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2963868 No.2963868 [Reply] [Original]

I just put in my deposit at Purdue and the engineering honors college, I'll be studying ECE there come this fall. inb4 engineers are fags

any other purdue pros here?

>> No.2963876


you haven't done any science in your life

>> No.2963883

lol whatever dog

>> No.2963900

I was born in Monticello. Don't live there anymore though. :/ Indiana Beach?

>> No.2963896
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Enjoy Purdue.

Not what you wanted but... be prepared to travel south for the good parties and/or to find ANY women. Granted, you can go to IU and get a decent education, but the women are just a very pleasant bonus.

2008 IU graduate, actually studied, actually learned things, actually got laid.

>> No.2963911

grats OP. didn't go to Purdue but I'm an grad engineerfag and a few of my classmates went there. they're smart, and loved it

>> No.2963912

I think OP wants to go to a college that isn't for faggots.

>> No.2963954

boilermaker here, true, IU parties are better, but thats why they're dumber. They spend less time on schoolwork. Jk, IU is cool to, just fun old rivalry

>> No.2963967
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Originally I was accepted into Purdue for Electrical Engineering and Computer Technologies (ECET). Researching more, IUPUI's School of Technology and Engineering pairs up with their interdisciplinary majors to bring 2 awesome, accelerated, and challenging courses for a 4-year program in Energy Engineering and also Their Bachelor's of Science with a Masters. The latter being a 5 year program to get a Bachelors in Physics and Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Purdue denied me access to ME last spring. IUPUI accepted me. Still getting the degree from Purdue. Getting to study abroad much cheaper, and specific programs only available through the merge of PU and IU.

>> No.2963976

I'm at Purdue for a masters in MechE (just finishing up). Contrary to IUfag's beliefs, there are plenty of women/parties here if you're social, though it's not as big a party school as other Big Ten universities. There are a few bars a couple of blocks from campus for whenever you're 21.

I'm not from Indiana originally but West Lafayette is a pretty meh town. Kinda smells bad sometimes, and every other year there's a swarm of soybean aphids that takes over everything. But Purdue has a great undergrad program (from the looks of things it's much better than the one I went through), and you'll get a lot of good lab experience. And Chicago/Indy are pretty close whenever you get bored.

>> No.2964005
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I hope you like the smell of burning corn.

>> No.2964028

michiganfag here.

hope you enjoy your sub-par engineering education, ugly girls and zero social life.


>> No.2964036

>mfw mi canadian and have nfi where purdue is

is that a fucking town or something lol?

sounds like shit tier to me.

>> No.2964041

>midwest engineering
>not going to UIUC, undisputably the best engineering school in the midwest, and arguably the best in the nation

>> No.2964057
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>> No.2964070

it's in between Chicago and Indianapolis in the boring little cornfield state of Indiana

>> No.2964153

Im so sorry everyone, but, where did Neil Armstrong graduate from? OH YA. Whose chemistry department has a two Nobel laureates? OH YA. What big ten school has a unique name and doesnt knock off the states na- OH YA WHAT DO YOU KNOW! Boiler the fuck up, fags. The astronaut farmers are in town. Go fuck with life on earth. Brb, looking for more intelligent life out there

>> No.2964166

Purdue is awful.

>> No.2964176

>a two Nobel laureates


>> No.2964184

Purdue is my second choice, after Illinois.


>> No.2964190

OP here, I got into UofM, but I liked Purdue better.

>> No.2964207


lol. 2 nobel laureates? you realize a private school who's chemistry department can't hire more than 2 nobel winners is not worth shit.

>> No.2964206

I had no idea Purdue had such haters, haha.

Top ten nationally for my major, tons of interesting research opportunities... I have no complaints.

>> No.2964214

I've been to Michigan. Michigan is like Mississippi of the North.

>> No.2964225
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>>private lol. We is public lawl

>> No.2964254
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I don't think that Purdue in particular has many haters. I think it's just the way OP has presented himself that made others think he's bragging about his school.

And Purdue is clearly not a school to be bragging about. It's education is not great.

>> No.2964263

Damn straight. People knock Indiana and our two Big Ten schools... but they're both actually pretty damn good in their given specialties.

Purdue is one of the finest agricultural and engineering schools in the country. IU is home to one of the best music departments on the planet, an excellent biology department, and the Kinsey Institute.

IU and Purdue hate on one another because it's fun, but the two schools really have a lot in common. They're both shining beacons of knowledge in a kind of shit-hole of a state. They're both located in middle of nowhere towns (one north, one south), and they're both excellent institutions.

That said, IU definitely has the better surroundings. I'm sorry but West Lafayette is in the middle of farmland and industrial hellholes. IU is close to Morgan-Monroe state forest, Brown County state park, McCormick's Creek state park, Hoosier National Forest, Griffy lake, and Lake Monroe. Purdue's a good school but the setting leaves something to be desired.

>> No.2964268


never heard of that no name school.

>> No.2964277

Purdue might be *decent* for graduate school. For undergraduate, however, it's filled with people who couldn't make it to the top schools. Since you're probably an undergrad, I don't think there's anything great about getting a shit-education.

>> No.2964286

On the whole, you're right. Illinois, Michigan, and even Wisconsin tend to have higher ranked departments than Purdue (Wisconsin happens to lag in engineering), but Purdue's engineering (both graduate and undergraduate) really is top notch, and it's recognized as such.

>> No.2964289

i kind of regretted forgetting about purdue since it's supposed to be pretty good for my major but no way in hell would i want to pay $40k a year to go to school in indiana

>> No.2964292

the same can be said for UIUC. both have extremely high admission rates for undergrad

>> No.2964302

Never seen it recognized as top-notch.

Tier 1 (the best):
MIT, Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley

Tier 2 (top-notch):
Princeton, Illinois, Michigan, Cornell

Tier Shit:

>> No.2964306

Not for engineering. Purdue is not even close to Illinois for engineering.

>> No.2964328

I can really only speak for mechanical engineering, but having been to several conferences/met respected professors in my field/sat through a lot of presentations, I would say that Purdue is on par with UIUC, Michigan, Georgia Tech, Texas, Wisconsin and the like. Below Berkeley, Stanford, Cal Tech, MIT etc, but still above the run of the mill state school. Denying that Purdue has a good engineering program is showing your ignorance in the field... you're probably an undergrad who bases all your opinions on USNWR rankings or whatever it's called.

But this is getting tiresome... I'll let the opportunities offered by my degree/research/skills speak for themselves.

>> No.2964333

All of those schools are top tier.

>> No.2964344

tier 1: mit, caltech, stanford, berkeley
tier 2: your highest ranked in-state school that isn't one of the above and are big names locally
tier 3: schools that even locals know aren't that great

outside of the top tier, it doesn't really matter what school you go to unless it's really low tier. matters much more what you do while you're there.

>> No.2964353

tier 4: Purdue

>> No.2964470

Any other noteworthy schools? I'm particularly interested in hearing about UCSB. Nice to hear an opinion based on first-hand experience.

>> No.2964498
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>> No.2964507

This being posted here

What should be my reach school for an undergrad degree in physics?

>> No.2964511
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To be fair, the problem with Purdue is less its academics and the fact that West Lafayette is an absolute cultural dead zone. If your entertainments of choice aren't binge drinking and depression, you better start training now.

>> No.2964514


>> No.2964521
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