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2983951 No.2983951 [Reply] [Original]

Why are futurists such faggots?

>> No.2983957

Because they aint got drugs yet, so they hold onto their life, they holdone to their little gonads, and strife.

>> No.2983959

That thing is just asking to be bombed

>> No.2983964

enjoy your stagnant technology/society, primitivefag

>> No.2983968

It will take it like a true tank!

>> No.2984015

Here, lemme give an example.

Azerbaijan has a GDP of $45 billion, and a 48% annual growth rate.

Therefore, by the year 2050, Azerbaijan should be the largest economy on Earth, by far. The United States, the European Union and the Chinese will be desperately fighting for crumbs from Azerbaijan's table.

There is no flaw in my logic whatsoever.

>> No.2984032
File: 47 KB, 209x215, 1300685342866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome our new Azerbaijani overlords.

>> No.2984068

>Ray Kurzweil: "I predicted that _____ would be available for $20 in any given store by the year 2000. Instead, a mock-up prototype of _____ was built by the University of Tokyo at a cost of $50 million. It didn't work very well, consumed a massive amount of electricity, and no further interest or development has been shown in that technology. Therefore, I'm going to have to classify my prediction only as "mostly correct".

>> No.2984077

Azerbaijani are turkish people.

This means they zerg rush and then epically fail until they reach sufficient numbers again.

>> No.2984093


Ah you're just fucking hatin'.

>> No.2984099

Most of them don't realize that the most important thing needing improvement is H. sapiens itself. Biology will as yet prove the master of the sciences.

>> No.2984112

>>that picture

either that "ordinary tank" in front is ridiculously tiny or those people inside the future war tank and in the trenches are gigantic genetically-engineered super-men

>> No.2984116

because Corbusier liked taking it up the ass?

>> No.2984133

lolololol i'm a neuroscience fag
>mfw i seem to be the only person seeing the imminent convergence going on

We're rapidly decoding the electrical signals nerve cells and sensory organs use to send information to the brain. Lots of current research is going on related to that, with blind/deaf people. We pretty much understand how the senses of the skin work.

Stem cell research will greatly help Alzheimer and dementia patients, and we're rapidly gaining knowledge about them.

My prediction: by 2060 science will give humanity what religion only promised. Heaven, in the form of 'brain banks.' They will be highly subsidized by the government. Each brain/user is going to have a personal AI 'bot' that will help facilitate their eternity there. Various brains will be linked together to form stasis-pod cultures.

They will make money in multiple ways
1) Reality TV? Naw. People who have made agreements pre-death (or hell, after death to gain 'virtual currency' to buy more 'digital' perks) will allow you to follow their mental fantasies. It wont be TV and cable programs anymore. It will be different personal realities.

2) Anything designed/produced by the people in the brain bank will be partial property of those running it.

3) people will pay their entire lives so that when they die they can be put in a brain bank. The government will pass laws dictating that you cant be put in stasis if you commit suicide.

Increases in virtual reality will help change cultural norms and get people to accept this idea.

This will completely change society and people's fundamental sense of motivation.

Or maybe i'm just high. You decide.

>> No.2984142


I mean, fuck guys, this shit is coming. Faster and faster each day.

>> No.2984148

I think it's funny that you think that bullshit is somehow less far-fetched than Christianity.

In fact, it might be part of the human condition that everyone needs some crazy implausible thing to have faith in.

>> No.2984157


1.Take prediction
2. add two years
3. multiply by three

>> No.2984166

>talk about futurists in general

>post BS sci-fi shit from 80's

Sci-fi writers have no sense of scale, and most aren't even scientists, so we can't expect them to be doing things all hard-sci-fi. Especially since projections of the future keep coming up overly or under ambitious, and unforseen things (collapse of the Soviet Union, internet) change history in unforeseeable ways.

>> No.2984183

I think future but then think people still talking in terms of body parts and rocks as measure and the two just don't...

...Better use of energy & generation would be nice to see in a few years...hopes of a space elevator in my time would be nice

>> No.2984205

I dunno, I think they lack the basic skeptical portion of the scientific method. Also, if they weren't 1st world bastards, they'd be probably most adherent religionists.

>> No.2984211

good thing the tank has open windows you can throw stuff in.

>> No.2984235

I agree with both of these statements to a basic extent. The "brain bank" approach is one of many. The most intriguing part for me, when I thought up of the idea independently, was the idea of Heaven being owned. Privatizing the afterlife definitely comes with ethical issues. This approach will most likely be for lower/middle income people, if at all. If you can hook up a brain to a network, you can hook it up to a robot body. Ghost in the Shell > "brain bank".

