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File: 131 KB, 774x572, My_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2974550 No.2974550 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know what kind of computer /sci/ uses.

Pic related, it's mine. Inb4 macfag must die, etc.

>> No.2974558

Thinkpad W510, Linux.

>> No.2974572

What's the appeal of linux

seriously, i dont get it

>> No.2974576

Cool. I was thinking about getting one, but then changed my mind. What Linux?

>> No.2974578


brofist from a fellow linuxfag, always wanted to buy a thinkpad.

>> No.2974583

It wasn't cheap (despite huge student discount), I'd buy it again.

Linux is Ubuntu, I'm not very experienced with Linux, so I chose one that babysits me. Won't upgrade to 11.04 though, the only thing that sucks more than gnome 3 is unity. But I'll worry about that when I kill my OS by accident again. ;)

>> No.2974584

I used to run Ubuntu on my old Thinkpad, a computer so old that it was made by IBM and not Lenovo. Ran it smoothly.

>> No.2974586

Custom built desktop with windows server 2008/Debian

Debian netbook

>> No.2974587
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>> No.2974594

Macbook pro as well - Shit, if my parents will pay for it! - but I run fedora on it.

>> No.2974596

>What's the appeal of linux
What's the appeal of Windows?

I'll tell you why I'll never go back: command line. I could write you a page of linux fanboy arguments here now that I also support, but even without those: the command line is enough.

>> No.2974602

free, OS is relatively simple compared to windows so if you want to fidget with your computer to figure out how it works you can.
Some sciency software works for unix/linux but is not provided for windows, or the windows version isn't really used or supported well.

>> No.2974607

wow that really explains it to me

command line? great response retard.

>> No.2974611


>implying windows doesn't have command line
>i use command line so i l33t h4x0r nao

>> No.2974613

can you use mac progrmas like xcode with linux? or is that mac only

>> No.2974616


kernels aren't compatible so no, if it doesn't have a linux version you can't.

>> No.2974617

I don't think you know how Linux works and what's possible with it if you're comparing cmd (even the MS powershell) to it.

>> No.2974620

Hey OP, wouldn't it have just been cheaper to buy a standard laptop and install the Mac OS?

>> No.2974636
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>wow that really explains it to me

>> No.2974637

Sure, I could. I like Apple products, and I don't care if they're expensive. They look good, and don't fail me when I need them. All I need.

>> No.2974641


I don't think you know how Windows works and what's possible with it if you're comparing bash (even the shell scripts) to it.

Meh, not in the mood for trolling though

>> No.2974643

Enjoying your summer?

>> No.2974644

But you could do something useful with the excess money you saved.

>> No.2974646

I think apple tries to make this hard for you. I think technically the license the software comes with says the OS is for use on apple hardware.

I know apple shut down a company a year or two ago for selling PC hardware with OSX installed on it.

>> No.2974647
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>> No.2974654

bedtime. good night
semester starts monday :(

>> No.2974661

dell inspiron e1505 that is about 5 years old now

used it all through undergrad. Now that I'm in grad school I think i'll build a desktop soon. Probably going to wait until at least bulldozer comes out

>> No.2974662

If it were custom built though it shouldn't be a problem right?

>> No.2974665

Yeah, I probably could. I just wasn't in the mood to hunt for some special pimped out non-Apple PC, and just wanted to stick with what I knew worked.

>> No.2974666

Applefag here.

Buy a Mac, support the company. They are single handedly saving the industry.

>> No.2974673

Semester starts Monday?
What kind of program are you doing? I just got on my break.

>> No.2974675
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So how about those four cores?
I'd blow you for that thing.
Right now, I have an Acer Aspire One netbook to which I added a 4GB RAM card, dual booted Ubuntu and Windows 7, and scrambled the keyboard into DSK.

Pic related, it's me screwing around with my computer.

>> No.2974690


Can't trust the words of the devil.

>> No.2974704

I was unaware that the computer industry even needed saving...

>> No.2974706

best troll evar. so good I have to bite.

WTF are you talking about "saving the industry". I don't think consumer electronics were facing extinction before iCrap came to the market. They produce a good product and charge a super premium for it. Their market share is small but they make an inordinate amount of the profits.

Also, they treat their iPhone developers like doo doo. Not quite so bad now that Android provides an alternative platform for developers to work on. For example, not too long ago apple was disallowing anything that wasn't written directly in objective C to keep developers from developing applicaitons that working on multiple platforms (i.e. Android).

>> No.2974729

Also, iPhone location snooping built into iOS!

First they say "Oh, but we don't really do anything with the data"

But they have a patent for using phone location data for various purposes (i.e. selling to marketers etc.).

"Oh, Oh THAT patent. We totally forgot about that"

>> No.2974744

At least I'm not a virginfag

>> No.2974780

whatever, I sucked a dick yesterday

>> No.2974806

Well duh, you're a homo PC fag.

>> No.2974820


>> No.2974822

The same mid-tier self-built PC I got off of new egg in late '07. Asus P5K motherboard. Radeon 4850. Core 2 Duo.
It's served me well. I'm a cheap ass when it comes to computers. I get a new motherboard like once every 5 years or so.

