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File: 78 KB, 500x300, avatarfleshlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2954293 No.2954293 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prepare yourself for the event that we encounter aliens?

(picture semi-related).

>> No.2954309
File: 37 KB, 461x403, tsoukalos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. We already have encountered aliens. The Bible says so.

>> No.2954316
File: 19 KB, 375x281, zomg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the Amazon jungle, find new species. Consider it "alien" to yourself.


>> No.2954323
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>> No.2954326

I expect not to encounter aliens. Not on earth at any rate. The first extraterrestrial life we'll find will most likely be microbial. In preparation for that... I guess I'll just start wearing a diaper everyday for when I wet myself with joy.

>> No.2954329
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>> No.2954330
File: 269 KB, 856x2193, first-contact-alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that this is a pretty good guideline.

>> No.2954340
File: 69 KB, 627x429, 1303462726877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw: avatar fleshlight...

>> No.2954376
File: 191 KB, 760x596, 1303591254921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the color of the fleshlight made me think of this comic. ill just leave this here.

>> No.2954389

what's the artists name. I had him book marked for awhile but i seem to have lost it.

>> No.2954392


oglaf.com comic?

>> No.2954397

Send every possible expert and a few weirdos to establish contact and hopefully communication. Blindsight, the novel, is actually an excellent idea for what to do in the event of first contact.

Personally? Re-read everything there is to know about the Meiji Restoration and Japan's reaction to Commodore Perry's antics. We might need the lessons of previous first contacts.

>> No.2954402

Oh, HELL yes.

>> No.2954576
File: 284 KB, 1213x557, OrionBattleship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have one of these ready.

Hopefully I can use the 400+ megaton weapons load to kill everyone on their planet. Or at least everyone I need to kill right away so they don't try to interdict me as a use my ship as a gravity tractor to redirect a bolide onto them.

>> No.2954628

Relativistic kill vehicles.

>> No.2954640
File: 52 KB, 1255x509, berserker troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berserker probes that double as RKVs.

>> No.2954646

Yes that, too....

>> No.2954698
File: 69 KB, 400x300, 197_must_not_fap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap, like i do for any event.

>> No.2954700
File: 3 KB, 203x210, 1302408171244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"berserker probes"

I thought you were above this, /sci/. I really did.

>> No.2954713

Above what?

>> No.2954721
File: 13 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say with almost absolute certainty that our pathetic little race will never encounter alien life.

Next planet that _could_ contain life is about 500 light years away. I think you can agree if I say that this is definitely unreachable.

Even the most intelligent life in our universe will be bound to its laws and therefore not be able to travel faster than light, making it impossible to reach any civilization in its short life-span. 250,000 years ago we weren't here, 10,000 years ago we were even less interesting and in another 250,000 and we're most likely gone. That's half a million years of intelligent life on a little planet in a solar system among billions of solar systems in one galaxy within tens of billions of other galaxies that all exist for billions of years.

What are the odds that:

- An intelligent life form develops somewhere near us at the same time we do

- It's able to develop technology that allows them to travel at high speeds through the universe

- It's curious and seeks for life at other planet

- It finds our planet DURING the very, very short time we're inhabiting it AND are more intelligent than bash rocks together

- It finds us to be WORTHY of studying or contacting

- Has any properties life on our planet has and therefore making it possible to communicate

- YOU will experience it in the pathetic 60-80 years you're alive

- If all these requirements are fulfilled we, with our violent and ignorant nature, will not ruin it by throwing nukes at them because we mistake their "ship" (if it's anything like that) for Chinese stealth bombers

>> No.2954748
File: 36 KB, 572x400, projectorion-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He don't like xenocide by self replicating rkv.

He's what is generally called a moralist, or what I call a faggot.

>> No.2954778

Until the nature of the threat is known, we can't immediately react with force. Also, what if there is no threat?

If there is a threat to us that we can somehow counter, we learn from the lessons of Japan and embark on a crash program to modernize and militarize.

Some think warfare with an advanced alien species would be impossible, but I disagree. If we went about denial and asymmetrical warfare- we might stand a chance. Granted, this would require that our technologies be somewhat close to one another which is unlikely to happen... so the best bet is to cross your fingers and hope REALLY hard that they're friendly or at least non-violent.

