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2940403 No.2940403 [Reply] [Original]

I am a firm believer of being a free thinker. But Atheists piss me off, they are as close minded as Jesus freaks. If Richard Dawkins said that God can't be real because he stuck his finger in his butt and God didn't stop him, those fuckers would love it. They ramble about shit that nobody cares about just to make themselves look and feel smart. Just because you go against the norm, it doesn't make you smart, it makes you a tool.

"All these holidays have become victims of corporate marketing schemes. Honestly, the meaning behind half of these holidays has been lost. It's all about consumerism now. Not many people still hold true to their traditional beliefs. It makes your beliefs look even more sad when you have to cherry top them with children friendly characters like Santa and the Easter bunny."

That is the post of some kid on facebook, he was cool until he only started talking about legalizing marijuana and how God can't possibly exist and religion is fucked up. I agree with two of those three, but I don't go around posting Facebook statuses on it every few minutes. What bothers me even more is that this fuck head gets like tons of likes and the stupidest things he says.

>> No.2940410

fuck off religion has nothing to do with science

>> No.2940412

0/10 bad troll

>atheists are just as bad as...

If you are not a theist then you are an atheist.

>What bothers me

Oh, so you are just a poor loser and no one likes you.

>> No.2940417

Perhaps people "like" his post because they agree with it, and he has a point.

Perhaps Dawkins gets alot of attention not because of fingers up butts, but because the things he actually does say are intelligent, well-articulated, and help settle the arguments we have at the interface of science and philosophy.

>> No.2940424
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Not trolling, would you rather bottle up my hate and go kill some Atheists because they annoy me (and probably more people)

>mfw you are all mad because you're atheist

>> No.2940428

OP, the phenomenon you describe is real, but please don't refer to those people as "atheists" as if they comprise the whole of atheism.

Every counterculture movement ever has had the properties you describe. This isn't a count against atheism, it's a count against a society in which atheism is seen as subversive.

>> No.2940434

I said I agreed with what he said, but its fucking retarded to post something about how Christians are stupid and God could never possibly exist ever.

>> No.2940437
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>> No.2940441

so you agree with your douche bag friend, but wouldn't say such things because you are just trying to be nice

>> No.2940450
File: 183 KB, 499x450, 1302836665968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported. Enjoy you're ban.

>> No.2940456

But thanks; this guy's an ass. An off-topic ass.

>> No.2940462

I agree on some things, but the level he takes it to seems too far. I don't call people out on things they believe if they keep it to themselves. I could care less what he believes but everytime I get on face book, I see at least 2 posts from him about being atheist. He is a tryhard atheist who preaches more shit than a Christianfag.

>> No.2940483

Then he's an asshole. Doesn't mean atheists are assholes.
If a black guy started talking shit about white people, would you hate all blacks?

>> No.2940484

Oh, no, he's passionate about something. Maybe unfriend him or hide his posts if he bothers you so much.

>> No.2940508


"You're preaching to the converted, by which I mean the unconverted. This is a difficult time in publishing, and what we really need from you, Richard Dawkins, is the next thing that there isn't. There isn't a God was huge, but now we need to top that. What else isn't there? I'm just brainstorming here but the Sea? Is there definitely a sea?"