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2976815 No.2976815 [Reply] [Original]

(2 marks)
What do i do? completely lost

The length L of a rectangle is decreasing at the rate of 2 cm per second, and the width
W is increasing at the rate of 4 cm per second. Find the rate of change of the area
when L=13 cm and W=10 cm.

>> No.2976848

regarding your pic, OP: what the fuck? is it just me or 20 minutes is the right answer?

>> No.2976858

nah, amount of pieces is proportional to time.
to saw it into 1 piece is 5 minutes.
sawing it into 2 pieces takes twice as long, so 10 minutes. sawing it into 3 pieces take 3 time as long as 1 piece.
so 3X5 = 15 minutes.

20 minutes would be to saw it into 4 pieces.

>> No.2976859

yeh, just an example of why the US education system is failing haha.

>> No.2976864


Troll or retard
It takes 10 minutes to cut once to have 2 pieces. It will take another 20 minutes to cut again to have 3.

>> No.2976872

why does the next cut take twice as long? thats 30 minutes in total. it says she works att he same speed.

>> No.2976867

@EK it only takes 1 cut to cut a board into 2 pieces and therefore only 2 cuts to cut it into 3 pieces


>> No.2976870


>to saw it into 1 piece is 5 minutes.

>> No.2976871
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>cutting something into 1 piece

>> No.2976875


You best be trolling.

If you cut a board in half. It takes a certain amount of time. 1 cut in half = one fixed amount of time.

Just because you cut something twice, doesnt make the rate at which you made each cut faster.

A = LW

Something something answer asnwer

>> No.2976877

OP HERE, that was no the question haha, does anyone know how to solve the question i posted?

>> No.2976878

what does "to saw into one piece" even mean?
way i see it: 1 cut takes 10 minute, so 2 cuts (which produce 3 fucking pieces) take 20 minutes.

>> No.2976879
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>> No.2976882

Ill help OP. Think of the formula for the area of a triangle. Now think of the differential shit you learned so far. Try to model it.

>> No.2976886


thanks a lot i'll try now

>> No.2976888

Guys I tried to cut a board into one piece once. I took me like, an hour. Im never doing that again.

>> No.2976889


>> No.2976890

That picture makes me hate with all the power of my soul.

Regarding your question, OP, I'm going to give you a few obvious and probably not helpful answers.

First, it's a related rates problem, and the question asks you for A'. A=LW, and you can implicitly differentiate and plug in numbers pretty easily if you rewrite in terms of only l's or w's. The trouble is that you've got to account for the L and the W as well, and I'm not entirely sure how that should be done. If I had to guess, I'd find the rate of change of A with only L decreasing and then only W increasing, find the rate of decrease at L=13, find the rate of increase at W=10, and combine them. No promises there though.

>> No.2976897

lol, cant believe how many responses that got. sorry for derailing the thread OP.

>> No.2976900


> implying that your post wasn't serious

>> No.2976902
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>> No.2976905

change in A = (13-2t)x(10+4t)
-8t^2 + 32t + 130

>> No.2976906

<span class="math">\frac{d L}{dt} = 2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\frac{dW}{dt} = 4[/spoiler]
<span class="math">Area = L W <span class="math">
\frac{d Area}{dt} =\frac{dL}{dt} W + \frac{dW}{dt}L
\frac{d Area}{dt} =2*10 + 4*13
\frac{dArea}{dt} = 72\frac{cm}{sec} [/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.2976907


EK is like the boy that cried wofl. Except that instead of saying wolf, she just says something retarded.

>> No.2976913
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>> No.2976915

thanks heaps hahaha, didn't realise how simple it was

>> No.2976922

pff, i'm insulted you guys actually think i'm stupid enough to believe its possible to cut it into 1 piece.
its already in 1 piece, if its still in 1 piece you havent even cut it.

>> No.2976923

whoops, misread question;
<span class="math">\frac{dt}{dL}=-2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\frac{d Area}{dt} =\frac{dL}{dt} W + \frac{dW}{dt}L [/spoiler]
<span class="math">\frac{d Area}{dt} =-2*10 + 4*13[/spoiler]
<span class="math"> \frac{dArea}{dt} = 32\frac{cm}{sec}[/spoiler]

>> No.2976926

can you please explain your post. what does frac mean?

thanks OP

>> No.2976927


I hate to be picky. But ultimately, you've written:

Area = 72cm/sec

And that is confusing as fucking hell for amateur math students, when people use equal signs loosely like that.

>> No.2976929
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OP, you are making me rage... to post reference just click on the persons number, don't greentext and type it in, because it isn't even a link, and you are writing it in slowhand when you can have it as an automatic input.

>> No.2976932

you get what I mean, put the correct values in the correct place
the answer is 14

>> No.2976936
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Nailed it.

>pff, i'm insulted you guys actually think i'm stupid enough to believe its possible to cut it into 1 piece.

You're not?

>> No.2976934

my comp is fucked. can't click any active scripts on any website for some reason.

>> No.2976935
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>> No.2976938


put two of these in front of the post number >>

>> No.2976943


well anyway, its a double >> and then the number you want to reference, not a single >

and i lol'd on the 3rd clip he misses the pot...

>> No.2976951

EDIT: he misses on the 4th pot.

