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2995252 No.2995252 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Math/science fails in movies

>"Math whiz" trying to determine if numbers are prime
>"645...", long pause to think, "not prime"

>later, trying to factor three-digit numbers completely
>have to rely of magical retarded guy to count the prime factors in a three-digit number


>> No.2995255

A low budget?

>> No.2995262

its actually hard to find out whether 645 is prime. op how do you know its not a prime?

>> No.2995274


He saw it in the film, silly.

>> No.2995273

better be troll.

>> No.2995281

No budget for common sense?

I know this is a trool, but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divisibility_rule

>> No.2995282

not a troll, just saying there is no way you can know until you factor it and as you said factoring three digit numbers is hard.

>> No.2995279


>> No.2995296

645 is a multiple of 5. If you weren't trolling, you now have the right to feel stupid.

>> No.2995301

see >>2995296

>> No.2995313

omg is 10000000 a prime? its hard to figuere out cuz its a 8 digit number

>> No.2995314

>I'll write a GUI interface using Visual Basic, see if I can track an IP address

>> No.2995316

Confirmed for troll, but in case anyone else is wondering: If a number is prime, must have a divisor less than or equal to its square root. A three-digit number can be at most 999, there are only 11 prime numbers less than the square root of 999. So you only have to check for divisibility of 11 possible factors to find out whether or not a three-digit number is prime.

>> No.2995330
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>> No.2995341

I like how this thread went off topic to talking about prime numbers.

Anyways, Iron Man 2. Especially the part where Tony Stark is making his own element. rofl.

>> No.2995342
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>> No.2995353

That's from a recent cracked.com article.
And yeah, a tv show had a character say that out loud.

>> No.2995362

>>2995316 11

1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37

>> No.2995378

>counting 1 as a prime number
>thinking 37 squared is less than 1000

Further proof that tripfags are a waste of oxygen

>> No.2995389

Did you really just put 1?

>> No.2995392

movie pi, what a pain

>> No.2995393
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How hard is it to do this^

>> No.2995397
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>He deleted his post!

>> No.2995402


>> No.2995404

What was wrong with pi? It was told from the perspective of a schizophrenic.

>> No.2995413

I have no knowledge of programation, could you explain to me why it is stupid random technobable?

>> No.2995422

>"This security camera footage is all pixelated"

>> No.2995425
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>Just... the entire film.

>> No.2995436

computer science III

>> No.2995437

Because it's retarded.

An interface is just how the user interacts with the program. It doesn't *do* anything by itself.

And GUI stands for Graphic User Interface. GUI interface is Graphic User Interface interface.

/r/ing the clip of the show where the detectives access spreadsheets in a video game console by beating the game

>> No.2995438


first one on the page

>> No.2995444

Math/science fails in novels too.

>> No.2995451

GUI - graphical user interface
Visual Basic - programming language

She's said: "I'll write a graphical user interface interface using Visual Basic (programming language, see if I can track an IP address"

She's gonna make an interface. And that somehow yields an IP address?

>> No.2995453

this ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFfJ4ZC1AtA&feature=player_embedded

>> No.2995455
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>> No.2995462

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, so the word "Interface" is redundant.

GUIs are like windows and bars you see on the computer screen, not the actual programming that gets things done.

It has nothing to do with IP addresses, which you don't track, because they usually stay the same. They're essentially a computer's address on the internet. You can find someone's IP, but you can't track it.

>> No.2995472

Nobody has pointed out yet that Visual Basic is essentially a training language.

>> No.2995473
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i liked the shizophrenic in beautiful mind more
pic related

>> No.2995474

Any film where people keep falling into, onto or through fucking GLASS and keep wearing their skin and are not bleeding like stuck pigs. They'd all die of blood loss.

Possible exception: Die Hard. He's bleeding a lot from his feet from all that glass. They did it well in that otherwise totally unrealistic film.

>> No.2995475

It's divisible by five.

>> No.2995479

Yeah, I admire people who solicit gay sex in public bathrooms too.

>> No.2995480

Fuck, knew I forgot something. Yeah, Visual Basic in no way can do things related to internet protocol.

