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2971382 No.2971382 [Reply] [Original]

While other boards drown in troll arithmetic spam, let's check if /sci/ knows some real mathematics. For instance, elliptic curve cryptography but I'll find you more from other branches of maths (including Mathematical Olympiad programs) if you solve this correctly.

1. Solve <span class="math">(x_1,x_2)+(1,6)=(1,1)[/spoiler] on the elliptic curve <span class="math">y^2 = x^3 + 4x + 3[/spoiler] over the field <span class="math">\mathbb{F}_7[/spoiler].

>> No.2971393

shit that's like, real math and stuff

>> No.2971397


Any tips on how to learn about eliptic curves/modular forms? Books or anything?

>> No.2971412


What is the field F_7?

>> No.2971423

Sorry bro, that's not calc 1, don't fucking post in it /sci/.

>> No.2971438


Do your own homework, lazy stupid first year graduate student.


This chump doesn't know what he's talking about. What does the olympiad have to do with anything? He's just trolling and/or trying to make himself feel smart because it has no solutions.

>> No.2971453

(x1,x2) = (0,-5) of course! This is simple vector arithmetic. LOL, how can you not understand this?


>> No.2971464

I can't suggest any books in English because when I studied it we mostly relied on lecture notes in our own language but the Wikipedia page on elliptic curves looks like a decent starting point. No joke.
<span class="math">\mathbb{F}_7 = {0, 1, \dots, 6}[/spoiler]

>> No.2971477


25 ~ 0 != 3

>> No.2971487

>What does the olympiad have to do with anything?
Challenging problems.
>it has no solutions
It has. You'd know that if you knew the subject at hand.

>> No.2971494

x1 = 0, x2 = -1


f(0)^2 = 0^3 + 4*0 + 3
f(0)^2 = 3
f(0) = sqrt(3)


f(-1)^2 = -1^3 + 4*(-1) + 3
f(-1)^2 = -3 - 4 + 3
f(-1) = sqrt(-4)
f(-1) = 2i


Please comment.

>> No.2971503

What are we exactly trying to find here?

>> No.2971507


> implying sqrt(-4) = 2i

>> No.2971505


I think i know what has to be done here, but i do not know an analytical way.

I guess i can start with th (1,1) and write it as (6k+1,6k+1), then substract the (1,6) and get (6k,6k-5) or (6k,6k+1).

Is (6k,6k+1) the general solution for all natural numbers k?

>> No.2971501

Apparently my university has one of the top minds in the study of elliptic curve cryptography, so I went to a lecture of hers to see what it was all about.

My jaw was on the floor the whole time.

I've almost finished by B.S. in mathematics and that shit was wayyyy over my head.

>> No.2971516


I mean, as an example for k=1, (6,7) would yield

49 = 216 + 24 + 3 = 243

Where 49 ~ 1 and 243 ~ 3

and i see it didn't work out, shit.

>> No.2971517

>>x2 = -1
>>MFW this is what I was actually thinking.

>> No.2971524

Look that the OP picture. It is a hint as to what you have to do.

>> No.2971531
File: 6 KB, 175x196, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're serious, I would seriously consider jumping off a bridge if I were you.

>> No.2971535


god i'm dumb.

(7k+1,7k+1) - (1,6) = (7k,7k+2)

for k = 1: (7,9)

Testan: 81 = 343 + 28 + 3 = 374

With 81 ~ 4 and 374 ~ 3

and it still didn't work, shit.

>> No.2971546



(x_1,x_2) + (1,6) - (1,1) = 0 ?

>> No.2971569

Right. Now read up on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve#The_group_law

>> No.2971616


Wish i was firm in group theory. Ok, what i get now is that

P = (1,6)
Q = (-1,-1)

s = 7/2

And though i'm not sure right now why this makes sense, the third point is

x_1 = 49/4
x_2 = 363/8

according to the definition on wikipedia. Or will i have to take everything mod 7 so that s = 0?

