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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2929913 No.2929913 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I have a "smart fetish" and am attracted and turned on only by ridiculously smart girls, "beauty" not being completely required (as long as they are thin).
Anyone else has that?

>> No.2929925

Think of it as a form of compensation borne from not being especially bright yourself.

>> No.2929937

Don't worry, all teenagers go through that phase

>> No.2929943

no offence, but are you one of those /sci/fags who is always answering things and correcting people?
if you're not then you have a genetic predisposition to anybody with an IQ lower to yours sexually, since the chances of intelligent (and therefore successful) offspring are reduced. Albeit this logic isn't pure, but it's probably the cause for your 'fetish', which is about as much of a fetish as saying "I'm attracted to hot women".

>> No.2929963

Accusation of being a teenager for preferring the more mature trait of intelligence over simply looks?
Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.2929973

I think I would be if I ever met one of these smart girls...

>> No.2929979

OP you have an awesome fetish, I can only hope more humans throughout the world have it, and have lots of kids.

>> No.2929987

Yes, I'm the same way, OP. I find intelligence very, very attractive.

>> No.2929993

I absolutely have a lust for intelligent females. But I don't really agree with >>2929943, evolutionary psychology leans more towards being genetically predisposed to seeking women with child-bearing ability, not necessarily intelligence.

>> No.2929996

>which is about as much of a fetish as saying "I'm attracted to hot women"

I disagree. Many if not most men prefer to feel much smarter than the women they're attracted to, to the point where a lot of girls feign airheadedness. We hardly sexualize intelligence in women in our society at all, except in "nerdy" subcultures.

>> No.2930001

same here OP. Although I wouldn't describe it as a fetish, I'd describe it as wanting to spend time with people you can tolerate and are intelligent enough for you to bounce idea's off of.

Unless you just want to fuck them and leave them. Then thats like beyond serial killer sociopath sadist fucked up. Actually, so much so that it is super villianeously hillarious. "yes...I will find the smartest woman in the world...and rape her brains out!"

>> No.2930018

If you're trying to tell me taht being attracted to intelligent (the most successful) people, which bear in mind will also be prosperous for your offspring, is not due to a deeper genetic disposition,you're kidding yourself.
Albeit if you're also an intellectual then it will be attractive from a relationship point of view, a 'trophy' wife would get very boring after a while (besides for one thing..), where as like somebody said, you can have decent conversations and bounce questions off each other.
Oh and i a little bit of evidence, there's a girl in my imperative design class and advanced physics class, she's the only girl there is. Although nobody has the balls to ask her out, everybody thinks she's extremely attractive, even though without any context to her lifestyle and her career aspirations her photos would seem average at best.

>> No.2930023

>I'd describe it as wanting to spend time with people you can tolerate and are intelligent enough for you to bounce idea's off of.

I'm not OP, but I think it's more than that. I mean, yes, I want to spend time with smart people. But I also think smart girls are sexy as hell.

I don't know what's "villainous" about that. It sounds like maybe you're the one with fucked up views about sex, if you are equating being sexually attracted to someone with wanting to assault them somehow.

>> No.2930036

I want a smart and fairly good looking woman!

And the only women in science classes are fugly.
Shit, where to find them?

>> No.2930064

Psychology or Biology Majors. Or pre-med.

>> No.2930071

>smart women

>> No.2930082

Called a joke bro. Contemplating the idea of a super villian who finds the most intelligent, sentient, pure thing then rapes it.

>> No.2930083

Is your evidence anecdotal? Because that's all I can offer. I've met plenty of *fairly* intelligent Psych students. They're better looking, that's true too.

>> No.2930085

Psychology is full of women with daddy issues and/or general insecurity. Pre med girls usually drop out once they realise they have to go through years of dull, hard work before their pretentiousness is justified.

>> No.2930092

cognitive psych, experimental psych, neuropsych. That's where the smart psych bitches are.

>> No.2930108

So have we looked at Bio students yet? I've got friends who say that's where all the smart girls end up. (Hidden from us engineers...)

>> No.2930112


No one majoring in "pre-med" is intelligent.

