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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2998489 No.2998489 [Reply] [Original]

i need some advice from alpha /sci/ bros

what do you do with your GFs? like what's a good time, what are your hobbies?

other than, read, movies, university, gym, there isn't much I like to do--any suggestions?

>inb4 is this math class

>> No.2998493
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lol OP wants a GF what a fag

>> No.2998503
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>alpha /sci/ bros
just deltas and gammas here bro.

>> No.2998507

we just chill
just hanging out together and watching tv is more fun than going on 4chan alone
and pretty much anything you'd normally do, you can do with her, probably not so much the gym though, plus shit that chicks do like shopping

>> No.2998516

wtf are you asking

>> No.2998519

My girlfriend was an art graduate student. I mostly went to her studio while she worked and I did homework. We didnt do anything special. We would go out for dinner and grocery shop.

Then she moved back to her home country.

>> No.2998521

>like what's a good time?

i don't know but if I had a girlfriend i think sex might be good.

but i could be wrong. having a girlfriend sounds dumb. movies, haha have fun watching bullshit love movies and then acting like you like it.

>> No.2998522

OP, you're already a loser if you're asking for dating advice from /sci/

>> No.2998523

oh wow
you sound pathetic

>> No.2998536

then find a girl who likes movies that arent shit

also im high and the chin of the girl in the OP pic is disturbing me

>> No.2998542

/sci/, thank you for making my own abysmal sex life seem relatively busy.

>> No.2998553 [DELETED] 
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There are always: plays, the opera, the symphony, museums (I prefer art and natural history, but that's me), canoeing/kayaking (when it's nice out), hiking (again, weather permitting), language or cultural society events (German American Stammtisch or the Turnverein), and amateur astronomy come to mind.

Best thing I ever did for my sex life/dating life was to buy season tickets to the symphony and buy the opera package for operas I like that would play in the next season. That extra ticket got me so many dates. Meet a girl, talk for a while, bring up that you have an extra ticket to the symphony and it'd be a shame to waste it. Dress up, listen to great music, go out somewhere appropriate for your attire to eat... the rest seems to happen as though a force of nature as inexorable as strong nuclear force.
If you've been dating a girl for a while, the Symphony or Opera gives you an excuse for a date night. Dress up, get sauced, listen to music of see a decent opera, go eat, go bang.

>> No.2998566

did anyone else see that opera post before it disappeared, that was frighteningly gay

>> No.2998570



>> No.2998574


lol yes, opera's dont really sound fun to me

hmm maybe i should find a boring chick, so we can be boring together

>> No.2998577


That sounds great to me - just the tranquility of two people being able to share the same space and work independently. If I were in that situation every now and then I'd look at what she's doing and how it's coming along and she'd explain something and talk about it and vice versa. Way better than going out and spending money on another movie that's bound to suck. The girls I've gone out with never want to make or learn anything. They have no passion aside from the bands they like and so on.

I've probably just had bad luck though, and I don't mean to sound pretentious, but there's so much more to life.

>> No.2998582

that will quickly and inevitably lead to stress and clinginess and other emotional bullshit.

its not worth it. if you want a bitch, you should try to get a high quality one that has been with many people before and has no problem with a relationship that is almost purely sexual.

>> No.2998587

Options like: plays, the opera, the symphony, museums (I prefer art and natural history, but that's me), canoeing/kayaking (when it's nice out), hiking (again, weather permitting), language or cultural society events (German American Stammtisch or the Turnverein), and amateur astronomy all come to mind.

Best thing I ever did for my sex life/dating life was to buy season tickets to the symphony and buy the opera package for operas I like that would play in the next season. That extra ticket got me so many dates. Meet a girl, talk for a while, bring up that you have an extra ticket to the symphony and it'd be a shame to waste it. Dress up, listen to great music, go out somewhere appropriate for your attire to eat... the rest seems to happen as though a force of nature as inexorable as strong nuclear force were forcibly spreading her legs for you.
If you've been dating a girl for a while, the Symphony or Opera gives you an excuse for a date night. Dress up, get sauced, listen to music or see a decent opera, go eat, go bang.
Amateur astronomy isn't the craziest thing in the world. Take the car somewhere desolate without a lot of light pollution, bring weed/booze and some snacking material, and let nature take its course.
An ex and myself used to have "shitty movie night" when we were dating. We'd have a leisurely walk around the more deserted parts of campus on Saturday night, smoke a blunt, then wander into one of the buildings to which I had a key. Fire up the giant projector, play "Invasion of the Saucer Men" or other such drivel, and drink wine/beer you brought with.
Need more?

