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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 790 KB, 870x866, Rhinovirus[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3008599 No.3008599 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there /sci/bros, I'm working on engineering the rhinovirus to create and release DMT over the course of a normal infection.

I've gotten the virus to make the stuff, but it all gets bound up in the cells and hardly gets in to the blood stream, how can I fix this?

>> No.3008642

bump for an actual serious science thread. Not OP

>> No.3008652
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In b4 massive outbreak of infectious psychedelics.

Also mon visage quand I come down with the common cold and start tripping

>> No.3008653
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You need to zap it with 1.21 jiggawatts but the only thing that could generate that kind of power is a bolt of lightning.

>> No.3008680

make it produce more.

>> No.3008683
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brb calling FBI for bio-terrorism on OP

>> No.3008694
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You're fucked now OP.

>> No.3008700

Try attaching it to hemoglobin.

>> No.3008705

>"man, if, like, everyone took, like, an acid trip, like, at least, like, once in their life, all of man's problems would be, like, solved man."
>develop virus to generate hallucinogenic effects
>end civilization

>> No.3008711

Sexually Transmitted Psychedelics.


>> No.3008719
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Cat's out of the bag, some one's going to create it now.

>> No.3008725

How did you get the virus to make the stuff, OP? Convince me you aren't a summerfag and we'll talk.

>> No.3008727
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Cave Johnson. We're creating a new age of mankind here.

>> No.3008741


Well why don't you tell me? I'm working at home here with ghetto equipment, I'm not sure what I did right this time.

>> No.3008744

I know OP is probably troll, but in all seriousness, this is a brilliant idea.

>Be sick but not notice it because your in another fucking dimension.


>> No.3008752

I guess it depends on how you define "ghetto", but I'm really not seeing that happening.

>> No.3008764

How do you know it's getting bound up in the cells and is not going round the blood?

>> No.3008769

How do you know the virus is producing it?

>> No.3008771

How are you identifying the chemical produced?

>> No.3008792
File: 40 KB, 400x300, bring it on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I now know what I want to do for my PhD

Governments have made various drugs illegal, but in many cases it is only preparations of plant material rather than the active chemicals themselves. So what we must do is determine the genetic material which codes for the psychoactive chemical and insert that into a bacterium.

Give me a few years, I'll make you a vat of psilocybin.

>> No.3008789

imo, OP's idea is "holyfuckimtrippingballsman"

>> No.3008787

>I'm working on engineering the rhinovirus to create and release DMT over the course of a normal infection

OP is a fucking genius.

>> No.3008793

You put the coding region for Tryptamine N-methyltransferase in the viral DNA? How? Wat?

>> No.3008833
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If DMT is released while dreaming... and dreaming is what we do when we are learning... then wouldn't DMT fundamentally fuck up our ability to learn if overexposed?

>> No.3008849

op post pictures of it!

>> No.3008853



>> No.3008892

I could maybe see an E. coli pulling this off, don't know about rhinovirus.

Imagine: a plasmid containing everything needed, transporting the whole world to DMT-land via the gut flora.


>> No.3008919

bump for interest

>> No.3008930


made me lol

>> No.3008979
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, 1295542176976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mon visage quand je descends avec un mauvais cas de déclenchement balles et tout ce que j'ai à blâmer est OP.

>> No.3009007

There is actually no empircial evidence to date that supports the theory that DMT is produced by the pineal gland or that it is released while dreaming. It's a speculation that has been around since the late 80's and has, thanks to the abundance of misinformed drug-geeks who frequent the internet, become something of an 'obvious fact' these days.

tl;dr: DMT has never been found in the human brain.

>> No.3009012

Add a quorum sensor linked to a lysis pathway, such that the cells rupture when they become filled with enough viral particles.

>> No.3009028
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>> No.3009031

Viral quorum sensing?

>> No.3009042
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/b/ has been alerted, we're all doomed now.


It was nice knowing you all. /b/ is surprisingly filled with microbiologists.

>> No.3009058
File: 51 KB, 430x304, 1303528566633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...this cant be good

>> No.3009071

>yfw you realize that no one on /b/ gives the least bit of a shit about science because they are all dumb people

>> No.3009072

link to thread?

>> No.3009076

yes, this

>> No.3009089


But drugs. Infectious drugs.

Also that redtext is the thread you morans.

>> No.3009097

That redtext is this thread, Ace

>> No.3009104



Just to let you know we at /b/ don't give two shits about any of this crap. We're too busy calling Mac users fags and talking about cats.