>> No.2930117


Sure is judgmental in here.

>> No.2930141

I'd like to think myself intelligent but this kinda spooks me. At least, it makes me uncomfortable to have people think of me like that.

And no, I don't break the anonymous facade at every turn like so-called pigtrash "femanons".

>> No.2930163

right, and so i'll respect her wishes when we disagree without feeling too much like a chump. i'm a control freak; this is how i'll deal with losing control, by basically thinking that i chose her, so i chose this outcome...

i would never want to be tied to someone whom i consider inferior, unless she absolutely worships me. even then, i'll still feel quite alone and be searching for my queen.

i want smart offspring, goddamnit.

>> No.2930164

Yup, your point?

>> No.2930286

Biology majors are not nearly as smart as Physics majors.
Any other suggestions?

>> No.2930337


First of all, that's not true, and
>implying only science majors are intelligent

>> No.2930349

I once met a girl that, while majoring in english, understood calculus, einstein's equations, the flat universe and he problem of dark matter and dark energy.

I had never experienced such a full and relentless boner in my 20 y/o sexually active life.

No, srsly.

>> No.2930375

all of the seriously smart girls that I know (in engineering and physics) refuse to date anyone
not really sure what's up with that, seems a shame

can't speak for bio or psych though

>> No.2930394

>understood calculus, einstein's equations, the flat universe and he problem of dark matter and dark energy.

There's nothing really difficult about any of that.

>> No.2930408


>I have a different area of interest that I find to be of a harder level than the one I compared it too therefore only intelligent people do the one I find difficult.


>> No.2930410

>understood calculus, einstein's equations, the flat universe and he problem of dark matter and dark energy

all shit you do in high school, baby stuff and popsci bs

>> No.2930416

It's a statistical argument.
For a far more difficult and mentally demanding major, on average, those who major in it will be far smarter.
They will simply have to be in order to survive.
I don't see the flaw in this reasoning.

>> No.2930420

I'm the complete opposite. I'd hate it if a woman were smart enough to ever trick me. I would treat a dumb girl as equall but as soon as she acts like shes smarter than me I drop a 3 syllable word to make her shut up. Think aboit it this way: if you could live your life with just the companionship of a dog, then you can do the same with a dumb girl who loves you. All you have to do is drink alot.

>> No.2930424

i'm not particularly attracted to intelligent girls sexually. but recently i did discover that they are thousands of times easier for me to get along with, deal with, interact with and whatnot.

this chick i was going out with before winter was really fucking bright. we were like two fucking peas in a pod for a while. sadly she ended up moving back in with the father of her kid and broke all ties. now i've been talking to this other chick who is dumber than a box of rocks. i can't figure her out, and she can't understand half the shit i say without thorough explanation. but she is majorly fucking cute and i can't quit thinking about her lately.

so i dunno man, but yes smarter girls are better.

>> No.2930430

this is why i like that smart indian girl in my classes

>> No.2930432

I'm into guys. As long as they're nice and not retarded or fugly I'm game. I've got a lot of smart female friends, but maybe not smart in the "pattern recognition/logic/strategy"-sense. I've met a few of those, and they tend to be cold and/or socially inept.

>> No.2930441


Okay, the first thing one ought to do is define 'smart'.
From there it may be possible to determine that
physics is a major that requires more 'smarts' than
biology. That doesn't necessitate that people who do
biology are less 'smart' than people who do physics or
vice versa. I understand what you're saying in practical
terms, I'm just being picky.

>> No.2930447


>understood calculus, einstein's equations, the flat universe and he problem of dark matter and dark energy.

They teach calculus in highschool when you're 16 where I live.

They teach kids how to do basic calculations with E=mc^2 and the theory behind the photoelectric effect, and wave-particle duality also in highschool at 16

You can turn on the discovery channel, or the history channel and learn about dark energy and dark matter watching any program about the universe. It's popsci. That should be obvious with names like Dark Matter and Dark Energy, it's exactly the kind of shit people think is 'cool' and that's why they're so frequently mentioned in today's culture.

