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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2956980 No.2956980 [Reply] [Original]

So, as you all may know (or at least suspect), our civilization will to cease to exist in its current form in a few years. Economies all around the globe will fail and an "apocalypse" of extreme poverty is imminent, claiming hundreds of millions of lives.

Are you preparing yourselves for it? If yes, how?
Share your plans and visions of the near future where your science and tech literacy will come in handy.

Science and technology that will aid your survival in a post-apocalyptic world.

>> No.2957011

I'm stockpiling pogs.

People will always need pogs.

>> No.2957020

Done list:
Standard survivalist shit, blah blah, etc.
Acquired gear.
Acquired guns and keeping a decent amount of ammunition on hand.
Built (not bought) a geiger counter, working on making a dosimeter for it.
Acquired solar paneling.

To do list:
Build RC helicopters with cameras for scouting.
Build coil guns.
Build modules for automated sentry turrets, and have them on hand to be assembled(Fairly certain they are illegal).
Set up reverse osmosis water filtering system.
Learn how to make batteries.
Learn how to make monocrystaline silicon.
Learn how to make radios.
Build retrans stations for radios.
Put a few micro satellites into orbit.
Learn how to reload ammo.
Get tools to reload ammo.
Learn how to make ammo from raw materials.
Get tools to make ammo from raw materials.

>> No.2957024

>come to visit /sci/
>accidentally went to /k/
>goes back to /vp/

>> No.2957031

>tales of doomsday and societal collapse since the beginning of recorded history
>"it'll happen any day now"

Ok /sci/, I'll play along. Tools are only good if you have them. Any survivalist worth his salt will know how to improvise and make his tools.

>> No.2957202

Okay, make some tools, you may find materials around you. But good luck hunting animals with your handmade weapons in a city or town.

Moving to a mountain area at the first sign of economical collapse is highly advisable.

>> No.2957218

>civilization will cease to exist in its current form in a few years
[citations please]
>economic collapse, worldwide extreme poverty
shit happens, bro

>> No.2957220

Hydroponics for sure. On a giant floating sailboat


>> No.2957231

>Put a few micro satellites into orbit.

Because putting micro satellites into orbit is a task anyone could manage from his little forest bunker...

Also, don't forget to learn how to make basic food like bread. It's more complex than you would think, given you have no flour left and have to start from scratch. Your food stock won't last forever.

>> No.2957239

I vote Republican so that we can build more aircraft carriers

>> No.2957262

I wish i had money to prepare myself.

>> No.2957301

Just move to the country that accepts science the most and rejects black colored homo sapiens. You'll be fine.

>> No.2957309



>> No.2957322
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>> No.2957332

i stock up on vegetable seeds. a few fruit tree seeds but mainly i have pounds and pounds of seeds.
also, the entire wikipedia backup inside a faraday cage with a piece of paper explainint NTFS file structure

>> No.2957337


>> No.2957412

>collect seeds for apocalypse
>suddenly apocalypse
>seeds take months or years to produce anything

yeah, nice plan there, buddy

>> No.2957424

>>collect seeds for apocalypse
>>suddenly apocalypse

I read this as collecting fast-growing seeds that sprout into a series of apocalypses

was much more interesting

>> No.2957454

>Apocalypse seeds

fuck yeah

>> No.2957463

I'll build an anti-matter collision engine for space travel and live on the moon.

>> No.2957471

> Economies all around the globe will fail
> and an "apocalypse" of extreme poverty is imminent, claiming hundreds of millions of lives.

The society will raise within few years of depression. It isn't money that make this world go around, it's people. People don't seize to exist, money does.

>> No.2957485

very smart, after the apocalypse we will need a new universal currency

>> No.2957740

Insanity is in part defined as doing something you've already done expecting a different result.

>> No.2957748

Read some John Searle, economies are made up anyways. If they crash nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.2957760
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captcha: any nandget

>> No.2957776

yeah makes total sense, the great depression never really happened like grapes of wrath and shit, and if it happens in this day and age it will be all cool, no real biggie.

>> No.2957787

If people were to have ignored the stock market and acted like nothing happened there would have been no depression.

>> No.2957798

yeah, you're totally right, people today are way more independent thinkers, they never believe what the media tells without thorough independent analysis.

>> No.2957815

Perfect plan to survive all apocalypses:
I would get a master in genetic engineering.
Then design a zombie-virus. Meanwhile find a cure for the zombie virus. destroy cure after making yourself resistant to the virus. Let the zombie-virus spread. That way you ensure you survive the zombie-apocalypse. second apocalypse is then not possible anymore, because if only 1 person dies, its not called an apocalypse.

>> No.2957935
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Batshit pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.2957988

You fucking idiot. There's always a basis for economic downturns besides lowered confidence. If there weren't an actual major problem, it wouldn't take so long to recover from one. Stock market crashes aren't the causes, they're symptomatic of a deeper problem.

Another full retard. The only people who take Searle seriously are other philosophers, not to mention I'm pretty sure you're presenting a gross distortion of his actual opinion.

>> No.2958009

What's with all these lone survivors? You're not going to survive on your own, this is stupid. From the cold logical scientific standpoint the best tools are other people which means you are more likely to survive and prosper as a manipulative sociopath than a lone wolf. The real world is not like the movies where the authoritarians are always mentally sick in some way and lose due to a fatal flaw, they are usually intelligent, pragmatic and don't fuck around, maybe I'm not a super genius but I certainly don't intend to be one of the millions of starving refugees. You don't have to be a narcissist to not want to suffer.

I will form a militant extremist populist group, ideology doesn't matter but it would most likely be quite reactionary and militaristic in nature due to the socio-economic conditions, the basics objective is to specialize in disciplining armed thugs and controlling them effectively and to join the general staff of a competent warlord, I don't need the top job, I just need to be part of his executive personnel, there is no need for a petty power struggle unless the figurehead of the oligarchy is seriously jeopardizing a fight against another warlord or something. Obviously this would require quite a lot of psychological conditioning and experience on my part since I'm a sheltered middle class but I have the advantage of being able to choose which ideology or religion or whatever I attach myself to and plan my rise to power from the standpoint of an objective machiavellian tactician as opposed to just some zealot who wins favor from a higher-up due to his loyalty.

>> No.2958013

You're an idiot.

>> No.2958017

Batteries. Batteries everywhere.

>> No.2958033

this, so much this

just get some guns and ammo, all you'll ever need

>> No.2958034
File: 12 KB, 98x95, 1301463874365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I join?
I would like to rape and pillage as well.

>> No.2958141

Companions: VERY SMALL company: trusted individuals, and a mouse trained to sniff out food.

Offense/Defense: shotgun, sniper rifle, sword

Residence: Mobile. Home means you got lots of stuff lots of other people want in one place.

Technology: anything practical. water purification tools, and knowledge of power systems and carpentry