Although if you want to stop the virus getting bound up in the cells, why don't you just look at how other virus do it and adapt their methods?

>> No.3009106

/k/ommando reporting in. Fund it. put it in the water. do something with it.

also, this

>> No.3009113

/k/ here, I don't know much about science, but you should put it in a gun and shoot it at people.

>> No.3009121

on the topic of weapons, putting it in a device that would spray it everywhere would be lethal

>> No.3009132
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>> No.3009158
File: 165 KB, 1152x864, 3d_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why not LSD?

>> No.3009160

Say you managed it. What kind of mutations could occur?

That is to say, could a small mutation prove lethal?

>> No.3009171

Probably not, it's just a mehthylated tryptophan

>> No.3009177

op, if you do manage to do it, the other rhinoviruses that arent modified need to modified by it

>> No.3009202

DMT tolerance goes up quick. If you don't wait ~48 hours after the initial dose for a second dose, you'll need roughly twice as much DMT to get the same effects.
Causing the rhinovirus to slowly create DMT most likely won't cause any psychoactive effects due to tolerance.

>> No.3009226

Wait, this is crazy shit.

A virus that makes DMT? DMT is pretty intense and short right? But if you had a virus does that mean you would be on DMT for like... week until you get over the sickness?

Tripping is an understatement. You would be completely incapable of thinking for like that time frame.

Shit is crazy yo.

Would the fact that the virus makes DMT interfere with your capacity to get over the virus?

Reminds me of when I heard about strep throat causing OCD. Basically the virus tries to resemble native proteins and stuff to be less detectable by the human body. But the human body still needs to get rid of the virus so it just starts attacking anything that resembles strep throat, AKA anything that resembles this completely normal protein that naturally resides in the body.

The result is that brain activity gets changed because this protein had some effect on behavior. And people get OCD like symptoms.

>> No.3009254

Virus is a bad way to do this.

1) identify DMT producing sequence of DNA.

2) modify sequence to produce PT modified DMT producing enzymes that are, themselves, modulated by the existence of a different exogeneous ligand. In other words, modify some protein that is involved in the multi step biosynthesis (there will be many proteins involved in this process, so choose ONE of them early in the scheme) so that it only folds into the active structure when ligand bound.

translation for clarity: modify one of the proteins responsible for the DMT production to only be active when there is a specific chemical/drug present.

3) use this modification scheme as a "switch" to turn the gene on or off...

when you want DMT high, you ingest this other drug, whatever it may be...

its presence "activates" important enzymes in this genetically engineered DMT production cascade chain.

4) incorporate the aforementioned modified-DMT codon sequence into E-Coli to create a mutant E-Coli strain

>> No.3009256

you need to make the virus lyse the cells after producing a significant quality.

also bioterrorism.

>> No.3009257


5) no need to create an unstable E-Coli mutant that cannot propagate... we only need ~30 mg of DMT max. This is not some blasted E-Coli that churns out insulin and is barely capable of keeping itself from falling apart...

6) replicate this E-Coli to the point where you can create "probiotic" treatments

7) ingest the probiotic at the usual amount required to establish and maintain a culture of his species of E-coli in your own gut

8) ingest the "activator" molecule

9) your E-Coli produces DMT

10) DMT is released into the colon, which quickly absorbs the DMT into the blood stream (just like "plugging")

11) trip balls, possibly for an extended period of time

Caveats: a good idea would be to use an "activator" molecule that quickly breaks down... so that only a small amount even makes it into your colon, and is quickly broken down... that way your Mutant E-Coli never makes excessive DMT keeping you tripping balls for hours on end.

alternatively, add a 2nd post translational modification to important proteins in the DMT production process which will deactive them in the presence of yet another exogenous ligand.

this would be the "Deactivating" ligand that you ingest when you are done tripping.

>> No.3009268
File: 44 KB, 814x500, 1267569113531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw strep throat is caused by a bacteria

>> No.3009282

>Tripping is an understatement. You would be completely incapable of thinking for like that time frame.
Also consider the LD50 which, if the virus somehow manages to evade an immunologic response, will not only obliterate the target cell population in a matter of weeks, but probably give you an OD like fuck.
OP, are you for real? Are you using the Rhinovirus's standard VP1-3 cell-binding proteins, or did you modify it so it doesn't react to the body's IgG that you most probably already have?

>> No.3009285


I dont think that "lyse" is the proper term to use in this context.