>> No.2954784

sameway i prepare for everything


>> No.2954792
File: 94 KB, 399x388, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it so wrong that I want to tap some alien poon-tang? Why do you have to go and try to destroy my dreams?

>> No.2954798
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>> No.2954811
File: 81 KB, 600x750, 1263668230266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I sign up?

>> No.2954842
File: 431 KB, 900x1050, 1250884381169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is wrong.

>> No.2954844

We don't. Though they are likely to exist the chances of ever coming across one are lower than a good number of things we are individuals/cultures ect don't prepare for.

>> No.2954840
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>> No.2954887
File: 56 KB, 750x600, 1276395333093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hint: they will not look like human females, at all.

>> No.2954907
File: 174 KB, 576x711, 1297653897109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2954938

what would happen if a relativistic kill vehicle hit earth?

>> No.2954964
File: 1.28 MB, 1500x1784, 5f2ec71532526e25cb7fa8a7eedb7b5c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This x the light years away we are from any possible civilization.

>> No.2954968

They will have no reason to hurt us any time soon.

-There are billions of stars in our galaxy alone. Trillions of asteroids. Billions of planets, planetoids, etc. If they have the ability to make it all the way to our planet, there is no chance that they need our resources when there are so many other places to mine from.

-We have not even come close to interstellar travel. We are essentially stuck on this chunk of rock. This means we can pose no threat to them.

-If there is a species that is more advanced than us, then they would likely be able to destroy us at any time, very quickly. They wouldn't need a fleet of ships. They would need one ship top drop the bomb, and it wouldn't even need to be manned.

-If a species has reached interstellar travel, they are likely very ancient. Their brains would have had much more time to evolve than ours. We as a human race seem to get more morally reasonable as time goes on. The same could be assumed for them. Being that the universe is FUCKING HUGE, I would assume that they would have realized that well, it is big enough for both of us.

>> No.2954992

>Implying that's even remotely attractive

As far as non-human chicks go I'd be willing to go as far as those almost human Star Trek alien girls. Vulcan's, Bajoran's, etc.

But a blue girl with that shit drooping down the back of her head? She looks deformed.

>> No.2955000
File: 33 KB, 500x280, globe-impact-davis-plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A object with a mass of two million tons(the optimal mass of an interstellar nuclear pulse propulsion vessel traveling 0.12C would hit with the force of 200,000 Chixulub impacts, smashing its way down to the asthenosphere which would then explosively outgas and expel ultramafic extrusives, covering 10-15% of the planet’s surface.

>> No.2955052
File: 275 KB, 1280x1024, Soviet Orion final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly the ship wouldn't even drop a bomb it would just crash into us.

Secondly since a space faring species that uses nuclear pulse propulsion can spread through the galaxy so quickly(less than 1 million years if they have a maximum velocity of 0.1C) The size of a galaxy is not that much of a deterant to conflict. They will want to wipe out any species that could ever pose a threat to them, and they would want to spread to maximize their chances of survival. Basically one million years after the first space fairing lifeform comes into being this galaxy is doomed.

It's in our best interest that we be that doom. We must kill everything else before they kill us.

>> No.2955076

Tell me again, why would any intelligent alien life bother visiting us or bombing us in the first place? What's the fucking point? We're just a bunch of monkeys living on a rock and at that rate we'll probably destroy ourselves in a couple hundred or thousand years.

What benefit could they possibly gain from killing a rock? It's like you walk by an anthill. If you let fun our, what gain do you get from destroying this anthill?

>> No.2955077

Is this some satirical piece on America?

>> No.2955085


We must not rule out the possibility of true teleportation and FTL travel. We do not know enough about physics to make any such claims. It is arrogant to believe that we do. Breakthroughs happen too often.

>> No.2955124

We also must not rule out magic and pixie dust.

>> No.2955125


Exactly. We pose no threat.

>> No.2955144


>> No.2955158

Remind why the fuck we aren't reviving Project Orion (w/ the fusion concept) right fucking now.

>> No.2955179
File: 24 KB, 364x193, orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ants are pests. Ants are often eliminated when they infest your house or yard. Every plant has a nice gooey core of iron, and if you disassemble the planet with lofstrom loops you can get to it. For a species that wants to dominate all stellar systems, every planet is a valuable resource.

It's also not the same thing. It's more like killing an anthill full of fire ants they may grow into 5 foot long fire ants that know how to make guns one day.

