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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2933072 No.2933072 [Reply] [Original]

I was ban for "religious trolling" and just wanted to say FUCK YOU!

>> No.2933076

i was ban for 'trolling'

and i concur.

>> No.2933088

its only okay when atheists do it

>> No.2933094
File: 66 KB, 429x700, for_science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, let this be a lesson to you both. Keep /sci/ religion-free!

>> No.2933095

>I was ban

>> No.2933098

Science can't dis prove GOD and someone got butthurt.

>> No.2933099

I was banned one day for posting "irrelevant" things. Banned from entire 4chan. Three days.

>> No.2933100

fine by me.

just sticking in with OP's theme...(or stealthily taking the piss out of him..you choose which)

>> No.2933106

lol, i have had a million of those.
'posting inane trolling garbage' is the standard ban reason.

...fuck the mods.

>> No.2933118


Yes you're right fuck the mods, also GOD bless you.

>> No.2933125
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god bless me?
fuck that.
god is imaginary.
you may as well say "may santa claus bring you many presents next christmas"

>> No.2933126

>posting inane trolling garbage

Yep, sounds about right.

>> No.2933127

Just reset your IP you fuckin noobs.

>> No.2933144
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>20:39: EK agrees /sci/ should be religion-free

>20:46: EK rants about religion


>> No.2933148

Yea. It's almost like she's a troll or something.

>> No.2933149

of course.
why do you think i am still here??

eh... yeh fine w/e
i was ranting AGAINST religion.

>> No.2933168
File: 168 KB, 600x447, I MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was ranting AGAINST religion.

Yes. Ranting against religion is also unacceptable. This board is for science & math, I don't want to hear about religion, no matter what stance you take. Even if Richard Dawkins himself were to post about atheism here, I would report him and hope he gets banned.

>> No.2933186

U mad OP? looks like you trolled yourself

>> No.2933193

what? why?
how can you simpathise with relgiousfags and they're bullshit?

>> No.2933196

shut the fuck up you fucking whore you know damn well what hes saying no one likes you

>> No.2933200
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lol, i literally laughed out loud.
yeh, u mad!

>> No.2933203

This website is fucking


I dont even know what to say about it/.

>> No.2933224

i approve

>> No.2933260

I was banned for racism. In a thread where I argued that races are not a concept based on biology.

>> No.2933268
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lol, the fail is strong with this one!

>> No.2933269


You know, for about a week I thought you were alright. Then you started going back to your old ways.

Why do you like shitting up this place?

>> No.2933272


How does that make any sense whatsoever?

>> No.2933276
File: 81 KB, 720x540, trollface_irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK confirmed as troll.

>> No.2933278

my old ways?
please do highlight your dislikes and concerns, so that i might improve myself through constructive criticism.

my hair is a bird, your argument is invalid.

>> No.2933281

I come to 4chan everyday and have for years. I still cannot fathom how people even notice trips.

>> No.2933285


No shit you fucktard.

>> No.2933290


Your misuse of "your", "you're", "their", "they're" and "there. Your repeated trolling of this board and your arrogant nature.

>> No.2933300
File: 7 KB, 211x175, 4colourtheoremtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing wrong with justified arrogance anyway.

>> No.2933304


Your wit astounds me.

>> No.2933308


Tell me. Why do you do it?

>> No.2933306


EK do you have a youtube channel? I swear I've seen one of your vids.

>> No.2933310

don't worry, that happens alot.
you'll get used to it eventually.

>> No.2933311


That isn't EK. S/he takes them from YouTube.

>> No.2933321


You make me mildly lol to be honest.

Sometimes I come here when I'm sad just to remember that at least I'm not pissing my life away by badly trolling an anonymous image-board 12 hours a day.

>> No.2933330


ah, thanks.

>> No.2933356


looks like you finally got her to piss off

>> No.2933371

>i dont post for 8 minutes and it counts as 'pissing off'

>> No.2933380


yet you post just after i did? id guess you were monitoring this the whole time you fucking loser

>> No.2933386


No answer to my claim, then?

>> No.2933393

there was nothing that needed responding to.

>> No.2933396

what claim?

>> No.2933397


At least you admit your failure.

>> No.2933401


The one about you being a pathetic, no-life loser.

Actually, it wasn't a claim, it's a fact.

>> No.2933404

ad hom = claim?
huh... w/e

>> No.2933412
File: 70 KB, 720x576, 1303179695128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing as JUSTIFIED arrogance. Arrogance by definition is when you are unjustified in your high opinion of yourself. Like Obama.

>> No.2933411


Do you know what an ad hominem argument is?

It's discrediting an opponent's claim based on an unrelated trait. Considering we're not even having an argument, I don't see how it could have been "ad hom".

Try again, you fat fuck.

>> No.2933422

i thought it was attacking the opponents persona rather than the content of they're argument.

>> No.2933429


Don't feel bad. Scientist was given the axe last night. His absence alone should raise the collective IQ of this board by a good 20 points.

>> No.2933431


Even if we use your definition, we're arguing about your persona anyway, which makes it relevant. Therefore what I say about it cannot be ad hominem.

>> No.2933435

arrogance: "offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride."

nothing said about it being 'unjustified'

>> No.2933449


I agree. However, it does not make it appropriate.

In your case, however, it is definitely unjustified.

What do you actually succeed at? Considering you take joy in mildly irritating people on an anonymous imageboard for about 5 seconds, you can't have done much in life.

>> No.2933450


>> No.2933452

I remember a few months ago, we had an "I love EK" thread. Nowadays, any EK post turns into a shitstorm, with no one jumping in to voice support. I'm sad to see what EK has become.

>> No.2933454

>What do you actually succeed at?
i'm pretty good at dancing...and math

>> No.2933463

relax hun, its still the same old me.

>> No.2933464


Yet you waste your time on here?

Even the laziest arses I know who are any good at academic subjects are working by this time of year and not wasting their time on here for more than about an hour a day. You, however, are consistently on here all day, every day.

>> No.2933471

Oooh, 'Bamahurt detected. But you're right, he's that, too.

>> No.2933473

i can multitask.
responding to posts only takes a few seconds, and then i continue reading, writing, w/e.

but now i need to sleep, something i can't multitask..yet!
unfortunately...so i bid you adieu.

>> No.2933474


Confirmed for British.

>> No.2933477


Really? Almost everyone that works at a serious level can't just dip in and out every few seconds. Especially when it comes to maths.