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File: 13 KB, 450x239, The-Abyss-Liquid-Breathing,6-8-259424-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3026641 No.3026641 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone ever attempted the liquid breathing technique successfully?

>> No.3027269

was tried in rats, they died eventually, but managed to get sum oxygenation for some minutes

>> No.3027325

I think I heard about some research

They found it could be done, the problem is, the lungs werent meant to have liquid in them. So while they could successfully oxygenate your blood via liquid, the damage to your lungs in the long term would be fatal.

>> No.3027333

What about how fetus's and shit breathe, couldn't we just reattach an artificial umbilical cord?

>> No.3027337

This is pretty standard tech, it is called a heart/lung machine.

>> No.3027354

so...what would the point of the liquid be?

>> No.3027362


Did feti really breath? They still got umbilicaled. Oxygen came in through the cord.

>> No.3027377

of course it's been tested successfully, how else did ed harris make it back to the ship

>> No.3027384

The liquid is needed to equalize the pressure

>> No.3027686
File: 28 KB, 400x361, 1289085330076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If the pressure were equal it would crush you inside the suit

>> No.3029880

hur dur compressed liquid

>> No.3029892

It was pneumonia, and I don't believe they did anything to treat it. Most likely survivable for a healthy human with adequate treatment.

>> No.3029913

If your breathing gas(or liquid) is highly pressurized it will pressurize your interior too. Equal pressure=no difference, no potential for crushing.
On the other hand you risk the bends and oxygen poisoning.

>> No.3030018

Feotuses don't breathe. The idea is that the blood bypasses the heart and the lungs until birth. Their circulation is provided by the mother's heart.
This is why some children need to be smacked at birth; their lung haven't started functioning properly, and to cry you need to breathe

>> No.3030026

When I was younger I remember seeing this thing on tv and the mouse was in a glass of clear liquid and it was breathing

>> No.3030069

I'm not a regular but are you telling me that you can breathe water if you are drowning and survive for minutes doing this!?
Tell me more!

>> No.3030076

No, the liquid in liquid breathing is super-oxygenated perfluorocarbon fluid.

>> No.3030101

I always understood that these machines don't work very well. Why would people get transplants if they didn't need lungs/a heart?

>> No.3030115

Wtf? I rewatched that like yesterday.

Hivemind much?

>> No.3030132

watched a documentary once where a baby was born prematurely, or had underdeveloped lungs or something, so they put fluid in her lungs to keep them open and then placed an oxygenating tube (think fish tank filter tube, but smaller and more bubbles) into her lungs to constantly oxygenate it.

If I recall correctly she lived like that for 2 weeks or so, until her lungs developed enough to stay open on their own....

Was around 15 when I saw the documentary, so no sources I'm afraid.

>> No.3030156

Those machines are fucking huge. There's a reason people get kidney transplants instead of just staying on dialysis.

>> No.3033187

not the only reason

>> No.3033278

Well there's such a thing as ECMO, extra corporeal membrane oxidation, where they use the umbilical cord to cycle blood out of a newborn oxygenate the blood and pump it back in. Its not entirely uncommon.