Intelligent species are by nature able to quickly expand throughout a galaxy with even the crudest propulsion technologies. All intelligent life is a potential threat to all intelligent life.

If you knew a child would one day come to threaten you, wouldn't it be best to strangle them in their crib than to wait for them to grow old enough to challenge you.

>> No.2955183

I laughed out loud.
> He thinks a type 2 or type 3 civilization would let us "fight" them.

No, they would launch meteorites at us, they would project highly radioactive materials onto our surface (just look at the shit storm Fukushima caused, now imagine it's an alien species intentionally dropping that shit onto our land all over the world until we surrender). They might even be able to detonate the sun.

Reacting with force and hoping to "counter" them with guerilla warfare is the most retarded shit I've ever heard.

We are nowhere close to having harnessed the levels of energy necessary for interstellar travel, the idea that we could combat a species that has harnessed and can contain and control such high levels of energy is retarded as fuck.

No, we would surrender immediately or get raped. If we ever "go to war" with Aliens it's being faked, lmao.

Fukushima melt down, whole world scared shitless. Interstellar capable aliens invade, "it's nothing, we'll counter with asymmetrical warfare!"

>> No.2955196

Except my backyard is 10 meters and the universe 93 billion light years across.

Consider that humans are not much bigger than an ant.

Any technology that could wipe out an entire planet remotely would have no problem dealing with us, even if we develop the most impressive weapon systems. And I don't think that we still think of war when we've come as far as being able to reign over just a tiny spot of our universe.

Getting out of each other's way is more rational than wasting resources on killing each other.

>> No.2955203

I don't think he means asymmetrical warfare on the ground. A huge-ass chunk of metal accelerated to 0.9c slamming into a planet is a huge-ass chunk of metal accelerated to 0.9c slamming into a planet, no matter how much of a galaxy's energy you control. Once you start getting into the laws of physics and pushing them for weapons, the playing field starts to level out.

>> No.2955205


Its most likely if they do come here, they'll just stomp on us cause we're in the way

>> No.2955207

>Fukushima melt down, whole world scared shitless.

That's because people are retarded and don't understand that a melt down doesn't necessarily mean a breach or fire in a light water reactor. They literally can go Chernobyl because physics says so.

>> No.2955235

The viet cong defeated the US military with all its aircraft carriers, logistical capabilities, and superior weaponry. Never underestimate a determined opponent... it's often the first and last mistake a military commander could make.

However, if you'd read my post, we're positively FUCKED if the tech gap is too large. If we luck out and we become part of a proxy war between powers, we stand a chance. If their technology can even be understood by us and want the planet in-tact for some reason, we stand a chance.

However, if they can move at speeds above .2c, we're fucked. If they don't want something to do with our biosphere or atmosphere, we're fucked. Always remember fighting from within a gravity well=FTL. (and not faster than light)

Again, as I said in my post, unless there are a very specific and unlikely set of circumstances at play... the best we can do is hope they're friendly.

Kinda on topic. Does anyone else think that Humans might wind up as the "ferengi" of the galaxy? We'll trade you our very unique and interesting art, music, and exotic plants and animals for whatever you have that isn't hot relativistic death. Also, we can help you with any legal disputes or contracts you may have... we're excellent at finding loopholes and exploiting them!

>> No.2955241

There is no reason that we cannot be this alien group. Maybe we are the most advanced beings in the universe. If a group of smarter creatures arised, perhaps they were limited by the materials of their home planet, and never even made it into orbit. Or maybe their own intelligence became the end of them when they created something so powerful that it destroyed them.

I think we should strive to be the dominant species. We shouldn't let the notion of the possibility of another slow us down.

>> No.2955257


What you don't think they could just take all these things from us? There would be no trade.

>> No.2955261
File: 90 KB, 356x264, 1271111397087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they reproduce sexually
but assuming they consume solid matter for sustinence, you could probably get away with an exotic blow job. get in contact with one early enough and you can claim it's a common meeting ritual. With any luck their leader will give the president a BJ by a six tentacled floating orb on national television.

>> No.2955284

I think that is assuming we have sufficient (but not overwhelming) firepower to make trade less costly than conquest.

>> No.2955297

You're not following me, defense is impossible. The only defense is the elimination of all other life before it stars sending out berserker probes. Once these things are released they will just keep replicating and crashing into anything that is transmitting repeating, terminating radio or microwave signals. Or they may just crash into any planet in a stars habitable zone.

