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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 1070x898, studyrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3027477 No.3027477 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ feel about Astronomy being in God-tier sciences?

Gonna major in that dank shit and rape alien bitches all night you feel me?

>> No.3027489

the odds of finding alien bitches is super low just so you know

but of course you'll learn that by taking astronomy won't you

>> No.3027497


You're taking that chart seriously?

Astronomy confirmed for moran tier.

>> No.3027501
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>> No.3027504

astronomy is same tier as astrology
physics is same tier as astronomy
math is same tier as physics

biology + chemistry > physics but /sci/ is just full of closeminded aspies

come at me bros

>> No.3027508
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>> No.3027507

You dont know what IT actually is, do you?

Gtfo of my /scifi/

>> No.3027519



>> No.3027530

>Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics

What is this I don't even...

>> No.3027535



>> No.3027536

lol at retards putting comp sci in mid tier

>> No.3027542

Astronomy is cool. But there's not much you personally can do with it unless you get a Ph.D. and teach, work in an observatory, or work at NASA.

>> No.3027549


>> No.3027551

Well Philosophy is more interesting, and you can get into business with petty much any subject listed.

>> No.3027564

I know right, that gay shit is low tier at best.

>> No.3027566
File: 70 KB, 400x398, asianfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier: Pure math
Top: Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Mid: Engineering, CS, Statistics/Applied math, Earth sciences, Economics
Low: Business, Philosophy, Political "Science"
Shit: Fine Arts, pseudosciences (naturopathic medicine, psychology, etc.), Film Studies, Ethnic Studies, Womens Studies

>> No.3027574

Yep. Philosophy is more interesting and is arguably more rigorous of a program than business management.

>> No.3027576


Um, astrology? You mean as in "I'm a virgo so im sensitive and bla bla bla". That's not a science. That's pseudo-science or retard-ience. Seriously, GTFO, even if only trolling

>> No.3027579


>> No.3027580

Shitfag here.
Wasted UK high school education (6 years) on what essentially became Music, Language and Art.
Don't regret the languages but holy fuck do I regret Music and Art.
Wish someone had given me a supreme overlord backhand and got me into sciences.
Going to college to get Biology, Chemistry and Maths qualifications in August though, which makes me a reasonable tier apparently!

>> No.3027582

oh sure it's not like we need any programming languages or anything, who cares about the internet, comp sci is useless

>> No.3027584

God Tier: SCIENCE!
Shit Tier: Tier lists.

>> No.3027588
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>> No.3027591

GTFO of the internet, then and stop using computers altogether

>> No.3027595

astronomy is not a science

>> No.3027596

You people making these charts are absolute retards.

>> No.3027624
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>Not supragod tier

>> No.3027683

What does that make Astrobiology?

>> No.3027696

Why are people giving astronomy shit?

Wanna explain instead of just spewing your nerdy bull?

>> No.3027754
File: 106 KB, 1070x898, Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howabout this?

>> No.3027782


I agree!

>> No.3027787


obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.3027789

hey, woah, watch it OP
Womens studies is imperative to understanding history, and humans in general.
and Comp sci is definitely God tier

>> No.3027797

well you're right about one thing

>> No.3027798


>> No.3027802

lol at my uni they're cutting the womens studies department due probably to the low ratio of employed graduates:total graduates

>> No.3027827

From Columbia University's undergraduate astronomy department (where I (OP) will be)

>> No.3027847
File: 79 KB, 731x369, columbiaastronomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.3027875
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>mfw he's serious

>> No.3027889

>Philosophy being higher than psychology.
>Same as before.

Implying they aren't pretty much the same thing.

>Anyone putting teaching in anything less than mid tier.
>Implying that teaching others isn't important.


>> No.3027906

In our current education system? "Teacher" is another word for "babysitter".

>> No.3027911

I major in both Biological Medicine and a Advanced Philosophy's class

so am i a mid teir?

>> No.3027929

The people (read: high schoolers) who make these lists clearly have idea what they're talking about and are completely oblivious to the obvious interconnectedness of alot of the disciplines they claim to know well enough to rank.

There are always many instances, in these threads, of people (high schoolers) placing so called disciplines (read: professions) into different tiers when they're basically just derivatives of each other (or when one is a derivative of another).

For instance: Why is the study of the biology of the brain considered to be better than the study of the biology of any other part of the body. You kids realize that high school biology focuses less on the biochemistry of the human body because you're too stupid to handle it, right? Do you think what you're studying is physics or do you realize 80% of it consists of the easiest mechanics problems ever, 10% consists of simple circuits and the other 10% goes no deeper into optics than transparent coloured plastic?

Do you realize that most doctors are bio majors (some are even...GASP... HUMANITIES MAJORS!! One of the most prominent neurosurgeons in my city got a BA in fine arts before going to medical school).

If it's usefullness to society, why are neuroscientists higher than biofags? The physiology of the brain is much less understood than the body. What are neuroscientists doing to improve your life?

If it's purity, why is Physics no higher than medicine? As stated, even a non-scientist can become a doctor. Doctors are extremely skilled but aren't they considered technicians by these standards?

tl;dr Only 4 more months of summer left...

>> No.3027948
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>mfw you don't realize neuroscience's superiority

>> No.3027964

>mfw I'm a real chemistry major
>mfw I have mad respect for neuroscience

>> No.3027984

Where would you guys place meteorology/atmospheric physics?

