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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2994239 No.2994239 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think is more healthy?

- low calorie intake with enough nutrients
- no exercise, just sitting and working peacefully all day
--> slow metabolism


- "normal" diet (what most people do, just eating up random shit), not necessarily enough nutrients
- lots of exercise to stay "fit"
--> fast metabolism + strain on the heart and other parts of the body

This may sound /fit/-related, but I'm not convinced they are familiar with the actual science behind this.

Well, what does /sci/ think and which way do you live?

>> No.2994247

2nd is better. no exercise would suck.

>> No.2994261

they both kind of sound equally inadequate

>> No.2994270

normally the only problem with a fast food diet is an overabundance of sodium. Fortunately since you mentioned a,large quantity of exercise, this is a good thing. An increase in sodium is required for the habitual exerciser

>> No.2994284

Both suck.
By the way, low calorie doesn't mean healthy.

>> No.2994287


eating right AND exercising sounds good in theory, but no human being whose time isn't completely worthless can pull it off

it's either
1) be lazy but eat right so you don't waste time on meaningless activities
2) eat what you find and burn the excess calories

I prefer the first one because it feels more healthy.

personally, I always feel ashamed after exercising because I see it as a huge waste of time

>> No.2994302

But what about functional stength?

>> No.2994306

spoken like a true /sci/entist

>> No.2994314

Consideting how outdated ans incorrect most healthy eating advice is, i wouldnt be suprised if the normal diet was better for you.

>> No.2994316
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>implying a scientist needs functional strength

>> No.2994332

strong cardiovascular system means better blood flow to the brain. Sure your body is young and can do this sufficiently now, but play me in chess when we're in our sixties

>> No.2994336


dem loaded qualifiers, man

Sounds like you've already made up your mind and you just want us to agree with you.

>> No.2994354

The "strain on the heart" part caught my attention.

This may sound really stupid since I'm not very well informed when it comes to the health and fitness of the human body, but...

Doesn't fast metabolism and exercise basically kill you faster?
It might be good for you on the short run, but the human heart is one of the organs that pretty much determine your life span. If you strain it more, you die sooner.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.2994376


I'll just leave this here

>> No.2994381

I'm planning to optimize my diet in the near future.
I really hate exercising but I'd have to make it part of my daily routine if I would like to stay healthy.

A combination of both what OP said would be ideal, I think. Eat as healthy as you can (calculate your diet with software) and do a little exercise, but not too much.

>> No.2994387

Its actually the opposite. Exercise allows your heart to work more efficiently and last longer.

>> No.2994395

>strong heart means you die faster

>> No.2994417
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>> No.2994430

Okay, makes sense. I'll read on the subject sometime.

>imypling that's what I said

>> No.2994459

/fit/ science major here. Second one is probably better. I pretty much eat what I want, except pure junk, and exercise. Doc says I'm fit as an ox. You gotta find the right balance.

>> No.2994465

hello there, weakling.

>> No.2994469
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>Implying there isn't any heavy shit to lift in a lab

>> No.2994472

How about you "scientists" read about what excercise does for your brain. It is far from waste of time.

>> No.2994477

so guys, does a moderate amount of exercise have any negative effects?

I rarely do it myself but every time I do, I feel tired, disoriented and almost "dumbed down" (as in my brain doesn't seem to work well) afterwards

therefore I hate it and I've never done it on a daily basis

I'm just glad I'm not in elementary, high school and college anymore where we didn't have a choice because they basically forced it on us

fuck exercise

>> No.2994492
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It's 2011 and you're asking if exercise has negative effects?

>> No.2994499


I'm a robotics engineer. If something's too heavy to lift, I'll just build something that'll lift it for me.

>> No.2994520

enjoy being weak and lazy for the rest of your life

>> No.2994547

First option here, leaves you with loads of free time. I'm unfit but I look damn good

>> No.2994557

>waste time on meaningless activities
>can't rip yourself away from 4chan for a quick 20 minute jog every other day
/sci/ is full of intelligent driven people.

>> No.2994565

Daily exercise is the single most important thing you can do for your health.

>> No.2994569

Doing it wrong can cause physical injury. But thats about it.