Whatever the case, once this immortality occurs and brings about a new technological renaissance, every field of science will flourish.

As for implausible beliefs, my 'religion' is the belief that scientific discovery and innovation will occur at an exponential rate for some time.

>> No.2984285
File: 138 KB, 361x274, Picture 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's obviously one of these, you nitwit

>> No.2984296


Well, I thought about the robot thing. I figured laws would probably be passed prohibiting putting a human brain into a robotic body, for ethical/safety reasons. The only thing we'd allow is a 'brain bank.'

I have no doubt many people have come up with this independently (the matrix)

I just think we're at a unique point in history, we exist at a time where it will be plausible, during our life, to sustain our brains forever.

>> No.2984307

>Why are futurists such faggots?
Because engineers want to feel that their work is part of something important rather than that they're just creating more consumer conveniences. So they're more likely to become futurists than straight people are.

>> No.2984313

What if somebody sabotages the brain bank and holds all the brains hostage? The fact that so many brains are tied up together makes the whole system vulnerable. There would also be no privacy.

>> No.2984324



>implying Muslims will give up their religion

>> No.2984330

I pretty much insist that as religion declines, the police state and technology will be used as the primary form of social indoctrination. You just need to look at the UK to see how atheism pretty much forces the government to use technology to replace the belief of god.

This such as his omniscience is replaced by all prevasive CCTV. The next step is the AI used to pull out CCTV footage that is of interest, as currently thats the only thing keeping full blow security apparatus from gaining the all knowing eye.

Thats why they've been working hard on facial and object recognition (aside from the awesome factor).

At the end of the day, a society of atheists has a greater need for 'empirical' evidence that their fellow man is acting in a moral manner, and evil deeds are curbed.

>> No.2984337

Because they like the aspect of a cock being shoved up their ass in the near future.

>> No.2984342

right because religious people are always moral and only atheists commit crimes.

>> No.2984347

But at least religion provides a moral compass whereas anything goes in atheism.

>> No.2984349

>mfw the tank has lasers and the planes still have propellers

>> No.2984391
File: 89 KB, 480x360, sp_1013_12_v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is more than a body of knowledge
It's a way of thinking
A way of skeptically interrogating the universe

If we are not able to ask skeptical questions
To be skeptical of those in authority
Then we're up for grabs

In all of science we're looking for a balance
between data and theory

You don't have to delude yourself
With Iron Age fairy tales

The same spiritual fulfillment
That people find in religion
Can be found in science
By coming to know, if you will, the mind of God

>> No.2984407
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>> No.2984410
File: 11 KB, 240x228, everything is so bland today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is technology getting uglier and uglier?

pic related, computers don't look awesome any more

>> No.2984413
File: 8 KB, 256x197, awesome car..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even cars don't look awesome any more

>> No.2984417

No, Its that atheists have no set believe.

Look at it through Game Theory, such as the prisoners dillemma. You can believe all you want that two atheists will know and logically deduce the right actions so they both benefit, but given that they have no strict belief except skepticism, it's less likely two atheists would derive the same correct answer.

On the other hand, indoctrinated religious people don't have to derive anything, as they believe one strict answer.

And if you consider religion a form of game theory on societal behavior, it seems odd to assert that atheists will always come out ahead if their rally cry is just "Be skeptical and think about the answer."

Take the montehall problem. A religion could sprout up that demands you always switch doors when given a choice. This happens by chance to provide the best solution.

An atheist however, despite being skeptical, may not psychologically be able to derive the correct and most probable answer.

As such, in this imaginary (Farcical) world, Atheists would do worse than this imaginary religion.

I guess it comes down to ignoring the evolution of society and how religion and indoctrination don't specifically mean someone is going to end up believing things that are harmful to society. If that religion determined the monte hall problem correctly, and indoctrinated youth to it, why would we want them to stop teaching it? Why would we disregard this situation when we know that an atheist would do nothing special and could not on the spot derive the correct answer?

Theres a reason the army's of the world teach soldiers blind leadership in war.

>> No.2984418

>Computer advertisement in 2000
>"It has this many megs of ram! This many gigahertz of CPU speed! This many gigabytes of HD space! This model of video card!"

>Computer advertisement in 2011
>"It comes with Facebook and Twitter apps pre-installed! Customized colors and patterns available! Geek Squad Antivirus Installation for only $399 extra"

>> No.2984419

What degrees do you have?

What lab shit do you use? MRI scanners?

What do you test on?

If you started testing on let's say humans instead of rats/mice, how much would neuroscience advance?

