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File: 137 KB, 1024x768, Universe_Man_1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2931355 No.2931355 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I heard the universe will die and fade out one day.

I can't let that happen, sorry.

We have a couple of billion years left to come up with something to fix this problem. Failure is not an option.

Let's get to work.

>> No.2931358

tough shit, son.
your time is finite.

>> No.2931359
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>he thinks he can solve the destruction of the universe by working in the dimension that causes it

>> No.2931361

I think we can solve this problem with 100 replies or maybe even less.

>> No.2931360

we just gotta split up a bunch of elements and make more hydrogen

>> No.2931364

>We have a couple of billion years

Try ten trillion.

Heat death is a long ways off. Way longer than anything could ever want to live.

>> No.2931370

>Way longer than anything could ever want to live.

>implying you wouldn't take the chance to live until the heat-death of the universe if you could

No matter how boring it gets, it's still better than being dead.

>> No.2931382


Heat death?

>implying the universe won't expand forever.

>> No.2931384


No, after about, oh, two hundred thousand years, I believe I'd want to just put it all down and sleep forever.

>> No.2931386

Grow up, son.

>> No.2931387

I'm thinking that if we build a huge, oval-shaped shell, made of a titanium-lead alloy, around our solar system, we might be protected from space-radions and asteroid dust. I'll need to calculate the exact measurements and positioning so that no planets collide with the shell, but I'll get my results back to you shortly.

Source: I have a PhD in philosophy and I'm studying for a bachelor's in geology.

>> No.2931389
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Just need to travel in the opposite direction/s we have been just as fast if not faster.

>> No.2931390
File: 15 KB, 500x299, step aside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do it! You fucking watch!

>> No.2931395

death isnt that bad. its the method of getting there that poses a problem...

>> No.2931392


thing is, you don't sleep forever, you're just gone, for eternity.

surely anything is better than being gone for infinity.

>> No.2931401

See, this is where being a theist gets really fucking sweet.

>> No.2931407


No, I think that after a very long time (two hundred thousand years is as long as as humanity as we know it has existed) that I would prefer nonexistence at that point.

>> No.2931404
File: 42 KB, 480x450, MFW 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw space radions and asteroid dust

>> No.2931408

This is brilliant. We should time travel back and forth, from close tobig bang to close to heat death and so the universe will exist forever. We solved existence, guys.

>> No.2931417

>We have a couple of billion years left to come up with something to fix this problem

I don't care
I only planned to live a couple 1000 years more so..

>> No.2931419


Really? you're saying that you'd be comfortable with having no existence for eternity compared to boring existence for eternity?

I mean, both are eternal, I'd rather be alive during it. It's not like if i'm dead I'm going to be able to think "oh, well at least i'm not eternally alive!" because i'll be fucking dead.

>> No.2931427

no, you just think it is really fucking sweet. heaven still doesn't exist, whether you delude yourself or not.

>> No.2931426



Because 0 is neutral. 0 is not negative.
0 is absence. I won't have to think "oh I wish I were alive forever" instead, because I'll be dead, see?

>> No.2931438


You're still not selling this to me, I can say with confidence that I'd be OK with living eternally.

>> No.2931442

>people who think living forever will get borning, while were busy EXPLORING THE UNIVERSE. I think ill have fun conquering entire solar systems for millions of years.

>> No.2931444


I'm not trying to convince you, but that's just how much time I'd be totally happy with.


Enjoy ruling over rocks that nobody cares about for resources nobody needs.

>> No.2931448

The only way to find out would be to live that long.

If you had the option to live one million years or not, you would take the option.

You can always put a bullet to your head, if you're done.

Or laser.

Either way, it makes more sense to take the option if it were available.

>> No.2931450

There are lots of pointless things that are fun.

>> No.2931457

Can't stop the death of the Universe. Go into a higher dimension, uhm, somehow, or make another universe.