>> No.2994571
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That's the right attitude there!


I didn't realize /sci/ had "gym filling" people like this.

>> No.2994581

When you first start body is like "wtf are you doing to me". But after about 3 days and onward of exercising, body adjusts and is like "Hey man this is pretty cool"

>> No.2994582

Sure is butthurt in here. Name one reason why regular exercise would hamper your ability to pursue academic/intellectual interests.

>> No.2994586


>> No.2994601

I'm not against exercise, but those guys replied like some brute whose only achievement in life is being a big dumb piece of meat.

>> No.2994621

If anything, it's made me a more motivated person with my studies. Deciding to start going to the gym was one of the best decisions I've ever made. People never assume a guy like me is getting a PhD in biochemistry.

>> No.2994625

No, thats just how you interpreted their comments. Were they rude? sure, but this is the internet, its expected. It doesn't mean they're meatheads, or that they're wrong.

>> No.2994657
File: 19 KB, 385x330, 1303843757355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm.. don't people with fast metabolism tend to have a higher chance of getting cancer?

Just sayin'.

>> No.2994674

There is no relation between your metabolism and cancer.

>> No.2994695

There is more evidence to suggest exercise prevents cancer.

>> No.2994713

>dat pic

"I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"

>> No.2994735

>Exercise is unhealthy for the heart and for the body

Wow, so this is what sheltered pseudo-intellectual self-righteous overweight neck-beards that have never gotten any exercise in their life can really convince themselves of so they wouldn't have to get off their arse.

>> No.2994752

you're right, fat people who can't walk up a hill without becoming out of breath have less chance of cancer and death than people who can cycle the tour de france

>> No.2994766
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But SUGAR is good for you, right?


>> No.2994796

Refined sugar is fine if you need additional carbohydrates in your diet and already have met your nutritional needs concerning vitamins and minerals.

>> No.2994813

The human heart is not only a muscle, it is also a battery. You can do cardio every day and be a peak performance athlete, but still drop dead from electrolyte imbalances. Exercise is important for cardiovascular health, but to say it is more important than a healthy diet and being adequately hydrated is a rather brash conclusion.

>> No.2994894
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Psst.. that pony is a sugar addict, please don't enable her.

>> No.2994904

Ms sparkles i clearly remember seeing you eat a larger than suggested portion of apple crisp.

>> No.2994923
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Anyone knows any good software for planning one's diet?

Not some web based crap that first asks all your private info and than lets you put together your diet manually. Something more advanced.

>> No.2994936
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>he thinks apple crisp has the same effect as sugar.

>> No.2994947
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Fine. Busted.

>> No.2994952

Excel spreadsheet and a guide book.

>> No.2994959

>looks at filename

thats not pinky you dumbass

>> No.2994985

write your own

that's what I'm doing as a sort of hobby project
(okay okay, I'm slightly overweight)

I fill its database with recipes and it calculates an optimal diet for me that contains all the suggested daily nutrients

it's not that hard if you're into programming. just get some books on nutrients and some good recipes

>> No.2995000
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1303864774141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw any thread can turn into a pony thread nowadays

By the way, what kind of exercise does /sci/ do then?

>> No.2995007

fuck off you cunt. i got b& for posting ponies. you better get b& too. luckily its easy to get unb& but still. if i cant do it neither can you, fucktard

>> No.2995008

Weight lifting and cycling

>> No.2995025
File: 121 KB, 362x456, 130429877275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that file called "Pinkie..."?

Real Pinkie is upset.

>> No.2995033

>any thread can turn into a pony thread = absolute truth

Let's see. I'm occasionally jogging and... yeah that's pretty much it.

>> No.2995066
File: 26 KB, 389x426, martianss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like too heavy excersice, but I do some jogging once in a while.

I guess no excercise at all and only brain activity is what has lead to think of extraterrestrials in sci-fi media as small body people and big heads... like maybe they'e stopped making any sports and exercise by hundreds of years.

>> No.2995155

Soo... exercising slows down the evolution of the human race?


Yeah, once our medical knowledge advances far enough to compensate for the lack of physical activity, we can boost the growth of our brains by thinking arr day erry day.

>> No.2995196