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2933000 No.2933000 [Reply] [Original]

why I love organic chemistry

>> No.2933006

another fun problem. Building shit from scratch is satisfying!

>> No.2933013
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>> No.2933017

sure looks like shit tier memorization major in here

>> No.2933023

good job bro

>> No.2933065

Has nothing on ym Korean major.

>> No.2933079

I miss that feeling when you ace a test and everyone in your class is fighting over who get's to see your answers first.

>> No.2933080
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Lots of memorization, sure, but shit tier? No.

>> No.2933119
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chemistry's not exactly shit tier dude

>> No.2933121

So you like it because none of your other classmates get it?

>> No.2933123
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He graded your paper first.

>> No.2933139

Fuck I have no idea what I am looking at it.

>> No.2933145

Honestly, I would have always changed the listed Low Tier with Shit Tier.

>> No.2933146

Organic Chemistry is uber-god tier because it involves petroleum, the most important substance in the history of mankind.

Theres a reason why theres so much money involved in petroleum, and why the field is populated by some of the brightest minds of the era.

>> No.2933259


Yeah, looking at it again a lot of them could definitely switch (women's studies, poli sci, and philosophy are fine where they are though).

And I'd move CS up one tier.

>> No.2933651

full house

>> No.2933673


>in intro organic chemistry course
>get a synthesis question correct
>brag on /sci/
>high school turds in frenzy over how cool it is
>rest of /sci/ thinks he's a fag

>> No.2933762

That thick arrow is backwards. IIRC the head is supposed to point to the starting material, signifying "synthesized from" not "synthesized to"

Otherwise, good job memorizing basic reactions. Try to review them every once in a while or you'll completely forget them.

>> No.2933800
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>> No.2933931

I used to ace those tests too. 100%s when the class average was only 65%. Now all I remember is ethene -(H2/Pt)-> ethane. What a waste of time that was memorizing all of it just to forget it.

>> No.2933932

this is true

>> No.2933940

PROTIP: you were the first person to get their work marked

>> No.2934039
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>petroleum, the most important substance in the history of mankind.
wouldn't that be oxygen?

>> No.2934062
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this is why I love organic chemistry.

>> No.2934071
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>> No.2934085
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here are the problems.

>> No.2934087

Nice triples, OP

>> No.2934089
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What the hell? A frigging travelling epoxide and a ring expansion? MIND BLOWN.

>> No.2934092

>lol chemistry exams must be fucking lame as shit

what happens if you forget something? atleast with math/physics you can derive something, with that shit its gg

>> No.2934099


ultimately, like all organic mechanisms, this is just a rationalization...

90% of the time they do not reflect what actually happens...
real mechanisms (liquid phase) are almost always 3-body reactions (A--B--[solvent]) or more.

you have no idea how important unreactive spectator species are in chemical reactions.

even gas phase chemistry is almost always dependent on 3-body reactions

in the solvent phase, the extra molecules stabilize/destabilize transition states, or solvate charges, or stabilize unstable geometries that would not be possible without the solvent...

in the gas phase, they call them "buffer" species...

they remove/add kinetic energy to a specific reaction coordinate, participate in electron/charge transfer, etc.

the best, and most widely Taught example is the chemistry of gas-phase O3 with catalysts (CFCs, and anthro/natural NO(X))...

many of the steps in this (4-step I believe) catalytic process involve buffer molecules.

>> No.2934110


you rationalize it.

basic Ochem is described by the type of reaction most commonly found:

"polar reactions" which means that partially positive charges are attracted to partially negatively charged atoms (or regions)...

as long as you remember that Pi bonds are electron dense, lone pairs act like lewis bases, unfilled orbitals act like lewis acids, certain bond arrangements result in partial positive/negative charge, the strength of certain types of bonds, and the stability of certain structures...

you can rationalize many many things.


organic chemistry is an art. most organic chemists I know took calculus online through their community college and dont know shit about physics.

its an art.

>> No.2934119

What the fuck is this shit...so glad the last chemistry class I took was in high school.

>> No.2934120

>mfw my high school chem teacher didn't even cover orgo even though it was an entire month-long unit in the curriculum
>and i have to take chemistry courses in first year university
gg, school

>> No.2934126


Like it matters, you wouldn't have been able to learn anything important in just one month for it to really make a difference. Your teacher probably had the right idea continuing to teach other stuff.

>> No.2934134

like spending 2 months on thermochemistry, which isn't even covered in my program until third year?

>> No.2934141


see this is why I hate the way people teach undergraduate O-chem. None of the undergrads would have any concept of how to make these things, let alone the mechanism (rationalization)...

for example... none of the people posting here would realize that a OTMS protected enol needs to be kept COLLD as a motherfucker and free from oxygen.

or that when you rotavap TFA you have to use a base plug because that shit will destroy the rubber seal.

>> No.2934144

thermochemistry is usually covered in physical chemistry and it's insanely difficult. Having a good base s not a bad idea at all. If you couldn't get general chemistry's thermochem, then physical chem is going to be the roughest ass fucking you have ever had.

>> No.2934146


Strange, my very first general chemistry course in college had a whole entire test on thermochemistry.

>> No.2934150
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>MFW Organic Chem lab 2

>> No.2934161
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>mfw I got 90% and 87% in organic chemistry I and II, respectively, but it's been four years since I've taken it and I barely understand what's going on ITT


>> No.2934172
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mfw my organic chem tests are multiple choice

Bravo though OP. Seriously. Memorizing this shit sucks. What uni are you at and just for curiosity's sake, what level do they give the course? example: CHM 100, MTH 163, wtc....

>> No.2934184

I know that feel

>> No.2934197

Yes, cause hurr durr, we don't need economics or IT, in which the whole world is currently pretty much based upon.

>> No.2934217
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>R.A. Batey et al

Oh fuck, he was one of my organic chemistry profs.

>> No.2934227

wait, so biology is shit tier?


>> No.2934368


Just a community college =/ (transferring into the university of texas starting in the fall). Have an awesome prof though.