>> No.2931466

The people of my intellect-centric social technocratic utopian SCIENCE empire will care about the rocks of which their glorious god-king chose for their worthyness. And they'l probably enjoy the resources too.

>> No.2931520


All the other immortal god-kings will clap at your meaningless non-achievements to make you feel better. Maybe.

>> No.2931516

This is not the only universe.But its the only you
What is the purpose of the universe.
If there is no universe, then what?

>> No.2931520,1 [INTERNAL] 

I wish to float around in an endless black void with a blank expression on my face and limp limbs for all eternity.

>> No.2931570

Could this shit work?

Maybe Dr. Grel Paso could save us!

>> No.2931884

How do you know there are more universes than this one?

You know the Multiverse hypothesis is a hypothesis, right?

>> No.2931901

>I heard the universe will die and fade out one day.

You heard wrong

>We have a couple of billion years left

That's not even the right number they're coming up with. Fail more, OP.

>> No.2931926
File: 289 KB, 744x1515, 1292760717719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am appreciative that I live in a time where we can talk about such grand things without the fear of religious or other persecution, and that no human has ventured out more than a million kilometers from our planet.

Ask wolframalpha how to stop entropy.

>> No.2931948

So as far as I know there are currently 3 models of the end of the universe.

One is the collapse, where all matter just falls back into one, possibly repeating the big bang.

Next is the freeze, where the universe just keeps on expanding and stars go out and what's left is just a big empty space

Or the universe stops expanding at some point or slows down to a negligible speed and we live happily ever after.

I'd put 50 bucks on a collapse, you?

>> No.2932008

Heat death.

>> No.2932016

Entropy cannot be reveserd. That is a fact.

How about not reversing it, but stealing energy from "outside" , another universe, trillions other universes

>> No.2932025

universe expansion is accellerating, implying that a collapse will never happen. heat death is most likely.

>> No.2932048

A ball accelerates while your hand pushs it just before releasing it. Who knows if there isn't an invisible hand (force) that is pushing, until it stops and release the universe that will start to decelerate then collapse ?

>> No.2932066
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>> No.2932083
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>> No.2932118
File: 60 KB, 480x468, Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2932128

Nah ?
I don't think you're qualified to reply that.

>> No.2932181


It's erroneous to make such a claim, it's like looking at a sine wave over a negligibly small interval and concluding that it's decreasing throughout because it's decreasing throughout the interval.

>> No.2932207

>observations and experiments that the universe appears to be expanding at an accelerating rate

I think there is more of that shit than the shit that pulls shit together.

>> No.2932216


>> No.2932218


Your making the assumption that this acceleration will continue forever, and you know what happens when you assume...

>> No.2932225
File: 12 KB, 357x348, 13645647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, then i guess i don't know what will happen...but i will see.

>> No.2932230

Jesus, can half of you faggots not even read wikipedia?

There's all this crazy stuff like protons not working anymore, and entropy and shit.

>> No.2932236

You do realize that the standard model for cosmology changes every 15-20 years, as we realize we don't know shit about the universe, right?
You also realize that we only keep the same basic ideas for 15-20 years because we make shit up to keep the theories working in the face of contradicting evidence (see Dark Matter), right?

If you heard that something's going to happen to the universe in a couple of billion years, there's a fair chance that it won't. Relax.

>> No.2932257

I was waiting for someone to post that. Scifags mustn't read a lot of good science fiction. Asimov :3

>> No.2932281

Like Gods Themselves?

>> No.2932338

I was reading a "The Tear", by Ian McDonald. It is a pretty good novella. Anyways, it has a race creating new universes, and in effect, unlimited and eternal energy by using a so called 'scalarity drive' to send a single proton past the event horizon of the universe. Then quantum fluctuations allow this single proton, alone in the void, to create a nascent universe(big bang) and the whole process continues again...I wonder if this would work?

>> No.2932512

Neh, it would get pretty boring after a couple of centuries / millennia (and it's pretty plausible a normal person would get insane after so long).