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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2934651 No.2934651 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, here's the deal: transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics states that the processes of absorption and emission are time-symmetric.
Now, kaons break CP symmetry which is equivalent to a violation of the T symmetry, i.e. time symmetry.
Does it mean that TIQM is obviously wrong or I'm missing something?

>> No.2934659
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>kaons break CP symmetry which is equivalent to a violation of the T symmetry

No, stop talking out of your ass


>> No.2934673

They don't? Please, explain what is going on with them, then.

>> No.2934686

Or maybe you mean that CPT symmetry can be violated?

>> No.2934709

C symmetery, P symmetery, T symmetry are all differnet things. You can combine the concepts if you wish to form, CP, CPT, PT, CP, etc symmeteries.

I am not sure why you think that a violatin in CP leads to a violation in T? This is just bullshit you are making up. (Also CPT may not be conserved in general)

>> No.2934718

I didn't mean that CP violation leads to T violation. I mean that because of CPT symmetry, a situation with violated CP is technically the same to as a separate situation with violated T.
And, if CPT may not be conserved, then I guess TIQM is safe.

>> No.2934753

>I mean that because of CPT symmetry

And there is your problem. Why do you assume that CPT is conserved? The verdict is still out on that one. Stop jumping to conclusions.

>> No.2937228

I think youll find a CP violation leads to a spot on the sex offenders register and nothing more!

>> No.2937247

if CPT symmetry holds (which must for GR and QFT) to be correct a violation of CP must have a accompanying violation of T else CPT is violated.

>> No.2937254

I meant SR not GR

>> No.2937255
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Please, CP is perfectly legal. In fact, I imagine many law enforcement officers love CP.

Also, why doesn't /sci/ have a spoiler image option?

>> No.2937273

related to this, can you assign a "time" number to particles in the same why you assign parity to particles?

>> No.2937300

Only if they change. The only way to get a time measurement is to compare two situations. When they're identical you get no time difference as well.

>> No.2937303

Time reversal itself is seen not to be a symmetry through the mixing of different flavours of quarks in their weak decays, it is strongly constrained by the non-observation of the neutron electric dipole moment.