>> No.2930457

I'm referring to raw pattern recognition, spatial thinking, processing power, working memory, lateral thinking and strict logic.
Quantities that are significant for any scientific field and can be quantified.
All of the above are far more enhanced in Physics majors than in any others.
And since highly intelligent females are far more rare than highly intelligent males, I'd have to be very strict about it.

So I say again, any other suggestions?

>> No.2930549

i actually am kinda like this... i defiantly wouldn't wanna date some idiotic bimbo

>> No.2930560

I has it too

>> No.2930592

Not him, but I believe he's referring to the far more complex Einstein's field equations, which are still not really difficult.

>> No.2930803

you're certainly not alone OP
I often associate smartness with some other qualities I seek in a girl, e.g. the ability to hold an intelligent conversation, the ability to think for herself, etc.
I dislike girls who are only good at making sandwiches. Sure, it's fun to date a dumb bitch who's good to fuck, but if you're searching for your lifetime partner you should be looking for more than that.

high five

>> No.2930836 [DELETED] 

Op i feel the same way. i am an artist and designer, and I think intelligent men are the coolest...especially scientists. Theres just something about science that it totally badass.

>> No.2930873

I have a question /sci/
I am a girl, and i dig intelligent guys, especially intelligent scientist type guys. As much as i love science, i am not mathematical enough to understand any calculations. My intellect is more based around literature, art, philosophy...those things. SO my question is, do smart udes dig chicks who are left brained, or creative/intelligent chicks who are right brained?

>> No.2930874

I like my women deeply submissive and highly intelligent. Many people think a Dom would prefer unintelligent women because they're easier to manipulate but that's the same as saying a Dom would like a small woman because she's easier to throw around: It implies lack of consent in the submission.

>> No.2930890

I want to be able to build a robot together, but being able to enjoy and discuss a novel together is better than 99% of what I'd find out there.

>> No.2930900

Haha i could design the robot...But yeah, i understand. I have a huge appreciation for science, but i just...cant really do it. Oh well...

>> No.2930912

The only smart, good-looking girls who aren't bitches are Asian or East Indian, and the intelligent ones only date within their race.
If you're in Engineering, though, there's a slim chance for you

>> No.2930918

>Highly intelligent
>Deeply submissive
pick one

>> No.2930926

What constitutes "ridiculously smart"? For some reason, the standards for intelligence are lower for females than they are for males.

>> No.2930927

I know lots of my friends, who seek intelligent women, don't consider your type of intelligence as real intelligence. When you talk about philosophy or art they tend to think you're a whiny bitch who can't think logically. To them, the ability to appreciate stuff like art is not a real (or meaningful) skill.
That being said, they like chicks who read lots of books lol, books are always good.
But I'm pretty sure there are dudes who love girls like you, just not my circle of friends.

>> No.2930928

moe~ :3
It's more a mindset really. There's this mindset a scientific person has where they are always willing to learn. They accept their mistakes in the face of evidence and revise themselves. It's that lack of ignorance and always wanting to better yourself mentally that I find appealing

>> No.2930930

That choice isn't necessary. While each attribute is rare and a combination of two doubly unlikely my point is they are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.2930936

thats whats annoying...I base my life around logic, and as a designer (not an artist) I have to combine problem solving and aesthetics. I am an honors student as well. It kinda sucks to be considered unintelligent because i cant do any math to save my life.

>> No.2930937

Nah, my sister is smart, having an IQ in the high 130's, but having grown up in my shadow(my IQ is substantially higher) she is intellectually submissive to be for the most part, though she does take a stab when I make a mistake.

>> No.2930942

OP, are you me? This is why I will never find a good girl for me. Dammit.

>> No.2930944

When you say you want a "smart" woman (I take "smart" to mean "extremely logical and highly knowledgeable"), would you want typically feminine traits (not being "geeky" or "nerdy", being able to cook well, wearing dresses) or typically masculine traits (being "geeky" or "nerdy", not being proficient at "housewife tasks", having an aversion to dresses)?

>> No.2930947

High 130s on what scale? I'm guessing Cattell.