>> No.2998592
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You are not alpha.

What do I do with my GF? Go to the beach, walk the dog, go to the movies, watch movies at home, sit at home listening to albums, play board games, swim, smoke cones, cook together, basically what ever I feel like. We fool around sexually everyday and probably have intercourse everday 3 days on average. She is an amazing girl and does everything for me (but I'd never let her fully know that).

my hobbies are sport, science and music mainly.

You can 'train' yourself to be alpha probably in less than a year if you really tried. I know I did.

>> No.2998603

Riddled with typos, had to fix it before reposting.
Want to know what's REALLY gay? Not having sex with women.

What's wrong with the opera/symphony/theater anyway? There's always good music, not all operas are about love (Wagner, I always buy tickets to see a Wagner opera), and there are plays like Copenhagen, the Crucible, Faust, etc.

>> No.2998602

i never claimed to be alpha :( she cheated on me last year and i took her back because im too pathetic to give up on her, im just enjoying every day that i can before she breaks up with me for some guy shes been fucking for months

>> No.2998598

this, if she has no major interests outside the relationship, she will make you miserable.

>> No.2998604

how do I train alpha?

>> No.2998615

I grew up on cartoons and video games and I don't speak Italian, operas are boring as fuck for me. Classical music is fine but paying to go to a symphony when there are probably five decent rock concerts i can get to for much cheaper is a bad trade, and musicals are absolutely and utterly gay, excusable only if it is an absolute and necessary condition for some form of intercourse that same night.

>> No.2998633
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Don't let women manipulate you. Sadly it's always going to one way or the other. I've learnt from personal experience that as soon as you REALLY fall for a girl they WILL abuse this power. You have to be the 'hard to get guy' all the time to maintain the power in relationships. Even if you love her, don't ever be a huge fag about it. Of course this issue is way more complex but that's the crux.

Seeing men getting whipped by there girlfriends really makes me sad.

>> No.2998641

:( its so true but i cant help it, i really love her and theres not much else in my life except weed

>> No.2998645

talking to girls feels like a job interview

>> No.2998651

thats only a problem if you arent the interviewer

>> No.2998653 [DELETED] 

is that your retarded 3rd grader way of saying that you piss your pants whenever you see a hot woman?

>> No.2998652


>> No.2998666

No need for Italian, the best opera is in German anyway. Some people like rock concerts, others like the symphony. I like to sit down in a comfortable seat, relax, get into the music, and sip scotch or bourbon (yes, there's booze at the symphony) while listening. I agree about the musicals, I detest musical theater. A few of the more serious plays are worth seeing though if they're playing in town.
You could go hiking, that's always enjoyable. If you have a sport in common you can play, that'd be ideal. I remember I once dated another fencer and it was kind of special to share an activity like that with a girl.
You can look up local wine/beer tasting events or festivals, it's almost impossible to not enjoy one of those.

>> No.2998679

Meh, I'm kind of a lard ass so I don't play sports, and my parents dragged me along hiking as a kid enough for me to truly understand how boring and unpleasant a pastime it is even if it seems nice for a few minutes at the top. Also, hiking in Florida is difficult due to the lack of any significant elevation changes.

>> No.2998691

same person

>> No.2998696

My girlfriend and I will: go on nature walks, try out new restaurants, go swimming in lakes and streams, travel around, smoke weed, get drunk and watch TV, have sex, do chores together, smoke hookah, visit eachothers friends. Just do shit you both like to do. Find a girl who wants to do the same thing as you and win.

>> No.2998697

Christ, it's pathetic how many times I've seen guys fall into this. Call me old fashioned, but I always make sure to smack her ass after politely asking for her to get me a beer. It sends many subtle messages: "I find you sexually attractive", "I asked politely, but I still expect you to do the occasional thing for me", and "know your place, bitch"
I think the reason a lot of guys let their girlfriends become their whole lives is because they have nothing else worth more to them than her. All I can say is that it's best to have obligations, places to be, or things to do that do not and will never necessitate or welcome her. She must understand this. Your retarded friends are YOUR retarded friends. It's all well and good to meet and pleasantly interact with her friends from time to time and allow her to do the same for yours... but it's disastrous if the lines between your social life and hers begin to fade.

