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2989078 No.2989078 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: stupid parent general

I'll start

>I'm 22 years old
>Mother is 48 years old
>she still thinks common cold is not a viral infection
>she wont let me leave her house without 2 jackets
>i already live alone

>> No.2989089

ITT: whiney bitches.

>> No.2989084

Then she won't know. Who cares? Old people will old.

>> No.2989092

srsly bro

>> No.2989096

it increases your vulnerability though

>> No.2989090

>i already live alone
>forever alone

>> No.2989104

cant wait til all the old people die so religion and pseudoscience and all their old wives tales can die with them

>> No.2989109


Fuck yes

>> No.2989123
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>it's hot here
>mum has fans blasting through the entire house
>i try to explain it only works if you can feel the air actually moving
>she refuses to believe it
>even leaves fans on when we aren't home
>"it cools the air by moving it"

>> No.2989127
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>24 years old
>Parents suggest that I shouldnt major in physics because there are no jobs
>Continue to suggest I should study engineering instead

>> No.2989139

that is potentially true if you leave the windows open.

>> No.2989148

Here in Europe, I can tell you, engineers are usually picked up straight from university - there is almost no fight for jobs, since electrical and mechanical engineers are are high in demand..

>> No.2989159


>doesn't understand what convection is

>> No.2989162

i suggest you look at the job market first before making a decision. the whole "do what you like and the money will come" is all bull.

>> No.2989173
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>cant wait til all the people die so religion and pseudoscience and all their old wives tales can die with them

>> No.2989175

>my mom
>double clicks web links

>> No.2989189

strange, I didn't think I was on /b/.

are they play some sort of joke?

>> No.2989193
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>he doesn't care about his immune system

>> No.2989199

mine too, mom's just like the sound of clicks i think.

>> No.2989208

>stepmother still refuses to believe cigarettes increase the risk of lunge cancer because "it's not proven that everyone who smokes will get cancer"

>> No.2989222


Ok, I admit it, I'm fucking mad.

My mum doesn't understand the difference between Correllation and causation, FUCKING DAILY MAIL BULLSHIT: HURP LIBERALS CAUSE CANCER DERP

>> No.2989236

>get minor cold once in a while
>he thinks vitamin tablets are the magical; cure for anything and aren't just placebo money scams
>he thinks adults shouldn't get sick ever

>> No.2989240
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>> No.2989254


I used to take a multivitamin every day and got a cold every 2 years, and would get over it in a couple days. Then I stopped taking them (money issues) and now I get sick 2-3x a year and it lasts about a week.

There is definitely some wisdom in taking vitamins to fill in for what your diet leaves behind. True you technically shouldn't need vitamins with a truly proper diet, but who actually eats that every day? Also there are some vitamins where extra amounts can be beneficial.

>> No.2989256

ITT: Butthurt underage high school fags.

>> No.2989270

if a healthy adult, especially 20-40 years old, gets anything more than a scratchy throat/stuffed nose for more than 2-3 days, they have vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

rare exceptions in flu season, but still the severity is the same, they can just last for a bit longer, but this is maybe once every 3-5 years.

>> No.2989279

>True you technically shouldn't need vitamins with a truly proper diet, but who actually eats that every day?
Half of /fit/.

>> No.2989291


shut up dad

>> No.2989303

thats being generous. most of them are supplement users, and very few of the ones who don't actually have all vitamin and mineral bases covered.

>> No.2989369

This one gets me. But the other side of it is frustrating too, people who fly off the handle when you point out that it hasn't been directly related.
I mean it's a pissweak argument, sure, but it's not wrong.

>> No.2989403

But there's enough evidence and statistics to infer that there is.

>> No.2989415

i think he was saying "not every smoker gets lung cancer" argument is technically true but retard tier. some get hit by cars, tons die of CVD and various noncancer disease.

>> No.2989447

Right, but "not every smoker gets lung cancer" does not mean that smoking does not cause cancer, which is what some people think.

>> No.2989562
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>Daily Mail

>> No.2989685
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MFW religion could become extinct within 10 countries in a few generations

>> No.2989696


Read as

>mom's just like the sound of dicks i think

>> No.2989708
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I've found your mom really does.

>> No.2989722

whats the sound of one dick fapping?

>check it out liis, *fap, fap, fap*

>> No.2989823

>doesn't want to study engineering
>posts chief engineer of the Enterprise

>> No.2989894

>mother tells me she's a christian
>I tell her that she can't be a christian, as she doesn't believe in god
>tells me she's still a christian, because she believes in "compassion"
>I ask her what about all that other stuff in the bible, like stoning gays
>says she doesn't support that
>I think i should be fair and ask her about a more positive thing in the bible, like "love thine enemy"
>cuts me off before i can explain that in my opinion, this means you should not be unnecessarily cruel to your enemy
>tells me she thinks that's stupid
>asks me what she is then, "an antichrist?"

>mfw my mother doesn't know what the word christian means
>mfw my mother doesn't know what the word antichrist means
>mfw my mother thinks that she's not a christian, her religious identity must still be somehow related to christianity

>> No.2989938

>raised with my parents not caring what religion I am
>naturally, being a logical person with access to the internet, I become atheist
>visiting my mom one christmas
>she found jesus or something
>she makes us go to church everyday
>alright, I'll do it for you mom
>she tells me the biggest mistake she made raising me was letting me be an atheist
>she gives me a big guilt trip and says she's willing to forgive as long as I go to church every day from now on
>get angry that she thinks I'm a fuckup for not believing in her stupid fairies
>tell her to fuck off and I never spend christmas with her again

Yeah I admit I was being a jerk too but fuck religon. I still hate my mom, for unrelated reasons.

>> No.2989941

>>Talk about neato physics shit with stepdad for a while (including multiverse, spin, gravity affecting time
>>at the end, he says "yeah, well I don't believe in that stuff"
>>Well there's just no way that this stuff could be real

>> No.2989979
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>Well there's just no way that this stuff could be real

>> No.2990044

All of my sentiments. All of them.

>> No.2990058

My mom cried when I left to live on my own in another country. That was pretty stupid.

>> No.2990080


There is not "an" antichrist, there is only "the" antichrist!

The antichrist isn't even that important in the grand scheme of things, even. He's just Hell's last recruiting gamble and the firing gun of the apocalypse. The big stuff is the ten-horned seven-headed dragon and the Four Horsemen.

>> No.2990085

ten horned seven headed dragon. sounds like HAARP to me.

>> No.2990099

>60+ years old
>still have imaginary friends

>> No.2990103

you're a psychopath. well, that's not surprising since this is 4chan.

>> No.2990113

my imaginary friends didn't get interesting UNTIL i turned 60.

>> No.2990122

Actually that post made me feel uneasy too after reading it.