>> No.2995484

In general it's time consuming but not difficult. But for specific cases, it can be easy, for example multiples of 5.

>> No.2995485
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>he types out his quoted greentext

>> No.2995496
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>he just typed that greentext out too

>> No.2995498

new star trek movie
>spock travels in fastest vehicle to save planet with black hole technology
>then the unthinkable happened, he didnt make it in time.
>how the fuck is unthinkable? do they not have a computer that can calculate his ETA or the ETA of the supernova, did the supernova just magically speed up or some shit? wat

>> No.2995505

haha fail

>> No.2995510

But the phase change on the quantum flux fields make such calculations impossible.
If only he had adjusted the frequency of his tachyon generator, then he would have been fine.

>> No.2995525


>> No.2995544
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This is the best movie ever

>> No.2995550

Commercial developers use it too.

>> No.2995561

>black hole doesn't engulf everything
>chuck disc out the window

>> No.2995582

Hot Tub Time Machine

If they'd've stayed in the past, they'd've not been able to have been there to've gone back into the past in the first place. -Second place.

And everyone knows that Saunas are time machines, not Jacuzzis.

>> No.2995605


>using humans to produce energy
>later in the movies you find out the humans use geothermal energy to produce there own electricity

now the mind fuck is



>> No.2995612


>> No.2995621

In the Matrix, people read the source code to the matrix program and somehow know what's happening currently.

Also, why does the source code scroll downward? Are they unable to read it line-by-line?

>> No.2995634

Also Morpheus claimed that the machines had fusion.
Supposedly the original script had the humans being used as organic computers and the Matrix was just a place to keep their conscious minds busy.

>> No.2995635

>mfw the matrix wasn't more than a distributed computer using human minds

>> No.2995644

if it was like that they should have keep it..
and not create a logic mindfuck

>> No.2995673

The studio thought that audiences wouldn't understand the concept of a biological distributed computer system.
So they used the 'they take our energy that we get by them feeding us our own dead' explanation instead.

>> No.2995695


And the source code was katakana. So apparently we're all going to program in Japanese in the future.

>> No.2995698

.. and then they filled the next 2 movies with shitload of philosophy and fancy words..
makes perfect sense.

>> No.2996033

Holy shit. I understood why it was a mistake, but I'm not a mathematician so this is mostly new info to me.
Just wanted to say I appreciate.

>> No.2996057

CSI: "I have an idea! Why don't we use a double integral"

>> No.2996076

Terminator 4: Guy goes to robot factory. Sees energy packs. Says it's "nuclear".

>> No.2996287
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>> No.2996341
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In UnderWorld 2, there's a scene where a vampire grabs a rope that's hanging out of a helicopter and uses it to pull the helicopter down to the ground.

I don't care how strong you are, if you pull with more force than your bodyweight, all you'll do is lift yourself off the ground.

>> No.2996406

Atlas Shrugged
>engine powered by static electricity

>> No.2996440

>lift truck or other very heavy object
>throw it at dozens of miles an hour
>don't get flung backwards in the process even if you are in the air when you fling it
Problem, conservation of momentum?

>> No.2996446

depends on the momentum fucktard

>> No.2996451

Ayn Rand was smarter than you think.

>> No.2996474


That's not right or you don't understand how it works.

>> No.2996485

all of you faggots hating on these movies don't understand the concept of entertainment.

math major here, pi and cube are among my favourite movies of all time. why? because i don't take the mathematics seriously, because it's not supposed to be taken seriously.

>> No.2996492

It is right, and I understand how it works. jelly much?

>> No.2996503

>Freezing instantly in other space

>> No.2996506

>other space

>> No.2996514


"static electricity" is a phenomenon that describes a process by which friction results in an excess of charge build up on one surface, due to charge lost from another surface.

"electrostatics" is a field of electromagnetism/electrodynamics that deals with time independent electric fields and the dynamics that arise from them.

they are completely different concepts, though the observation of "static electricity" comes as a result of electrostatics.

>> No.2996521

Cool to see that you don't think before typing.

>> No.2996543


Most people believe Alex Mercer/the Blacklight is in fact a tonne or more in weight from all the biomass he/it consumes.