Laptop? Generic Dell Vostro.

>> No.2974831

And I bet it runs everything just fine. Yet people will still fork over a fortune for something half as good.

>> No.2974833

macfags must die.

>> No.2974857

is that like log cabin republican? I thought homofags were required to have iPhones.

>> No.2974859

I build my computers myself.
Buying prebuilt PCs is for lazy people.
Buying macs is for mentally retarded people.

>> No.2974896

>Buying prebuilt PCs is for lazy people.

Or for people with good jobs that can afford to pay some irrationally smug pimply faced kid that makes $10 and hour to deal with their computer crap.

>> No.2974900

I use a MacBook. It's a hand-me-down from my dad, who teaches computer science, so I'm assuming that they have at least some merit
Regardless, I installed Windows on my Mac (which is equally shitty, considering it's a pirated copy of XP)

Considering triple-booting Ubuntu -- thoughts? I can get rid of Windows to make room if necessary

>> No.2974908

every CS prof i've had uses a Mac

>tiop 30 uni

>> No.2974916

It might be the fact that he doesn't have to pay for it -- the uni does

>> No.2974924

>Pay $20 for 15 minutes work.
I'm going to lump you in with the macfags. Since you don't consider yourself lazy and you think nothing of wasting $20-$100 you're obviously mentally retarded.

>> No.2974930

I really don't see the logic there. Metaphorically, speaking, you are better at climbing a tree if you take a harder and more frustrating route up than the easier one? Okay, I'll hand it down to you, you're better than me at climbing the tree. But you are exhausted and I am not, from doing the exact same task. That is how I see it, at least.

>> No.2974934


consider yourself schooled. Also, If you want to you can call me an idiot and clean my toilets. Only idiots pay servants to do their housekeeping.

>> No.2974935

PROTIP: they use macs because it is a way to introduce students to a *NIX environment without throwing them in the deep end.
On one hand they can use the terminal like a normal *NIX user, and on the other they can use the GUI if they freak out and don't know what to do.
Also, Apple, just like microsoft, provides VERY LARGE incentives to universities to get them to flog macs.

>> No.2974936

>from building a computer

>> No.2974937

You're congratulating yourself for making a fire with two sticks when there is a multitude of lighters right in front of you, i.e., you're an idiot

>> No.2974940

>doesn't understand specialization

Said person's job probably earns enough that the extra $20 doesn't mean much. Smug pimply faced guy has spent considerable time figuring out what electronics work best for what. It may take 15 minutes of work, but it's worth BOTH their times to engage in the transaction.

I mean, this is basic fucking economics. Like 1st week in class stuff.

>> No.2974941

Servant? Actually, I've got more money than you.
You will be poor and destitute once your trustfund runs out.
Enjoy being a snobbish hobo, you pathetic worm

>> No.2974945

It takes work to build your own PC, and if I stick to the tree-climbing metaphor, yes, you are exhausted, at least compared to me.

>> No.2974947

That's pretty much it right here. I really don't care what kind of computer I'm using. I only care about how much of my money is being spent.

>> No.2974956

Your response comes off as horribly pathetic, no matter how much money you make. It's sad, really, that you feel you need to resort to such a comment of no substance that disproves the other guy's argument.

>> No.2974962

You've obviously never built a computer.
The parts are all specifically engineered so that the right parts only fit in the right places.
You don't need to do any research at all to assemble a computer, you just put the square pegs in the square hole and the triangle pegs in the triangle hole.
It's designed so that even a brainless monkey like you could do it

>> No.2974965

oh, the mods have been remiss and allowed the riff raff into our establishment. Move along.

>> No.2974970

Assembling a desktop PC in this day and age is about on-par with assembling IKEA furniture.

>> No.2974972

>Did not read >>2974934's post.
My levels of obnoxiousness and ad hominem were set the same as the post I was replying to.
Please read the entire thread before posting.

>> No.2974973

I use a custombuilt stationary pc, on which I dualboot windows and ubuntu. I mainly use windows only for the occasional game, and ubuntu for work. Should probably switch from ubuntu though, but too lazy.

>> No.2974975

And you don't understand. I'm not talking about "the hard drive goes here". I'm talking about "you want this specific graphics card for what you're going to be doing with your computer." Apply that to cooling system, motherboard, whatever you like. It's not worth most people's time to even search in google for an answer, the $20 it costs to get a professional to do it is easily made up by the time they would have expended by searching for such answers.

>> No.2974978

Your elitism is really disgusting, I hope you know that

>> No.2974982

fucking annoying? But IKEA does give you those nice allen wrenches so you really don't need any additional tools at all.

>> No.2974983

I have, and he at least added content to his post, besides the name calling. You, however, added nothing.

>> No.2974986
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>everyone in this thread

>> No.2974987

If you're not even choosing the parts yourself then bump that $20 up to $200.
Still not worth your time?

>> No.2974989

No U

>> No.2974999

I shall second that.

I just want to know what kind of computer you use, damnit.

