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3017733 No.3017733 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ /prog/ can't program and /g/ knows very little about technology

TEACH ME SOCKET PROGRAMMING please would prefer in Perl

>> No.3017758

socks come in pairs

>> No.3017757

what, do you not have access to internet search engines?

>> No.3017762

you can explain them in a more comprehensive way then some generalized FAQ

>> No.3017771

I only know c/c++ and libcurl, which I lohohohooove.

Sorry bro.

>> No.3017778

Are you going to be making your own implementation of sockets? We had to make our own implementation of sockets and TCP/UDP as a project at uni once and I found pretty much all the information needed by using GOOGLE.

I didn't use a kiddie language like Perl though

>> No.3017786

LISP programmer detected

>> No.3017788

Read a book, you lazy useless SOB

>> No.3017791

You wish.
C/C++/C#/Java master race here.

>> No.3017798

http ://curl. haxx. se/libcurl/perl/

perl wrapper for libcurl, by the way.
maybe it's of some use.

sorry for the formatting, 4chon said the original url was banned, wtf

>> No.3017803

> Java
> master race


>> No.3017809

>would prefer in Perl

>> No.3017818


>> No.3017817

You are just jealous for not being able to use Eclipse properly. Also, it's pretty nice not having to worry about pointers and garbage collection when you're making a program that doesn't focus on using as few resources as possible

>> No.3017827
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>few resources

>> No.3017830

I'm not quite sure what you are asking for OP.
Are you expecting us to write down a guide on how to create sockets and create a connection between 2 computers or do you have any specific questions?

I doubt anyone here can be bothered to write down a step by step guide for you.

>> No.3017839

step by step guide

>> No.3017841

>obvious 1st semester CS student
>asking the user to compile the project themselves, or compiling on your own on 20 different machines

Can't be arsed; too busy writing Real Solutions. Go back to your academic circle-jerking about Turing completeness and homolust.

>> No.3017844

Did you even read the post?
Also you're not exactly making a compelling argument as to why java shouldn't be allowed as one of the master races.

>> No.3017852


Copy paste. Took me a whole 10 seconds in google.

>> No.3017867

Well I am a 6th semester CS student and as I wrote previously I have a lot of experience in C/C++/C#/Java as well as Python, Oz, Prolog and even some experience using Perl.

Still, you're not making any real argument here other than saying "hurr Java is gay".

Also, are you implying that compiling a program is difficult or something?

You're also not telling us what your programming languages of choice are or why they are objectively "better"

>> No.3017902

I disagree. Java is great. Why do you hate Java?

>> No.3017950

Cyrillic > Greek

>> No.3017981

Anyone here program using fortran

>> No.3017987

I know how never do though...

>> No.3017992

nothing is wrong with Java, it has its uses. It's just that its uses by no means make it appropriate for inclusion as a 'master race'.

>> No.3018008

master race
LISP, Ada, Perl

High Tier
C#, C, Java, Python

Mid tier
Visual Basic, Pascal, Haskal

shit tier

>> No.3018047
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mfw ruby is nowhere to be found

>> No.3018068
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The golden age of programming....

>> No.3018095
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>vb not in shit tier
>js in shit tier
>java in high tier
>C not in master race
etc. etc.

>> No.3018098

Assembly is best language overall.

>> No.3018111

For fun:
Master race: asm
Entitled bourgeoisie race: C/C++
Shit-eating peasant race: everything else

For serious, result-driven work:
Master race: Java, php, python
Waste of time race: Anything else.

For resource-limited applications:
Jew race: asm
Mongoloid race: C/C++
American race: Java

For masochists:
Only option: csh
Only alternative: csh

>> No.3018122
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Have fun programming your microwaves when us higher level programmers solve world hunger.


>> No.3018144

I'm having trouble visualizing the mongoloid resource level.

>> No.3018150

>solve world hunger
oh you

>> No.3018152

>For serious, result-driven work:
>Master race: Java, php, python

Thanks a lot, I almost choked on my drink.

>> No.3018154

what are those weird letters in the picture

>> No.3018166


I support everything here accept java.

inb4 poster is a javafag who thinks java is more practical just because you can include all sectors of a certain library with *.


>> No.3018185

>you can include all sectors of a certain library

You must be really knowledgeable. Are you a hacker?

>> No.3018234
File: 8 KB, 126x103, gsegsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea brah

>Drive around town looking creeper than shit
>Scanning for nodes that are unsecure
>Find that one system.
>windows XP.jpg
>root acess.


>> No.3018552

where's marshviperx when you need him

>> No.3018610

Sheeeeeet, somebody else who programs in Ada?

>> No.3018624

Ada is one of the best systems programming languages out there.. only people who haven't used it have bad things to say about it