(unrelated) code word for future self: blow up NT

>> No.2984420

If you watch this board long enough, you'll realize people who do science and people who like science arn't both rational skeptics.

Hence, OP's deriding futurists.

>> No.2984424

how in the fuck is downloaded consciousness into a computer possible?

>> No.2984427


You are a fucking idiot and/or a very poor troll. Please go to /v/ or /b/ where your idiocy will be treated with the dismissal it deserves.

>> No.2984428
File: 206 KB, 800x1149, electroniclibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futurists seem to be right about 50% of the time.

>> No.2984432

I hope computers of the future don't use GUI anymore.

It's such a hassle and is retarded.

no need for it at all

>> No.2984434

That PC looks ugly as shit. And I hate to admit it, but one thing Apple has on the PC is aesthetics.

>> No.2984440
File: 45 KB, 540x310, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a hipster fag

computer's today look ugly as fuck

pic related, now this is a beautiful computer

>> No.2984442
File: 728 KB, 1108x1600, predictions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predictions from 1900, some came true, some may take a little longer, some are just dumb

>> No.2984443

No, you're a troll.

If you can't think rationally, then all you're doing is being a nominal atheist.

If you get angry at the idea of society evolving rules that benefit society without documenting them, then you're a fucking moron.

If you think posting on /sci/ makes you more intelligent, well, then you're in the right place.

>irony, you has it

>> No.2984487

your imaginary religion could be replaced with a math textbook...

>> No.2984508

That one is surprisingly good. If anything, the best comedy comes from how conservative some of the guesses are.

>"In the year 2000, photographs will be telegraphed and people will live to age 50!"

I don't get what the guy has against consonants, though, and it's a bit funny how much of a railfag he is.

Oh, and
>a penny will pay the fare from the suburb to the city
That actually might have happened if the Federal Reserve didn't come along.

>> No.2984647


Congratulations, your grand theory is completely fucking retarded because the myth of the UK being a surveillance state came from one study, quoted by a tabloid, that actually included all privately owned CCTV systems in addition to public security systems.

The UK does not employ a massive team of spies to keep the population under control, because the UK is incredibly banal in any case. The camera system we do have, although comprehensive, is simply used to help guide police usually to flashpoints of antisocial behaviour, which invariably are just groups of drunken twats in our gloriously shit town centres.

Nothing Orwellian here, move along.

>> No.2984656
File: 13 KB, 148x149, 1279926388736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just need to look at the UK to see how atheism pretty much forces the government to use technology to replace the belief of god
>technologically advanced

Oh lord

>> No.2984678

Heh. Nah, just know they have more atheists than the USA.

>> No.2984682

Oh lord.

You really have a hatred for religion don't you?

>> No.2984690

More muslims, too

>> No.2984691

Yeah, but using electricty as an injection? Nope.

I said before futurists are right about 50% of things and the other 50% is usually fucking stupid.

>> No.2984696

Really? You think 7 billion people are gonna be able to in any given, random, spontaneous situation be able to make the right choice from an infinite number of different Montehall problems?

Is this your argument? You'd have to presuppose that religion, poverty and intelligence arn't dependent systems.

Answers that are intuitive guide people sub-consciously all the time. Psychology is the study of how people are easily, despite education, persuaded by the wrong details of reality.

This is the same about the monte hall problem.

Why don't you read the wonderful anecdotes about the monte hall problem.


>> No.2984698

You poor thing. Hate religion more please.

kk thx

>> No.2984708

The "1901 predicts 2001" page looks a lot higher than 50%.

So I presume you mean there's other futurist stuff that is a lot LOWER than 50%, which I'm inclined to agree with.

>> No.2984734

I'm not the Dawkins worshipper but the monty hall problem isn't a big deal. There is a 2/3 chance of picking the goat and switching when you pick the goat always results in success. It's pretty obvious an a bad example of where instinct doesn't work.

Then there are examples where instinct is faster than abstract thought such as the "rearrange these coins to make a triangle" problem.

>> No.2984804

>thread starts on a topic unrelated to religion
>quickly devolves into debate on religion
only on sci...

>> No.2984821

I'm merely trying to demonstrate how 'blind belief' can in theory come out better than 'rational analysis' when we are given a random person (out of 7 billion) and place them in a situation such as the monty hall problem, and ask what is the probability that this person given either critical thinking skills or a set pattern already identified.

For this to work, you have to believe that evolution in culture would refine our societal beliefs.

The point I guess is fixed beliefs aren't necessarily evil, which is usually the tendency that atheists argue against religious belief (general belief of all forms of religious indoctrination).

>> No.2984844


can we get back to the original topic?