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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2998580 No.2998580 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/entists, can we get an info and/or interesting facts thread going? I'll start.

It takes approximately 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the body.

>> No.2998594

90% of organic mass on earth is bugs

>> No.2998596
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Evolution is a lie circulated by the Jewish Illuminati as a cover fro their dragon dildo operation

>> No.2998600


actually about half of earths biomass is trees, and other land plants, and the other half is mostly plankton.

>> No.2998607

We only use 10% of our brain

>> No.2998610



conspiracy fag

>> No.2998614
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>> No.2998622

About a quarter of our blood is pumped through our kidneys every minute.

>> No.2998626
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There are 50,000 bones in the average human foot.

>> No.2998642

taking the molecules of a tree and a rock, you could rearrange the atoms to form a human

>> No.2998643
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The number of atoms in the observable universe is estimated to be between 10^78 and 10^82

>> No.2998646

The atoms in your body all leave and are replaced about six times in your life.

>> No.2998654

Stick 23 people in a room and more likely than not two of them will share a birthday

>> No.2998655
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Sir Isaac Newton invented the cat door.

Look that shit up if you don't believe me.

>> No.2998668

That is a total myth.

>> No.2998669

>anti-fact: Science can't figure out why we sneeze.

>> No.2998671


because there's dust and shit in our knows that we need to get rid of?

>> No.2998673


Isn't it because we get shit in our lungs and sinuses?

>> No.2998675



>> No.2998681


That was a joke. You're supposed to ignore it and post more faux-facts

>> No.2998695

When glass cracks, the cracks can move at speeds up to 3,000 miles per hour.

>> No.2998702

Nobody knows the reason why we have fingernails.

Your knows never stops growing.

You can prevent gingevitus by swishing vinegar in your mouth for a few seconds. the acid in the vinegar will dissolve plaque

>> No.2998704

The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from the Moon.

>> No.2998706


Glass is actually the liquid form of sand (weird but true)

>> No.2998714

New Mexico has more sheep and cattle than people. The population density is only 12 people per square mile.

>> No.2998718

Seasons are caused by the Earth being closer to the Sun in the summer than in the winter.

>> No.2998720

If you collapsed all the mass down into the universe so there is no space between the mass, do you know how much mass there is in the entire universe? Well, the whole universal mass can be consolidated down into the size of a bowling ball. So if you took that formula, <span class="math">E = mc^2[/spoiler], you can almost cross out mass. So the formula ends up being "energy equals the speed of light."

>> No.2998727

Diamond is no longer the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.2998730



>> No.2998731

Every person on the planet, and every person born within the last 1000 years, could all fit and live comfortably inside the country of australia. And they say overpopulation is a problem...

>> No.2998733



laughing girls.jpg

>> No.2998741

...Except they would starve because there wouldn't be enough arable land to feel 5% of them.

>> No.2998743

I love this thread. I'm a middle school science teacher and I can't wait to share these with my students.

>> No.2998744



It's the size of a melon.

Get your shit right.

>> No.2998746


But diamond is a metal.

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.2998750



Please share that with your students

>> No.2998755

Sugar causes diabetes.

>> No.2998757

Darwin never visited the Galapagos Islands. In fact, there are no such islands.

>> No.2998759
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I think you mean diabeetus.

>> No.2998760

omg everyone is lying

>> No.2998763


Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.2998764
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You are clearly not trolling with stupid copy pasta. Clearly not.

>> No.2998775

A bee sting is acidic and a wasp sting is basic.

Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen make up 90% of the human body.

>> No.2998779

Hydro fluoric acid, H-F, will dissolve glass if given enough time.

>> No.2998791

A shrimp's heart is in its head.

>> No.2998799

If you hold an imaginary salt shaker in your hand and shake it toward your open mouth your brain will trick you into thinking you really taste salt.

This one is actually true.

>> No.2998800

Lightning strikes about 6000 times per minute on Earth.

>> No.2998804
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>> No.2998806

To get an idea of the taste "Umami" Grab a piece of cheddar cheese and eat it. Umami is like the taste before a taste. The taste before that sharp cheddar hits your buds is the taste of Umami.

>> No.2998877

6/2(1+2) is actually 9

>> No.2998943

Every U.S. president with a beard has been a Republican.

>> No.2998949

Your ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren't.

>> No.2998977

If you cut your dick off, it will grow back 3" longer.

>> No.2999400
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>This thread

>> No.2999423


>Newton is furiously scribbling away at a roll of parchment with a long, extravagant quill. Rolls of paper, ink pots and various copper-looking devices lay scattered around his desk.

>Looking over his shoulder in a huff he turns and goes back to work. A loud scratching, mewing sound can be heard outside his door.




>> No.2999428

In before anything on this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions

>> No.2999434


>> No.2999520

I love the color green.

>> No.2999550
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Nobody picked you up on this yet?

Glass is not a liquid. It is an amorphous solid.

>> No.2999554

nobody fed a troll yet?

>> No.2999557


Are you still going to post your tits for the 3m get?

>> No.2999575

still? lol when did i ever say i was going to?

>> No.2999579


I thought you said you were in some other thread...

>> No.2999600

ahah! lolno. nice-try though ;)

>> No.2999650


Worth a shot.

>> No.2999664

You're a ugly whore anyway.

capatcha: saltsnew 1/10

>> No.2999698
File: 27 KB, 325x214, the_more_you_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All molecules never weight above 210.4232 g/mol

Their actually existed a dinosaur that had the ability to "breathe" fire (Repenomamus giganticus)

Plato was homosexual

Scientist have actually discovered "life" in outer space. But it is debated wether it can even count as life at all.