They could also detonate their engire stock piles and break appart into a cone of relativistic shrapnel to hit space habitats.

The only defense it to already be spread across the galaxy so that you can find probes while they are replicating in stellar systems. Rember physics says that you cannot determine the exact trajectory or position of an object moving faster than 0.12c. Actively eliminating all other intelligent life without provocation is the only way to be safe.

>Getting out of each other's way is more rational than wasting resources on killing each other.

If you are both actively spreading across the galaxy you will come into conflict over new stellar systems. There is no way around it. Insular, peaceful races are eliminated before they get out of their cribs. Only maniacs have what it takes to spread and survive. Anyone you meet out their will be aggressive. And if these probes are self replicating then there is little investment from you needed to get a big return.

>> No.2955302

best troll in the history of humanity

>> No.2955328

Listen closely, I'm about to teach you a very valuable lesson for living on this planet among Homo sapiens.

NEVER, EVER, NEVER underestimate the ability of some people to sell nothing for an exorbitant amount. Never underestimate the human ability to turn something worthless into a priceless gem through the power of manipulation, hype, and good ol-fashioned bullshit.

If the aliens in charge of contacting us, killing us, or administering our corner of the galaxy are anything like the personalities that do similar jobs here on Earth... they are gullible, infinitely capable of lying to themselves, capable of extraordinary feats of self-defeating logic, and egotistical to a fault. We humans are highly adaptable and exceedingly good con men. It might not be our military, our politicians, or even our pure force of will that enables our survival.. it could well be the bankers, lawyers, and our limitless greed. Zhor the Galactic Conqueror, meet Gordon Gekko.

>> No.2955330

You are all thinking too "human". Can't blame you, nobody can think entirely objective since we all need something familiar to compare it too.

That's why most aliens in fiction are basically just bipedal primates with different skin colors and some attachments.

You can't compare an anthill to our planet. You can't compare "wars" with aliens with wars that happened in our own history. You can't predict how they might act based on human experience. In fact you can't use any words, meanings or associations that you've gathered over the course of your life and apply them to alien life.

They are literally NOTHING like anything you've ever seen in your entire life. They will have nothing to do with anything you ever saw, think or sensed. No rules of behavior apply to them.

>> No.2955346


They might use us as slaves to farm and extract materials for them.

If they're a sentient and technologically advanced species, chances are that we can sooner or later protest and ask for equal rights. Proclaim humanity despite being inferior and have the hippies of their alien planet become butthurt and support us.

Later, they share their technology with us and we backstab them with it.

>> No.2955374

They live in the same universe as us and are subject to the natural laws of the universe as us, and they may have similar logical pathways.....

>> No.2955377

Wow, man, I'm so glad we have an experienced expert on the subject of interstellar relations here to clear up all our confusion.

>> No.2955416


silicon based lifeforms that are incredibly advanced in their own right surround us

we're living on one right now

>> No.2955429


There's no reason to believe this is even likely.

Nothing about our universe's natural laws demand it.

>> No.2955452

Indeed that is why cooperation is impossible. They evolved from completely different bacteria with alien biochemistries, aliens physiologies, and alien behaviors. Their brains would literally be constructed differently than our own. There would be no thoughts like our thoughts in their heads, no feelings like our feelings in their hearts. Alien minds are alien. We would be monsters to one another.

But given that only aggressive species are likely to spread to other stars, now you have two aggressive alien beings coming into conflict for resources. War is inevitable. Just as animals are below moral consideration. Aliens are above it. Morality does not apply to interspecies conflict, only survival matters.

They only biologic laws everyone has to follow are:

They must consume material to survive, the Gibbs Free Energy equation is a harsh mistress.
They will want to propagate and spread, otherwise they would not be out there and they would not have survived in the first place.
They will be protective of their species, otherwise they will be dead.
They will be aggressive toward competition, pussies don't try to conquer galaxies.

Interstelllar travel is a long expensive process, the only thing worth the effort is expansion and colonization. That will be what they are doing. There will be no space opera, no "enlightened" Federation of disparate species. There is only the promise of death for a moments failure or unluckiness, and comforting feeling a knife always pressed into your back.

>> No.2955461

Automatic fail for trying to relate human flaws to flaws of aliens races. Chances are we wouldn't be the first planet they visited. There is no way they wouldn't come here without a plan. This plan wouldn't allow for them to be tricked. Your way of thinking is completely illogical.