I dont think you usually consider cellular systems to under go "Self lysis" (which is what would happen if the cell was infected by the virus).

ultimately, however, the viral method is a terrible way to do this.

1) the overall process is exceedingly complicated, and you would have to add all kinds of qualfiying protections to prevent unwanted behavior...

dont infect certain cells, preprogrammed cell death after a certain period of time, etc.

2) you would become immune to it eventually and it would never work again.
Much better to use genetically modified E-Coli with a switchable gene or biochemical pathway that you can simply incorporate into your own intestinal flora.

when you want to trip, you take some medicine... anything you want... you could tune it to turn on in the presence of Aspirin or whatever...

tripp balls

then take another drug, like ibuprophen, to turn it off.
you never get immune. and since we are just talking about Mutant E-Coli, which is something biochemists know about with great skill, it may even be genuinely possible.
biggest problem is that identifying ALL of the proteins responsible for the biosynthesis of DMT and dissemination of DMT would be difficult:

A dimethylating protein, proteins that will shuttle the DMT around the cytoplasm, and proteins that will expel the DMT in a vesicle formation...
FYI, what I just described would be applicable to the Virus as well... it would have to tell the infected cell how to make DMT, and tell it to eject it into the outside world... else it would be nearly worthless.

>> No.3009288

If you're srsly thinking OP pulled this off, you don't know what you're talking about. Which part of a virion produces this chemical? Really.


>> No.3009291


Whatever, Im not a biologist. My point still applies.

Thank you for correcting me though.

>> No.3009293

>Are you using the Rhinovirus's standard VP1-3 cell-binding proteins
Scratch that, forget I said that. In any case, wouldn't this be just a one-time-only effect, limited to normal immunologic response to the virus?

>> No.3009304

>implying literally 3rd year undergraduates couldnt pull this off with the correct background.

>> No.3009307

>Which part of a virion produces this chemical?
It wouldn't be the virus producing it - it would be the infected cell, IIRC. Though messing around with E.coli would probably be easier and more productive than a modified virus, moreso one that usually has this virulence potential.

>> No.3009309

I'm assuming this is a hypothetical situation.

this better fucking be a hypothetical situation

inb4 bioterrorism b&

>> No.3009336


word. Thats why I recommended it here:


genetic modification of E-Coli is bread and butter of biochemistry and genetic engineering. E-Coli has to be the most "Genetically modified" of all organisms ever in the history of mankind.

and the process I described really isnt all that crazy.

Its just addition of a sequence to create a modified dimethylation enzyme (or enzymes). The modifications would be needed to turn the protein(s) on/off in the presence of an activating/deactivating ligand.

really, the E-Coli's built in transport proteins would probably be sufficient to shuttle any biosynthesized DMT out of the cell, into the extracellular environment.

>> No.3009348


I took LSD once.

To those saying that his is bioterrorism: Dont you guys think the whole world would be better off if they tripped at least once?

Im just kidding mostly. It would be completely evil to make such a virus.

>> No.3009352


decarboxylation and dimethylation are well known biosynthetic processes, and I would be amazed if the genetic sequence needed to produce the needed enzymes were not well known.

the key step in my proposition is the "redesign" of the decarboxylation enzyme.

we need to redesign this protein so that it only folds properly when it binds to some small molecule ligand, and then denatures in the presence of another small molecule ligand.
obviously this is no small feat. If it was we could predict everything about biochemistry from just the DNA sequence alone, and build custom enzymatic catalysts and use them in industrial chemistry and literally save the world.

our inability to just type the shit into a computer and accurately predict the outcome is one of the many important areas of research in biochemistry, chemistry, and biophysics.

this is protein folding... the stuff they use PS3s for (folding@home).

the goal being some method to turn the process on/off.

>> No.3011291
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Any progress yet boyos?

>> No.3011533
File: 24 KB, 300x270, 1304544293203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread still alive?

>> No.3011729

Proof or it didn't happen, OP.

I'm pretty sure the OP is just a faggot.

>> No.3011740

Engineering rhinovirus to make DMT (dimethyltrytamine)...good fucking luck. Although I don't want to give you any tips in your silly underageb& scheme, it'd be extremely easier to use a plant for this. You would just have to insert the genes from existing plants involved in the biosynthetic pathways for making DMT. But since finding the genes and enzymes involved in that pathway would take several years of R&D plus a million dollar genetics lab, you'd best go back to doing your homework OP.

>> No.3011744
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oi i'm the pony faggot around here

>> No.3012128
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>implying /sci/ isn't full of ponies