>> No.2975000

I have a macbook pro. Didn't pay for it, it came out of leftover finaid from freshman year. It was a pretty much a bad decision.

I like it; it boot fast and the battery life is amazing, but I could have bought a second battery for a windows laptop and stil come out spending less (maybe four or five batteries). And since, OSX has relatively low market share (I swear to fucking god, Apple's entire foray into the personal computer market happens on my campus - between the iMacs the university has and the macbooks all the students have), we can't run a lot of things or have limited customization.

I really haven't decided if I'd ever buy another.

>> No.2975002

depends on the job, then. What do you mean by bumping it up to 200? As in the parts cost more? That's irrelevant, for theoretically you are just trying to achieve the ideal PC, which you would get either way. If the PC expert is gouging you, that's another story, and my first sentence applies. It would vary by situation and you'd have to conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis of some kind before deciding (the same thing you do before you buy any product, really).

>> No.2975005

don't tell me to calm down. I bet you were given every.thing in life including that nice suit and computer.

>> No.2975018

Well it's quite possible that he's just modelling and none of that stuff actually belongs to him.
So yes

>> No.2975025

but if you're going to do an accurate cost benefit analysis you probably have the skills to make a computer yourself without much difficulty. Most people are probably willing to overpay a little (or a lot if you buy an Apple) to not have to worry about the details.

>> No.2975041

>the PC expert is gouging you
That's how dell, HP, Toshiba, Apple, and every other computer seller makes their money.
Buy computer parts, whack them together, and charge 150% of the cost.

>> No.2975047

Yeah that makes sense. Thankfully CBA's have been done for us in regards to Mac vs PC, so any layperson should know that PC's are cheaper for the same parts. Of course, if you are rich, you have to consider whether you want the "status symbol" of a mac. Even if I had a million dollars though, I wouldn't buy one of those pretentious POS's. I saw the people on campus that had them. I do not approve of most of them. I just don't get the hype.

>> No.2975052
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Foul capitalist.

We must purge the cancer comrades.

>> No.2975058

I like capitalism actually.
But I'm not going to pay somebody a large amount to do something that I can easily do myself, that's just foolish.

>> No.2975063

Well then, would DELL "gouge" you more than some guy that puts parts together? This is what I mean when I say you have to make an analysis. I wouldn't call it gouging just looking for a profit. It's gouging when the profit is unreasonable.

>> No.2975069

"Reasonable" is subjective.
Some people consider Apple's prices to be reasonable, and that's just crazy.

>> No.2975073

again, it really really matters how much you value your time. Quite literally, you do not value it more than the time it takes you to build a PC, enjoyment of building your own PC aside. I am not making a value judgment on that, it's just an objective fact.

>> No.2975075

"reasonable" IS subjective, but you CAN compare it to others in the industry.

>> No.2975081

"price gouging" is really an ill defined term. What the hell does it mean? If people are willing to pay and they aren't being coerced it's probably worth it to them.

If producers are colluding to raise prices that's different but we don't usually call that price gouging.

It sounds bad, and if people don't ask too many questions I guess a politician/evening news can be a hero going after the boogy man of price gouging.

>> No.2975082

>in regards to Mac vs PC, so any layperson should know that PC's are cheaper for the same parts
>Mac vs PC

all of my why

>> No.2975088

Come on, guys. TELL ME WHAT COMPUTER YOU ARE USING. This thread has gotten extremely pointless.

>> No.2975102

we're saying the same thing.

>> No.2975106

I don't buy computers from companies like dell or apple. I make the computers myself. Silicon is actually a very common element so it's not too hard to come by, and UV masking is old technology so you can find commodity equipment to etch your IC/CPU designs onto your chips. I managed to pick up an old wave solderer from a company that was going out of business so that makes putting the final chips onto a board easier, but it's not strictly necessary. I could just use a soldering iron since the work I do is pretty low volume.

>> No.2975112

An old computer I built myself.
AMD 64 X2 5200+ processor,
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 video card,
1.3 TB of harddrives,
and a couple of old LCD monitors.

>> No.2975114

You are not posting from a computer that you built this way you fucking liar.

>> No.2975116

That would be awesome.

>> No.2975131

Yea I am, here's a pic of the computer as proof.

>> No.2975152

Cool pic.

>> No.2975160

That's an amazing pic of a computer
I have to ask, though, why you're having gay sex on top of it

>> No.2975165

Also, why is there an ~11 year old girl bound and gagged in the corner? Did you abduct her?

>> No.2975170

I'm wondering about that alpaca you're blowing off to the side

>> No.2975173

Are those.... Dildos scattered around your floor? Jesus, how many are there?

>> No.2975178

I'd estimate it at around fifty

Why is there bloody diarrhea on your head?

>> No.2975193

up to
gaia, gb2

>> No.2975198

And I thought there was a physical limit for how many dildos could be inserted into an anus. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.2975200

I don't know about anon, but I'm certainly not gay

>> No.2975212

Gaia? Hell no.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.2976391

amiga os

>> No.2976400
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>> No.2976412

Using piecewise OS on a custom built PC