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3010584 No.3010584 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your untested, unproven, but logical theories for peer review. (I'll start.)

Gravity is an effect of another, more basic mechanism that has yet to be discovered, rather than a cause in itself.

All matter is composed of charge, at the most basic level, beyond sub-atomic. Charge is always moving, and changing - negatives will move to positives, etc, and interact in ways we can't yet understand. Stable matter has an equilibrium wherein the net input and output charge can remain the same.

Therefore, by consequence of existing, all matter is continuously exchanging charge. The more massive an object is, the more charge it will exchange, exerting force on other units, ie. objects, which manifests as gravity.

It explains both why gravity is so weak at the sub-atomic level - there's hardly any charge to speak of - but macroscopically it adds up, and has infinite reach, due to the flowing nature of everything that comprises the universe.

>> No.3010594

> Post your untested, unproven, but logical theories

You meant "hypotheses".

>> No.3010597
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>> No.3010612

Interesting, but not really a developed theory, and it talks about other dimensions. You don't want to see mfw other dimensions.

>> No.3010615

Actually, we don't want to see your face at all.

>> No.3010622
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>complaining: but not really a developed theory
>mfw looking at OPs post

There are at least some people working on entropic gravity I guess.

but anyway, here are some theories

>> No.3010625

Don't know shit, but how about density? Blackholes are created by imploding stars, which then sucks everything in cause of its hella high dense shit. Gravira?

>> No.3010631

Density is how much mass is packed into how much volume. HIgh density just means a lot of mass, hence a lot of gravity.

>> No.3010645

Gravity is an internal sensing capability of matter, encoded into matter at the deepest level like genes. Matter recognizes other matter and becomes attracted to it.


>> No.3010649

>>3010584 ITT: Post your untested, unproven, but logical theories for peer review.

Fetishes and phobia are caused by the same or very similar parts of the brain, and these are some of the oldest simplest parts of the brain.

A fetish is some irrational association of some object to arousal.
A phobia is some irrational association of some object to fear.

Staying away from scary things and fucking sexy things are very necessary for survival. Organisms with primitive minds would use a crude simple system, like associating concepts together directly without considering "correlation does not imply causation". It seams like phobias ad fetishes exist in humans a hold over from back before our minds could do more complex rational thought, similar to reflexively pulling back from pain.

>> No.3010655

space expands exponentially. thus the ratio of space: time passing is getting bigger at any time , i.e. for every second of time passes, the rate by which the universe is expanding by increases. Thus it follows that as you get closer to the time of the big bang, the amount of expansion of space decreases asymptotically meaning that as time approaches zero, the volume of the universe approaches but never hits zero.


>> No.3010677

Jesus created the universe just for white males to enjoy.

>> No.3010710

I'd try to develop a quantum field theory on discrete (maybe pseudo-Riemannian) manifolds to see wether it makes any predictions that we can find evidence for, if i had the time and willpower.

>> No.3010712
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>the flowing nature of everything that comprises the universe
Tempted to reject it just due to the new age sounding faggotry.

>> No.3010728


I disagree.
If we define space as the potential area in which matter can occupy at any given moment, then space is already infinite. It's not as if there is some of wall for there to be in the way. It's infinite.

>> No.3010743

IMO space is not really infinite. You can move as long as you want in some direction, but you'll end up in the same spot you initially were. It's like moving on a circle or on the surface of a sphere (except it's an hypersphere, but that doesn't change anything except it's harder to visualise).

>> No.3010750


I Love You.

>> No.3010753
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>> No.3010758

All matter in the universe is "alive" and self-aware. What constituents a whole piece of matter versus parts of a whole is far beyond our understanding.

>> No.3010760
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what about gingers?

>> No.3010766

God created the universe and everything in it. He purposely created humans with the INABILITY to discover or comprehend the ways in which it would be scientifically possible for a God to exist. He did this to ensure his status as a God.
Nothing else matters.

>> No.3010772

We live in a deterministic universe. Determinism is entirely complimentary to quantum theory.

The reason we perceive moving forwards in time is because of thermodynamics. Matter goes from ordered to chaotic states. For life to exist it must make advantage of being able to predict a chaotic future by utilising ordered matter. As far as the universe is concerned future reacts to past and past to future codependently. This explains why gravity travels faster than light.

All animals have a different perception of reality. Chairs don't exist- they are atoms. Likewise, our understanding of atoms, subatomic particles or the strings in m theory is simply a reflection of a more fundamental idea that we can only speculate towards.

I'm currently trying to wrap my head around the speed of electromagnetic forces and what they tell us about the nature of time and then apply that to the boundaries of space-time... if time dilates the faster you accelerate while travelling in relation to other matter/energy then ???

>> No.3010775

Bread goes in, toast comes out. You can't explain that.

>> No.3010777
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You believe in Santa Clause too?

>> No.3010781

This is true.
Also, I am that God.

Are you frustrated, mortalfags?

>> No.3010782


Theory remains unchallenged...

>> No.3010786


There's no real way to prove that.
Where would this "edge" be, that connects the left to right, and up to down? And why would those be at those particular places? I see where you're getting at, but that all seems like something from a science fiction show. It would make more sense if it were an open-universe, because you're proposing that our universe is connected to itself. If such a thing was true, then a huge radiation beam of light (laser) projected in a perfect angle will allow us to eventually see it from its polar opposite direction.

Which is laughable.

>> No.3010787

You... clearly don't know anything about physics, then.

>> No.3010788


I'm in a physics major.
You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.3010790
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>The more massive an object is, the more charge it will exchange, exerting force on other units, ie. objects, which manifests as gravity.

This is incorrect. Nice try kid, but you are wrong.