In that case

x_1 = 0 (or 7k)
x_2 = 6 (or 7k-1)

Trying this for k=1 so that R = (7,6):

36 = 343 + 28 + 3 = 374

36 ~ 1 and 374 ~ 3

Hm, seems my brain took a weekend off or this is too high for me.

>> No.2971632


wait wait wait what the fuck was i doing?

in case s = 0 we have


so for k = 1: (7,13)

49 = 2212

0 = 0

Did i get it finally?

>> No.2971655


No, i didn't. Shit.

>> No.2971668

First of all, -(1,1) is not the same as (-1,-1) = (6, 6) in this group due to the way "+" is defined. For one thing, (6, 6) doesn't satisfy the curve's equation. Instead you can assume that <span class="math">(x_1, x_2)[/spoiler] is P, (1,6) is Q and (1, 1) is R and use the same formulas you're using now to produce the (rather complicated) equations to solve for <span class="math">(x_1, x_2)[/spoiler]... Or you can find all the points from <span class="math">\mathbb{F}_7[/spoiler] that lie on the curve and, well, chеck 'em one by one.

>> No.2971714

Okay, do you want the answer?

>> No.2971734


Yes, that would be great. I was struggling around a bit but can't wrap my head around it right now.

Thanks for your time, kind sir.

>> No.2971762

The answer is (5,1). To be able to solve these more easily I suggest that you brush up on modular arithmetic and finite fields. Reading http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/pageitems/document/cda_downloaddocument/0,11996,0-0-45
-110359-0,00.pdf might help.

>> No.2971776


Great, thank you!

>> No.2971780

You know what? No more problems for today but I'll be back with something easier tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who tried to solve this one.

>> No.2971787

You're welcome. Come back tomorrow for more.

>> No.2971868

I keep getting (5,6).
To start, (1,6) = -(1,1) right?
To solve
(1,6) + Q + 0 = 0
we would reflect about the x axis (sub -y for y)?
So that we need to solve
<span class="math">(x_1, x_2) + (1,6) + (1,6) = 0[/spoiler]
Then I get a slope of 0, which leads me to solve the curve equation for the other possible x for y=6, giving (5,6).
I don't know anything about elliptic curves besides what I read on Wikipedia right now, so tell me if I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.2971939


>> No.2972017

(1,6) + (1,1) = (5,6) <span class="math">\neq[/spoiler] 0 (i.e., the identity element). Therefore according to the definition of a group (1,6) isn't the inverse of (1,1).

>> No.2972035

><span class="math">(1,6) + (1,1) = (5,6) \neq 0[/spoiler]
How do you get that?

>> No.2972047

Never mind, I was wrong.

>> No.2972144
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OP here. Yes, (1,6) = -(1,1).
<span class="math">(x_1,x_2)[/spoiler] = (1,6) - (1,1) = (1,6) + (1,6) = (5,1). Take note of that minus sign in the formula.

>> No.2972154

Shouldn't that be <span class="math">(x_1,x_2) = (1,1) - (1,6)[/spoiler]?

>> No.2972251
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Fuck, I screwed up. You are right.

<span class="math">(x_1, x_2)[/spoiler] = (1,1) - (1,6) = (1,1) + (1,1) = (5,6).

My initial answer was wrong because apparently it is I who should mind the minus signs. Sorry, everyone.

>> No.2974631


Hey OP - I know you think you're super smart, but I said there is no solution, and there is none, and if you check your arithmetic (which you are so proud of) you'll notice that (5,1) is not a solution to this equation.

(5,1)+(1,6) = (6,0)

which does not satisfy the equation:

1^2 =/= 5^2 + 4 * 5 + 3

(And yes, I'm doing all my arithmetic mod 7.)

I have a PhD in mathematics, and while I do not study "elliptic curve cryptography" (this is hardly a "branch" of mathematics, it's called algebraic number theory), I know better. Even a computer running Sage, GAP, Maple, etc. can verify this.

>> No.2975053

erm, see the post right above yours