Don't forget that everything they need to know about us is easily accessible via our internet or simply observing us. There would be no need to even communicate with us.


What use would humans be with the existence of highly advanced robots? Humans can't function in the harsh and variable outer-space.

>> No.2955500

i'm sure the fungus on earth would kill them dead preatty quick....

>> No.2955506

I'm still going to take solace in my amusing fantasy, thanks. While your scenario is chilling has a certain logic to it....

I prefer to think that they'll have some concept of capitalism and humans will wind up holding their star fleet as collateral and half their empire in foreclosure within 100 years of first contact.

"Now see here Gherlak the Terrible, all the debt owed you by the various human nations has been collateralized into a monetary instrument we call a CDO. These are GREAT investments. When these bear fruit on the interest, you guys can buy yourselves another star fleet with the money."

...3 years later...

"Yeah, we're sorry but we don't control the market. C'est la vie Gherlak my man. Since you didn't have any actual money in the deal and used a few starships as barter, pursuant to section XII subsection 3 paragraph A of the agreement; we've just gone ahead and seized those. You can buy them back from the bank once your other investments mature. You do have other investments, right? No? Well let me tell you about these things we call bonds...."
And so the human conquest of the galaxy went.

>> No.2955519


This is pathetic and narrowminded thinking that has evolved from the fact that humans are used to being the superior being. Given the facts and statistics, it is ridiculous to believe that we are anything more than the bacteria on a cell of the universe.

>> No.2955533

I see your reasoning man, I really do. However, I think you're trying to flame/troll.

>If the aliens in charge of contacting us, killing us, or administering our corner of the galaxy are anything like the personalities that do similar jobs here on Earth...
>If... anything like the personalities that do similar jobs here on Earth
>If... anything like

I'm not arguing, I'm just hoping that my version turns out to be true. Besides, it'd be way more fun to swindle someone out of an empire than to conquer it or defend against it in some heroic stand. Certainly, it'd be more fun than insta-death.

>> No.2955544


Bleeding heart liberal detected.

I wish I could see life with comic-book glasses on.

>> No.2955576

It makes life more tolerable. I've read the depressing shit like Blindsight by Peter Watts (based on your arguments, I'd imagine you'd positively LOVE it) and it definitely has its own logic to it. Impossible to understand in an almost Lovecraftian sense, true communication is irrelevant because the concepts we're attempting to convey with words or symbols just aren't the same, consciousness maybe not being truly necessary for developing tool use or advanced technology.

I really don't see the world with comic book sunglasses, I consider myself a sanguine pessimist. Life sucks for almost everyone, but only if you let it. Control over one's own outlook is one of the few freedoms humans truly have. Some don't even have that thanks to mental illness.

>> No.2955586
File: 6 KB, 281x215, 1301890318624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universe does not bend to your whimsy. Keep that in mind in the case that we ever do get raped by aliens. Not that I hope it turns out like that, of course, but it is a possibility.

>> No.2955595

> He thinks that the difference between the viet cong and the US is similar to the difference between modern man and interstellar intelligent life.

> He doesn't even realize that we don't even have a complete model of reality yet, interstellar capable species would, or it would at least be far more complete than our own.

> He assumes that with sufficient understanding and advancement, that the "laws" of physics could not be manipulated. Maybe they can't be, but it's entirely possible that they could be intelligently altered.

Only three nations on planet Earth are even able to shoot a fucking satellite out of low earth orbit, but we're going to "shoot the enemy alien planet" that's across the galaxy or in a different galaxy and which the alien species isn't going to tell us where it is? lmao?

"Here's our planet, we're going to invade you, please don't try and hit our planet!" If they were that dumb they wouldn't be interstellar.

We don't have a planet destroying weapon, lmao, we can't shoot a "huge ass chunk of metal" at 0.9c, anyone claiming we can is lying their fucking ass off.

We wouldn't even be able to see them in space as they were raining terror down on us.

>> No.2955615
File: 45 KB, 785x823, alientroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that YFW when the aliens are really just the equivalent of a bored extraterrestrial /b/tard trying to troll us by pretending to be a god?