>> No.2976952
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>> No.2976963
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you have some strange gifs...

>> No.2976974

Area = W x L

d(Area)/dt = L x dW/dt + W x dL/dt
d(Area)/dt = 13*4 + 10*2
= 72 <span class="math">\frac{cm^2}{sec}[/spoiler]

>> No.2976985

same mistake I did, <span class="math">\frac{d L}{dt} = -2[/spoiler]
I also naffed up on my tags

>> No.2977015
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pic = or > your teacher

>> No.2977055
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Both 15 minutes and 20 minutes can be correct.

Imagine we have a plank with a length and a width of 'x'. Sawing 'x' takes 10 minutes. So, whether we cut the length or the width, cutting the plank in two pieces takes 10 minutes. Now, we have two planks: both of them have a lengt of 'x' and a width of '0.5x'. Now, depending whether we cut in length or in width shall decide whether it will take 5 minutes, or 10. If we cut the length, in other words 'x', we will have to add another 10 minutes to our original 10 minutes, resulting in a total of 20 minutes. If we cut the width, in other words '0.5x', we will only have to add half of 10 minutes because the amount we have to saw is just half of the original, thus resulting in a total of 15 minutes.

The problem is that the question does not specify the dimensions of the plank nor does it say whether the pieces are supposed to be of equal size. Cutting off two corners will also result in the plank having been sawed in three pieces, for example.

tl;dr: shitty question

>> No.2977064
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there was a whole thread about this before. notice that on OP's picture the 'plank' is a very thin rod of wood,
so it isnt a flat square board like you are imagining.

secondly, you can invent an infinite ways to make smaller cuts and make more pieces. on your square board analogy you could cut off a tiny segment from one of the corners, and you would have made an extra piece, in not much time at all.

presuming that all cuts are the same length, (so you cut the width of the board, and then the width of the board again) then the answer is 20 minutes.

>> No.2977067

sorry my bad, i only read the 1st half of your post and then guessed the rest of it to save me some time. you already mentioned the corner thing.

>> No.2977078
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My point was that the question is shitty exactly because there are so many possible answers. If however the question is rephrased in such a way that all cuts have to be of the same length, then the answer is indeed 20 minutes.

The teacher in OP's pic is not retarded because he chose the wrong answer, which he didn't, but because he didn't recognize that pretty much any answer is correct.

>> No.2977081

no, the teacher is still retarded. look at how they justify the answer for 15. it was the same thing i put in my trollpost, it implies 5 minutes to make 0 cuts.

>> No.2977085
File: 19 KB, 589x375, 1272664449534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glancing over OP's picture again indeed makes it clear what thinking process the teacher used to get to his answer, which indeed is pretty much retarded. Surely a teacher of all people should be able to think logically?

>> No.2977089

becoming a teacher is not particularly difficult.
intelligence not necessarily required, particularly to teach low level maths like that.

>> No.2977092
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lol, also, use grammar.
"surely a teacher, of all people, should ..."

otherwise it means 'someone who teaches all people'

>> No.2977095
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>> No.2977097
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I fear for the future when a teacher, nay, when any person cannot solve such an easy problem.

>> No.2977098
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punctuation, not grammar. my bad.

>> No.2977103
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Bitch, I'm too gangster to use commas.

>> No.2977110

meh, its forgivable. if you glanced over the question and didnt think about it properly and just saw the numbers, you would see the change from 2 to 3 as an increase of 50% and apply that 50% to time for the answer.

you have to realise that cuts = n-1 (where n = number of pieces after the cut)
so realise you should be considering 1 cut to 2 cuts, an increase of 100%, and apply that to time.

>> No.2977124
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> if you glanced over the question and didnt think about it properly

I'm not sure what's worse: a teacher not having the intelligence to find out the right answer, or a teacher not having the patience to read the question properly.

>> No.2977131
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The question is unambiguous and the teacher is wrong.

Also EK, you SUCK. AGAIN.

Yeah. I'm THAT dude again

>> No.2977138

its understandable. marking, like any repetitive task, is something people get bored with, they try and take shortcuts, skip steps and get the work done in the lowest possible time.

similarly, i didn't fully read >>2977055 and so i repeated what he already said about the corners.

its like, whenever someone posts 'shit is so cash' again, you dont fully read it, you read the first line, realise what it is, and presume the rest of it is what you remember it to be, so you can post a reply to something you have only partly read.

>> No.2977142

i suck, you agree with me?

fine by me. if i can only have one, i prefer to be correct rather than admired.

>> No.2977143

Ah I see. There are 2 groups here: Those that are looking at this in a mathematical sense, and those that are looking at it in a physical sense

>> No.2977148

I hope that retarded tripfag is an English major...

>> No.2977161
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Either way the answer is the same, so exactly what are you trying to say?

>> No.2977169

No, zoology major. But speaking and writing properly is worthwhile.

>> No.2977176

EK's underage. Someone please ban him.

>> No.2977186

I'm majoring in zoology, therefore ive clearly passed high school, therefore i am clearly overage.
you're talking shit.

>> No.2977469

neeever mind the more I look at it the more I realise my logic fails

1 cut = 10
2 cuts = 20

if it was 'creating' pieces the teacher would be correct

2 pieces = 10
3 pieces = 15
