe is a 3d hologram of a 2d reality, that doesn't imply that it is a deliberate simulation. It could just be an unavoidable consequence of the nature of reality.

>> No.3027338

I wonder, if we are in a 3d hologram projected by a 2d reality, whether it would ever become possible for us to address the 2d reality in some direct manner. Is the projection instantaneous? Are we projections of a 2d reality that occurred at the edge of the visible cosmos, billions of years ago? My mushroom trips would seem to agree with this idea. I have thought myself to be at a place and time where everything has already happened.

>> No.3027345
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humans are actually animals

>> No.3028081
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>> No.3031039
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You will never know what it's like to have a cock shoved up your pussy.

>> No.3031052
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or vice versa.

>> No.3031062

A pussy up your cock?

>> No.3031067

Pussy shoved up your cock?

I guess I won't.

>> No.3031103
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You will know what it's like to have your cock shoved up EK's pussy.

>> No.3031156


>tachyons only

So there beings made of tachyons or what?

>> No.3031191


Fallacy => Truth


>> No.3031216


>> No.3031222

I like those:

>> No.3031226
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No one will ever believe that you are not EK.

>> No.3031236

define unstable

>> No.3031250

He's not EK. I'm a psychoanalyst. I cant ell by the tone of his writing.

>> No.3031253

lol, i'm not quite egocentric enough to start my own fanclub and samefag its posts in tandem to my own...

>> No.3031262
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and from seeing quite a few of his posts in your time?

>> No.3031299
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Religious people are happier than atheists

>> No.3031316

Because they're fully practiced at deluding themselves.

>> No.3031336

Ignoring the issues of confirmation bias that arise when a pro-faith institute researches the positive effects of faith, other studies have shown that *conviction* is what leads to happier lives, not religion. It doesn't matter if you're a believer in Christ, Allah, Dawkins, or DUNNOLOL, as long as your beliefs are strong enough to give you some sort of comfort.

>> No.3031347

Eating the human penis induces auditory hallucinations

>> No.3031358

what your mind sees is not what is actually infront of you

it's a shitty translations of mass energy and light

for example we cannot see the full colour spectrum

>> No.3031371


Describe consciousness

>> No.3031466

When you die, your consciousness perceives time infinitely slower at the point of brain death.
From your perspective, you will never die.

>> No.3031514

The reason we can only see a small selection of the colour spectrum is because all life merged from water. And the reason our eyes are attuned to see this range of electromagnetic radiation known is light is because it was the only way we could see through water.

>> No.3031530

48÷2(9+3) = 2
48÷2(9+3) = 288
both true

>> No.3031562

The universe is roughly billions of years old.

You did not exist for aaaaall that time.

You will die, not knowing what will come next, not hear anything, breathe, think, move whatever the fuck. Everything will be forgotten of what you did who you are where you are it doesn't matter.

And you will continue not to exist FOREVER

Goddamnit I hate realizing this.

>> No.3031576

it's never equal to 2.

>> No.3031621
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You know, when I'm driving and hit the brakes, I often wonder if they're actually working or if time is just slowing down...

>> No.3031625


Having a backup of your memories doesn't prevent death. What is this shit. If someone made an exact copy of me and killed me I would still be dead

>> No.3031648

it seems to me everyone is retarded when it comes to this problem
add parentheses
its now in the form 2c/a*b
work left to right, according to order of ops.
distribution never takes priority over left to right, so division comes first.

unless it was 2c all over b*a, then = 2

>> No.3031671

The thoughts of someone who knows fuck-all about anything:

If reality is a simulation then the reality that is simulating it must be more complex or larger, since even a quantum computer would have to take up the same amount of space or matter to compute the properties of something it simulates.

ie if the smallest possible swith is an electron (that probably is impossible, but whatever) then it would take multiple electrons to compute the properties of one simulated electron. I don't know science beyond the Bohr model, so I assume any beliefs I have about possible properties of an electron are lol retarted but the position of an electron would take at least as many swithces as there are simulated dimensions.

Is this completely retarded or just mainly?

>> No.3031709


Fact: all matter in the universe existed before the big bang.

Where did it come from?

>> No.3031723

Unicorns shat it out

>> No.3031818

>Where did it come from?
>implying it had to come from somewhere

False premise. No reason to assume it came from anywhere.

>> No.3031885

it was condensed
hence the big bang theory

>> No.3031950



>> No.3031969
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>he still has existential angst

>> No.3032124

On the flip-side we are privileged to exist in space-time. We are a part of the universe, eternalized in its schematics as being a self-organised collection of matter, albeit for a brief amount of time.

>> No.3032131

>quantum fluctuations
code for atheist semen.