All molecules never weight above 210.4232 g/mol

Their actually existed a dinosaur that had the ability to "breathe" fire (Repenomamus giganticus)

Plato was homosexual

Scientist have actually discovered "life" in outer space. But it is debated wether it can even count as life at all.

All molecules never weight above 210.4232 g/mol

Their actually existed a dinosaur that had the ability to "breathe" fire (Repenomamus giganticus)

Plato was homosexual

Scientist have actually discovered "life" in outer space. But it is debated wether it can even count as life at all. (article: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/284/5423/2137

>> No.2999702

Why can't we have AC current for blood flow?

>> No.2999743


>Cat door

Lol wut, it's cat flap

>> No.2999744

Quantum mechanics suggest that there is a god. No kidding, check http://www.sciencemag.org/content/284/5423/2137

>> No.2999761


>Carbon's a metal

>> No.3000088

bumping random /sci/ related thread to combat /b/ cancer.

>> No.3000110

Laughing increases the production of ATP in our thylakoids.

>> No.3000912

Bump to clear out the stupid shit on front page

>> No.3000930


>all the mass in the world is the size of a bowling ball
>c(squared) = c
>500000000 niggawatts

>> No.3000947



Oh god I lol'd

>> No.3000951


Everywhere else

>> No.3000958

It takes a damn sight longer than that to get through a capillary bed.

The figure is a quarter of all blood leaving the heart each stroke is diverted through the kidneys.

>I feel the need to correct the ones that some people might actually believe.

>> No.3000995

The calcium molecule is built on the semi-permanent structure of four electrons supporting three protons. The protons feed electrical information to the core of the molecule, where we find the central atom or 'Queen' atom. Where the Queen atom where to leave molecule or 'nest' the effects would be disastrous as the entire structure would come tumbling down.

>This is known as the Helvetica Scenario.


>> No.3001000
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Am I the only one who passed the rage barrier for this long ago? Now it just makes me laugh.

>> No.3001020

Oh Britain

>> No.3001027

>They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall

>> No.3001030
File: 58 KB, 432x432, 1262324765889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come here often?

>> No.3001050

We try our best...

Really recommend the series to anyone with any sense science humour at all.


>> No.3001056


>> No.3001109

>mfw my teacher does this in my classroom and I burst into treats

>> No.3001143

I love the periodic table in that
Rd - Red
Hi - Hello

>> No.3001145

Here's a fun fact for ya:

EK is not ZOMGitsCriss. EK is a sad excuse for a fat little man who spends his time trying to suck his own penis.

>> No.3001198

I can fap ambidexterous

>> No.3001221

7:35 is my favorate bit.

>> No.3001258
File: 44 KB, 496x384, 1303425136975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I the only fag who noticed this?

Seasons are due to the fact that at different times of year the planet has tilted relative to the sun. This tilt causes the amount of atmosphere light has to travel through before it makes contact with the Earth. It is also why more northern and southern regions are colder than those at the equator, at the equator the light arriving at Earth (the rays of which are parallel) has to travel through less atmosphere to reach the surface. A good way to illustrate this is to draw a Circle, and draw a bigger circle around it, measuring from a "middle" point on the circumference on one circle to the middle point on the other circle will give a small unit than if one were to do the same at a higher or lower point. If we then tilt our paper a few degrees in either direction and measure again we shall notice our lines are now either shorter or longer.

My final point, The Earth is so far away from the sun the minor elliptical orbit our planet has would have little to no effect on a country's climate due to this distance being less than a half a percent of the overall distance to the sun.

Dumb shits get off my /sci//

>> No.3001265

All matter is made up of combinations of 3 things: protons, neutrons, and electrons.

>> No.3001271

We only use about 25% of our brain.

>> No.3001323


Ants account for 15% of the world's organic mass.

>> No.3001344
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You have failed to realize that he was a troll.

>> No.3001350

You can argue about the existence/nonexistence of God and the afterlife all day long, but no one really knows what happens when you die.

>> No.3001362
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A single electron has comparable attractive force to a 25kg object's gravitational attractive force.

>> No.3001367

Does anyone have a link to that huge compendium of resources /sci/ put together? For math, physics etc?

>> No.3001376


>> No.3001381

The sun burns.


>> No.3001395

All matter was originally hydrogen. It was only after stars began forming that other kinds of atoms were created.

>> No.3001396


>> No.3001412


Heat and light being given off by fusion.

>> No.3001415

Ghosts actually do exist. When you die, all the energy in your body is converted to pure energy at a rate of E=MC^2. Certain people are more sensitive to energy than others like people who can see more in the electromagnetic spectrum. They're the ones who see ghosts.

>> No.3001421

search greenoval for the latest one. I don't think I have the updated version.

>> No.3001429

It takes hundreds of billions of years for one molecule of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase to process one mole of CO2.

>> No.3001441

The accumulated energy of the universe is 0.

>> No.3001443

Nuclear fusion.
look it up.

>> No.3001449

Most of them are wrong you asshat.

>> No.3001458

>heat equation is an important partial differential equation which describes the distribution of heat (or variation in temperature) in a given region

>Black–Scholes is a partial differential equation.

Fact; the Black Scholes equation (created by economists to price stocks) can be used to solve the Heat Equation in physics.

economics > physics

>> No.3001459

Computer says no. According to wikipedia that dinosaur was a mammal.

>> No.3001691

shouting at an average 80 decibels produces .001 watts of energy. you would need to do this non stop for 1 year, 7 months, 26 days, 20 hours, 26 minutes and 40 seconds to heat a cup of coffie to 50 C using sound energy

>> No.3001709


*Created to price options

>> No.3001728


Fact; the Heat equation (created by physicists to model conductive heat flow) can be used to solve the Black Scholes equation in economics.

physics > economics

>> No.3001745

You only transform, and not solve it. Done via substitutions.

>> No.3001907