>> No.2930952

>Literature, Art, Phjlosphy
>Think that means you are smart

Nope... sorry.

>> No.2930958

Not sure, whatever the prominent method at the time was. She was tested by a specialist as was I. Never gave much weight to the number but she is considered gifted.

>> No.2930961

You're too kind.

>> No.2930962

>implying the greatest philosophers weren't more intelligent than you are while drunk and watching Jersey Shore
sorry, but your silly /sci/ hatred of philosophy is unsupportable rationally.

>> No.2930970

That's exactly the relationship between my brother and I (he's very intelligent, but I'm more intelligent)
We hardly grew up in the same house, though -- he's nine years younger than me -- so he has the same unwarranted sense of self-superiority I had all my life until I went to university

>> No.2930980

The traits you mentioned are not mutually exclusive, but on the whole I prefer feminine traits as they serve as a compliment to my traits. Traits aren't a big deal for me though, the way the person thinks, speaks and views that world are much more important to me.

>> No.2930982

>whatever the prominent method at the time was.
That would depend on where you live. Statistically speaking it's most likely to be the Cattell, which would mean an IQ of 138 is the 94th percentile, or comparable to an IQ of 125 on the Stanford-Binet or 123 on the Weschler. Which is gifted, but not genius. Standard deviation of about 1.6.

>> No.2930986

That's a pity. If only you could do math you'd get so much more attention from ppl like OP. But cheer up, at least you appreciate smart people.

>> No.2930990

While we're discussing IQ, how common is it for one's IQ to drop around nine points over a period of four years?
When I was tested in the second grade, I scored a 147, but when I was tested in the sixth grade, I scored 138
Is it just the fact that the children's IQ tests are somehow "easier"?

>> No.2930991

Intelligence is not related to social awkwardness except that certain disabilities that cause one also cause the other.

>> No.2930992

Thanks...? Was that supposed to sound incredibly condescending, or did i just read it that way?

>> No.2930994

>I base my life around logic
>I can't do math

Try again.

>> No.2931001

He's either using sarcasm to denigrate people who equate math abilities with intelligence or communicating poorly.

>> No.2931004

I don't drink or watch Jersey Shore.

>> No.2931005

Just numbers bro. My 1st IQ test was a 169 in 1st grade, a 135 in 2nd grade and back up to a 145+ in 5th grade. (didnt get the exact number, but I easily qualified for highly gifted. Had to place in the 75th percentile of gifted kids and I placed in the 99th)

>> No.2931006

bullshit. Logic requires only the most basic mathematical concept.

>> No.2931009

Try taking the LSAT. You'll see there is logic without math.

>> No.2931011

Darling, math IS logic

>> No.2931012

Logic is math, though very basic math.

>> No.2931014

It always confused me -- thanks for your response
If I may, what are you studying right now (or planning on studying)?

>> No.2931018

Condescending. I'm the same dude who replied to you
fuck internet, hard to put the appropriate tone in my text lol

>> No.2931020

"Math" as originally referred to meant the great constructs of logic we use to learn about the universe. One can base her life around logic without being good at certain forms of mathematical construct.

>> No.2931021

That would have more to do with the testing method used. Most childhood tests are basically adult tests, they simply modify the results
>dividing the subject's mental age as assessed by the test by chronological age, then multiplying the quotient by 100
Even if they didn't use that dated system, childhood tests are highly variable because a child's mind can develop irregularly. If your mind rapidly developed compared to your peers when you were 6 but slowed down and normalized later, you'd look smarter at age 6 than at age 18 or 22.

tl:dr childhood tests aren't reliable.

>> No.2931022

if one "bases his/her life around logic" and is logical, (s)he should be proficient at math because it is primarily logic-based

>> No.2931023

I got my BS in computer engineering. I got very sick during my last year of school but was able to finish my senior project. I'm still recovering while studying for my GRE, LSAT and MCAT. Throwing test scores at the wall and seeing what sticks.

>> No.2931029

again, bullshit. I can be great at basic math but suck at trig.

>> No.2931033

I see. Good luck!