>> No.2998700
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I don't know how shit you are but start with baby steps. You don't have to but weight training is HUGE for building self confidence. Start to put yourself into social situations, be it school socials, parties, concerts, and any other form of social gathering. Talk to more and more people (doesn't have to be women at first). slowly build rapport with the women you interact with daily. Improve your daily clothing; you don't have to dress like a jock (which to me looks fucking stupid) but just wear NICE stuff, not your favourite boy scouts shirt or any of that shit. Etc. etc...

Eventually get drunk at a party and fuck one of them. Suddenly you realise that it's so easy and your life completely flips for the better...


If you really loved her you'd be listening to what I'm saying. Because truthfully, it is the only way to keep a woman for a long time.

>> No.2998737

FL is awesome for hiking! You can go "herping" (yes, it's a real word) in the Everglades. Learning about and searching for specific wildlife gives the whole thing purpose. Mushroom hunting seems boring but it's rather fun. I once found a small patch of liberty caps and we went for it- great time. Pack a camelbak, one lunch each, a flashlight, matches, and a blunt or two in one of those hard cigar-holder tubes.
Since you're in FL, depending on your area, you might want to get SCUBA certified. There are wrecks and marine sanctuaries near enough on both coasts of FL that are somewhat interesting. I'd kill to meet a girl (or convince the current one) to go shark diving with me in Mexico.

>> No.2998740


samefag, I can tell by your writing style and random capitalization of words and how you arrange your sentences

>> No.2998765

Im doing a bachelors degree and my GF is a office worker, we are the same age but im from a much higher demographic in terms of family income etc. We both really enjoy eachothers company we mainly go out to drinks with friends and other couples, attend eachothers friends parties and when we are at home we watch tv shows i download.

>> No.2998770

check again retard.

clearly someone has this very problem but would rather ignore it until it blows up in their face.

>> No.2998781



Erry day


>> No.2998783

Nope. I would never confuse "there" and "their" only to let it slide. I'd sooner delete a post than permit such transgressions.

Seriously though, both posts are good advice. If you live for another person, you've failed as a human being. Most women will abuse the power they hold over you without even consciously thinking about said abuse, if allowed to accrue such power.

As far as the "alpha" whatnot goes, it's not entirely physical or social. Quite a bit of projecting an "air" of superiority over other men is mental. Any jackass can turn into "the Situation" but it takes a special kind of man to fence saber, have a pilot's license, SCUBA dive, pair wine/beer with food, cook well, waltz, know the "correct" fork, speak multiple languages, expound on the themes/influences of Northern Renaissance art, recognize Bizet from Berlioz, and still satisfy her physical needs.
Abs, getting drunk, fist pumping, and scaring away other males is adequate for sex. Are you comfortable with being merely adequate?

>> No.2998805


We are not the same people although I share the same sentiment. I'm constantly playing with my girlfriends tits and ass, not for the reasons the other guy said put purely because it's fun.

This is something you can take away from women as well. If I'm constantly feeling her up then one day I stop she'll think there's something wrong. You can then use this to your advantage as she'll be trying to please you.

Alpha behavior is very chauvinistic. It may seem crude, but it's how the world works unfortunately.

>> No.2998836
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My their, there and they're mistakes will haunt me forever.


Very well said sir.

>> No.2998844
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>it takes a special kind of man to fence saber, pair wine/beer with food, cook well, waltz, know the "correct" fork, speak multiple languages, expound on the themes/influences of Northern Renaissance art, recognize Bizet from Berlioz

I see opera was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of your faggotry.

>> No.2998850

Women are conditioned from a young age to base their self worth on how others see them. It's not right, but it's nonetheless drilled into their psyches from a very young age and by a multitude of sources.
By sexualizing them with ass slaps, the occasional leg caress, etc. you are reinforcing that you desire her and she sees that as a form of approval. Remove that approval and she will notice. I like to think of this less as manipulation than as a constant and clear indicator of good/bad behavior on her part.
Another part of the female psyche that's fascinating is exactly how much pleasure she derives from the jealousy or envy of others. Their horribly abused and mal-formed egos feed off of it. You'd be shocked how much a night out in a sexy but understated dress can do for her ego. It doesn't just affect the ego either, it affects her sex drive. If she feels wanted, she wants it.