>> No.2955630
File: 23 KB, 401x400, railgun-8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blindsight by Peter Watts

Oh that book is retarded. Not only is it not hard scifi like Watts wants it to be(teleportation that actually moves matter instead of just assembling copies from available matter at the destination cannot exist). The humans and aliens cannot even fight properly given their ship's capabilities.

The humans should have just introduced argon into their engine. When the antimatter annihilates that argon the energy released would excite the remaining argon and it would release lots of photos. So the argon could act as a lasing medium. 1g of antimatter should give you about 3.5 seconds of 1 terawatt laser power. Since each second the laser emits 239 tons of TNT. That would fuck up the starfish something good. Or they could have just collated the engine exhaust more and used it as big fuckin particle gun. Idiots.

The aliens used a plasma torus, fucking retards! Plasma loses energy as it emits photons, in the two second it took to reach the human ship it would have bled off 75% of it's mass even if it wasn't fusing. Also instead of using all the electricity they needed to make that plasma, contain it in a magnetic bottle, and project that bottle, they could have just made couple of rail guns from any ferrous material they had lying around or even the superconductive carbon materials they had and used their XBOXHUGE magnetic field. And it would hit the human ship with five time the kinetic energy the torus did for the same amount of electricity used. And it would not have created the fuckton of waste heat the making that torus would have and therefore not given away the fact that they were going to shoot.

For all their "genius" the vampire and aliens are tactically retarded. Now you can say that is the limitation of the writer. But if they are going to characterized as smarter than me, they had better not have plans I can beat with shit I come up with on the fly as a read it.

>> No.2955631


This is the most retarded shit I have ever heard.

An interstellar alien race that wanted to destroy us would not come and say "Hello, we are going to destroy you, here is the coordinates to our centralized home base planet, please don't try and counter attack."

No. Instead, we would get destroyed and we wouldn't even be able to see/detect what was destroying us.

10,000 texas sized meteorites heading toward earth all at once.

Detonate our star.

Launch a projectile at 0.9c, or millions of projectiles at 0.9c, at our planet.

10,000,000 dirty bombs launched from multiple AU away.

It's a fucking alien race capable of interstellar travel, it's the same difference between two human tribes, lmao.

Most probably they would destroy us with shit we've never even considered in all of human history. We are an infant intelligent species, they would destroy us as brutally as possible and take advantage of the fact that we don't even have a working model of reality yet.

Your egocentrism blinds you, you seriously believe we would be able to "fight" an interstellar alien species, lmao.

>> No.2955633

Based on the only experience any of us have with an intelligent, tool-using, technological species... you'd be shocked at the dumb behavior exhibited by an otherwise "smart" species.

Let's just all agree to hope that it goes well and there's a planet somewhere populated with anthropomorphic creatures with fur that resembles furries' wet dream. Let's also hope that the aforementioned species consumes their mates immediately following copulation.

>> No.2955657

No human being has ever left low earth orbit. The moon is the farthest one of our intelligent species has gone.

These would be an intelligent species which have achieved interstellar travel, no human has ever been as far as the next planet over.

the difference is exponential.

>> No.2955671

And that doesn’t even get into the holes in Watts “sapience just watches and does nothing herp derp”. Of course the conscious mind doesn’t deal with internal calculations and shit, or immediate problem solving that’s not what it is there for. Does a general know how to use every weapon in his army? Does he know how to traverse every artillery piece? No, his job is long term strategy. Sapience is for long term strategy. I you study karate and program you muscle memory to let you fight more efficieny using that style, it is the muscle memory doing a lot of it. But that doesn’t change the fact that the sapience was what decided those would be useful traits to acquire. When we start taking about organisms that can modify themselves genetically or mechanically it becomes even more of an advantage for the same reason. Long term planning and assessment of the viability of the organism as a whole.
And if all aliens are so smart then why wasn’t our stellar system conquered millions of years ago. Why are the retarded starfish not exict by the hand of something worse. Why don’t they use the human drive system, which can get them up to 70% the speed of light to conquer the galaxy in 200,000 years or less. Basically why don’t they do what we have been talking about all thread. RKVs, RKVs fucking everywhere.
And on that note why didn’t the humans have severak of those fast probes lined up as rkvs against the aliens coming in behind the human crew. That way if they were a threat just change course slightly, blow your engine, and bang relativistic shotgun blast incoming. Dead fucking aliens.

