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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3030446 No.3030446 [Reply] [Original]

Do real scientists often wonder the same way than these pop scientists like Sagan etc.?

>we're just a speck
>We are made of star stuff
>billions and billions of stars
>vast and awesome universe.
>we are a way for the universe to know itself
>We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.
>only by continuing our exploration of the cosmos and the laws of nature that govern it that we can truly understand ourselves and our place in this universe of wonders.

and so on

>> No.3030447
File: 42 KB, 481x358, 1292567070964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3030448

Nope. That stupid bullshit is purely for pop scientists like Sagan.

>> No.3030451

When I'm on mushrooms.

>> No.3030458



Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3030459

Scientists can think whatever they want to think when they're not researching and putting out papers. (ie: the right-or-wrong-answer stuff)

And technically what you said is true, but obviously all scientists don't get their own show/documentary to say all that.

>> No.3030470

only when they're making documentaries to get the public interested in science... or in god debates

>> No.3030472

Well, every scientist has a personal "belief" like every other human being.

>> No.3030481

No, only the non aspies

>> No.3030486

I think Sagan was a retard

>> No.3030498

jk he was a good funny guy

>> No.3030502

>me me me
Do you really think real scientists are self-interested as the general public? They would have not dedicated their minds to science if they were.

>> No.3030518

Not me. Sagan was the first in a line of sensationalists who cheapened science by justifying ignorance of the mathematics behind it.

>> No.3030520

almost all the time

>> No.3030522
File: 24 KB, 318x426, sr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientists aren't human.

>> No.3030524

>by justifying ignorance
How so?

>> No.3030543


So the general public has no right to be interested in the very real shit that real scientists are working on?
You are a fucking idiot.
Do you know where research funding comes from?
OH YEAH! People who are interested in the shit that you are doing but can't do it themselves!!!
Well fuck.

Let's keep the LHC a secret.
...And keep the ideas locked away inside our heads as well because the funding to construct it would never show up.
Let's keep the Space Shuttle a secret...
...And then watch as our already atrocious numbers of incoming scientists plumets even further because they weren't inspired as children...

I fucking hate those who cheapen popsci.

>> No.3030553 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 467x349, watgenie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're typing words but they're not making sense

>> No.3030555


Eh. Yeah, I will give you that.... I just failed hard at English grammar.

I blame lack of sleep.

Pip pip tally ho. Carry on then.

>> No.3030563
File: 616 KB, 900x1290, 1298847428380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How edgy of you.

>> No.3030565


Lol'd at Math hipster. Pop science is just too mainstream.

>> No.3030600
File: 13 KB, 224x202, ohi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the public isn't willing to even skim over the math behind it then they should be instructed to shut up or put up.

But no says Sagan, we have to care what the public thinks because they are people too, then comes Kaku who says no we have to make it entertaining as well and now it's reached the point where characters like Tsoukalos have a say, no he says, no, we need to get rid of all traces of science and return to the days when we blamed everything we couldn't explain on supernatural forces, or aliums.

>> No.3030622


>If people aren't even willing to understand the chemistry of refrigerants and the logistical process that involves shipping/receiving and employing people, they should be instructed to stop using refrigerators


>> No.3030627

If people aren't even willing to understand the chemistry of refrigerants and the logistical process that involves shipping/receiving and employing people, they should be instructed to stop manufacturing refrigerators

>> No.3030629
File: 18 KB, 275x206, 1300886868498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If the public isn't willing to even skim over the math behind it then they should be instructed to shut up or put up.

>> No.3030636

you're an idiot

>> No.3030638

>now it's reached the point where characters like Tsoukalos have a say
If you think Tsoukalos is representative of some sort of new and radical anti-scientific position that can actually be blamed on (or in any way directly linked to) the works of Sagan and co., you must have a pretty skewed sense of historical perspective.

Just keep in mind that close to 100% of what Tsoukalos spouts is directly taken from Chariots of the Gods, a book that was already a bestseller prior to Sagan's rise to pop science fame.

>> No.3030644

I love the Tsoukalos meme. He's like a troll face for /sci/

>> No.3030652



and this

Seriously all you hipster anti-popsci retards should probably watch episode 7of Cosmos by Sagan "The Backbone of Night"

the greatest example of popsci where he reaches out to kids and shows them pictures of different planets and stars.

Why? To maybe spark some interest. Do you really think any of these kids are shitting their pants over the math behind it?

>> No.3030654


You should go to the GE manufacturing plant then, where the HR department who employs people knows nothing of the manufacturing process, and the manufacturers know nothing about the tax/liability/insurance burden that they're putting on the corporation in exchange for output of goods.

In other words,

>implying any one person need know every little minute detail about what they choose to do with their life when they could more easily partner with someone who compliments their knowledge, if needed.

Also, if you can't find someone who knows everything,

>Implying this isn't what books are for

But no. Let's put on a 67 hour mathematics special wherein we derive the highest levels of modern mathematics from arithmetic using arabic numerals. Once that's over, we can air an episode of How it's Made.

Also, we need to show this 67 hour special every time we show any documentary series.

>> No.3030707

>kids are shitting their pants over the math behind it

While I agree with what you're saying, I do contest that point. Some maths can be very beautiful, take the example of the Fibonacci sequence occurring in nature.

Maths really needs a populiser in the way Sagan was for cosmology and science in general.

>how maths could be presented.

>> No.3031056

To the 2 tards who are calling Sagan a "pop scientist" who "cheapened" so called "real" science:

If you don't know anything about a subject you have not earned the right to speak about it. If you read Sagan's book you'd know that he was a "real" scientist. He didn't just confine himself to trying to warm the general populace to science (This is something every scientist should want and only elitist tards like you don't) he was part of the team responsible for the Viking and Voyager probes. He had an actual scientific career outside of causing your tears of faggotry.

You mad Sagan ignored the math? Who the FUCK would have watched a show about differential and integral calculus? NOBODY. The general public is afraid of math and not interested in thinking very hard. To get them excited about science it HAS to be popularized. So fucking deal with it already.

>> No.3031071

>Sagan's book
Which one?

>> No.3031092


Yeah i guess math was very excluded from the show but i think math is the real divider between the retard and intellectual

>> No.3031308

>Everyone is either an idiot or likes/is good at maths

You elitist twat.