>> No.3010801

I don't get people who say /thread when clearly this is an open forum for many people to express ideas and not just aimed at one or two

>> No.3010802

Extra-dimensional space has specific barriers, be it the inability to see past the 3rd Dimension or be physically unable to travel or feel past the 3rd dimension. If the dimensions act at the same point in time, with the same space in the universe, as the same action takes place the symmetry pattern causes extra dimensional energy manifested as gravity. Which is also why our universe rotates around a singularity as the believe that the dimensions were originally one state before external forces (possibly the destruction of a different universe) causes a net amount of energy. =] I'm a /college/fag so probably wrong, technological inadvances mean extra-dimensional observations won't be possible for atleast 200 years

>> No.3010806

I... don't really care. You don't know anything about physics.

>> No.3010807
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>> No.3010813
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>If the dimensions act at the same point in time, with the same space in the universe, as the same action takes place the symmetry pattern causes extra dimensional energy manifested as gravity.


>> No.3010827

It's not that laughable.
1) our lasers aren't perfectly straight, there always is a slight divergence so after a bit of distance it won't be visible anymore.
2) if we had a perfect laser, we indeed could be able to see it from the opposite direction... after a while, that is... but this while is far too great, thus making it impossible to experiment this.

>> No.3010835

Life evolved from protobionts, which is why we cannot replicate abiogenesis in a lab despite creating protobionts. Evolution takes a long time and implies some factors we do not understand. Same reason we cannot turn a fish into an amphibian in a lab.

Also, call me stupid but I think the whole common descent thing is bullshit. If abiogenesis happened at one point on earth, what tells you it dodn't happen multiple times, why wouldn't it be happening right now with brand new unicellulars?

>> No.3010839

You can view the past physically.
By travelling over light speed far away and looking back at earth, you would see into the past due to the light only just getting there.

>> No.3010841

I am actually rather high right not, nice wake and bake, but what I mean is, at the apparent 'barriers' preventing dimensional exploration the energy from the seperate dimensions meet, and as each dimension has the same space-time, there will be an overlap in energies causing a small net energy in each dimension, so called gravity. Explained yet??

>> No.3010849

You're just applying the Christopher Columbus style of thought to the universe. Also, if it returns to a point then it isn't infinite in every direction. Anyway, remember that even light shifts trajectory under the effect of gravity.

>> No.3010851

You can also put a big mirror in space. And when you look at it you see yourself in the past.
Though that's just viewing it later...

>> No.3010852

space and time isn't perfectly flat.

>> No.3010857

That's because evolution IS acting on all forms of life on Earth.

>> No.3010859

That's the point. It is not infinite IMO.
Also my example was supposing that no interference occurs (no obstacles, no gravity affecting it, etc.)

And about gravity affecting light, well it does when it is enormous (black hole...), but since light has no mass, the effect of gravity on it is usually non-existent.

>> No.3010870
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The universe as we see it is one of an infinite number throughout time, and when ours 'ends' another will come from it. Our big bang was the singularity created when the previous universe ceased expansion and collapsed back in on itself.

>> No.3010884

all matter is a shadow of energy passing through space and time.

>> No.3010889

What is up with people believing this nonsense?
This must come from either an inability to deal with death, or an inability to grasp that something can come from nothing.

>> No.3010892

Astronomer review
>The more massive an object is, the more charge it will exchange, exerting force on other units, ie. objects, which manifests as gravity.
A massive object like a neutron star. Made largely of neutrons which have no charge.
Is there a relationship between charge and mass?

>> No.3010894

This really relies on time being a single line of infinite length and progressivity. I think time breaks down as a linear construct under certain conditions.

>> No.3010896
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everything dies, each universe is an example of it. at the beginning of each universe: super dense hot gas. end of each universe? super dense hot gas OR heat death, varying on the nature of each iteration.

>> No.3010897


Do you know what is in a neutron? Quarks. Which have a charge. Though the sum of their charge is null for a neutron.

So on a subatomic level, there are charges even in neutral objects.

>> No.3010918

Relativity is merely an illusion, a distortion of our perception of the universe due to the limitations of the medium by which we observe it.

Picture this: A world where sound was the only way we had to observe our surroundings. If you think about it, you can find quite a few parallels to the phenomena that are described by relativity. I propose that these phenomena are not actually occurring, but are artifacts of the way we are observing them.

>> No.3010923

Astronomer review 2
Neutrino. No charge. Has mass.

>> No.3010930


Look at a torus. Where is this magical place you speak of?


I don't believe you.

>> No.3010932



>> No.3010933


They are occuring. Look up Lorentz transformations in matter.

>> No.3010957

gravity is an effect of inertia caused by expansion of the universe.


>> No.3010970

if earth loses all its gravity, we gonna get suck into SPAAAAACCEEEEE.

>> No.3011033

Consciousness is the result of the collective awareness of each individual component (cells, organs) of their body. That is, it's like an ant hive and humans only see themselves as an individual even though they only exist as the result of their body's actions rather than deciding the actions themselves.

>> No.3011125

I'd disagree that having a degree of poetry about something makes it as you so aptly put 'new age sounding faggotry', providing it doesn't detract from the actual science.

'Science is the poetry of reality', I think that's how it went in the Symphony of Science song.

The issue arises when fucking idiot new age bullshitters attempt to use poetry to mask their lies and warped 'science'.

>> No.3011141

Kick a wall until you break your foot.
Smash your head into the wall until you break your skull.
Which one makes you loose conciousness?
Conciousness is in the brain.

>> No.3011259


What would suck us?

>> No.3011267


Someone read Godel, Escher, Bach it seems.