Just curious.

>> No.3027989

Do people here actually realize that Medicine itself is not a fucking major or what?

>> No.3027990

i'd place it right around being too stupid to deal with real fluid mechanics with the aerospace guys, but a bit above computer science.

>> No.3028000


Who can fucking tell? Math / Stat / Comp Sci / IT / Philosophy are all in different tiers.

The only general rule is pick the one that trolls those majors the hardest.

>> No.3028004
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>> No.3028017

wait so neuroscience>astronomy?
how so?

>> No.3028032
File: 13 KB, 200x198, DudeComeOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Medicine.... Stating professions instead of disciplines
>Medicine and Biology is different tiers

>> No.3028040


So the aerospace guys who fly through this fluid are more concerned with it than atmospheric physicists who deal with the entire atmosphere?

>> No.3028054
File: 65 KB, 640x427, 1302652241200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stars exist only because your brain tells you they exist.

All of the information learned about astronomy is stored in your.... what is it again...? Oh yeah, brain.

Mastery of neuroscience, brings about unlimited potential.

Mastery of astronomy brings about..... boring facts at cocktail parties.

Neuroscience: 1
Every other field: are you even trying? - 0

>MD in neurology
>1 million starting
>Any hospital I want

>> No.3028066

>stars exist only because your brain tells you they exist.

oh my god that is so fucking wrong, i don't know where to begin...

fuck it i got a final tomorrow

>> No.3028073
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 2nktap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In neuroscience?

>> No.3028078
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>yfw everyone knows this is how you assure yourself you made the right choice.

>> No.3028090

>implying you get an MD IN neurology

>> No.3028103

I'm a sopmore in highschool, but I'm planning on taking AP physics b next year and c in my senior year. I'm in honors algebra two right now and going to take honors precalc next year and then AP calc ab. I'm acing chemistry but I'm struggling in math, I try really hard (it's the only class I actually try in) but I always do bad on tests, do I have what it takes to go into a career involving physics?

>> No.3028108


> Subset of psychology
> "master science"


>> No.3028116



>> No.3028119

>stars exist only because your brain tells you they exist.
I can tell you aren't getting that MD in neuroscience. Also not mad just disappoint.

>> No.3028142
File: 63 KB, 640x523, 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What jobs are available for physics graduates? at Bachelors masters and Ph.D level?

>> No.3028172


I would think that working at CERN would be a nice place to work at for theoretical physicists.

>> No.3028180

Sooo... what jobs are available for physicists at all levels of education?

Your main choices are industry, academia, and government laboratories. You won't hack it in academia without a PhD.

>> No.3028205

by industry you mean like CERN?

>> No.3028246

Asking out of prejudice/stereotype: are there really industry/government jobs for only a BS in physics? I was under the impression that job situation is bad as well.

Basically, you have to get a PhD, and then compete against a billion other physics PhDs for 5 possible slots.

>> No.3028370


PhD's really aren't that common.

>> No.3028379

Eh, read the news plz.

>> No.3028430


This just in, PhD's still uncommon.

>> No.3028469


>> No.3028693


>Second result: Where have all the PhD's gone?

There are 2.5 million PhD's in academia. That's about 0.75% of the population (I'm assuming US, which is probably correct because you're a fucking idiot). How many of those are in Physics? Congratulations, idiot, you're competing with a fraction of a percent of your country's population.



>> No.3028712

how many phd positions are there?

>> No.3028721

string theory is based of quantum physics?

like what the fuck have you been smoking lately?

>> No.3028726



Search for related jobs.

>> No.3028732

no, you're the one with all the answers.

>> No.3028737

Why is Life Sciences mid-tier?

>> No.3028753


Apparently you are. I told you how few people have PhD's. One schooling is sufficient.

>> No.3028757

wouldn't this be math, since if there was no math, there would be no chem/physics?

i bet math majors could do 50-60% of the work involved in chem/physics just because a lot of it is equations.

i mean i don't know, but so far thats whats its been like for me

>> No.3028765

Teachers should be at least mid tier. They do make everything other career possible after all.

>> No.3028993


1 million starting salary? You must be delusional and obviously not even a medfag. (Though, you do start out with a nice salary)

But I look up to them, studying Emergency medicine and even cardiology don't hold a candle to what neuro's study.

All majors are equal, and Medicine = Biology, just not the b.s. bio you learned at high school.

>> No.3029021

Why u keep placing Philosophy as shit-tier, you are ignorant. Also, medicine is so overrated.

>> No.3029040



>> No.3029080

I believe that that the study of philosophy and physics are equivalent.

And who says the two are necessarily at odds?

Tell me what is more worth while than the study of truth and matter i.e. philosophy/physics.

>> No.3029086


If that's true then who taught the first teacher?

>> No.3029189
File: 150 KB, 640x480, 1271614997147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand your classification system. What is the criteria for a "tier" on your chart?

Example: I'm a Hollywood studio executive, and we're starting a major and historically accurate miniseries. The director needs writers and consultants. Using your chart, do I hire "God Tier" mathematicians, or do I hire "Shit Tier" history and poli-sci and English graduates...?

Or...are you math nerds bored because it's late, you can't sleep from all the Red Bull you drink, and you masturbated yourselves into numbness six hours ago, and are just looking for some elitist tribal trolling?

>> No.3031645

God tier: GOD

shit tier: all others