>> No.2998853

For some reason dat ass pic makes me realize that women are just hairless apes with boring featureless bodies.

>> No.2998858
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Enjoy being an uncultured, untalented cretin. Let me know how those guttersluts work out for you.

>> No.2998871

Right now we are considering entering the swinger scene and have some bi-orgies with other young couples.

Something for you?

>> No.2998962

It's fucking rare to see posts without ego, even in /sci/. This man is inspired and brings truth for our greater good. Dudes should be wise to heed his insight.

>> No.2998980

Experiment with drugs and camp/hike. Other than that, just hang around.

>> No.3000866
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for OP's sake.

>> No.3000877

>the opera, the symphony, museums (I prefer art and natural history, but that's me),
Holy fucking shit, are you me?

>mfw the local opera is made of fail and aids compared to glorious Mariinsky theater
>implying I won't get season tickets for the opera and philharmonic once I get spare cash

>> No.3000885
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You couldn't figure out the worlds theory for yourself?!?!?!

>> No.3000891

generally lay in bed, play through new vidya I get or sit around watching physics lectures/documentaries together

>> No.3000904

>the best opera is in German anyway
Italian is a much more beautiful language and you know it.

>> No.3000926

I could be you...

Really though, the opera here normally sucks but I'm always down for some Ring Cycle when it happens. The symphony is almost universally good unless they're doing pops bullshit. Levine, I can take but don't play John Williams.

I find it interesting that this "alpha" shit is almost universally based on being a shallow coont. It may sound awful, but there is something to being more "cultured" than other guys. She derives pleasure not only from the event, but from the fact that she dresses up, looks sexy, eats well, and can lord it over her friends that she wore a Vera Wang dress and drank gin and tonic as she listened to Shostakovich's sting quartet No. 2. Her girlfriends got to sit around in jeans and watch a romantic comedy at the movie theater if they're lucky. Good cultural events not only get you out of "chick shit" you hate, but put you (and her ego) in a league well beyond that of her friends and the guys they date.

>> No.3000943

Quatsch! Italian opera is generally about love, German opera is about gods in bearskins and revenge.
Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

>> No.3000954
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When I'm not fucking my boyfriend, we go to the beach/theme parks/concerts or stay home while I kick his butt at SSBB. I can't get him to go the gym or bike with me.

Get this: we're BOTH engineers.

>> No.3000967

Most of the time we're either at our respective jobs or sleeping in bed together. When we do have time to hang out we talk, shop together, walk together, watch TV, have sex and occasionally do a fun event together. It's like having a really good friend with the benefits of sex. It's good having companionship.

>> No.3000972

>beach/theme parks/concerts

Being in a drafting class in high school does not make you an engineer.

>> No.3000977

This is all horrible advice. Goes to show /sci/'s not the place to get relationship help

>> No.3000980


No but living in Florida with a degree in computer engineering from UCF does. He also has his degree from UCF. lulz

>> No.3000988



3000972 just failed hard.

>> No.3000994


Smells like samefag in here

>> No.3000997
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IDK...smells more like Aspie paranoia to me.

>> No.3001005

If we feel like an exciting time, we just find parties to go to. Someone is always doing something interesting.

If we don't feel like hanging out with a bunch of people, we might go out for dinner, a coffee shop, park, etc.

If we are feeling lazy, we watch Hulu, cook food, lay around, browse the internet, run errands together, etc.

If we are feeling frisky, well, we frisk?

>> No.3001008

Dude OP, its not that hard.

You go on adventures and see the world. Your daplings in /sci/related material and (maybe, hopefully her's) allow you to go do all the old things you did as kids but view them through a new light. The light of science. Go to the magic house or science museum or something. Or even a nature hike or something. Go to a play as some have mentioned or to open mic nights/poetry slams. Having a significant other gives you the ability to do all those things you ever wanted to do, but were too afraid to do alone. Build model rockets and launch them/fly a kite.

This has been my experience.

>> No.3001032
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>self proclaimed great man
>feels the need to brag about it
>feels the need to brag about it on the internet
>feels the need to brag about it on 4chan

>> No.3001053
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>be a-sexual
im above this shit.jpg

>> No.3001059


No you're not. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.3001097
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