>> No.2955721

>ITT: People who have never played XCOM

>> No.2955724

And yet, one of those intrepid explorers managed to wander into an airport in Orlando wearing diapers and attempted to use a stun gun on a romantic rival.
A healthy portion of the leadership of the most powerful nation state in the history of the only intelligent species we know believe their planet is 6,000 years old.
Some of the brightest and most promising scientists of our time have devoted their considerable skill and untold amounts of resources on... achieving rock hard boners and preventing hair loss.
A not insignificant portion of the planet's economy was left in the hands of one flashy con-man in an expensive suit.
Smart species do dumb things... at least in our insanely limited experience. That's also the point, isn't it? Our experience is insanely limited. We can make educated guesses, form logical hypotheses, or just pull things out of our ass. Sure, the pure fantasy is highly unlikely, but it's nonetheless possible. (If not at all plausible) Shit, we could be contacted in 5,000 years by an advanced civilization seeking the creators of its sacred transmissions... turns out they modeled their whole society on the Dude's lifestyle or Cheech and Chong movies. That's what makes the idea of aliens exciting. In a world that's confined to our tiny "pale blue dot", the idea of something so vastly different from us engenders every emotion and every possible reaction in us humans: Hope, fear, love, (unfortunately) lust, desire, anticipation, etc. We just don't know what's out there. Let's hope it's good, but I seriously doubt that any of us will have to deal with it within our lifetimes.

>> No.2955739

Yes an established interstellar civilization could beat us as we are now.

But a few things you said are kinda stupid.
>Detonate our star
soft scifi bullshit

>millions of projectiles at 0.9c, at our planet
It takes about a year to accelerate an object up to 86% the speed of light assuming a constant acceleration of 1g. Millions is a little bit to much unless they are all really small. But if they were tiny they would explode when they hit the upper atmosphere, wasting most of the kinetic energy. Too large, and you are getting into unreasonable amounts of energy expenditures for millions of rkvs.

>hit we've never even considered in all of human history
There are only so many ways to fuck shit up. Most involve hitting it with something: photons, compression wave of an explosion, plasma beam from a casaba howitzer(directional nuke + liquid He = awesome), a big fuckin bullet.

>> No.2955774

>6,000 years old.
Sigh. That is only the goofiest of evangelics. It was came up by a baptist millienialist back in the 19th century by counting generations are recorded in the Old Testament. It is not and never was a common Catholic or Protestant belief.

If you're gonna bitch about something, try and make sure it was not something that has been laughed at by every Christian sect except a few nutty Baptists(adventists mostly) and the most batshit Evangelicals for 100 years. He was laughed out of the school of Theologic studies a Cambridge when he first presented it, literally catcalled out off the room.

>> No.2955780

>berserker probes

sure is /tg/ in here you faggots

>> No.2955803
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>> No.2955822
File: 11 KB, 111x107, 1297550826826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard, uh, him.

>> No.2955837

Aliens will land and shortly after some crazy religious nutheads will come running at them and call them the second coming of christ or judgment day or some stupid shit and they'll start right back to where they came from because this planet surely is GODDAMN FUCKING RETARDED

Hell, if I were an alien I'd keep the fuck away from this place.

>> No.2956118

>> It was came up by

>> No.2956478

>and therefore not be able to travel faster than light, making it impossible to reach any civilization in its short life-span

and noone will ever konquer the ocean, cause no horse can jump so high

poor stupid 20-something. dumber then their parents.

>> No.2956488

There are good arguments against FTL, such as
1- General Relativity is true.
2- The universe does not allow things that permit causation paradoxes.
3- "General purpose" FTL is equivalent to a "go back in time machine" in General Relativity.
4- A "go back in time machine" likely leads to causation paradoxes.
5- Thus, FTL is impossible.

>> No.2956502

who talks about FTL? wtf???
would you please grow up and use your mind!

>> No.2956508

You refuse to use proper punctuation and capitalization. You are an idiot.

Also, what the fuck are you even trying to say? I don't understand what you are trying to say, but it's apparent that you're disputing my claim that FTL is likely impossible. Do you care to elaborate?

>> No.2956533

oh yeah, no punktuazition so not right. yeah.

omfg. i am sorry you.

be back in 12hours, lets see if this thread is then still alive.

ftl... what nonsens. even thinking about it.
einstein got much more to say than emc2.

>> No.2956553
File: 201 KB, 560x461, 1278396286219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2958938


go troll yourself with bibleshit