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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3020356 No.3020356 [Reply] [Original]


Are dorm bathrooms in college like this? Do girls and guys share the same bathroom like in this video?

I signed up for a Co-Ed floor residence hall.

pic unrelated

>> No.3020373

hahhah omg i sure hope not.

im from canada and we dont seem to have things like that.

>> No.3020377

Nope. Girls room, mens room. Just like everywhere else.

>> No.3020396

obviously the bathrooms are separated by gender you dullard

otherwise pretty accurate though

>> No.3020412

oh god that sucks? so what is a co-ed floor?

>> No.3020432

I lived on a coed floor with one washroom for both genders for a year, but normally there are two washrooms.

>> No.3020449

co-ed means both genders living in the same area. The alternative is all-girl, and all-boy buildings or floors. Memorial university is like that and you can't even get into a floor you don't live on without a key. Its such shit.

>> No.3020456

Canadafag here. I lived in campus at the University of Toronto (Morrison hall residence) two years ago, and we had shared co-ed bathrooms on every floor.

But since it's UofT there were never any sex. Even though you've seen the same girl naked 10+ times.

>> No.3020457

oh so the upstairs would be a guy floor. and the downstairs would be the girl floor?

also do the colleges usually let you mingle? and does the residence hall only include people in your major like (engineering)

>> No.3020462

so you have to shower with girls and boys in the same room?!


>> No.3020467

lol i fucking wish

3rd year engineer here and i've had to room with plenty of fucking retarded art majors

>> No.3020466

>also do the colleges usually let you mingle?

If you are American, fuck you. You don't need permission, and you shouldn't ask for it.

And yeah, sometimes buildings are designated for chosen area of study, depends on the school.

>> No.3020476

haha i specifically chose a coed floor cause i want more female friends

all boy floor = sausagefest
haha no thansk

>> No.3020495

I've never seen a university assign housing based on discipline, but they do usually break it up by age or level of study. Grad students don't like rowdy 18 year olds puking on their doors.

Dormitories will have "Residence Advisors" which enforce various rules. RAs are usually older students who get to stay there for free in exchange for the work. Some universities are more conservative than others. Bible colleges often ban mingling, but no normal school gives a shit. Normally the rules are something like: No intercourse football, and drugs in the hallway.

>> No.3020520

intercourse football?

>> No.3020545
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You know...when engineers go to play football.

>> No.3020565

umm okay

>> No.3020576
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>this thread

That's it. You summerfags can have the place. I'm outta here.

See you in August, /sci/.

>> No.3020615


Noooo don't leave. =(
We need you for homework threads.

>> No.3020636


>> No.3020657

No, we had shared toilets, but separate shower rooms. But there were only 7 on our floor