Thanks for your answer. Is it also common to have great disparity among various areas of testing? I continuously score extremely highly in the math/logic portions of the tests (155+), but I do miserably at spatial reasoning (although I suppose I'm doomed to fail at that because of my gender).

>> No.2931037

I don't really take artsy girls seriously but there's something atractive about it in some girls, it's cute in a way, but in the end it's just meaningless drivel.
Now, a woman that's really smart in exact sciences? That's rare.

>> No.2931040

ITT: we confuse knowledge with intelligence

>> No.2931042

Not her, but I have an IQ of 130 Weschler, a highschool GPA of 3.9 and an undergrad GPA of 3.8 in a top science program.

I also suck at math (well, more accurately, it doesn't come naturally, though I do well enough at it with practice), and while the concept is overly simplistic it would be easy to define me as a "right brained individual". Intelligence also consists of being able to see the whole picture, which many leftbrained /sci/tards are incapable of. She may not be mathematically inclined, but that's not the only measure of intelligence and that doesn't preclude her from developing logical ability.

>inb4 white knight, I couldn't give a shit about some girl I don't know and never will, I just hate illusory mathematician superiority

>> No.2931053 [DELETED] 

Well you guys have cured me of my love of science men. I dont want to a condescending jerk.

>> No.2931054

>Is it also common to have great disparity among various areas of testing?
Yes, it is. I'm gifted at spatial reasoning, but only somewhat above average in mathematical/logical areas.

>> No.2931055

>implying all "science men" are "condescending jerks"

>> No.2931060

We're the inverse of each other
Thanks for your answer!

>> No.2931062

from everyones reaction here, they are. I meant logical as in i am not a crazy emo person. There are different sorts of logic i suppose.

>> No.2931065


refer to


>> No.2931080

You're using some condescending assholes in this thread (on 4chan, of all places) as your representative sample of the entire population of "science men"?

Please go back to /lit/

>> No.2931081
File: 52 KB, 500x336, oh u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying IQ and spatial reasoning is not intelligence
>implying mathematical ability is innate
oh you typical /sci/entologist

>> No.2931087

Its a good representation, isnt it? People act how they really feel when they are nameless.

>> No.2931095

Stop trying to get a rise out of people, and definitely stop claiming to be a "rational individual" if you're developing a stereotype of a very diverse and large group of people from fuckin' 4chan.

I haven't been condescending in this thread, but now all I have to say to you is fuck off.

>> No.2931105

sounds like like >>2931087 has hit the nail on its head. U MAD?

>> No.2931112

It would be a good representation if there weren't a certain demographic that visits 4chan (and /sci/) in the first place.
In addition, I'm sure many of these assholes have a right to be condescending. Personally, I adore this board and everyone who participates in it; if you don't, you are free to leave at any time.

>> No.2931116

I really wasnt trying to cause trouble, i was genuinely curious as to whether the people frequenting this bored saw intelligence in right and left brained people, or just left. I got some kind of mean answers. Sorry for the trouble, have a good day everyone.

>> No.2931120

More like she pissed someone off who hasn't even responded to any of her posts yet.

Though yeah, I'm mad. /sci/ is a terrible board filled with pseudo-intellectuals and ignorant teens and she's claiming to be intelligent while drawing her conclusions about science a whole from here.

That's so childish and it's typical female manipulation. Fuck her and fuck you.

>> No.2931128

yes but from a sort of different perspective. i see the "average girls" as just plain boring,vanilla, and a total turn off. I want to meet the girls that get off on smart guys like us and can appreciate the fascinating art and beauty of the world. the smart girls are generally the kinkiest as well ;0] why is this so hard to ask for? being an engineering student where the only girls on campus are really really ugly or really really taken doesnt help lulz. anyone??

>> No.2931137

>the smart girls are generally the kinkiest as well
Yeah, if they're too unattractive and/or socially retarded to have normal sexual relationships

>> No.2931147


Liked some of the outlooks people had until the thread deteriorated. Add me on MSN sometime if you want to chat. (horseporn away, its my filter email)

>> No.2931150

Pride is a common sin.

>> No.2931160

Good thing I don't believe in sin.